Pieces of vegetables in the form of animal figures, bouquets, vehicles and cartoon characters - master classes for children and beginners

Autumn is the time of ripening harvests. And, of course, it is the beginning of the school year. After September 1, the next school holiday is the Fall Festival. Mothers of schoolchildren and preschoolers are racking their brains, what to surprise teachers and educators?

In fact, the options for products from the gifts of autumn are so diverse that sometimes you do not know what to choose. This article offers options for both schoolchildren and preschoolers.

There is nothing complicated about making crafts out of fruits and vegetables on your own. The basic principle, it is to interlock the parts with each other using toothpicks, similar to the assembly of a construction set.


Bouquet of vegetables

Vegetables can make a very beautiful bouquet. You just need to take the initiative and trust the flight of fancy.


Chamomile bouquet of gifts of autumn is easy to make, and looks very beautiful. For the work prepare:

  • Several green radishes or radish Daikon (you can radish).
  • Raw carrot.
  • A larger fruit for the base(patisson, pumpkin, broccoli).
  • Wooden skewers.

Follow these steps to make the bouquet:

  • Peel the radish and cut into circles, about 5 millimeters wide. Using a knife, carefully cut out the petals, leaving the middle untouched. According to this algorithm, create the required number of daisies. Peel the carrot, cut its sides to a diameter to make the middle for the daisy.
  • Cut the carrot the same way across, 2 millimeters wide. Now string the flower on a skewer, then the middle. If you have large daisies, instead of skewers, use orange sticks, which are used for manicures.
  • Choose an option for the stand. For example, if you opted for a pâtisson, cut it in half, stick daisy sticks in the half without the tail. Disguise the space between the sticks with leaves or carrot tops. Any schoolboy can make such a bouquet.

Bouquet "All for tasty borscht".

You can assemble this bouquet with your child for kindergarten, and he will be able to direct the whole process himself. You need:

  • Cabbage.
  • Beets, potatoes.
  • Onion, garlic.
  • Carrots.
  • Beet.
  • Wooden skewers.
  • Scotch tape and scissors.
  • Decorative ribbon.
  • Stapler.
  • Packing paper.

When selecting fruit, take only beautiful, undamaged root vegetables. Wash and dry the fruits thoroughly. Peel the onion and garlic from the husk. Carrots are better to choose long, with intact tail. Cabbage is better to choose a smaller diameter.

When the components are ready, put them on wooden skewers. The beets can be put on two sticks at once, and the cabbage is better on four, for proper balance. Next, assemble the bouquet. The center will undoubtedly be the cabbage.

On the sides arrange the beets and fasten, for reliability, with scotch tape. Alternating root vegetables, add carrots and potatoes to the bouquet. Periodically fix the sticks with tape, this will not allow the bouquet to disintegrate. Now add onions and garlic to the composition.

The main part of the bouquet is ready, now it remains to wrap the bouquet. To do this, wrap the bouquet in wrapping paper and fasten the stem tightly. You can add sprigs of dill or feathers of green onions to it.

Using a stapler, attach decorative red bows to the paper. According to the same scheme, you can assemble a bouquet of fruit. This will be an original, delicious and, most importantly, useful gift.

"Mushroom meadow".

For the composition "Mushroom meadow" you will need:

  • Four tubers of potatoes.
  • One tomato (with a thick skin).
  • Dried leaves.
  • Toothpaste.

The most difficult thing about making this composition is to make mushrooms out of potatoes:

  • Take the tuber in your hand and visually divide it into a cap and a stem. Now gently gently cut a line, separating the cap, but not reaching the middle.
  • Now cut out the stem, the mushroom should come out in one piece. You have the white part and the brown cap, cut the leg flat, for stability. Raw potatoes turn black very quickly in the air, so boil the cut mushrooms a bit. In this form, the potatoes will retain their color.
  • In the same way, make two more mushrooms. Cut the tomato in half, take out the soft center. Form a column from the remaining tuber and put the tomato half on it.
  • Using toothpaste, mark white dots on the tomato. You get a fly swatter. On a tray or flat plate, arrange the leaves and herbs. You can add dried sprigs.
  • On one side, place three mushrooms from the potatoes, on the other side place the flycatcher. On the mushroom, you can fix a decorative ladybug or dragonfly. Mushroom meadow is ready.

Cucumber Arts and Crafts

Cucumbers can be used to make different compositions. They can be both complex and simple.


From such a vegetable as a cucumber, you can make a lot of unusual crafts. For example, a cactus. For this you will need:

  • Cucumbers (one large and one small).
  • A small pot.
  • Small pebbles.

Fill the pot with soil. Place a large cucumber in the soil. Divide the small cucumber in half obliquely. Secure the halves to the main cucumber, one at the top and one at the base.

Next, break the remaining toothpicks in half and stick them into the cucumbers with the point facing outward. The needles are ready. It only remains to decorate the soil in the pot with beautiful stones.


Cucumbers can be used to create such exotic fish as a shark. You will need two cucumbers, carrots and a sharp knife:

  • On the side of the tail, using a knife, cut a triangular piece to make a mouth. Don't make the angle of the cut too large, the angle should be about 45 degrees. On both sides of the fish torso mark the gills with longitudinal strips, two or three strips each.
  • On the back, make two cuts: one in the middle, one in the tail. Make the same incisions on the sides. From the second cucumber cut some strips of skin. Insert the strips into the back and cut at right angles. Make the main fin bigger and the tail fin smaller.
  • Then insert the side fins, but do not make them sharp, leave them rounded. At the opposite end of the cucumber, where the flower was, make an incision, and insert the tail fin. On the muzzle, just above the gills, cut two holes for the eyes.
  • From the carrot cut two circles and insert them into the holes for the eyes. Then cut off the carrot layer and insert it into the mouth. For a complete composition, fix the shark with toothpicks to half of a pâtisson or zucchini.
  • Cut strips of carrot and cucumber from the remnants of the carrot and cucumber in the form of seaweed and fix it on the pattissant. You get a shark on the seabed.

Animals from vegetables

Beautiful animal-shaped crafts from vegetables would be a great holiday gift. They can be made from different vegetables.

Eggplant penguin

To make a penguin, you will need:

  • Eggplant.
  • One carrot.
  • Sharp knife.
  • Plasticine.

Take a good quality eggplant of medium size with a green tail. Cut off the bottom to make the craft stand up. From the front of the vegetable, remove the skin from the bottom up, about 2/3 of the fruit. This will be the belly. Then remove the skin from the sides, but don't cut it off, these will be the wings.

From a piece of carrot cut out paws and a beak. Use paws to fix body. Use skewers to fix the beak. Use clay to form eyes and fix them on the body.

Stick a piece of carrot between the fruit and the wings, so the wings look away. To keep the cut spots from turning black, treat them with lemon juice or sprinkle with citric acid. You have a fun Antarctica resident.

Cauliflower Lamb

The structure of cauliflower is very reminiscent of a fluffy lamb. If you take this fruit as a basis, you can make a very cute lamb. For the product you will need:

  • Cauliflower
  • Two pumpkin seeds in the husk
  • Wooden skewers.
  • One fresh mushroom with a stalk
  • Two black berries

Cut the cap of the mushroom obliquely on one side so that it fits naturally to the cabbage. From the stem of the mushroom, using a knife, form a muzzle. Then, using a toothpick, secure the snout to the front of the cabbage.

Pumpkin seeds with the tip a little stick on the sides of the mushroom, under the cap. These are the ears of the lamb. Attach two black berries, where the eyes should be located. Also, you can make legs from the cabbage tops, then your lamb will be standing.

Hedgehog family

A hedgehog yourself can make even a small child. The most important element of the handicraft is, of course, the needles. For needles you can use toothpicks or matches.

Consider a simple example of the process of creating a handicraft, you can easily develop the topic and add something of your own. For hedgehogs, you will need:

  • Two medium-sized potatoes and one small potato.
  • A pack of toothpicks or a box of matches.
  • Doll eyes and plasticine.

On one side of the potato, use a knife to cut out the face. This should be done with all three potatoes. It is worth to boil potatoes until semi-cooked, this will preserve the color of the muzzle and will not allow the peeled side to darken. Then make needles by sticking toothpicks all over the surface of the vegetable.

Toothpicks poke chaotically, but not too often. Make nose with brown clay, eyes can be attached ready-made, or you can make them with clay and add them with toothpicks. The remaining two potatoes are decorated the same way. On a stand, place leaves and twigs.

Put a family: father, mother, son. On the needles can be attached berries, ranet (small apples). Mushrooms, molded from plasticine, perfectly decorate the needles of this merry family.

Hare from cabbage and carrots

To make the craft you will need:

  • A medium-sized cabbage cauliflower.
  • Carrots with tops.
  • Two large cucumbers.
  • Plasticine.

Separate two large whole leaves from the cauliflower by trimming them at the base. From the cut leaves, cut out the ears. To do this, from the base of the leaf, where the thicker vein is located, cut an ear the length of the entire vein, rounding off the ear at the end.

From the top of the leaf, make two notches and insert the ears. They should hang down slightly. Or you can bend one ear and leave the other one standing. Cut the cucumbers in half. Put the halves of one cucumber next to each other, skin side up, that will be the legs. Attach the cucumber to the legs, use toothpicks to do this.

Attach the other cucumber halves to the sides. These are the arms. Let one leg be down, and raise the other. Attach the carrot between the raised leg and the cucumber.

Now mold eyes and nose out of plasticine. Attach them with toothpicks. You can mold two teeth from white plasticine. Whole cabbage crafts will last a long time.

Elephant from beets

Autumn, it's time for vegetable crafts for kindergarten. Invite your child to make an unusual elephant. Beets are the best way to make an elephant. After all, thanks to its natural tail, the question of what to make the trunk disappears. You will need:

  • Several beets of different sizes.
  • Plasticine.

Wash and dry the vegetables thoroughly. Choose one beet for the torso. From the other beet, cut two round pieces for the ears. From the leftovers form the legs in the form of barrels. On the beet, which will be the head, make two notches and insert the ears. Attach plasticine eyes.

Secure the head to the body with toothpicks. Please note that the head should be attached to the side of the heads, so that the tail of the vegetable, literally performs the role of the tail.

Now place the elephant on its feet. The product is ready. You can decorate the elephant with a banana peel, just putting it to the feet of the figure.


At first glance it is hard to imagine how you can make a snail from the fruits of autumn? Indeed, this figure is not quite simple, especially since the basis of the product is not a small pumpkin. Therefore, this vegetable handicraft is best reserved for schoolchildren. You will need:

  • One flat pumpkin of medium size.
  • One zucchini.
  • Furry wire.
  • Plasticine.
  • Wooden sticks.
  • V-shaped cutter.

Place the pumpkin in front of you. Then, starting in the middle, use the cutter to cut a spiral toward the edges of the vegetable. Do the same thing on the other side. Now place the pumpkin upright.

Trim the zucchini so that the corner of the cut goes neatly under the pumpkin. Secure with toothpicks. From plasticine form the eyes. Secure on the zucchini. From shaggy wire twist horns and fasten them to the top of the zucchini.

Decorate the snail with round stones, placing them around the snail.


If you need to make a craft out of fall vegetables in a short time, opt for a dinosaur. You can improvise with the dinosaur in any way you want, using any available fruits and resources of your imagination. Let's take a look at one option. Prepare:

  • A medium sized patisson.
  • Zucchini.
  • Three sweet peppers (preferably with a spicy tip).
  • Small tomatoes.
  • Two cucumbers.
  • Plasticine.

Now we will make a head. Cut off a piece of zucchini from the peduncle, about 10 centimeters. Attach it to the center of the patisson. From the two peppers, carefully cut off the tail for a better grip on the pâtisson. Attach the peppers to the top of the pâtisson as horns. On the nose (zucchini) form a fang.

To do this, cut off half of the peppers and secure with toothpicks. Next, from the cucumbers cut four equal barrels and place the model on the legs. Using toothpicks, attach the patisson to the zucchini.

On the "waves" of the casserole to put tomatoes. Make eyes out of plasticine and attach them to the cauliflower. All of the vegetables in this product are interchangeable, so you can create a dinosaur from whatever you have on hand.

Zucchini Piglet

For the piggy you will need:

  • A medium sized zucchini.
  • A small sized zucchini.
  • Plasticine.

From a small zucchini, cut three circles, 5 millimeters wide. From two of the circles cut out the ears. From the remaining small zucchini cut out the legs. On top of the front of the zucchini make two cuts and insert ears.

Attach the remaining circle in front, this is the snout. Secure the large zucchini on the legs with toothpicks. From plasticine mold eyes and swirled tail. For the composition, place acorns and oak leaves around the pig.

Vegetable Transport

These crafts children can make on their own. Because they differ in simplicity. However, it is recommended not to leave them unattended, since children will have to work with a knife.

Steam Train

A steam train, from the gifts of autumn, is a whole composition. To create this composition you will need:

  • A long zucchini.
  • Carrot.
  • Knife.
  • Tomato, radish, potato.

Cut the zucchini into three equal parts. The first part, is the steamer itself. Cut off the top of this part, form an improvised cab out of this piece, joining the parts with toothpicks. From the other two pieces, take out the middles, leaving the sides untouched.

Peel and cut carrots into circles. Connect the parts of the steamer with toothpicks. On the sides attach circles of carrots. These are the wheels of the locomotive. In the resulting wagons put the remaining vegetables. To complete the composition, draw the rails on a piece of paper and put the train on them.

The airplane .

For the airplane you will need:

  • Zucchini.
  • Carrots.
  • Toothpicks.

Cut two notches in the zucchini that will be the body of the airplane, the width of the second zucchini. Cut the second zucchini in half and place in the notches. Secure the wings on each side to each other with toothpicks.

Cut two circles from peeled carrots, and fasten at the bottom in front of the wings. This is the landing gear. Cut the propeller from the remaining carrots and attach with a toothpick to the nose of the airplane.

If desired, you can mold the windshield from plasticine.

Race car

For a vegetable race car you will need:

  • A long straight cucumber.
  • Carrots.
  • Steel screws.

From the middle of the cucumber you need to cut off the skin. A stall is cut into the resulting slice. In the front, in front of the stall, make a horizontal cut and insert there a plate cut from the cut rind. This will be the glass. Place the remaining scraps on the sides of the car and vertically on the tail.

Carrots need to be cut into circles and attached to the sides with toothpicks. Two screws need to be inserted in the front of the car as headlights. Distribute the rest vertically in the back. In the car you can put a Lego constructor man.

Cartoon characters of vegetables

If your child has a favorite cartoon character, you can make such a craft together with him. It will not only help to pass the time, but also give your child a lot of joy.

Minion .

Many people will wonder how to make a cartoon character craft from vegetables? Here is one of the variations. The shape of zucchini is very reminiscent of the characters of the cartoon "Ugly Me". To create a minion, take:

  • Yellow zucchini.
  • Acrylic paint or gouache.
  • Black terry wire.

Cut off the bottom of the zucchini for stability. Pick up a picture online to sketch the appearance of the minion on the zucchini. Redraw the character's pants, color. Draw an eye and attach pieces of wire (hair) to the top of the head.

For a complete ensemble, you can add a purple villain. To do this, pick a smaller zucchini, or not a large pumpkin, color it purple, draw eyes and sharp teeth. Make hair out of blue or purple threads.

To do this, wrap the thread loosely around your hand, tie it on one side and cut it on the other. Spread it out and attach it to the top of the villain using a bobby pin. The resulting duo is fashionable and very unusual.

You can make many different crafts from vegetables. Come up with your own or get inspiration from the expanses of the Internet. Autumn undoubtedly gives a lot of material for creativity. You only need to turn on your imagination and give free rein to your imagination.

Pictures of children's crafts from vegetables

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