Applique birds - easy workshops from paper, leaves, quilling for all age groups of children
Any applique that depicts animals, plants, birds, serves as a great way to introduce the child to the world around him. Birds are a huge and very important part of nature, and each of the tens of thousands of species has its own characteristics of plumage, way of life, and habits.
Collecting, for example, a collage of pet birds in the junior kindergarten is very exciting, it helps to introduce children to the different representatives of the feathered family.
However, this kind of creativity will be interesting at a very different age, so that both parents and children with passion will invent new ways of applique, and come up with unusual, attractive plots.
Applications of birds for different age groups of children
The most effective way to show work with collage on the example of domestic birds - with them children often face, if not even in person, then on pictures in books, in the alphabet, on the cubes, etc. so that even kids will not be difficult to imagine a duck or a cockerel.
To work in the younger group, you should prepare cotton disks, sheets of colored cardboard, plasticine, paints and brushes, as well as glue and scissors with "blunt" tips.
The whole disk is used to make the head or body of the bird, the disks cut in half are used for the wings or tail. These parts are glued to cardboard in the appropriate order and painted. Clay is used to make paws, a beak, a comb and a beard, eyes.
Slightly more complicated work can be done in the middle group. For this purpose, it is necessary to print out images of birds, prepare absorbent cotton, PVA glue, felt-tip pens and paints.
First outline the contours of the body, head, wings and tail with felt-tip pens. Then small balls of absorbent cotton are rolled and glued inside the outline with glue. When the entire image is filled in, the absorbent cotton can be painted. Details can also be made of plasticine.
Even more complicated applique should be offered to children in the preparatory group. For this, you will need templates of a rooster and a chicken, thick white sheets, paints and brushes, colored paper and napkins of different colors, scissors, a hole punch and glue.
The order of work is as follows:
- First, paint on a white sheet of paper, depicting the sky, the sun, the grass, and leave it to dry;
- depict the house, roof, and fence on colored paper, then cut out the details and glue them to the dried drawing;
- the cockerel and the hen are carefully cut out along the contour of the template;
- tissues are torn into small pieces, which are rolled into lumps - they can be used to glue the breasts of birds and the head;
- made confetti from colored paper with a puncher - circles glued as plumage on wings and tail;
- the beard and comb of the cockerel are painted with red paint;
- Birds glued to the base.
Beautifully will look the joint work of groups of different ages - a large bird's yard from applications, made on a large sheet of paper using different techniques and materials.
For collective creativity, work on the image of an owl will also be perfect. Adults should just draw the body of the bird together with the head on a large sheet of paper.
Each child should be given the task of making a feather for the bird. It is not necessary to specify exactly how it should be made - let children show their imagination. Ready feathers are collected into a tail, and glued to the base.
Now you can do design the body and head - someone should roll balls of absorbent cotton or make colored paper confetti with punches, someone glues decorations, someone painted parts, someone sculpts out of clay beak and paws.
Applications of birds from paper
There are many options, which depend on the age of the child, his abilities and desire to follow a certain order of action. A little help from adults, of course, will be needed, but in general children can do a lot on their own.
Also, do not limit their imagination, if somewhere they want to deviate from the plan - because it is creativity, and it does not always fit into the framework.
Arrival of birds
A very appropriate theme for spring, and the craft is as simple as possible:
- green (blue) cardboard is prepared for the base;
- white paper is cut in strips - these will be the trunks of birch trees, on them it is necessary to draw horizontal dashes throughout the height in different places with a black marker;
- A birdhouse is cut out of brown paper, the window in it can be made of black paper, or drawn in black paint;
- birch leaves are cut from green paper;
- the birds are cut out according to a template and painted (or decorated with cotton balls, confetti, beads, etc.);
- now all the parts are glued onto the cardboard base: first the trunks of the birches, then the birdhouse, followed by the leaves and, finally, the birds.
The missing parts can be drawn or made of plasticine.
Dining room for the birds
Started with applique, it may well be difficult to stop, and it may end up making a real bird feeder. But first it is worth getting your child interested in three-dimensional application of birds on a bird feeder of paper.
Prepares a sheet of white cardboard. The method of "wet" watercolor, you can apply it to the blue sky and thaw in the snow. By the way, if you take the original blue cardboard, the snowball can be simply sprayed by dipping a stiff brush or an old toothbrush in diluted white gouache. And drifts to draw.
While the paints are drying, tree trunks are cut out of brown paper, you can add a few branches. The feeder will be best glued from corrugated cardboard.
You can cut out on a template of birds for applique, from colored paper, outlining the contours of the wings, beaks and eyes. Figures glued to the base - you're done!
Swallows on wires
For this work, you will need gray wool thread (twine will do), white, yellow and black paper, blue cardboard, glue, white felt-tip pen (you can use a proofreader), and scissors.
The blue cardboard is unfolded wide side down. From edge to edge horizontally, through the middle of the sheet, two strands are stretched and fastened with glue on the back side of the base.
White paper is cut into strips 8-10 cm long and 3 cm thick. From black paper should be cut the same thickness of the strip, but their length should be 15-16 cm and the bottom edge - thickened. It is cut in the form of a dovetail.
Also from black paper you need to cut wings (a curved strip with narrowed ends, resembling the shape of the open wings of a swallow), and from yellow paper - small squares that are folded diagonally - these are the beaks of the birds.
Now it is necessary to assemble the parts one by one: the black strip is glued in the middle to the "wire", with the tail down, its upper part is tucked forward, and the edge is glued to the ribbon - you get a bird's head. Wings are glued slightly lower.
White ribbon is folded into a ring, the edges of the tape glued, then it is attached under the head of the bird - the breast of a swallow.
Beak glued to the head, above him are drawn white felt-tip pen (with a corrector), eyes.
Paper palms.
You can create a spectacular craft even without the stencil birds for collage - you will only need colored paper, white cardboard (A3), glue, scissors, pencil, felt-tip pens and decorations.
In the middle of the white sheet, closer to the bottom edge, the body of the bird is drawn together with the head. The wings can only be outlined, and outline everything with a black felt-tip pen (or any bright, saturated color).
On colored paper, you need to outline a child's palm, repeat on several sheets of different shades. Cut out and glue a fan to the back of the bird, which will be the tail.
Now you can let your imagination run wild: for example, trace the glued hands with a ruler, glue the body of the bird with cotton balls and color them, draw or cut out the eyes and beak and glue them on.
You can decorate with sequins, gilding, beads, confetti, thread and more.
Applique of birds from leaves
It is very convenient to use natural materials for applique - in the fall, leaves of different colors, ironed, or stored in a book will work perfectly for this. You will also need to prepare blue cardboard, white and yellow paper, glue, scissors and plasticine.
Any cardboard can be used - plain, metallized, velvety, with a print.
In the center of the sheet is glued a dense green leaf, it should be oval in shape and without damage. For pressing and smoothing the leaves, you can use a dry and clean cloth.
Beak is cut from a red or burgundy leaf, from a leaf of a brighter shade you can cut a bird's crest.
Now you need to cut in half a large maple leaf and glue the halves on both sides of the body, like wings. On top of them you need to glue the same halves of leaves, only smaller in size.
The tail can be made from several matching color, shape and size leaves, also located fan-shaped and in 2-3 layers.
From a plain white paper are cut out of the clouds, yellow - the sun, and then these parts are glued to the base.
Volumetric applique of birds
About the most simple ways to make three-dimensional applications discussed above. With the understanding of how you can make interesting pictures with glue, paper and absorbent cotton, comes the desire to experiment with other materials. However, paper can also offer many options.
For example, perfectly develops motor skills, perseverance and imagination tear-off applique. The bird (or several birds) can be drawn by yourself, or you can trace a stencil, or cut out a template.
Plumage is created with small pieces of colored paper.
You can add trees to the work (the trunks are not made of simple strips, but of twisted and glued strips of plastic tubing, thick threads and rope, etc.), a colorful landscape background, in the technique of weaving to create a nest, etc.
Excellent for creating three-dimensional works of plasticine. True, very young children will be difficult to cope with this material without adults, but the older group will cope with a plasticine application of birds on branches with pleasure. Here is an example of such work.
Take a sheet of black or dark blue cardboard - round or oval shape will be original and attractive. From brown plasticine, they make flagella, which several pieces together fasten on the base - these are the trunks of the trees. Added from the same flagella branches.
Two large circles are cut out of velvety gray or light brown paper (body of birds), two smaller circles (heads).
Yellow eyes, black pupils and a yellow beak are molded from plasticine. The feathers can be made in any technique - from cotton lumps, scraps of paper, thread, etc. The wings can be cut out of paper or they can be made out of plasticine and treated with a special stecker.
A cotton disc is glued to the top of the composition, which is the moon. The reflections of the moonlight can be shown by outlining all the objects with a light outline (blue, soft white) - paint or felt-tip pen can be used only in some places, so it will be more authentic.
To create three-dimensional works, you can use plasticine strings, buttons, beads and beads, nutshells, corks and lids, shells, cereals, and much more.
Applique birds in the technique of quilling
One of the most interesting techniques for creating three-dimensional paper applique. This is the twisted paper strips, which can be given the shape of circles and droplets.
Varying the width of the strips, the thickness of the twist, the size of the individual elements and, of course, colors can be created each time a completely different picture - even if you take an example of a finished work you like.
The name itself is translated from English as bird feather, which is great for applique birds. Involve not only children, but also adults, by creating a Firebird - colorful, alluring, magical.
For work, you need double-sided colored paper - you need to cut thin long strips from it with a ruler and a stationery knife. However, in many specialized stores one can buy ready-made kits.
For the fairy bird, you need red, orange, burgundy, gold shades. For the background, you need to stock up on cardboard and beautiful paper. Also, you can't do without a pencil and eraser, scissors, and white paper. For twisting, you can use an ordinary toothpick (skewer).
The cardboard base is pasted with beautiful paper. Although you can paint the cardboard yourself, or just tint it. On a separate sheet of paper, you should draw a sketch of the future work, so as not to get confused in the placement of parts.
Roll yellow and orange strips, they will go to the design of the head, beak and some places on the torso. After that, you should try on the details of the sketch and glue together. The voids can still be left as is, or twist a few more elements and fill the gaps.
Yellow and gold paper will be the basis for the feathers. It is easier to cope with this task if you have different-sized templates. The edges of the feathers need to be cut with fringe. Parts for the wings should be folded in half, for the tail elements it is not necessary to do this.
The top of the wings will be decorated with curved strips, for strength should be glued together three parts.
Now on the basis begins assembling applications Firebird. Glued the body, it is attached to the base for the wings - it should immediately bend to form. Now it's turn of feathers, including the tail feathers.
Gold paper is cut fringe and glued under the neck of the bird. In the same way a crest on the head is made. Now the twisted elements are glued on the feathers. When working, you should adhere to as realistic an image as possible.
Choose the most appropriate technique of applique is not difficult. This type of creativity is extremely attractive, having mastered the basics, it will be possible to create entire canvases with a variety of subjects and heroes.
Besides the fact that children learn about the world with the help of applique, it also contributes to closer communication with their parents, the development of motor skills, the removal of emotional tension.