Handmade paper crafts: step by step master classes for children and adults with photo examples and ideas

Thin colored cardboard, absorbent cotton and thick office paper - a versatile material for homemade toys and applications. Paper crafts are an important part of the educational process.

They help in the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, children learn to practice with scissors and glue. The main thing is to choose an accessible technique and method of making paper crafts, according to age.


Bookmarks for books

The simplest of products by hand is a bookmark made of colored paper. You can offer your child to do a whole series of such bookmarks, for example, for school textbooks.

Developed many original variations on bookmarks, which can be decorated:

  • with an insert made of foil or shimmering paper "hologram";
  • with a pigtail and a tassel of mouliné thread;
  • with a thematic drawing;
  • with wishes;
  • with a beautiful applique.

Paper crafts in the form of a bookmark is easiest to make from a square or rectangular sheet, rolled in four, as in the picture.

The edges are glued, and the base is decorated with an interesting decoration or a beautiful inscription. The bottom of the bookmark can be shaped like a heart, a mitten, a butterfly, a flower, or an index arrow.

If you want to thread the yarn, you can tie it nicely at the bottom and tape the top "tail" to the cover so the bookmark doesn't get lost. This is a great gift for a friend or a desk mate.

Envelope with your own hands

Homemade ways of decorating gifts, letters, small offerings in the form of an envelope were very popular before the advent of information technology.

Today it is revived - envelopes are made in different techniques, complementing the original drawing. Agree, it is pleasant when you are not just handed something, but it is decorated in the form of a small handmade souvenir.

For making a gift envelope, you need A4 paper, some glue and handy scissors. As a template, you can take an old envelope, which is opened and circled with a simple pencil.

The cut billet neatly folded to turn out symmetrically, glued three parts, leaving the top corner free.

Useful tip: Leave the template-workpiece in a drawer for crafts, with the passage of time still needed. You can improve a special technique for paper crafts, but the basis remains the same.

The front side can be decorated as you wish, for example, draw a balloon to the heart. If there is a funny application in the form of a bunny's face, a cat or a dog, you can glue it to the homemade envelope.

The envelope is used as a gift or to store small things - vintage photos, depreciated bills, thematic pictures.

Volumetric envelope - an original gift in the form of a star. which can be filled with small candies.

Holiday cards

Looking at illustrations of what you can make from paper with a child at the elementary level of work, many choose greeting cards. The front side is proposed not to draw, but to design in applique.

To make a decorative decoration use:

  • thin colored cardboard;
  • velvet paper;
  • foil on a paper base;
  • openwork napkins.

Combining different types of paper, it is easy to create three-dimensional compositions.

Floral paper crafts

The most popular theme for paper crafts - flowers. For the basis it is better to choose something simple and quite recognizable - rose, daisy, tulip. Volumetric flowers of colored paper can be assembled into bouquets, filling them with small vases.

Flat applications of flowers - a great composition for wall panels, which decorate the interior of the children's room. Several large and beautiful 3D flowers are suggested for a wall panel.

  1. The simplest flower is the daisy. It is a kind of symbol of love and purity. A white base for the petals and some yellow paper is all you need for this image.
  2. Cacti made of paper. If your cats eat indoor flowers on window sills, you can hide them under the netting on the glassed-in loggia, and decorate the window sills with paper cacti. This is a more complex level than the daisy, here you need volume, which is achieved by connecting "ribs" of the same fragments made by the template.
  3. Rose. The queen of flowers can also be done in different techniques. The simplest variation is to trace a red circle in a spiral, cut it, assemble it and put it on the base. As the stems are suitable old pencils and broken pens. You can also take a thick wire - coiled at the top of the head with a cotton circle to have something to fasten a twist of "pink petals. Another idea is green cocktail straw as stems.

Helpful tip! Show your child different techniques of working with paper or napkins to get a voluminous middle. For example, facing or cutting with a fine tooth yellow strip with a snail's fold. This will give naturalness, playfulness and dynamism to any daisy craft.

The step-by-step master class will help to understand the more complex ways of making floral decor.

Original decor for the house from paper

Spectacular handicrafts should not be discarded, they always find a place in the design of interiors. For example, if you need to decorate a room for a birthday or decorate the bedroom for the arrival of a young mother and a newborn baby.

With the kitchen decoration for mom on March 8 or a memorable event can cope family members in the absence of the hero of the occasion. To do this, you can make a composition in a frame to hang a "fade-resistant bouquet" on the wall.

From paper doilies with openwork edges you can make garlands of ballerinas for the mother of the birthday girl, decorating the room with them!

Pretty butterflies with double wings, cut out according to the stencil, can easily decorate a lampshade and a table lamp. The most beautiful butterflies can be neatly attached to the kitchen curtains in anticipation of spring.

A good idea is a homemade chandelier with butterflies cut out from a template.

A more complicated way to decorate the interior with cardboard crafts is to equip an artificial fireplace in the living room with red socks for Christmas gifts, as they do in Europe.

Our answer is a Russian stove for Shrovetide. A great way to visually explore "The Tale of Emelya" with children. If the stove turns out well, it can be given to a kindergarten or boarding school. A few empty boxes - a fairy tale attribute as if it comes from a fairy tale.

Children's crafts from paper

Simple work - a great reason to communicate with children. At this time develops assiduity, memory, spherical thinking, attention is concentrated on the step-by-step process.

From the toilet paper sleeves are easy to build simple paper crafts. They get a whole composition, if a lot of sleeves collected. It's easy to make a funny bunny or dachshund out of them, which will be used to store school stuff or stationery.


Among the simplest and funniest animals, for which you need only 2-3 colors of paper is a penguin. If you have experience, you can make it more like a real animal, but it is easier to perform with a child a simple children's applique of hearts.

For work, scraps of white, orange and black paper or colored cardboard are enough. A beak and finished running eyes will animate a flightless bird from the distant shores of Antarctica. Oval body, white breast and beak with a heart - the craft is ready.


The ladybug is a popular character in children's cartoons about the life of insects. But they turn out to be especially funny when the simple red and black bodies are provided with "live eyes" in applications and crafts.

Very economical character - enough 2 circles for the wings and 2 more for the head and elytra. It remains to "animate" the character with small whiskers and eyes. If desired, you can make her original legs in "slippers".

Ladybug can be done in a more complex technique - origami or quilling. Finally, it is proposed to plant her gift box, box, homemade envelope or card.


The theme of sea creatures is very popular. Jellyfish can be made in different ways, including flat and volumetric patterns.

The base is a dome-shaped piece, from which stick out numerous legs made from a rectangular piece.

The task can be complicated by making a more interesting paper craft in the form of an unusual inhabitant of the seas and oceans with feathery tentacles.

Caterpillar .

Not yet a butterfly, but not a cocoon - this caterpillar. Talking about wildlife metamorphosis, it's easy to make a cartoon caterpillar with your child at your leisure.

The original ways are:

  • in the form of a spring made of colored paper;
  • from individual balls;
  • from a cardboard cylinder pasted with different colors of paper;
  • from blocks, cut in a special way (according to the scheme).

A funny handicraft will be much prettier if you attach "live eyes", decorated with black eyelashes. Thinly dissected black stripes curl, we get eyelashes. Feet, tendrils and a smile will add to her personality.


The most popular theme is butterflies. If a child knows how to make a handicraft from colored paper, offer him a few samples of how to make butterflies:

  • colored or volumetric;
  • One-colored or from different types of paper;
  • Openwork or from several elements.

The scheme shows how to make a corrugated butterfly from a folded square accordion. Front and back wings (can be different colors or the same) to staple together. The connection point is better to close the body with the head and twisted tendrils.


Ships are a great theme for future captains and sailors. It is easy to make a three-dimensional boat, like our grandfathers used to do on the waters of the spring brook.

Flat applique is accessible to small children, if you offer them to cut out a boat with a sail on a template. It is better to play with clouds from other materials, for example, divide in half cotton disks. Let the child decide for himself which way the sun should be, give him the freedom of creativity.


A good idea is to make a clock with your child. At first it's just a fun creative process, then - learning the numbers. Then this craft will find a practical application, teach your son or daughter to master the dial, to understand what time it is.

The basis is better to do from corrugated paper. The way of writing numbers mono vary. Complicate the task with double digits, so that children understand 12 and 24 hours in a day.

Clocks can be animated with eyes and a smile on the type of smileys. It would be interesting to make a clock with a "face" in the form of a sun or a clown.


Among the simplest of children's crafts is the merry Octopus. You can make a whole company of different colors. Use a toilet paper sleeve lined with colored paper cut into legs.

For stability, they are slightly bent and twisted, such as a pencil. Smiles and eyes will bring the characters to life. If you want, you can vary the rounding of the head, think with your child how best to design it.

Fish .

One of the most popular themes is aquarium inhabitants. Sorting out the easiest paper crafts with children, you can offer to learn different techniques.

Useful tip! It is important to adhere to the principle "from simple to complex". Markedly "revive" paper fish "peephole", which are sold in the dry goods departments.

For familiarity is suitable cut out the fish on a template, then you can vary the technique by performing a volumetric body. The swirling fins of the voilletail can be made by winding colored strips on a pencil.

The simplest option is to put together a fish out of colored circles. Then it is possible to play around with the task, for example, to change the shape of the body or add a tail of different shapes.

Fish of different sizes can be assembled into one "aquarium" in a frame made of seashells brought from the sea. Excellent decoration for children's rooms will turn out.

Japanese-style paper crafts

Having mastered a simple paper crafts, you can move on to mastering traditional techniques.

Origami .

This is a way of making amazing sculptures of rice paper. In our culture use a piece of cotton or office paper, which perfectly holds the fold and folding on the ribs.

Note: Origami from a single sheet of paper is folded according to a certain algorithm. Need a sample, a schematic drawing or a master class (for the most complex shapes). A good example is the panda, which is one of the traditional symbols of the Chinese and Japanese interior.

Modular origami

This is the creation of three-dimensional figures from the same or similar in shape paper modules. Performed in a certain sequence to get an unusual three-dimensional image. Modular origami - examples in the form of birds.

Kirigami .

Another type of traditional Japanese art. Once suspended objects do not only decorate the interior, they were certain "averters" in the Asian style. Charming volumetric balls of identical blanks are easy to perform according to a master class or a step-by-step scheme with explanations.

Today, three-dimensional balloons are used for birthday games. The birthday boy is given the right to break the balloon kirigami with candy with any object to release the "prisoners" (sweets), which the invitees must collect and lay out on the carpet greeting inscription.

Wet or plastic origami

This requires real rice paper, which is more malleable than wood pulp. With skills in this technique, you can choose the right type of paper.

Using the smooth shape and streamlined curves, it is easier to create recognizable images that border on works of art.

Crafts from corrugated paper

Volumetric applique and 3D paper objects are one of the most interesting types of creativity. Crimped, corrugated and folded accordion base well into original shapes.

Floral compositions of creased and corrugated paper look much more interesting and believable than a simple applique.

Hemispherical buds can be glued on a rigid base and placed in a frame - a children's "masterpiece" for a gift to mom or grandmother is ready.

A corrugated sheet of a water lily or water lily with a flower in the center is a great decoration for the bathroom.

Circles of sheets of paper folded in an accordion are a great base for many crafts. It is a good hanging base for small garlands and panels.

So you can quickly make several identical objects to decorate an empty wall or decorate a corner of the dining area. Dragonflies, butterflies, spiders, ladybugs - the basis for themed decor.

New Year's crafts from paper

On New Year's Eve, many people wanted to perform a budget transformation of their apartment, but do not have a good idea.

Snowflakes made of paper and tissues, cut out in the technique of "piecing", glued on horse glass with wet soap, easy to remove at the end of the winter holidays.

Volumetric garlands of colored paper are a traditional New Year's decor. However, it is not necessary to return to "grandma's" schemes, if today there are a lot of beautiful designs on the new master classes.

Christmas tree decorations from wrapping and colored paper, cardboard, foil, absorbent cotton disks and any malleable material, look no worse than glass balls.

Christmas decorations are easy to make with your own hands. If it didn't turn out very well, you can always decorate your handicraft:

  • Gold or silver spray;
  • sequins (rhinestones);
  • Swarovski pebbles;
  • shimmering beads;
  • foil, rainbow, or old New Year's Eve tinsel.

Every New Year's Eve they honor some kind of animal from the Eastern calendar. From paper you can make any thematic embodiment of the current symbolism.

If there is no Christmas tree in the house, you can do with a table decoration or a whole themed ikebana. Table Christmas trees can be made by hand according to one of the selected schemes.

Paper is the easiest and most accessible material, from which, together with children, it is easy to make a lot of interesting decorations. Simple manipulations, including folding, folding according to the scheme, gluing or connecting with paper clips, develop children's imagination.

Paper crafts - a fascinating process in which children and adults are quickly involved, using their own experience and creative talents.

Photos of useful and beautiful children's paper crafts

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