Types of applications for children on subjects, materials and techniques of performance with photos and instructions on how to create

Application comes from the Latin applicatio - imposition. The term itself reveals the main technique of this decorative-applied art: the imposition of individual parts on the base material.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated about this activity, and most modern people who attended kindergarten or junior high school, even at an early age, learn to paste blanks of paper on colored cardboard.

In fact, the technique of applique is very varied and includes techniques ranging from the simplest gluing of paper fragments on a sheet, to the inlaying of precious wood with precious stones and metals.


Profit of learning with applique for children

Acquaintance with application really begins in early childhood, and this is no accident. Experienced teachers and educators are aware of the benefits that this art brings to children, so they teach various types of applique in kindergarten.

Classes in applique develop important skills and abilities in children, such as:

  • figurative thinking;
  • creative abilities;
  • fine motor skills;
  • spatial-compositional orientation;
  • distinguishing colors, shapes, geometric shapes;
  • accuracy:
  • assiduity, etc.

Applique and its types

Application, as any form of art, opens up boundless expanses for imagination and allows any fantasy to be brought to life. A variety of materials can be used in applications, including paper, fabric, felt, leather, straw, bark, wood, stones, metal, plastic, etc.

Each material requires its own technique, uses different techniques, gives original possibilities.

Depending on the subject of the work, the materials used and the techniques used, there are several of the most common types of application.

Types of application on the subjects

Choosing the theme for the handicraft, the novice master must think everything through to the last detail. Because this will depend on how best to issue an application.

Subject applique

The image of objects, animals, plants, people by imposing individual fragments on the base.

As a rule, with this type of application begins familiarity with it: the image of a house, a car, a bunny, a flower, a snowman - all familiar dear to the heart of children's crafts, which are stored for many years in memory of the first creative attempts of the child.

All kinds of children's designers-mosaics, through which a special basis superimposed pieces of colored plastic depicting the characters of fairy tales, various animals and plants - also a good example of this type of application.

But subject applique is not limited to the simplest children's work.

In the technique of mosaic, which is also inherently applicative, created portraits of famous people, many of whom still keep unsolved mysteries.

For example, the famous portrait of Peter the Great, made from fragments of colored glass and kept in the Lomonosov Museum, still causes disputes about the author of the work.

Lomonosov himself painstakingly worked on the image of his revered idol, or one of his students made a delightful gift to his beloved teacher.

Plot applique.

The depiction of objects, animals, plants, people within a specific situation, uniting the images by subject.

As a rule, children are familiar with this type of application in elementary school, laying out of pieces of paper, groats or fabric more complex compositional images.

Plot applique is one of the most ancient types of applied art. Mosaics telling about the life of the Egyptian pharaohs decorate the ancient pyramids and elegant amphorae.

Mosaic depictions of scenes from the Old and New Testament on the walls and ceilings of Christian churches fill the faithful with awe.

Decorative applique

Abstract or ornamental decoration of frames, albums, postcards and other household items. The technique of work is very diverse.

One of the simplest examples of decorative applications that children encounter is decorating vases and photo frames with watermelon seeds, zucchini and peas attached to plasticine. Other materials can also be used for ornaments: rhinestones, stones, shells, metal, grits, etc.

With the help of different techniques of decorative application, buildings, household items and even weapons were decorated, increasing their value even more.

Thus, the inlaid furniture of the Victorian era is striking in its luxury and splendor. And a golden saber of Napoleon Bonaparte forged in the 18th century by Nicolas Noel Boutet, also decorated with intricate inlays, was sold in 2007 at an auction in Fontainebleau for 6.5 million dollars.

Types of appliqué by material

An important advantage is that appliqués can be made from a variety of materials. They are all available and are almost always on hand.

Paper applique

Paper is one of the most accessible materials, allowing you to create variously complex work, even for children.

Depending on the technique of working with this material, there are several basic types of paper applications.

  • Flat applique

It is considered the simplest kind of application, even for children. This type of application involves gluing flat parts on a flat surface.

Although this type of application is acceptable gluing flat parts on three-dimensional forms (vase, casket, etc.). But in this case the surface of the basis remains straight, smooth, not requiring complex bends and adjustments to the shape of the product.

  • Geometric applique

In fact, it is a kind of plane application, but because of the originality of the technique it is considered an independent form of this art.

Works made in the geometric technique, reminiscent of the creations of Pablo Picasso. Using geometric shapes to build a particular image is a very exciting activity that allows children to develop their imagination, sense of symmetry and aesthetic taste.

Geometric applique can also be perceived as a puzzle, when using the same geometric shapes one can get absolutely different images.

And vice versa, depicting the same image, one can use completely different geometric shapes, allowing each child to show his or her imagination and individuality.

  • Three-dimensional collage

A more complicated type of applique, requiring the help of parents or a tutor at first. For three-dimensional applique, details with elements of folding are used to achieve a three-dimensional shape in the paper.

Also, one of the methods of three-dimensional applique is the incomplete gluing of fragments, so that the lagging part of the part gives volume to the image.

  • Plastic applique

Can be considered a subspecies of volumetric applique, because it pursues the same goal, but differs in specific techniques - the paper is not folded in a certain way on the pre-planned lines, and wrinkled, twisted in a chaotic manner.

Crumpled fragments of paper can be turned, artificially adjusting the folds to a given shape. And there are also techniques for using unraveled paper bunches or spirals.

  • Tear-Off Applique

The main task of tear-off applique is to convey the texture of the object: the fluffiness of a kitten, the prickliness of a hedgehog, the lightness of a cloud, which is difficult to achieve in the flat applique technique with its flat cut.

And unlike volumetric applique tear-off applique does not require complex blanks or templates. Volume and texture are transferred due to the heterogeneity of parts in shape and size as well as the lack of a straight cut - the paper is simply torn by hand.

  • Silhouette applique

Silhouette applique, the depiction of objects by means of fragments of the same tone, can be referred to as a separate type of subject applique.

Such applique is akin to shadow theater: giving an idea of the outlines of an object, animal or person, it does not give specificity in details and colors. Portrait cameos are a striking example of this technique.

Fabric appliqué

No less common type of applique than paper applique. It is used to decorate clothing, shoes, accessories, even the leading fashion houses.

Due to the availability of materials and the relative simplicity of the technique, applications made of fabric are available even to children, causing their undivided interest in the decoration of clothes.

The variety of types of fabric applique is somewhat less than that of paper, but in general they are very similar.

For flat fabric applique, templates are used, which are drawn on thick cardboard. The Internet offers a huge number of templates for applique, which can be printed on paper, cut out and used later for work.

The template can also be drawn yourself, having prepared on paper all the details, which are subsequently cut out of the fabric.

The fabric for the appliqué is also pre-prepared, carefully ironed out to ensure smoothness. Natural fabrics (cotton, linen) should be starched beforehand, and synthetic fabrics should be treated with a solution of gelatin.

This allows the material to hold its shape better without creasing. The edges of the parts can be finished with an overlock, zig-zag stitch or left untreated.

The appliqué details are attached to the main fabric with glue on the wrong side, or sewn on with machine, decorative or hand stitching.

Volume for fabric appliqués is given by the use of fillers: wool, padding, fluff, etc.

Akin to geometric paper applique, there is patchwork, which allows you to create real paintings from scraps of a certain geometry.

A related type of applique made of fabric is applique made of thread and braid.

Applications of natural materials

Nature is the greatest designer, offering not only ideas, but also materials for decoration. Therefore, there are many types of applications from natural materials.

Applique made of straw

Since ancient times, people have tried to decorate their homes. The rich used gold for this, and peasants used improvised means, and instead of metal their gray everyday life was "gilded" with straw.

Now it is not so popular type of application, which is connected, first of all, with a lack of materials for city dwellers. And also with certain subtleties of making straw suitable for crafts.

The stems should be harvested when they are ripe, but before rotting occurs and only in dry weather.

For decoration, use the sections between the nodes (strong articulations on the stem), and take only the middle part of the plant. The tops of the stems are too thin and unsuitable for crafts, the lower parts of the stem - too rough and brittle.

The process of preparing this natural material for the application is quite time-consuming.

Pre-parboiled straw immersed in a bowl of water about 70-80 degrees for about 1.5-2 hours. After that, softened straw is cut lengthwise and ironed with a hot iron through several layers of paper.

Here, too, some experience is required, since the temperature of the iron will depend on the color of the resulting ornamental material.

As a basis for straw applique, paper or thick fabric is usually used, on which the sketch of the pattern is applied. Straw is attached to the base of the sketch with glue.

Leaf appliqué

This type of applique is very similar to the techniques used in geometric paper applique. Each plant is unique in its own way and has leaves of different geometric shapes and colors. Rich imagination allows you to see in a variety of leaves boundless space for creativity.

Like straw, the leaves of plants require prepping. To preserve their natural color, the leaves must be dried in the shade. To acquire smoothness, they are placed under a press or put between the pages of a book. Leaves can also be ironed with an iron through paper.

Cereal and seed applique

A very fascinating activity that teaches children to see the unusual in the ordinary. For applications, you can use the fruits of different plants, different in color and size. It is also possible to use fruits of the same plant with dyes.

To make an appliqué, the outline of the image is drawn on a base (paper or cardboard). The space inside the outline is covered with glue, on which the seeds are placed or spilled.

It is also possible to fasten the seeds with plasticine applied to the base in an even layer. Basically, this method is used when decorating the volumetric basis (vases, caskets, frames, etc.).

Nature offers a huge selection of materials that can be used in the decoration: bark, eggshells, sand, shells, stones. Almost everything that surrounds us can be used to create real masterpieces.

Types of applique by technique

The choice of materials for applique determines the technique of execution. When working with paper the most interesting and unusual are such types of application as quilling, decoupage and facing.


The technique of quilling comes to us from the European monks who decorated the feathers for writing strips of gilded paper. And then it turned out that these curls can lay out images of objects, animals and plants.

Thus, a new kind of three-dimensional applique was born, which uses spiral strips of colored paper. On the basis (paper or heavy cardboard) there is an outline of the image, inside of which prepared colorful spirals are mounted on glue.

The spirals may vary not only in color, but also in shape and size, making paintings made in the technique of quilling a special beauty and originality.


The term itself derives from the French découpage - "cutting", but the technique has Chinese roots. First mentions of decorating furniture with cut-out pictures were met in China in 16th century.

In Europe this technique was spread in the 17th century thanks to the Venetian furniture makers, who imitated Japanese and Chinese style. For saving of pattern they covered their articles with 30-40 layers of varnish, which visually made relatively cheap kind of applique look like expensive incrustation.

Nowadays, for decoupage paper napkins with a decorative pattern are used. Cut out pictures with glue applied to the decorated product and covered with a protective layer of varnish. The subtle texture of the material ensures lightness and gracefulness of applique.


One of the most interesting techniques of volume application, requiring great patience and perseverance. It uses small pieces of paper, which are stretched on the end of the stick to give them the shape of a bell.

The dome of the resulting bell is smeared with glue and glued to the drawing on the base. The image can be laid out with endpapers on the contour or completely filled with prepared parts.

Additional volume can be given by layering, when some endpapers are glued inside others, forming terry cups. Also, an interesting effect is achieved by gluing the endpapers at different angles.

Applique is a fascinating developmental activity for children, which over the years has only gotten better and can become both a soulful hobby and a source of additional income for adults.

Just look around to see countless ideas for creativity, and the art of applique will allow you to bring them to life.

Photos of different types of applique

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