What to present a 30 year old girl: original gift ideas for romantic and practical women

At this age, a self-respecting lady already classifies herself as a "big girl". In addition, by the age of 30, most beautiful ladies have time to make a career, succeed in their hobbies, make close friends and have a family.

But the youthful charm is not over, the reflection in the mirror is no less pleasing, while acquired a wealth of experience. What to present to the lady on her 30th birthday? There are a lot of options. There are also those that are suitable for women who seem to have everything.


The mystery was easy to solve

What to present? After all, she has a chifforobe full of exquisite outfits, there is also a fur coat, as well as jewelry, gadgets, accessories for all occasions. So thinks the husband of an accomplished lady, when he can't decide on a gift for the 30th anniversary of his betrothed. However, not everything is as difficult as it seems.

Let her already have a manto and a gold necklace, and maybe a pair of precious necklaces, but no one cancels the possibility to present an unusual gift. For example, a trip. Let's not a round-the-world trip, but quite fascinating.

Any trip will distract from the household routine, saturate life with new impressions and make the relationship even stronger. Among the unusual gifts for 30 years in the case if the woman is quite athletic, watching the figure: a bicycle, rollers, trainer, fitness kit.

Gifts that should not be given to a lady on her 30th birthday

Here it all depends on who presents a gift for the anniversary. It is unlikely that a woman will appreciate a set of exquisite lingerie, presented by a family friend. Her husband will look askew, and her eldest daughter and mother will be surprised. But from the hands of a spouse, such a gift is quite appropriate.

Among the things that should not be given to the ladies on the 30th anniversary:

  1. A pet. Such gifts should be discussed in advance and if the lady is not planning to take care of a pet in the near future, even if the creature is arch-cute, giving a kitten or puppy is not necessary. This will condemn the animal to suffering, and the birthday girl will experience a lot of negative emotions.
  2. A set of dishes or household utensils. This will once again remind her of the household routine and make her think that she is only seen as a cook or a cleaner. Etiquette does not provide such gifts also because the woman will buy the necessary things for the kitchen herself at any time. The only exception is when the lady herself hinted that she would not mind to have a certain set of dishes.
  3. Belt made of leatherette or cheap scarf, other little things. Agree, it's not solid to present on the 30th anniversary of this kind of gifts. Unless they are from the hands of a little princess - the daughter of the birthday girl.

Among the gifts that are not desirable also perfume, if the giver is not aware of what fragrance prefers a woman.

You should not present clothes or shoes. There is a risk not to guess with the size, which will embarrass not only the guest, but also the birthday girl.

What to give the lady on her 30th birthday

It is advisable to rank such gifts, because the decision depends not only on the degree of kinship of the one who presents a gift, but also the tastes of the birthday girl. So, her hobby is needlework? You can present a set for creating masterpieces of embroidery. Does she like to pose and dress up? Present a family photo shoot.

List of gifts that can suit a 30-year-old lady

Although true aesthetes will never gift a lady with kitchen utensils, it is worth looking into an option with unique characteristics. For example, it can be a teapot painted in the technique of "Gzhel" or "Khokhloma". Among the desirable can be:

  1. Gold or silver jewelry.
  2. Exquisite figurines that will help to decorate the desk or dressing table.
  3. A laptop computer.
  4. A cell phone of an expensive model.
  5. A stand in the form of a crown for jewelry.
  6. A car.
  7. A fur coat.
  8. A designer mirror.
  9. A certificate for spa treatments.
  10. A trip abroad or home country.

In any case, it is desirable to take into account the status of the birthday girl, her preferences, hobbies, profession, character, lifestyle, marital status.

If the lady is arch-romantic

Beautiful natures, who are always in dreams and often hover in the clouds, looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, it is quite easy to please. As a gift for the 30th anniversary will be appropriate:

  1. Breakfast in bed. Be sure not to forget the fancy bouquet.
  2. A gold heart-shaped pendant with a natural stone or an elegant bracelet.
  3. A handmade carved casket. This is quite a unique gift, which will appeal not only to the romantic nature.
  4. A portrait of the birthday girl, beautifully framed. In this case it is worth fantasizing. Let her appear in the picture as a queen or princess, countess, or baroness. You can add graphic effects. Modern computer technology can do wonders.
  5. A fragrance of perfume in case the giver is familiar with the tastes of a romantic nature and knows what her preferences are in this area. Moreover, perfume should not be cheap.
  6. Cookies with predictions. This is a great idea for romantic persons. Only all the wishes in cookies should be kind and positive.
  7. The song on the radio. Audio congratulations, addressed to the birthday girl, with wishes and friendly words will be appreciated by all ladies without exception.

If the relationship between the birthday girl and her companion in the candy stage, in case the man has decided on his intentions, on the 30th anniversary of his betrothed you can give an engagement ring, and at the same time offer to marry him.

If the gift is from a friend, it is a good idea to present it in the form of a beautiful large wicker basket with fruit, a bottle of expensive wine or champagne. In addition there should be a package of elite tea or coffee, a couple of chocolates.

If the lady is extremely practical

You can buy a vacuum cleaner like this, the average person would argue. But do not think so, because by the age of 30 the birthday girl is likely to already have the necessary appliances.

However, here it all depends on circumstances. It may happen that on the eve of the anniversary, the favorite vacuum cleaner broke down, and the lady dreams of buying a wireless portable model. These are quite expensive, but functional and just practical. That's the way out, especially for the lady - a pragmatist.

Other practical birthday gifts include those that make relaxing and everyday life easier. They include:

  1. Gadgets.
  2. Juicer.
  3. A cosmetics case.
  4. A travel kit.
  5. An orthopedic mattress.

In this list can be any thing that will make life interesting and life comfortable and not boring.

If a sister or close friend of the giver/giver celebrates her 30th birthday

Accessories for creating perfect hairstyles. These include: hair dryer, curling iron, hair straightener, a set of branded combs, styling products.

Your sister or cousin as no one else knows how to use a warm blanket or luxurious bedding set with blankets and pillows in the winter evenings. In addition, as gifts from loved ones will do:

  1. A wall clock.
  2. Certificate to a spa.
  3. Manicure - pedicure set.
  4. Video recorder, if the birthday girl is a motor lady.
  5. A pedometer.

If a woman is engaged in sports, you can buy equipment or branded ammunition.

A pleasant surprise for the daughter on her 30th birthday

Who else but parents know what their child needs, even if the daughter turned 30? No matter what, for fathers and mothers, even their adult children are always small, defenseless crumbs. As a surprise from parents can be:

  1. A crystal set.
  2. A wallet or a unique purse from the collection of a famous fashion designer.
  3. A car seat for the baby, so that the grandchild daughter will drive in the car without breaking the rules.
  4. If the lady is not yet a car lady - a certificate for driving school.
  5. An impressive cooler bag for the whole family to take out on a picnic.

Also among the desired gifts from parents can be all kinds of kits, including for creativity, or cosmetics, books or reference books. Here it all depends on the hobbies of the birthday girl and her profession.

A gift for the 30th anniversary of the lady is worth choosing, preferring a gift with meaning. Here you need to be guided by what is important in the life of the birthday girl, her preferences, hobbies, status.

The traveler always wants to get a trip to the mountains or the south. A lover of beauty wants a spa treatment or a certificate for classes with a personal fitness trainer.

In any case, the gift should not be vulgar and ambiguous. And here it also depends on who the birthday girl is the giver.

It is easier for the husband, because his spouse always knows what his soul mate needs. But friends and parents can be guided by the activities of the birthday girl or her wishes.

Photos of valuable, original and simple gifts for the 30th birthday girl

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