Knitting dense patterns in knitting needles and crochet: schemes with detailed descriptions.
The density of knitted patterns is a relative value, it depends on various factors. Loose openwork knitting is recommended for summer clothes, knitting dense patterns is used for warm sweaters and cardigans.
For the manufacture of winter clothes suitable shawl smoothing, voluminous rubber bands and braids, some dense patterns with knitting nakids and broaches. It is important to know about some nuances, which are rarely talked about by masters of handmade.
Dense patterns for beginners
Those who have just mastered knitting with needles, dense patterns are suitable - the schemes and descriptions are quite accessible. In most cases, only the ability to knit the front and back loops is assumed.
The loops may be labeled differently in the schemes. Following simple logic, even novice needlewomen understand that vertical sticks or ticks are the front loops, while horizontal ones are the back loops. Unknitted stitches that form ajour (holes) are rings or "zeros.
Knitting density depends on several factors:
- thick yarn;
- a special combination of stitches, front and back stitches;
- the number of needles is less than the recommendations on the skein label;
- individual way of yarn tension (some knit loose, others too tight).
The descriptions and diagrams often explain similarly how the front side is knitted, while the wrong side indicates "how to lay the loops. That means face loops over face loops, and the back loops over the back loops.
Knitting tight patterns with knitting needles
The alternation of the front and back loops is the basis of most dense needlepoint patterns. Many of them belong to the category of double-sided knitting, such as "checkerboard" or "herringbone".
Useful tip: To avoid confusion, leave a small "tail" from the set row. It will always be on the right side on the right side of the knitted piece in any double-sided pattern or rubber band.
A lot of attractive tight patterns fall into the "tangle" category. They, too, combine front and back, but rarely use the "how the loops lie" technique.
Classic sweaters for women and men and children often use "jumble," where it is easy to get confused about the way the knitting is done. The simplest alternation is 1 front and 1 back. On the return row, "all the way around," the backs are tied with the front stitches, adding a spectacular convexity to the pattern.
In the puffy, dense backstitch patterns (without holes), the cast-off is done with a stitch underneath it. In these, take off the unbroken loop with the cast-off, so that in the return rows they can be sewn together.
Stitches with naps are knit as indicated in the description of the pattern, to get a volume of dense knitting. Good-looking variants with broaches of the working thread behind the stitch or in front of the performed stitch.
Dense jute loop pattern, free master class.
The shawl pattern
The shawl knit is the simplest pattern for knitting tight knit patterns with scrolls. Only front loops in the front and back (back rows). It got its name from the Orenburg shawls - fluffy products made of goat's down with an ajour on a shawl base.
The backstitches (skips) in openwork patterns are usually done with backstitches if the backstitch is in the straight stitch.
The double-sided shawl knit looks good with smooth and slightly fluffy wool or half-wool yarns. Suitable for slippers and mittens, hats and scarves, vests and cardigans.
Note! Many fashionable cardigans, which today are discussed by needlewomen in all social network groups, are knitted by this knitting, supplementing with wide braids on the front or "raspberries" on the sleeves.
Stocking pattern
This is a hosiery knit pattern with the front side of the pattern and the wrong side of the pattern. Looks good in a dense performance, suitable for decorative (textured) yarn.
Dense stockinette knitting on both sides looks the same - on the wrong side. This is the basis on which convex patterns and openwork paths are advantageously played with.
The back side of stocking knit "is quite aesthetically pleasing. The backdrop of the backstitching is a spectacular look for voluminous braids and dense Aran patterns.
Pearl pattern
In some schemes, more density is given to the knitted fabric by the loop captured from below. Here it forms the bottom row, and the top "dissolves", giving puffiness.
The set row is like a common rubber band "1 on 1" (alternation of right and wrong stitches).
On the front rows knit according to the scheme. On the wrong side - the front loops with a catch from the bottom row, the wrong ones - as usual. You should get a pattern that resembles a rubber band with "circles", which is called "pearls".
This pattern looks great in hats with lapels and scarves, in cardigans and sweaters. Its versatility is that you can knit more loose or as a dense knitting needles - knitting patterns on thinner than warm "winter" yarn.
Rice pattern
One of the simplest patterns is "rice." It looks good as a smooth base of any quality yarn, hiding flaws and irregularities.
Alternate 1×1 right and wrong stitches, with the wrong side following the pattern. Then the "rice" is shifted - over the right side the wrong side is knit and vice versa - until the end of the row. The wrong side is how the loops lie, then again there is an offset as in the first row.
The pattern is repeated every 4 rows. An excellent basis for products for beginners and experienced mistresses - photo of the dense "rice" pattern in the men's sweater with flagellation on the front.
The pigtail pattern
Eight, harnesses or pigtails are made by crossing loops. These patterns always look spectacular.
Note: The difficulty of doing braids is that when knitting a narrow part of the flagellum, it is easy to miss the loops. You need some experience to do them, especially when knitting tight or dense.
An example is to knit 2 stitches to the front and 2 to the back to the end of the row (the wrong side of the pattern). To cross, take 2 stitches off (you can pick up on a pin, toothpick, or spare needle so you don't miss), knit the next 2 stitches.
Then transfer the removed stitches to a needle and knit. They should cross from left to right.
The knitting of the braids and figure eights is done differently by crossing from left to right or from right to left, but the principle is the same. If you have difficulty, you can see a master class on how to make octaves, pigtails and flagellants.
Relief pattern of three three
This dense pattern is variously called in foreign knitting magazines, including "stars" and "corn". It looks great in warm garments of any color. The "asterisk" paths work well with front and backstitching.
The 1st row - all obverse.
The 2nd and all return rows are back to back.
The 3rd - 1 obverse, then "out of three three", this is when the working knife prying up 3 stitches, giving the right, then a lap and another 1litsa. Next, alternate 1 front and "fan" (three out of three).
The 5th - shift the "fan", first three out of three, then 1 front and so on.
Shifting "fans" should lie on an imaginary diagonal, forming a beautiful dense relief.
Note! To the category of relief patterns include some other methods of knitting - see schemes and samples, perform according to the description, choose your favorite patterns.
Columns pattern
Laconic "Columns" are knitted on the basis of an elastic band and "rice" only with the right and wrong loops. The pattern is available for beginner needleworkers. Looks good in children's sweaters, but can be practiced more widely as a double-sided fabric.
The set row is 1 obverse, 3 inseam.
Return rows - in the figure.
Row 3 - 2 raznochnye, 1 obrazovaya, * alternate 3 raznochnye, 1 obrazovaya * to the end of the row.
5th row - as set row 1 obverse, 3 obverse.
You should get a staggered "column" on the wrong side. This simple alternation is the beauty of tight double-sided knitting.
Corn (hedgehogs) pattern
One of the most popular patterns for hats and mittens in knitting is "hedgehogs" or "cornrows. It is used as a double-sided knitting pattern in fashionable coats and cardigans. Convenient because every 4 rows the pattern is repeated.
Photo - dense the pattern of "hedgehogs" in the finished product.
The method of execution is quite simple. Raport - 4 loops, repeats from 4 rows. The first row alternates between the front and back loops. Next, over the face are the face loops, and the wrong loops are removed with a hinge.
In the third row, the cast-off with the transfer of the next stitch, not knitting, and perform the wrong stitch with a front stitch. The fourth row is a front stitch, two loops with a cast-off are tied together as a back stitch.
Knitting dense crochet patterns
Warm clothing is most often knitted with knitting needles, but used and crochet dense patterns on the scheme with a brief description of the steps.
Each mistress, as she grows and experiences, gradually accumulates her own set of universal patterns of dense knitting, which are used for most of the author's masterpieces.
Important! Do not just endlessly replenish your "stockpile" of simple and complex schemes, postponing for "later. It is recommended to be sure to try on samples, before you lose interest in the new knitting technique or the scheme of a beautiful handmade canvas.
Learn to read the schemes - it is an invaluable experience, an opportunity to "get a hand on" the density and quality of the patterns. Crochet cloths are knitted on the basis of simple elements - air loops, columns and semi-colons without a stitch.
Simple crochet with no stitches
Dense crochet is a good base for crochet accessories. The starting row is air loops. Then the hook is introduced into the V-shaped top of the loops and made below the row, you get a beautiful cloth.
Note! If the hook is inserted only under one side of the stitch and then in the return row goes on the other side of the V-shaped top of the row, you get a scarfed fabric.
Patterns of cloth with half stitches (no stitches):
- Regular Knitting.
- Knit half-colons in a "rub".
- Fashionable large knit pattern with this crochet method.
Fan pattern
One of the most popular crochet methods remain dense patterns consisting of fan bundles. The photo shows ways to make a dense web based on one-quilted columns - 3, 5, 7 or 9 - knit from a single V-shaped top.
These fabrics are called "fans" or "shells", they are knitted according to a different scheme, but they always look spectacular in products.
Bosnian pattern
Bosnian knitting is gaining in popularity. This is quite understandable when you consider the finished products made in this way.
A dense pattern can be knitted with colored threads or as a solid-colored cloth, resembling a dense knitting with scissors.
We offer samples with diagrams and a master class for beginners.
Rice crochet pattern
Rice is a popular pattern for winter clothes. It from afar looks about the same - in the execution by needles and crochet.
Let's compare:
- "Rice" by needles - front and back with alternating.
- "Rice" with a crochet - columns with a stitch, but with the capture of the V-top in the front and back.
The canvas is knitted in a circle or with return rows.
Dense sweater pattern
Alternating one- and two-necked columns is a whole treasure trove of patterns for making actual patterns. The way the pattern is made is distinguished by the grip of the column of the bottom row.
Pattern and scheme #1.
Scheme #2.
Beautiful sweater without the scheme.
Dense pattern for coats.
To perform cardigans and knitted coats, you can use simple and complex schemes, new techniques and ways to perform dense cloth.
Enterlac crochet pattern and scheme - Tunisian crochet.
Pattern and scheme #2 for a fashionable cardigan.
Pattern and scheme for an airtight coat.
Please note: Experienced craftswomen often knit coats and cardigans in the s mishmash technique. The main canvas - a dense crochet pattern, the cuffs - a rubber band in the back.
Schemes of dense patterns
Mastering new techniques, puffy, dense and double-sided patterns, it is easy to replenish your closet with spectacular handmade things. From simple to complex - and in a year you'll have a whole closet of exclusive handmade items.
Here is a selection of available patterns that can be used to knit beautiful models for all occasions.