How to knit a scarf openwork: peculiarities of the technique by crochet and needlepoint, schemes for beginners

Knitted things - it is always beautiful. Such products are not subject to either time or fashion. They are always popular and are worn with pleasure regardless of age. One of these closet items is an openwork scarf, knitted with needles. It always looks stylish, especially a stole on women's shoulders.


Features of openwork scarves

A scarf is a universal closet item, which is worn regardless of age and gender. The accessory will give coziness in the cold season if it is tied around the neck. And if you put it on your head, the scarf will not only keep you warm, but also add flair to the whole image.

The product is manufactured in numerous assortments. Each of which has its own name.

Openwork scarves come in:

  • Of thick and thin yarn;
  • Scarves-patterns;
  • The product of simple knitting, with an elastic band or a complex pattern;
  • Accessory in the form of a square, triangle and rectangle;
  • In the form of a closed ring;
  • Tight scarves or loose around the neck.

Based on the variety of scarves, they are divided into such groups:

  • Monochrome products (with one pattern);
  • Combined products (up to two patterns);
  • Scarves made of several ornaments, drawings.

Also knitted accessory has the following variety:

  • In the form of a kerchief;
  • The product in the form of a hood;
  • Palantine;
  • Shawl;
  • Shawl;
  • Scarf-bactus;
  • Snood;
  • Capor scarf;
  • Scarf-sling;
  • Manishka;
  • Scarf-cuff.

Scheme and description of crochet openwork scarf

Openwork scarf will complement any woman's image. And it is not necessary to purchase this product in a store. After all, it is easy enough to knit it yourself. To do this, you need to prepare the appropriate threads and tools. And if necessary take additional items.

The first thing is to buy yarn, depending on the chosen model and the time of year when the scarf will be used. For winter, buy thick and bulky yarns of wool or natural fibers.

If you need an item for the warm time of the year, then take a thin thread made of natural synthetic fibers or combined materials.

After that proceed to the acquisition of knitting tool - a hook. It is chosen depending on the thickness of the yarn and the density of knitting.

Usually in specialty stores, hooks come with instructions that tell you what kind of yarn they are suitable for. You can also consult a sales assistant, who will tell you the number of the tool and its necessary yarn.

A simple mesh pattern

Crochet experienced craftsmen advise starting with a mesh pattern. It is ideal for beginners, without causing too much trouble.

With this pattern, you can knit summer closet items and elements for decorating a room. Also, this pattern will be a starting point for getting your hand full and perfecting your crochet system.

To do this work, take smooth yarns and a crochet hook of the required size. Mesh pattern is created by air loops and columns without a stitch (BP - air loop, SBN - column without a stitch).

Knitting rules

To get a beautiful cloth, you need to observe the following rules. First, an AIS is knitted into a loop. In this case, the number of VP should be divided by 3. Second, add 1 stitch for a symmetrical pattern and 4 stitches of lift.

Next, the initial column is tied into the fifth stitch from the tool. And begin to slip the first row: 4 lifting loops, a column without a stitch, 3 air loops, skipping 2 loops on the chain. Ending row of UAS.

After that, proceed to the creation of the second row: 3 lifting loops, IAS in the middle, from the 3 VPs of the previous row, 3 VPs. Finishing with a column without tucking into the lifting loop of the previous row. So knit the third and subsequent rows.

Semi-transparent scarf

This product is ideal as a cape on the shoulders. Knitting a translucent scarf will not take much time, but will be a very beautiful accessory in the women's closet.

What you need to do the job:

  • Knitting hook #2;
  • Acrylic threads.

Execution of the work:

  1. First, knit columns of length 4 cm, closing them in a circle. Then, in a circular motion, create an SBN (5 mm columns). Around the columns are tied a braid a couple of times;
  2. Connect the columns with a stitch. The result columns of 20 mm. Close them in a circle, receiving a translucent fabric. Tie so as needed length of the scarf. The product is ready!

Pineapple" pattern

Store shelves are bursting with beautiful, and at the same time identical variations of openwork scarves. But if you want something original, then you should take a closer look at the "Pineapple" knitting.

Items needed:

  • Crochet;
  • Yarn.


  1. To begin, a row of 20 BP is knit. Next, knit 3 BP to lift the knitting on the other chain, knitting 6 scallops (the loop of the lower chain hook, pulling from there 2 columns with a single stitch, creating a pair of BP and 2 columns with a single stitch) at short intervals;
  2. Then the first, third, fourth and sixth scallop to the end of the product slip this pattern. The second and fifth are the basis of the pattern. Connect each scallop with 9 columns with a single cast on. To move to a new row, use 3 VPs for the lift;
  3. The next row above the fans will consist of 9 columns with a single cast on. But keep in mind that between each column there will be 1 VP tied in. After that, a chain of 4 BPs is tied at the top of each column;
  4. Each new column is created so that the number of arches of 4 VPs is reduced by one unit. This is how you get the necessary pattern.

Square patterns.

This pattern is created according to the pattern of the future item. The main thing with this knitting is to determine how many squares are needed to create a beautiful cloth. Then determine the desired number of elements by connecting them.

Such a pattern is used for knitting scarves, scarves, light outerwear, dresses and cardigans. A bag made of square patterns will look very stylish. And plaids, pillowcases, curtains, mats and tablecloths with this pattern will give the interior a unique and unforgettable comfort.


Crochet can knit many different patterns, including a multicolor pattern. Which is used to create different fabrics, both for a plaid and a scarf. Here you just need to show a little imagination.

The first pattern of the row is to create a goose-foot pattern. It is knit with air loops and two rows of columns without nesting.

Then a chain with a column, consisting of a single stitch in the loop on the row below.

Completes the creation of the product - a column with a nadkivaniya in the loop from the previous row. So knit all the chains, replacing only the shade of yarn.

How to knit a scarf with openwork knitting needles

This knitted product also enjoys popularity, as well as the variant created by crochet. But it has its own features.

To make an openwork pattern, a system of descended loops for a scarf is used, which consists of knitting the fabric according to the instructions until the end of the work, remembering to descend the necessary loops from the initial edge of the item to its final side.

To create an openwork item, you use needles of different size range and yarns, mostly cotton, linen or viscose.

Scarf kerchief .

This closet item stands out for its versatility, as it is worn in different ways, starting with a scarf on the head, ending with a shawl on the shoulders. To create a headscarf you can take any material. Needlewomen advise cotton, linen and viscose.

In this case, among the manufacturers of this product, it is better to look out for yarns "Pekhorka", "Lenok color", "Lenok" and "Gronitex". The needles are usually taken under the yarn itself. Among them, a tool under number 3 is recommended. It is believed that it makes the most beautiful openwork scarves.


A knitted stole is one of the things that will always be in fashion. Its advantage is that this knitting is suitable even for beginners. The canvas is created from different yarns.

If you take angora yarn, you will get a warm and lightweight stole. If you use wool, then the accessory can be used for the winter season. The silk yarn will help create a great product for walks in the summer evening and for festive occasions.

Multicolored Scarf

Any colors of thread are used to create a multicolored fabric. It is knitted in a simple method consisting of the placket and the front stitches. The tool is used, both straight and circular needles.

This scarf can be decorated with cheerful pompoms, embroidery and even beads. In any case, a unique thing is guaranteed. Masters advise to create a product for an adult size not less than 210 cm. Repeating each shade in 80-60 cm.

Leaves pattern

The pattern is ideal for making a beret, snood or sweater. You can also knit an openwork scarf with this pattern, using the scheme. It consists of 12 rows in height. At the same time, the number of loops in the pattern is divided by 26, not forgetting to slip a couple of edge elements.

Heart pattern

This pattern always symbolizes warmth and love. The heart pattern is ideal for making children's closet items, as well as items for home decoration.

To knit this pattern take soft yarn and the necessary tools. Artisans are advised to opt for yarns consisting of wool and acrylic (50/50). And needles number 8. Such a product is created by shawl knitting from the top edge of the future item.

Pattern "double leaves".

This pattern is just the variant, when a thing knitted with the help of "double leaves" pattern will never go out of fashion.

Such knitting is very common, as there are more than ten variations of this needlework.

And this knitting can be used, both for the performance of the whole item, as well as its individual parts. For example, a border in the form of leaves on the edge of the product or a fragment that is connected to the knitted item. Both turn out very interesting.

Needlework associated with the creation of openwork scarves involves the use of different materials, because it can be knitted, as from fine mohair, and familiar to all cotton material.

According to psychologists, knitting not only soothes, but also develops manual dexterity and thinking. Which is very good for children and the elderly.

Pictures and diagrams of crocheted openwork scarves

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