A bachelorette party gift from bridesmaids: tips and the best interesting ideas

In the life of many young and adult women one day comes the stage when the relationship comes.

People find each other, fall in love, communicate for a long time, exchanging their thoughts, feelings and dreams, and, if they feel that they suit each other, begin to make plans together about the future together.

When the time for the wedding arrives, there is immediately the pleasant worries of preparing for such a momentous occasion.

A wedding is a decisive and extremely important event in life, which requires appropriate preparation to make everything as pleasant as possible for the guests and for the newlyweds themselves.

In order for the young lovers, husband and bride, to be in high spirits on the occasion of such a decisive event, it is necessary to take care of activities that set up the young people for the upcoming celebration. For example, most often such an event in the brides is a hen party.

A hen party is a holiday, which means goodbye to the free life in the sense that the girl is already considered married and it is already less accessible those entertainments that were in her life before.

Girls' hen parties are most often accompanied by fun contests, fortune-telling, heart-to-heart talks, but even more enjoyable this event allows you to make memorable gifts that will always remind the bride of this day.

Therefore, every girlfriend going to such an event should think about a bachelorette party gift for the bride.


What to look for?

Many, however, are interested in the question: are there any gifts for the hen party? Here everything is individual. It may be that the bride herself previously informed her friends that the gift should not be presented.

But still giving gifts is a rule of good manners and a way to show respect for the person you came to visit. So it's worth thinking hard about an original bachelorette party gift. The gift to the bride for the bachelorette party should be chosen based on several features:

  1. What interests does the bride have?
  2. What is her line of work?
  3. What is more likely to be useful to the bride in family life?
  4. What will make her remember the event?

By answering all of the above questions, you may already have an idea for a fun and memorable bachelorette party gift.

If no ideas come to mind, you can use the many options and examples of gifts that can be found in almost every store specialized in original gifts. But not all ideas can be quickly and practically realized, it all depends on your choice.

It is also important to stipulate in advance with the other invited girlfriends what kind of gift each of the girlfriends will bring, so as not to accidentally present the same object as a gift.

The bachelorette party gift can be a joint gift from all the girlfriends. In this case, the budget is much bigger and it is possible to pick up a really worthwhile and memorable gift.

Practical gifts

All of the following ideas should be selected based on the interests and characteristics of each bride.

Gift certificates

Gift certificates for a certain amount are increasingly popular as a gift for all kinds of events. This will help the person in question to choose a gift in a certain category and to spend the amount most rationally for themselves.

You can give the bride a certificate to a perfume store, so she herself chose the right fragrance, or a certificate to a cosmetics store. Other ideas for certificates: store of household appliances, sporting goods, electronics, photo shoot, procedures in a spa.


A piece of jewelry will be a great memorable gift, especially if it has an engraving on it. You can give a bracelet, locket or pendant as a piece of jewelry.

But you can consider a more original option. If, for example, the bride loves to travel, you can pick up a pendant in the form of a compass, decorated with precious stones Swarovski. Any traveler will appreciate such a gift and will reverently keep it in a box or wear it around her neck.

Travel case

A high-quality and capacious suitcase will come in handy as never before for the newlyweds on their wedding journey. But it is extremely important to find out in advance if the bride has a suitcase.

Perhaps she has one, but the quality in the process of constant moving spoiled, there are damages or the suitcase is not very comfortable to carry. In this case, it makes sense to find a comfortable model and a quality model as a presentation.

Cosmetic products

If you are confident in the tastes and preferences of your bride and part-time girlfriend, then branded and necessary cosmetics as a gift she will love.

There are many both budget and luxury brands. Still, it is worth splurging a little and buying luxury cosmetics. Many girls cannot always buy high-quality and expensive cosmetics because of a limited budget.

Other types of practical gifts: household appliances, leather goods (bags, cosmetic bags), furnishings.

Gifts with humor

Funny bachelorette party gifts will raise the spirits of the bride and the guests. It is still better not to consider bachelorette party gifts as a main present, but as an attribute of the evening such a gift will be very appropriate.

T-shirts with funny inscriptions

T-shirts with inscriptions like "We had a hen party!" or "I left for marriage - I won't come back!" can even become a dress code for the holiday and create the right mood.

Kitchen utensils with inscriptions

Pots, pots, pans and other items with humorous inscriptions, such as "To regulate relationships" can amuse those who are no strangers to a sense of humor.

Newlyweds will have fun and enjoy seeing joke phrases on kitchen utensils. But you need to know your newlywed husband and wife well and be sure that joke gifts will be appropriate.

Funny relationship guides and books

These days, you can find a lot of humorous yet really useful books and guides on family or even intimate life.

At the bachelorette party itself, it will be a lot of fun to look through such guides, and the bride several years later will enjoy flipping through it again and remembering past times, as well as arming herself with the interesting tips outlined in it.

Gifts with their own hands

A bachelorette party gift can be completely done with your own hands, if you have the appropriate ideas and skills. You will be especially easy and fun to create a homemade gift if you have an aesthetic taste, observation, a vigorous imagination and knowledge of needlework.

The only thing left to do is to arm yourself with the necessary materials to create the product. In any case, if you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid to do something wrong, you can turn to special studios for the production of designer gifts.

Album with Memories

To create a memorial album will require a lot of joint photos from different periods of life of the bride and her girlfriends. You need to recall all the fun events that happened in your life.

Then, using scrapbooking techniques and harmoniously placing joint photos on the pages of the album, you can add notes that verbally reflect any event.

Set of author's candles

There are many techniques through which you can create author candles with a completely original shape, you can also decorate them in accordance with the style of decorating the celebration.

They will carry symbolism, lighting the hearth at home. And newlyweds will use them during romantic evenings.

Tableware painted by you

Fine glasses, plates, tea set and similar dishes can be painted with unique patterns that will remind the bride of the day or carry some other meaning.

It is necessary to have experience in painting tableware to begin with, but you can also order a custom author who will embody all your ideas.

Other types of memorable gifts with their own hands: photo collages, a book of wishes, a video clip, a photo book with joint photos, a jar with useful tips or positive predictions.

The gift in any case is worth bringing and the right choice, completely guided by the preferences of the bride-to-be. The most important thing is that it should have soul, and the bride should associate it with that carefree time when she was free from the bonds of marriage and had fun with her girlfriends!

Photo ideas of all kinds of bachelorette party gifts

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