What to get the boy for 4 years: an overview of the best children's gifts

At four years old your child is not a toddler, but not yet an adult. He is not as flighty, he is increasingly interested in adult issues. This is a time of learning about the world.

And parents wonder what to give the boy for his fourth birthday? The main thing to remember is that the gift must be, above all, a pleasant surprise.

And if it turns out to be also useful, it will be a wonderful alliance.



What boy has not dreamed of receiving a gift of a toy vehicle? After all, these toys can really play all day long.


What adult male child hasn't dreamed of a railroad? This will be not only a pleasant but also useful gifting. Your offspring will build a road himself, independently place the accompanying objects and happily involve adults in the game.

Radio-controlled car

Remote-controlled car fits perfectly into the already existing car park of your kid. But it will be an "adult" car.


Helicopter with remote control is an original surprise, which will not leave indifferent any boy.

The track

Race track, with the rings, obstacle course or glow-in-the-dark, what could be more interesting to the birthday boy? The car drives by itself, making the appropriate sounds and flashing lights.


Those boys who play any kind of sport can be presented with sports equipment. Such a gift will be extremely useful.


Useful, in all senses, sports equipment. A ball has a lot of advantages:

  • Fosters a love for sports.
  • Allows you to determine the choice of a sports club in the future.
  • Allows you to play in the team.
  • Develops physically.
  • Has many varieties: soccer, volleyball, basketball, rubber and so on.

Roller skates

By presenting rollers, you have the opportunity to teach the future man to skate on them. This will allow you to spend more time together, for example, on weekends in the park.

Skates, skis

Winter sports is not only willpower training and character building. This is an opportunity in their free time and parents to get some fresh air out of town.

Boxing gloves, punching bag.

Every dad teaches a boy the basics of self-defense. A children's boxing set will be a good start for further training.


By teaching your baby to practice every morning, you teach him discipline, which, in the future, will affect his character and allow him to achieve a lot in life.


It is not only an entertaining and gambling game. Darts helps to develop your champion's eyeball skills. In addition, the desire to score more points will develop a sense of purpose.


It's time to make the transition from three-wheeled to two-wheeled transport. Teach your boy to ride on his own.


A fashionable and up-to-date, for today, purchase. For a four-year-old hero of the occasion, it is better to buy a scooter with two safety wheels at the front. Later they can be removed for lack of use. You can pick up a model with luminous wheels, this will make the walk even more fun.

Weapons .

At this age, you can present the boy with an automatic rifle or a rifle. It is possible with plastic bullets and a target, it develops marksmanship. Usually these models are accompanied by characteristic sound effects and all sorts of glow. In any case, the kid will not be left indifferent.

Board games

Another good option for a gift. But only if this kid is really interested.

A foosball table

Perfectly develops strategy and reaction rate. Papa or little brother can be a partner. Hockey can also be included in this category.

Trolling with chips

This game will teach the boy to count on his own. Allows the whole family to play.

Question Cards.

These can be animal topics, transportation, birds, or plants. By answering questions or asking his parents, the boy learns about the world around him.

Interactive gift

Of course, the cost of such gifts is somewhat higher. And so they can not be called budgetary. But they will also be extremely useful for the birthday boy.

The robot .

It is a transformer that talks and reacts to touch. Your child will be delighted. As an alternative, you can buy a puppy or any other animal.

Toys in this series are capable of exchanging information with children, responding to movement, talking, answering questions, and asking tasks. Help in memory training and developing imagination.


Creative children will be happy with the gifts they can use. Of course, we are talking about those gadgets and gadgets that can be used for creativity.

Musical mat

If your child discovered musical abilities, buy him a musical mat or a microphone. This will teach him a sense of rhythm and develop vocal cords. Plus, he'll get used to the attention of an audience from a young age.


A small tent-house set up in a child's room will be a small secluded corner where your kid can feel like a master.

Kits for creativity

If you want to give several accessories at once, it is better to give preference to ready-made kits:

  • Kinetic sand (to create sculptures)
  • Fresco
  • Scorching (with adult supervision)
  • Modeling airplanes or ships
  • Electronic alphabet (great for learning the alphabet)
  • An easel (teaches the birthday boy to use paint and brush like a real artist)


Choose a kite in the form of a dragon or a favorite superhero, this surprise will delight the birthday boy and allow him to have a lot of fun with friends.

Animal world

Such a gift is better to discuss in advance with the parents. Since the animal is not a toy.


If your offspring has long asked for a pet, you can buy a puppy of a small breed. He will grow up on par with the owner, and will become a loyal friend for many years.


By presenting a hamster, you are fostering a sense of responsibility in a little person. Train him to take care of the pet, teach him to clean up after him and feed him on time.


This example of pets is very diverse and stunningly beautiful. But when caring for fish, the birthday boy cannot do without adult help.

To this list you can add:

  • Turtle
  • Guinea pig
  • Kitten

Major acquisitions

Children can be pampered with more expensive gifts. Especially if he has behaved well all year.

Sports corner

Another name for it is the climbing wall. This is a variety of ladders, rings and slides, rope and swings in one set. Allows the restless child to splash out the stock of energy without leaving the confines of the apartment.


Your child enters a new level of maturity, and baby things, gradually, go into the background. A crib in the shape of a racing car will be a great purchase for the name day.

In addition, it is a practical thing, which will serve more than one year.

You can pick up a bed in the form of a Batman car, a ship or an airplane. He will be interested not only in falling asleep in a new place, but also in imagining himself as a captain or pilot.

Car, battery-operated ATV

When your growing boy sits behind the wheel of such a real vehicle, it will cause not only a storm of emotions. The admiration of peers will also have no limit.


It is generally believed that this machine is difficult to control and it is under force only to adolescent children. But for the four-year-old boy is quite suitable model mini. It is designed for a weight of eighteen pounds and controlled by feet. Kid will be the most fashionable in his yard.


Trampoline model, designed for the room, is based on springs. It is safe to jump on it in the house without fear of banging on the ceiling. Do not want to jump? You can just lie back and relax, swaying slowly.


A desk that "grows" with your child is a good and practical gift. You can draw, sculpt and learn to write with it. It will help to develop the correct posture and will be useful for lessons in elementary school. Adjustable to your child's height.

Fun gifts

No one cancels games. Children love to have fun. And so these gifts are sure to please the birthday child.


Glow-in-the-dark sword will allow the boy to feel like a true Jedi.



Water coloring

Without making any effort, with water and a brush, your offspring can independently draw a beautiful picture.

Modelling Dough

Funny figures, molded from dough, harden, and they can perfectly decorate a shelf in the nursery. And undoubtedly, it is a memory.

Magnetic board

Here, your child can compose their first words and solve simple examples with magnetic numbers.


A nightlight that imitates the starry sky will soothe the tomboy before bedtime and give him a beautiful view of the starry galaxy.


Children's microscope will be very interesting to a little geek. He will be able to look at a leaf, a sprouted bean or an onion scale. And parents will help him understand how it all works.


For example, by giving an encyclopedia about plants along with a microscope, you can visually explain to a child about the structure of cells.


To have a phone at this age is a little too early, but a walkie-talkie is just right. Buying two walkie-talkies at the same time, the boy can talk to a friend or brother. Play cops or spies.

Magician's kit

Take apart this set together with your kid and explain him a few tricks. Going out into the yard and showing them to his peers will make him the hero of the day.

Gift as a sign of attention

If there is no financial possibility of buying an expensive gift, you can do with a small token of attention. For example, present:

  • Slippers in the form of funny animals
  • Cube puzzles
  • Children's bingo
  • Board game
  • Mask with a tube to swim in the bath
  • Frisbee
  • Aqua Makeup
  • Children's bow and arrow with suction cups
  • Magnetic fishing

Whatever you present this little man, the most important thing to see the joy in his eyes. And always remember a simple truth: "The main thing is not the gift, the main thing is attention. And the attention is very important, especially for such a harmless creature-child.

The photo gifts for the boy on the 4th year

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