Housewarming gift: folk signs and traditions of interesting choice

Moving to a new place of residence is an exciting event. It is an expectation of change, not only the four walls and the ceiling, but the flow of life in general. Therefore, since ancient times, a housewarming party was a holiday.

The hosts welcomed the guests with a richly laid table, and the invitees came with gifts, which were not only useful, but also symbolic, associated with omens that bring good luck and prosperity.

Entering a new home was associated with certain rituals, many of which have survived to this day.


Folk omens and traditions

  • Wake up early on moving day and try to move in before dinner. It is better to do serious business in the morning. Our ancestors used to say: when you work with sunrise, everything is accomplished in time and perfectly.
  • Coins. Before crossing a threshold, throw a few coins in front of you, it promises wealth and prosperity.
  • Animals. It is considered great luck if the first to enter is a cat or a cat. But there can be any pet that will be a protector and amulet.
  • Cleaning. Carry out a general cleaning. Even in cold weather, open the windows and let in fresh air. This will clean the house of old energy, and the apartment will be filled with only your energy.
  • Novelty. When you unpack, first take out and put in place some new thing: a statue, a painting, a lamp, a cup, a keychain - it doesn't matter what it is. The main thing: a new life begins.

Traditional gifts for "settling in"

At a housewarming party people who really wish the owners well were invited. Let there be a lot of children on that day - it is a good omen, it means that life will go on happily.

Guests coming to a new home, traditionally should give gifts for the "settling in. These are things that symbolize prosperity, good luck, prosperity and will be useful in everyday life.

Invitees are well aware of the habits of the owners, their hobbies, so gift ideas can be different.


Relatives are always support and encouragement, the more relatives, the more confidence any person feels. When guests gather for a housewarming party at their relatives' apartment, the owners can already consider themselves rich, and if everyone brings a gift from the heart: prosperity is guaranteed:

  • A keychain. An essential item for new hosts. The key is a symbol of protection and power, so in the new apartment it should be in a beautiful and convenient storage. The giver can make inscriptions with the wishes or names of the owners.
  • A set of tableware. The hostess when moving will never take with her the old, and even more so cracked and broken utensils. Therefore, the best housewarming gift will be kitchen utensils. It does not matter if it will be a service or a set of pots and pans. Everything will be received with gratitude, and you will always be remembered in this family.
  • Horseshoe. A traditional symbol of prosperity. If the gift for a housewarming party in the apartment is supposed to be expensive, a horseshoe can be a symbolic addition.

To friends/friends

Invited to share the joy with friends: you are considered a really close person. Before you buy a gift for your girlfriend's apartment, you should think about how to combine the benefits and a reminder of your relationship.

Interior Decorations

  • Light fixtures and floor lamps. Light is a symbol of purity, wisdom, joy. You will emphasize faith in the success of friends and the provision of support
  • An author's painting, sculpture, panel. Taste buddies for sure you know, and the design of the home is also not a secret, so it will not be difficult to present an exclusive addition to the decoration.


An indispensable thing these days, for those who do not like to run to the stores. Present now it is possible to present any service. Depending on the need, this can be a certificate for the services of a designer, "husband for an hour" or a master in sewing curtains.

Student housewarming party

In the student years, there is no need to think of reasons to celebrate: even an insignificant event can become a fun party.

And if it's a housewarming party: there will be lots of guests! When you go to your friends to rejoice in their new home, you can't come empty-handed.

What can you give to housewarmers as an inexpensive and original gift, without material expenses, but useful and memorable?


Do you know how to make something with your own hands? Unique creations will be appreciated by the hosts-students. Funny things created by you will be remembered by the fact that they are unusual:

  • Hand knitted rugs, pillows and plaids
  • Interior decorations: pictures, panels, toys, dolls
  • Kopilka - a symbol of wealth, easy to make from any box.

Accessories for PCs

The modern student can't imagine studying without a computer or laptop. Why not give an original accessory that will always come in handy: a mouse pad, speakers, headphones

Setting the table together

Any student party implies that the company will gather a large, friendly:

  • Food. Cakes, sweets, pastries - will delight the owners and become a treat for guests
  • Dishes. It's likely that your student friends have invited a lot of guests, so you'll need a lot of tableware, too. Why not come with an inexpensive table setting set that will come in handy at a housewarming party and serve in the future.
  • Chairs, stools. Students always have a lot of guests who need to be seated. Now it is not difficult to buy compact, often easily foldable pieces of furniture. They do not take up much space on weekdays and help to welcome guests with dignity during the holidays.


Student time is a time for fun. A housewarming party is a great excuse to give a humorous gift:

  • A broom. Alternatively, a broom. A traditional gift to the house: symbolizes wealth. Presented in a humorous form, will delight guests, and then long serve in the household.
  • Statuette of a cat. The custom of letting a cat into a new home is known to all. Why not present a symbolic image of this animal.
  • A wall newspaper. Everyone now has plenty of photos on their phone that capture different moments in life. It's easy to print them out. And to make a photo collage on a sheet of Watman will help your imagination. You can leave blank spaces for the wishes of other guests.

The newlyweds .

It's great if the wedding coincides with a housewarming party. The beginning of family life with the arrangement of the home will unite and strengthen the relationship in the young family. Most gifts have already been given at the wedding reception. What else can you please the couple and present a useful thing in family life?

  • Family crest. If you know the couple well, you can come up with a family crest, including elements that bind the spouses: a common last name, motto, pictures indicating the profession or hobbies. Any advertising agency will help to make it.
  • A set of tools for repairs. Not a bad set, allowing the young husband to show himself as a master
  • A gift cookbook. The newlyweds probably received a set of dishes at their wedding, and a good book of recipes will help a young wife to prove herself as a hostess. Not bad, if it is beautifully decorated gift book, in the future it can become a family heirloom, passing from generation to generation. This can be a homemade version. Fill the first pages with recipes, photos of dishes, and then the young hostess will continue to keep it.

Housewarming on a private property

Newlyweds happy occupants of their own cottage, mansion, hut? Surely now there is a plot of land, there will be a flower garden, a recreation area. It is appropriate to make a gift for a housewarming party in a private home in the form of something that will help to equip exactly the adjacent territory:

  • Sculpture. Garden sculptures can be selected with a hint of the owners themselves: reflect the profession, hobbies.
  • Live trees. The variety of varieties and species available allows you to buy a tree in a vase, their location can be changed, and for planting. The process itself can be played as a ritual "plant a tree".
  • Items for the barbecue area. For sure, an outdoor seating area is assumed. Let it is not yet equipped, but that does not prevent you from presenting items that will fill it: an oven, a charcoal grill, a pile.
  • Swing. Outdoor recreation is always associated with swings. Now there is such a variety of models that it will not be difficult to please the newcomers.

It would seem that with the variety of products these days, it is not so difficult to choose a gift. But to make it at the same time useful, unusual, memorable, you will need to beat your brains out. But the joy of receiving a presentation will be your best reward.

Photos of interesting housewarming gifts

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