What to present the boy at the age of 9: unusual and inexpensive presents for his birthday

The boy, who turns nine years old, should be given more freedom and try to listen to his opinion. Choosing a gift for the boy's birthday is complicated by the fact that he has changing passions and interests with the change of mood.

Do not forget that boys at this age prefer to play in the yard with their peers, so you can buy a gift for joint games.


What can not be given to a boy 9 years old

It is desirable to exclude from birthday gifts clothes.

Boys are not that picky about closet items at this age, and besides, they do not think that clothes are a gift. Yes, and parents can buy him a couple of three shirts and jeans when necessary.

It is also better not to give cheap school supplies. Excluded from the list of gifts should be:

  • bedding;
  • Second hand goods;
  • hygiene products;
  • confectionery products;
  • souvenirs.

These products for a boy 9 years old are not a welcome gift. He wants to get as a gift something that he has dreamed of for a long time. So before you go to the store to buy a gift, you need to ask his parents or the birthday boy, what he wants to get as a present.

But if the birthday boy is still undecided, we are ready to offer some options for gifts that are sure to please the boy.

Useful gifts for a 9 year old boy

At this age, the boys are trying to imitate adults, and an example for them is their father. Therefore, masculine qualities and behaviors are incipient in them.

Boys are constantly competing with each other, and at this age every kid needs the love and understanding of his parents. Therefore, to give a necessary and useful gift is the first priority for parents and relatives to show their love and attitude towards the child's desire.

Below we present a list of gifts that boys wish to receive on their ninth birthday.


Gone is the age when the boy was interested in simple cars and machinery. Now he likes more complicated models. You can choose:

  • A car, a helicopter, a radio-controlled plane.
  • Constructor with lots of schemes for creating models.
  • Board games.
  • Machine guns and pistols similar to these with bullets and target.
  • A stick and puck.
  • A punching bag and gloves.
  • Musical and lightsabers.
  • Laser pointers with attachments.

Important! If you decide to give a toy for nine years, then consult the store, which toys are suitable for this age. Do not take what you liked. After all, your and your boy's tastes may not coincide. It is better to choose a toy suitable for this age group. Board games teach a child perseverance and thinking. Constructors help develop imagination.


Every boy is drawn to technology and gadgets. At this age, they are learning about technical progress, and so you can choose for them:

  • tablet;
  • laptop computer;
  • smartphone;
  • computer;
  • mouse and pad;
  • speakers and headphones;
  • flash drive;
  • e-book;
  • smartwatch;
  • 3D pen;
  • a drawing tablet;
  • a game steering wheel or joystick;
  • camera;
  • video camera.

Important! It is not necessary to buy expensive electronics right away. You can buy low-cost options and watch how the boy will cope with them. The following year you can replace the model or improve the old - this applies to laptops and computers.

Objects for school

Boys should reach for knowledge, and therefore it is important for parents to support their son in this endeavor. You can offer guests to buy for a gift:

  • a globe;
  • map of the world;
  • an aquarium;
  • an ant farm;
  • cognitive videos;
  • educational materials on disks;
  • books for the young technician.

For an interesting pastime

If the boy likes modeling or drawing, you can give him:

  • a set of colorful plasticine;
  • A set of clay or plaster figures for painting;
  • quality paints and drawing tools;
  • albums and felt-tip pens;
  • a set of beautiful frames for work.

Important! A useful gift can be given not only by relatives, but also by friends, if you tell them in advance about the wish of the birthday child. You can give as a useful gift a certain amount of money or a certificate for the purchase of those goods which the child will choose in the store. You can give a nine year old boy a trip to the cinema or children's theater, a zoo or a cafeteria, as well as a picnic in nature with moving games.

Priority gifts for the boy of 9 years

Above we offered a list of electronics and technology, what you can buy for a gift for a boy of nine years of age. But if the budget does not allow to buy expensive goods, you can find them an alternative. Desirable gifts that boys want to get include:

  • Glasses with a built-in video camera, on which you can record scenes and view them on a computer;
  • A simple and lightweight phone model that runs on a satellite
  • Luminous headphones;
  • lanyards with illuminated lights that illuminate the road;
  • a gamepad with online games;
  • a t-shirt with an electronic panel;
  • a cap with speakers and bluetooth, which keeps you connected to your smartphone;
  • disc player;
  • computer-licensed game discs.

If the boy has these items, you can give him a gift of a trip to see a 5D movie or a trip to the sights for a general outlook.

Necessary gifts for a 9-year-old boy

There is a fine line between useful and necessary gifts. A boy at the age of 9 begins to get involved in sports and attend some clubs. It is necessary for his development. Therefore, gifts may be chosen based on hobbies and interests of the boy.

For sports

If a child spends all day rushing through the streets, it means that it is time to send him to a sports club. His energy should be directed in the right direction. So for his birthday, you can give him something that he can use for sports. These can be:

  • Transformer skates and roller skates that are suitable for both winter and summer;
  • equipment for skating or rollerblading;
  • bicycle with various functions;
  • off-road scooter, which prevents falling;
  • for swimmers a mask and flippers;
  • for winter fun sleds, ice skis and skis;
  • darts for home on magnets;
  • fencing set;
  • flying saucers and drones;
  • skateboards;
  • footballs and basketballs;
  • kimono for karate lessons;
  • spinning dumbbells;
  • exercise equipment and a climbing wall;
  • tennis set;
  • sports uniforms and a bag.

In order for the bought gifts to be useful to the boy, it is necessary to stimulate him and encourage him during his trainings and lessons. Then, after mastering one sport, perhaps he will move on to another.

The main thing here is to notice a talent of the boy, and then focus on special gadgets and things for the sport that he likes, and he is successful in it.

For creativity

In order to develop a boy's ability to create, you need to give him things that will help him in this. Children at this age easily learn something new, and so they want to learn creative processes. Such goods bought for a gift will help them in this, such as:

  • puzzles;
  • quests;
  • strategy games;
  • backgammon, chess, checkers and bingo;
  • puzzles;
  • constructors;
  • prefabricated models of robots and soldiers;
  • encyclopedic books;
  • microscope;
  • spyglass or binoculars;
  • Young chemist's kits.

If the child is fond of drawing or molding, then give him special sets, so he has even more desire to do what he loves.

If he does not know what to entrain and aimlessly just walks all day, it is better to buy him a gift various sets of kits for creativity and wish him luck in his work.

Maybe he wants to try something new for himself and succeed. After all, the more the boy can do, the easier it will be for him to enter adulthood. At the age of nine, a little boy may not yet know what he is really interested in.

Therefore, the more opportunities for him to learn, the broader his horizons will be. Perhaps one of the activities will become his life's work.

Important: Boys at nine years are easy to mold, because they have not yet reached a transitional period. And if it is in time to take and do not skimp on gifts that it will develop capacity, the faster he adapts to life.

There are boys who knit or embroider. There is nothing shameful or disgraceful in this, although these hobbies are considered suitable for girls.

Enough to remember how many famous fashion designers among the male sex. Therefore, be careful in choosing gifts for boys at the age of nine to give them a push to do what they love.

Photo of unusual gifts for a boy on his ninth birthday

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