How to knit mittens by crochet and needlework: schemes with descriptions for beginners

During the cold season, everyone dreams about warmth and comfort. Mittens - this attribute of the closet, which not only warms the hands, but also embodies a fairy winter comfort. People of all ages wear mittens, some for warmth, and some to complement their fashionable image.

Either way, everyone faces the choice to buy ready-made or to tie a pair by yourself. The choice is obvious, because everyone knows that hand-knitted things are much more valuable, they transmit the energy of the knitter and her emotional warmth.

And handmade things are unique and inimitable, because their creation is not limited to the factory framework.

If you have settled on the creation of mittens with their own hands, we suggest studying the main subtleties: types and methods of knitting, varieties of mittens and ways of performing patterns.


Features of knitted mittens by knitting and crochet

To knit such a closet item is simple, with this will cope and beginner and more experienced mistresses. To start the work you need to decide on the type of mittens and the yarn you want to use.

It can be a warm woolen pair, which will save you from the cold and snow, or it can be light and openwork mittens, complementing a light spring look.

As with other closet items, the thicker the thread and the larger the needles or hook, the bulkier the piece will be.

For thicker fabrics, you can use a wide yarn but a smaller tool, and for openwork lace, on the other hand, you can use a large hook and a thin yarn.

The basis of mittens knit by needles is usually knitted starting from the cuff in a circle. At the beginning of work it is important to correctly calculate the density of the knitting, and to form the cuff of the correct size: add one centimeter to the girth of the hand for free dressing on the hand.

Knit, as a rule, the product on several spokes: first the cuff, then the part to the base of the thumb, then leave a slot for the finger.

Then knit the upper part with the loss of the finger tips, completing all vvyazivanie thumb in the slot left for him.

Mittens are crocheted according to the schemes of the two main parts: the top and bottom. Each piece is knitted from the middle along a vertical line, the size of the palm, creating a kind of oblong spiral.

The wider the mitten is needed, the more circles the spiral has. The top and bottom are tied together, of course, with the thumb tied in and an extra cuff for the hand.

Taking simple knitting options as a basis, in the process, mittens can be complicated and decorated with additional details: bright colored patterns, braids and flagella, knitted flowers and other decorative elements.

Scheme of knitting mittens with knitting needles

Considering in detail the knitting of mittens, you can choose for yourself the most suitable way to knit the basis of the mittens, and to create decorative parts of the product.

Stock up on different sets of needles and yarn, and dive headlong into the process of creating your own mittens.

On 2 spokes

Knitting mittens on 2 spokes is suitable for beginner knitters, performed by the method of oblique knitting. The product will consist of a top and bottom. The upper part of the knit as follows:

  1. Dial the desired number of loops (calculating the desired width), for example 19 loops.
  2. On the edges of the row add one stitch, and in the middle of the knit 2 loops, so knit the fabric from the cape of the mittens to the wrist. The pattern can be anything, for example, shawl knit.
  3. When you reach the desired size, take off all the stitches on the additional thread and put aside part of the product.

Knit the bottom part of the mittens as follows:

  1. Similarly to the first detail, we knit the cloth from the cape to the place of tying the thumb.
  2. Then knit only 5 loops from the needle - the beginning of the finger on the mitten. Add 1 stitch on each side and knit a length of 6 cm.
  3. Next, knit the finger cape, making 1 stitch on each side.
  4. Knit the second part of the finger in the opposite direction: add a stitch on each side of the row until you have 7 stitches on your finger.
  5. Next, we knit a 6 cm long band of the finger.
  6. Knit the whole mitten until we reach the size of the first part.

Join everything together this way:

  1. Loose loops from the additional yarn, take off on the needles and knit the cuff of the desired length. Place the cuff seam on the opposite side of the finger.
  2. Close the loops of the last row.
  3. Sew the details of the mittens: finger inside stitch, and the main part is better to sew on the front side.

On 5 spokes without a seam.

Knitting mittens on 5 spokes in its basis involves knitting in a circle. Products in this way do not require stitching and look softer and neater.

The knitting process is simple:

  1. Dial the required number of loops for the width of the wrist and divide them into 4 equal parts for each needle.
  2. Knit the cuff at the desired height in any way, such as a rubber band.
  3. Then knit the mittens in a circle up to the thumb.
  4. Then knit the first stitch with the main thread, and the rest of the stitches on the needle with additional colored thread.
  5. Then return the colored stitches to the first needle and knit them again, but again with the main thread. In the future, pulling out the colored thread, we get a slit for the finger knitting.
  6. We knit the whole band in a circle up to the finger tips, then knit the cape of the mittens, reducing the loops on each spokes.
  7. Taking out the colored thread, transfer the loops on two spokes, and similarly in a circle knit finger mittens.


The difference between this method is that the mitten is knitted with a wedge - a smooth increase in width to the beginning of the thumb weave. The scheme is as follows:

  1. We prepare a standard cuff on 4 spokes.
  2. We do 2 rows in the usual way.
  3. We do the loops on the first 2 spokes, then on the 3rd spokes we do 1 crossed back, 1 button on the front and again 1 crossed back, the remaining loops of the 3rd and 4th spokes we do the usual way.
  4. Continue 2 rows in the usual way.
  5. Again, on the 3rd spit we add stitches: Stitch, 3 left, stitch. Repeat knitting until there are 9 stitches in the wedge.
  6. Form a finger hole in the usual way by transferring the wedge stitches to an additional thread or pin.
  7. Knit the mitten in a circular pattern, adding stitches after one row, at the beginning and end of the wedge.
  8. Knit the length of the mitten, the cape and the finger in the standard way.

Mittens with braids

In order for the mittens to be not only warm, but also beautiful they can be decorated with different patterns such as braids or plaits. The technology of making such mittens, similar to the above methods. The peculiarity only in the creation of the upper part of the product.

Armed with a favorite pattern of knitting braids, you can easily transfer it to your mittens. The main thing is to know the peculiarities of each braid pattern and add the right number of loops in time, because puffy braids require extra loops.

There are many different types of braids, plaits and similar patterns. Choose what you like and bring your ideas to life. These mittens are sure to please you with their warmth and beautiful appearance.

Crocheted mittens: schemes and description

Crochet mittens are easy enough to crochet. Therefore, these schemes will be understandable even for beginner masters.

Mittens without fingers

Mittens (fingerless mittens) can be practical and keep you warm on cold evenings, or perform a decorative function, complementing the image with a stylish openwork accessory:

  • Let's find out how easy they are to make. To do this, calculate the height of the mittens.
  • Dial the required number of air stitches. And knit a rectangular band with columns without a stitch method for the back half stitch.
  • Then wrap the rectangle in a ring and sew the product together, leaving a hole in the middle for a thumb.
  • Then finish the hole with 3 rows of no-nonswap stitches.

Such a thing is good for little kids and for older fashionistas. As you can see, creating such a cute thing is easy.

Quick way

If it is suddenly cold outside, and you do not have time to prepare a pair of warm mittens, there is a way that is considered the fastest.

Experienced knitters say that for knitting in this way they need only 60 minutes. Also, this method will come in handy for those who do not have time to buy children mittens to replace lost ones. The scheme is as follows:

  1. Let's knit a test piece of 4 rows. We put it to the tip of the index finger and calculate the length from the bottom edge of the cloth to the wrist. We get the initial number of loops.
  2. Take this number of sts and knit 4 circular rows of stsn: the ascension stitches are tied with an arch, turning the knitting in each row; each stsn is doubled when we tie a circle. We have a finished top.
  3. Knit the palm in the same way as the top piece. But at the finger hole we tie 17 sts with a separate thread.
  4. Knit 4 circumferential rows of ssn, not forgetting to do air loops, without changing their number.
  5. Sew the two halves of the mittens and trim the edge of the rubber band.

Openwork mittens

Knitting openwork items requires the needlewoman to know the pattern and the basics of knitting the shape of the product itself.

So openwork mittens are knitted by canvas in a circle starting from the cuff using a suitable pattern. In the right place you need to leave a hole for a finger. At the top of the fabric should be made redundancies in order to knit the cape of mittens.

You can choose a pattern scheme based on the yarn you will be using and on the functions that the item will perform. The thinner the yarn and the larger the hook, the more airy the pattern will be.

Patterns for knitted mittens

For an interesting design of warm mittens, jacquard or dense patterns are well suited, as the fabric in this case is dense, well retains its shape and warmth.

For decorative items, you can use openwork patterns to make things look lighter and more airy.

Scheme knitting patterns invented a lot, just ask yourself this question and choose the most appropriate pattern. On mittens will look good patterns in the form of dense honeycomb, scythe or in the form of volume squares. Different yarns will give their own particularity to the pattern.

But do not forget that beauty is in simplicity, and the lightest and most classic patterns on knitted mittens will already look decent. In addition to texture patterns, you can decorate the product with ornaments of colored yarn.

Needlework always takes a special place in the life of skilled craftsmen. Bringing their ideas to life, they create with their hands unique things, filled with warmth and love.

No purchased mittens can compare to the priceless handiwork that knitters put into each of their creations. Join them - knit, create, please yourself and your loved ones with beautiful and practical things.

Images of crocheted mittens patterns

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