What to present a man at 55: universal and original gifts for the birthday boy

A man at 55 years old is a mature man, who feels confident and knows what he wants. He prefers useful things of high quality.

At this age a man usually has everything he needs. Therefore, it can be difficult to choose a gift for the birthday boy, but we will try to provide a clear description of each option for the presentation.


Universal gifts for a man on his 55th birthday

Not to err with a gift for the anniversary of a man, you can pick up a gift that is always useful to him in everyday life, will please him in a moment of memories, need a new hobby or decorate his life.

Laptop, smartphone, tablet

Men try to keep up with technological progress. Therefore, gadgets will interest him in any case.

It is not necessary to choose a powerful computer for a man at the age of 55. Although he may need one if he wants to learn new technologies or computer programs. For a gift will go with the usual functionality of a tablet or laptop the more so that they are cheaper than a fancy computer.

Smartphone for the presentation is better to choose from new models, although some men, after enjoying the novelties, go for button phones, which are more reliable.

Therefore, it is better to clarify the birthday boy which of the gadgets he is more comfortable to use.

Painting on the wall

Art transforms a man. Therefore, a painting by a famous painter or with a beautiful landscape, which is placed in a frame with Swarovski crystals, will always please a man in an elegant age. A work of art can decorate the interior of the office or workplace.

Portrait of the birthday boy

You can order from an artist a portrait of the birthday boy by photo and place it in a beautiful frame. Such a gift will be marked by attention from the birthday boy.

Family tree book

The man at 55 years old already has a family, which is in the first place for him. A gift in the form of a family tree or genealogical book will be an unforgettable gift for him. You can create a book that explores the family name of the family tree.

Vacation trip

What man does not want a break from everyday life and worries? Therefore, a trip to a resort or vacation home is a win-win option for a gift for 55 years old man.

Weapon to the collection

When a man is a collector, he will be unspeakably happy about a new piece in his collection. But if he is far from weapons of war and does not collect them, a beautiful saber or dagger can become a decoration of his office.


Every man at this venerable age shows concern for his health. Any kind of exerciser will please the birthday boy and will help him to monitor his health and keep the body in tone.


Models of these products come in different modifications and you need to choose them correctly, so that the gift was effective and useful for the man. It is better to choose a massager with different functions to massage different parts of the body.

Home brewery

Every man likes to have a glass of beer after a day of work. And if he can make his own favorite drink at home, it is the limit of his desires.

Books in a gift box

To make the right gift, you need to specify on what topics the birthday boy prefers to read books. Or maybe he has a favorite author? And then choose a gift edition, based on this information.

Functional watches

Now there are many kinds of smart watches for men. The main thing is to choose the appropriate one for the birthday boy so that he will be satisfied.

Rocking chair

Do not assume that this piece of furniture is made only for the elderly. A man at 55 years old spends a lot of time at home with his family. He wants to sit comfortably in a chair after a day of work. And if it will be a rocking chair, then such a gift will not only make him happy, but also surprise him.

Leather briefcase

For young people it will seem strange that the documents are folded in a briefcase. But respectable men understand that it is a more suitable accessory for carrying documents. That's why a leather briefcase will come in handy for a man of 55.


If a man holds any post, he often goes on business trips. The suitcase he just needs. You will also need it for travel during the holidays.

Concert or theater tickets

At 55, men rarely attend noisy parties. They simply are not interested. Therefore, a cultural program in the form of a hike to the concert of a favorite band or a new show at the theater for them is acceptable.

Watches and jewelry

A memorable gift with engraving is what a respectable man needs. Only the model of a wristwatch should be chosen from the world's manufacturers.

Platinum, silver and gold - this is the precious metal, which is suitable for a man at the age of 55.

Food sets

They can include a set of coffee or tea of all varieties, natural honey in clay dishes, expensive varieties of sausages and cheeses, packaged as a bouquet, a set of spirits. Such gifts are always actual and pleasant for men.

Board games

These include backgammon and chess, checkers and monopolies. Men at 55 are more likely to already have grandchildren, so they have someone to play the game with and teach the younger generation.

A wallet and a purse

These items should be made of genuine leather to emphasize the solidity and elegance of a man's age.

Tool kit

Every man is a bit of a fixer. They get nervous when they do not have something to make repairs at home. Therefore, a tool kit is always a welcome gift for them.


A solid tie, tracksuit, terry robe, plaid, towel or t-shirt with a portrait of the birthday boy, a hand-knitted sweater or scarf, a leather belt - these are all things that are considered useful gifts for men.


Men like to read, too. But they read what they like best. Therefore, an e-book can always be with them in any room, on a trip and in transport.

Electric Shaver

A man at 55 would rather switch to an electric razor than spend time shaving with a razor. That's why they prefer to use electric appliances to take care of their appearance at that age. As an option, you can give a hair clipper machine as a gift.

Smoking devices

If the birthday boy likes to smoke, then he can be presented with a mouthpiece or a handmade pipe with engraving. If he does not abuse tobacco, you can present a hookah.

Photo or video shooting

The anniversary will be celebrated somewhere. It will be attended by friends and relatives. Invite a professional photographer or video director is also a useful gift for the jubilee.

Set for a bath

A man at the age of 55 likes to visit the bath or sauna. Such a set will come in handy for him.

Pass to a spa

Men are usually shy of such institutions. But if you give him a gift of a trip to the spa with his spouse, he can go to the salon to relax and unwind.

Cup or medal

By the jubilee age, men accumulate some experience and merit. You can order an award medal or cup, which will indicate the merits of the jubilee.

Lamp for a desktop

On it you can make a memorable engraving. Such a lighting fixture will decorate the desktop of the birthday man, and will be a long time reminder of his birthday.

Gifts for hobbies for a man of 55 years

If you have not decided on a gift from the universal list, then we suggest choosing gifts, starting from the hobbies and passions of the birthday man.

Gifts for lovers of driving

The list of gifts for these purposes consists of:

  • recorder;
  • navigator;
  • vacuum cleaner in the car;
  • a player and speakers in the car;
  • a set of tools for the car;
  • thermos and thermos cup;
  • a massage cover on the driver's seat.

In the auto store you can ask about new products for car enthusiasts and buy something suitable for a gift for the anniversary.

Gifts for fishing and hunting lovers

Here the range of goods is very wide and you can choose;

  • tent;
  • air mattress;
  • sleeping bag;
  • inflatable boat;
  • ice auger;
  • tackle organizer;
  • camouflage suit;
  • handmade hunting knife;
  • fishing rods and spinning rods.

Gifts for sports

If a man likes to do sports and goes to training, you can give as a gift:

  • a sports bag for clothes;
  • punching bag and gloves;
  • trainer;
  • a subscription to the gym;
  • folding dumbbells;
  • fitness bracelet;
  • bicycle;
  • sports shoes and clothes.

You can put an image of the birthday boy on a T-shirt, taken from a photo, and make a motivational inscription. Such a gift a man at 55 years old will definitely be happy.

Presents made with his own hands

When an established man has all the necessary things sold in stores, then you can prepare him a gift of his own making.

Gift options

  1. A song, the words of which are remade under the birthday boy. From such a gift the birthday boy will be delighted.
  2. A video about the hero of the day. Such a gift will delight a man for a long time, if the plot is collected from the congratulations of relatives and friends from different parts of the country and abroad.
  3. A collage of the most unusual photos of the birthday boy. You can glue them to a large sheet of Watman, and make an inscription with humor or wishes under each photo.
  4. A picture painted by the donor. And it may not be a masterpiece, but it should be painted with love and respect for the jubilee.
  5. A knitted product, which will be a one-of-a-kind item.

Giving gifts for the anniversary - it's not easy, but nice, so to please the birthday boy and surprise guests, choose a gift that will be useful to the jubilee and will delight for a long time.

The photo presents for the men at the age of 55

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