What to present the boy for 5 years: a choice of gifts for restless boy according to his interests

The fifth birthday is already a very important date. In addition, at this age a child is developing intensively, learning new and interesting things, learning and getting important life skills.

A five-year-old boy is still a child. Therefore, the main focus of his attention is on games and entertainment. Through games, he develops the intellect, fine motor skills. What to give the kid on his fifth birthday? About this we will tell in this article.


A gift according to the interests of a restless boy

It is on hobbies, passions or simply the manifestation of interest in something should be guided when buying a gift for a boy on the fifth birthday. Of course, the easiest thing in this sense, the parents of the child. They, like the grandparents always know what's interesting to their offspring.

But what about family friends, aunts and uncles? Of course, it is possible to make a gift, as they say, at random. In this case, suit the gift in the form of a table hockey, car racing.

A great gift is a book. This can be an encyclopedia about animals, the world around us, or an entertaining collection of information about cars, planes and any other transport.

However, before you choose a gift for a five-year-old restless child, it is worth simply consulting with his parents. They will advise what kind of thing you need and like as a gift.

In any case, creative gifts are welcome. You can give a gift of sports equipment. It can be specialized, if the child is engaged in some kind of sport or ordinary:

  1. A scooter.
  2. Rollers with protective equipment.
  3. Bicycle.
  4. Soccer ball.
  5. A set for playing lapta.

In any case, the gift should correspond to the hobbies of a five-year-old boy.

There are gifts that will be inappropriate

Adults have very different values than even teenagers. What about a five-year-old child? If a young man or woman appreciates couture things and accessories, to a little boy, these will seem like complete nonsense.

All the more fashionable jackets and T-shirts with shorts are periodically bought to the kid by his parents or grandmothers.

A gift in the form of even a very pretty thing for going out is inappropriate. It will not be appreciated by the parents of the birthday child, since updating the child's closet is part of their duties and belongs to something routine and obligatory.

Moreover, at this age, boys prefer to wear what their mothers bought. Girls, of course, can be capricious, but the young wanderers like comfortable, practical clothing. What else should not be given to a five-year-old boy:

  1. Pajamas.
  2. Socks.
  3. Underwear.
  4. A set of office supplies.
  5. Cheap low-quality toys.
  6. A toy cell phone. At this age, children already dream of real cell phones.
  7. Accessories for water procedures.

In addition, you should not give a gift that a child wanted to get for his last birthday.

In a year, the gift could have been bought by parents. The boy's tastes also change. What was interesting just a year ago, over time has turned into an understanding that these are things for very young children. For example, a teddy bear, a set of toy swords or a plastic saber.

No need to give a five-year-old baby toys or things that were dreamed of as a child of the giver himself. Times and morals are changing faster than you might think.

There is no place for technological progress. So it's better to surprise the child with modern toys, even if it's a puzzle picture of your favorite car or a model of the Soviet tank T-34.

What kids like at the age of five

Without exception, all the boys and girls are waiting for a real surprise on their birthday. To a boy on his fifth birthday it is worth presenting a soap bubble show, a trip to a big circus, an amusement park, a water park, arrange fireworks.

As an option for a surprise - the giver can mount or order the production of a video presentation based on photos of the birthday boy, his family and friends. A time spent in a fun company on the day of birth can also be captured on video and presented as a gift to continue the previously "filmed" movies.

Developmental and educational gifts

These are only welcome, especially by parents of a five-year-old kid. The fact is that at this age a child intensively learns about the world, wants to know how everything is arranged, what some things consist of or other constructions.

Of course, a set of young chemist or physicist give it too early. However, a child's camera, an hourglass or regular wristwatch, a tape measure, or a projector with a film set will be very useful.

An interesting gift is a folder of a future schoolboy. In it, you can put together interesting cards for literacy, numeracy, and educational pictures.

Be sure to put coloring books, stickers, stickers, multi-penny case, manuals for the study of flora and fauna, seas, oceans, continents, interesting historical and cultural sites. It is also worth putting educational games and puzzles in the folder.

An interesting gift is a multi-penny case. It can be made in the form of a small bus or a car. Inside it is worth laying pencils, eraser, pens, ruler.

A special gift is a projector for slide movies. Modern models of these toys are very practical and provide an opportunity not only to learn the world through documentary films for children, but also to watch cartoons and fairy tales.

Models run on batteries, can project an image onto any surface, as well as playback sound. The projectors always come with cartridges. Cassettes with educational videos can be purchased additionally.

More about sports accessories

These are worth giving as a gift if a child, even at his five years old, has made up his mind to play any kind of sport. In that case, all you need to do is find out which club he or she goes to and buy the appropriate equipment.

When you haven't bought a karate kimono or boxing gloves yet, such a gift is always a good idea. The young fidget will be especially happy with it.

Another option is to encourage the kid to do this or that sport. In this case it is not so simple. You can initiate an active pastime in the company of the guys, playing in the yard. Suitable for this children's trainer, a set for bowling or a simple suitcase with pins and bats.

A great idea for a gift is darts. For a five-year-old kid will be suitable safe modification, when the darts are equipped with magnetic plates, and not needles.

It is good if the field for darts will be conveniently attached to the wall and also to a tree or plastic surface, placed in the yard or on the garden plot.

Not a bad gift from the range of sports "razvitieki" - badminton. He will delight a young fidget and his friends for many years.

Fascinating twister

This is just what a little fidgety kid needs for physical and mental development. The classic game is equipped with a pair of floor mats and cards with tasks.

By the way, the tasks for the participants leader can think up himself. And how many difficult moments in it, which force to show ingenuity, train balance and alertness, as well as many other important qualities.

What if a free circle of blue, needed to perform the task, is behind the player's back? To put a foot or hand on it, you will have to twist, wiggle, address requests to other players. And all this in order to respect the position.

If a player loses his balance or falls, he is out. Victory goes to the most intelligent and flexible.

Constructors and puzzles are great gift options

The most common and no less desirable type of presentation, which can be presented to a boy on his fifth birthday - a constructor "Lego". There may be relatively few parts in the set, but the toy will delight your baby and occupy him for a long time.

You can give as a gift a construction set of small cars. Only for such an adult kid should choose a serious model with opening doors, rotating wheels and the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about this model.

Robot-transformer is another example of "developing" for a five-year-old restless kid. He is interested in both the character himself and the process of his transformation. By the way, the robot can turn into a car, motorcycle, plane or even a small motor boat. The only thing is for the child to be interested and entertained.

At five years old will not be too early to present the designer electronic type, running a couple of batteries. To understand it baby will be with his dad, but at the same time will get basic knowledge about the work of electrical parts or this electrical circuit.

Electronic designer is appropriate if the boy really shows interest in this kind of games.

A little easier, but no less interesting - a set of young magician, origami for the boy with the ability to collect paper airplanes, cars, or a large motor ship. Not bad and spy kit, or other varieties of games, "telling" about this or that profession.

Five-year-old boy is interested in a wide range of life, household items. He is rapidly developing and pretty soon will go to school. Therefore, the ideal gift for a young restless boy can be developmental games, sports equipment.

The photo gifts for a 5-year-old boy

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