Crochet and needlework crafts for the house: interesting ideas for useful homemade items with a step-by-step description and photo examples

For centuries, one of the most popular women's hobbies is needlework. Crochet or needlework is probably the most popular handmade craft.

The hobby is widespread due to the fact that it is not only a pleasant and interesting, but also very practical activity.

After all, interesting knitted crafts can serve as an original decoration of the interior, a nice addition to the main gift for loved ones, themed souvenir for the holiday for strangers and colleagues at work.

In addition, the ability to knit comes in handy mothers of primary school and preschool children. The result of homework can go to an exhibition at school or kindergarten.


Features of crochet and needlework

The process of creating crocheted crafts and the result itself is very different depending on which tool was chosen: a hook or a needle. There is simply no answer to the question of what is better. After all, each type of knitting has its own characteristics and advantages.

So the main advantages of crochet crafts are:

  • density, structure and relief of the finished product;
  • two lines, i.e. the handicraft looks presentable both on the front side and on the back side;
  • ease of error correction;
  • possibility of starting work on either side.

Knitted articles for decorating

Handmade accessories for decorating is one of the popular techniques that modern designers use when creating interiors. Especially since the fashion for retro room decoration is cyclical.

Such nice little things will certainly emphasize the individuality of the room and attract the attention of guests.

The most often used in the interior for the home are things of large knitting:

  • plaids and pillowcases for seam cushions;
  • rugs;
  • baskets and organizers for needlework and necessary small things.

Slightly less popular among needlewomen, but no less original and effective, decoration of kitchen utensils, lamps and floor lamps, clocks and other small things.

A separate category of hand knitting is the creation of simple crochet crafts with children and themed gifts for the holidays.

Decorating tea accessories

The most common crocheted tea ceremony accessory is crocheted lace napkins.

The finest openwork tablecloth is certainly a very large-scale work. But the result will not leave indifferent neither house guests, nor household members.

The coasters for the cups, which can be made in the traditional napkin lace technique or from a thicker yarn and have a thematic pattern, also look interesting.

For example, on the Internet it is easy to find schemes for knitting such coasters in the form of a slice of orange or lemon or other fruits and berries.

It is quite possible to knit and mug on the teapot.

And get inspiration on the World Wide Web and in thematic magazines. There are many schemes and step by step instructions for creating such products:

  • multicolored;
  • embossed;
  • with a pattern;
  • in the form of flowers, berries, fruits and figures of animals and birds.

Furniture decorations

Thick-knit blankets and plaids will decorate any living room or bedroom, and create a unique comfort.

Moreover, their creation will be under the power of a beginner needlewoman, because work on such products is very fast due to the thick yarn and crochet or needles.

However, before starting to create a handmade knitwear, it is necessary to choose the yarn carefully.

Traditionally, for such products merino wool is used. It has a unique combination of properties: a pleasant touch, beautiful appearance and very durable. On the other hand, the prices for this fiber are biting.

Significantly cheaper and not inferior in appearance, and often superior in appearance and tactile feel acrylic. However, products made of such yarn are much more susceptible to wear and tear.

For some time, knitting from strips of fabric twisted in bundles has been gaining popularity. However, for plaids and blankets, this method and material are not suitable at all. The product turns out loose, does not hold shape, with low operating characteristics.


Bound by their own hands mats create a unique atmosphere of warmth and coziness, give a zest to the interior.

Handmade mats can also be considered a fairly simple crochet craft due to the traditional use of coarse yarn and a thick hook.

Such products, as a rule, have a relief structure, various trim elements in the form of pompoms and tassels, appliques, have different outlines.

When choosing a design for such a crochet handicraft, you should not limit your imagination and creative imagination.

Particular attention should be paid to the source material for the product. It must be wear-resistant. And here the choice is not limited only to yarn. Excellent for creating a rug crochet suit a variety of ropes, cords, ribbons, and even twisted in bundles garbage bags.


Lighting makes a significant contribution to the mood of the room. This is probably why lighting fixtures attract a lot of attention.

Depending on the chosen style of the product, a knitted lampshade will become a cozy or, on the contrary, an extravagant accent in the interior.

In addition, in this way you can update the failed or simply obsolete lamp shade.

The pattern for the lampshade can be constructed independently, taking an old plafond or made from scratch out of corrugated cardboard.

And the fact that households have almost stopped using incandescent lamps, and everywhere have switched to diode or LED-lighting, allows you to not limit your imagination choose the material and decor. There are practically no requirements to thermal stability of raw materials.

Finishing of wall clocks

In the thematic Internet-publics and just women's magazines, you can often find photos showing watches decorated with yarn crochet crafts. It can be both a full-fledged frame of the dial, and accent details on the numbers and divisions, or simply the banding of the rim.

Such decoration of wall clocks can be the result of inspiration and imagination of the needlewoman, an interesting design solution, as well as a simple and inexpensive restoration of clocks.

Ideas of useful for the home handicrafts

Such a charming female hobby as knitting can also be very practical. Often useful little things for the home are not cheap. In this case, manufacturers tend to save money and use not the highest quality materials.

Another plus of creating small household accessories is their uniqueness and individual design.


Gloves are probably the most frequently used textile accessory in the kitchen.

In addition, it is also a kind of protective element.

Therefore, in addition to the aesthetic appearance, this kitchen accessory has a number of other requirements:

  • Thermal resistance and thermal insulation of the material;
  • resistance to wear and tear;
  • convenience of form and size in case the glove is made in the form of mittens.

As a rule, gloves are crocheted or knitted with a thick yarn with a high cotton content. Use a synthetic or woolen yarn in such products is extremely undesirable because of its low heat resistance.

Knitting technique is very diverse, ranging from knitting in a circle to knitting in the form of mittens.

Various color combinations, relief patterns, applique, embroidery and more are used as decorations.


Fashionable modern style accent in the interior of not only country houses, but also urban apartments are knitted covers.

Such products create a unique coziness, fill a room with an atmosphere of warmth.

As a tool for knitting, both needles and crochet are equally popular. The choice depends on what end result the needlewoman wants to get.

As for the choice of material, here again the leading position is taken by merino wool.

The variety of schemes and step-by-step master classes is unusually large.

The most spectacular look covers connected with the use of volumetric braids or geometric patterns in the pattern.


Pillowcase on the sofa cushion will add a highlight to the decoration of the room.

Traditionally, rectangular cushion covers are knitted by needlepoint. But sofa cushions of unusual shapes are created on needles.

In addition to relief patterns and crochet appliques, such crafts are decorated with tassels, pompoms, beads, embroidery.

The main requirements for the yarn from which the pillowcase will be made are:

  • tactility;
  • attractive appearance.

Organizer, basket

In everyday life quite often there is a lack of convenient and ergonomic containers for storing small things, office supplies, cosmetics, knitting supplies, after all, and much more.

Such an organizer or basket will allow you to intelligently organize the space.

And it is the individual design will allow you to create the most convenient storage system, taking into account individual needs.

As a material, it is better to use a stiffer, well-shaped yarn.

To give shape to the walls or the bottom of the future basket or organizer can be made with the help of fleeces or cardboard, laid between the knitted fabrics.

Handicrafts for children

A special category of crocheted crafts. Joint creativity with a young child will add additional emotions to the pleasant pastime of your favorite hobby.

It can be just a pleasant evening in the company of her daughter's favorite needlework, as well as doing homework together with the baby.


Together with the mother of the creation of knitted toys baby - an interesting and very common pastime for many families.

Such toys can be absolutely any size and theme. Handicrafts can depict a real cartoon characters, fairy tale characters, animals, birds, and be a stylized representation.

When choosing raw materials for such a handicraft, you need to focus on the quality of the yarn. The yarn for the toy must hold its shape and have a persistent coloring.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the size of the future craft. The smaller the toy, the thinner the yarn and the smaller the size of the needles or crochet.

Christmas decorations

One of the most popular areas of toy yarn crafts.

As a rule, New Year's decorations from yarn are made as homework for kindergarteners and elementary schoolchildren.

But almost no inferior ranking are crocheted New Year's gifts.

Perhaps the most popular crochet craft for beginners is the openwork snowflake.

Such an ornament can be glued on a window pane or starched to hang on a Christmas tree.

Separately, it is worth noting the Christmas decorations made in the form of animals-symbols of the coming year. Such figurines will be a decoration of the exhibition at school or kindergarten, as well as an original souvenir.

Toy figures, furniture

Of course you can buy a dollhouse with stuffing.

But it is impossible to describe how much joy the little girl will get, creating together with her mom toy chairs, sofas, mats.

In addition to traditional items of furniture and textiles with crochet or needles can create everything that suggests imagination little needlewoman or her mother:

  • A lace frame for a doll's mirror;
  • floor lamp;
  • bedspreads, plaids, pillows, curtains;
  • accessories for dolls.

You can also knit a pet figure together with your daughter.

Crochet or needlework - a real art. But it can almost everyone. After all, among the variety of ideas, you can always choose the one whose technique corresponds to the skill of the needlewoman.

Photo ideas of crochet handicrafts for the house


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