Handmade crafts of fruit - easy master classes for children and novice craftsmen

According to reviews, the most unusual handicrafts can be attributed to the creativity of fruits and vegetables. Work with these elements will bring pleasure not only to the child, but also to his parents.

Such compositions are usually performed in the fall for competitions in preschool and school institutions. As for the holiday, especially children's, there is also no need to do without fruit, which can be served in the form of interesting compositions, absolutely on different subjects.

This article will tell you how to make a unique composition from fruits and vegetables, which will be a great addition not only to the festive table, but also a reason to spend time with your child.


Apple caterpillar

This handicraft is an ideal option as a creative work for competitions in children's educational institutions. It can be made to a preschooler together with parents, and the elementary schoolboy quite cope with it himself.

To create the composition you will need the usual fruits and vegetables, of which there is a lot in the fall and they are always on hand.

So, to perform the work you need:

  • 5 apples or more (all depends on the length of the caterpillar);
  • 1 small carrot;
  • Toothpicks or household matches;
  • A bunch of red mountain ash;
  • Grapes;
  • Leaves;
  • The basis for the craft or kitchen plate;
  • Ready-made eyes from the department of atelier or homemade from cardboard;
  • Thread with a needle.

Getting the job done:

  1. First take the basis for the caterpillar. This can be a box from the candy, lined with autumn leaves or ordinary plate, but only a large size. Here everything is up to the wishes of the master. Then, using toothpicks fasten 4 or more apples - this will be the body of the caterpillar;
  2. Next, take a carrot, cutting it into small circles and attaching on both sides of the apple, using a toothpick. This will be paws of the caterpillar. After that, proceed to work with the face. To do this, take an apple, making his eyes, using ready-made products or handmade crafts from cardboard. The nose is made with a grape, attached with a toothpick. You can also make horns for the animal with grapes;
  3. Connect the head and torso of the caterpillar. The head is attached vertically to its body. The handicraft is ready!
  4. If desired, the apple caterpillar is decorated with rowan beads. Here you can connect any fantasy ideas. An excellent result in any case is guaranteed.

Fruit hedgehog

This composition is more suitable for a children's holiday. The performance of the fruit hedgehog will not take much time, but the result will delight the little birthday boy.

To create a delicious craft we will need:

  • Avocado;
  • Banana;
  • Orange;
  • Lemon juice if desired;
  • Pumpkin seeds some;
  • 2 cloves;
  • A handful of raisins;
  • Toothpicks.


  1. First, a nice holiday dish is chosen to arrange the hedgehog of fruit. Then peel all the fruit (except the lemon), and remove the avocado's pit. Arrange the avocado on the dish, attaching pumpkin seeds to it in the area of the tail and legs;
  2. Make a spout with raisins, also use dried grapes or cloves for eyes. Cut the orange and banana into the necessary pieces. Using toothpicks with a banana and an orange strung on them, make fruit needles for the hedgehog;
  3. Before serving, it is recommended to sprinkle the handicraft with lemon juice (to preserve the color of the fruit). The work of creating a fruit hedgehog is done.

A kiwi koala

This is one of the simplest fruit crafts. For its implementation requires a minimum of products and time.

What is needed for the craft:

  • 2 kiwis;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Black pepper or cloves.

Making the composition:

  1. Take one of the kiwis, cutting it in half. One of the halves will be the body of the koala. Their other cut out the ears of the animal and a stick of his favorite eucalyptus;
  2. Proceed to create the head. Attach ears to it with toothpicks and insert peppercorns or cloves in place of the eyes of the animal. Connect the half to the head with a toothpick;
  3. Carefully cut out the hands and feet animal. Koala out of kiwi, ready!

Fruity owl

This fruit composition will be of interest to parents whose children refuse fruit food. But by offering fruit in an original way, you can easily solve this problem.

The necessary food set:

  • Banana;
  • Apples 2 pcs. green and red;
  • Sweet straws (cookies);
  • Chocolate balls.

Creating a fruit owl:

  1. First, the necessary products are prepared. Apples are washed, removing the seeds. Banana is freed from the skin;
  2. Cut the green apple into two even halves. One part will be the body of the owl, the second is suitable for the head and ears;
  3. From the red apple cut out the nose and wings of the bird. From a banana - the eyes;
  4. Connect all parts of the composition on a plate. Insert chocolate balls in the eyes of the owl, and set it on a twig of sweet straw. The composition is ready for little fidgeters to sample!

Watermelon frog

This is one of the types of crafts where fruit is used and is perfect for the kindergarten contest.

Products needed:

  • Watermelon;
  • Grapes;
  • Lime.

Additional Appliances:

  • Toothpicks;
  • Large round plate;
  • Pen;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Cutlery spoon.


  1. First, make a marking on the watermelon with a pen to cut out the frog's mouth. Then cut along the marked line, removing the pulp with seeds from the fruit (carefully with a tablespoon), washing and drying the watermelon;
  2. Using toothpicks make surprised frog eyes. By stringing lemon halves on toothpicks, and inserting them into the top of the watermelon. A little farther away from the lime, attach the grapes. These will be the pupils of the animal;
  3. From the cut out part of the watermelon make the paws of the frog. The composition is ready!

Lemon mouse

The handicraft is characterized by simplicity of execution. Perfect as a table decoration for New Year's Eve, as a symbol of the coming year - the Year of the Mouse. And also it will supplement any design of a festive table.

Will wow everyone with its cute look and will fit in well as an element to celebrate a fun celebration.

Needed to work:

  • Lemon;
  • 2 peppercorns of black pepper;
  • A sprig of greenery.

Doing the job:

  1. First take a lemon, cutting off a little of its bottom with a sharp knife. From the cut element make the tail and ears of the animal;
  2. Then, in place of the eyes, black pepper is inserted. The whiskers are made from sprigs of greenery. To do this, slightly incise the place under the antennae with a knife, inserting there sprigs. Also do with the tail and ears of the animal;
  3. The easiest model mouse is ready!

Fish out of an orange

The original orange crafts will decorate any child's party. Her performance will not take much time and effort.


  • Orange;
  • Carrot;
  • 2 raisins and cloves each.


  • Chopping board;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Toothpicks.

Creation of the handicraft:

  1. From carrots, cut out details for the fins of the fish, as well as the eyes for it. Use a sharp knife to cut out the mouth of the fish;
  2. Use a toothpick (half of it) to make the eyes of the fish, connecting the circles of carrots, raisins and cloves;
  3. Next, cut a little orange in the part where the fins will be. Insert their blanks into the incision. The handicraft is ready!

Parrot from a pineapple

Another original example from a tropical fruit is a composition of a parrot from a pineapple.

It will decorate any celebration, becoming a highlight of the festive feast.

What's needed:

  • Fresh pineapple (with green top);
  • Carrots;
  • Regular and Thai knife (the latter optional);
  • Scissors;
  • Toothpicks;
  • A couple peas of black pepper.

Getting the job done:

  1. First, cut off the top of the pineapple, leaving some of the fruit on it. Cut off the peel from the top in a circle. The result is a small cylinder. Give it the shape of a head;
  2. Then cut off almost all the greens, leaving the longest leaves. Take a Thai knife, cutting the greens from one half (you can use a regular knife). From the cut greens select two beautiful leaves for the bird's wings;
  3. Carrots are used to make the bird's crest and nose. Assemble the head of the parrot, using also peas as eyes. Attach all parts of the head with toothpicks;
  4. Using a knife, make a small incision in the cut sheet part, inserting there the blanks for the wings. Fruit parrot ready!

Crafts from a banana

This fruit is not only a source of many vitamins, but it can also be used to make a bunch of easy crafts that are ideal for the daily diet of a child, without any damage to the family budget.

So, what can be made from a banana? The following compositions are ideal from this fruit:

  • Cute dogs, which all children can make;
  • The inhabitants of the sea - friendly dolphins;
  • Bananas in bandanas are ideal for a party;
  • Banana fruit on skewers. Will decorate the party of a little princess;
  • The original banana snail. Decorate any celebration.


This is one of the crafts made with the help of a banana. The cute dachshund is suitable for your child's daily diet, as well as for a fun birthday party.

Products needed:

  • A banana 2 pcs;
  • A couple peas of black pepper;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Black marker.

Making the craft:

  1. At the banana cut off a part of about 3 cm. Mark the lines for the front and back legs with a marker on the remainder. Cut them out carefully, inserting next to the feet on a toothpick (for stability);
  2. Use a second banana, cutting it in half and peeling one of them from the pulp. Take this part of the fruit, on both sides of his mark lines for ears. Carefully cut out the ears, bending them slightly to the side. Peas are inserted in place of the eyes;
  3. Using toothpicks fasten the body and head of the doggie. Once again, check the craft for stability. All work is done!


A very simple and quick composition of a delicious banana and grapes.

Required Elements:

  • Banana;
  • A couple of carnations;
  • A sharp knife;
  • Grapes.


  1. A banana is cut into two halves, taking the part of the fruit with the tail. At the point of the tail, cut through the mouth with a sharp knife slightly at an angle. Make small incisions for the eyes of the dolphin, inserting a carnation there;
  2. Set the composition on a dish, inserting a grape into the dolphin's mouth. Everything is ready! If you want, you can make a lot of these dolphins, which are great to decorate any celebration.

Fruit bouquet

Fruit bouquets are an original gift, both for children and for girls and adult women. Also such a bouquet is ideal as a gift to your favorite teacher. After all, not everyone likes piles of flowers, and some may be allergic to them. This once again confirms the usefulness of this pleasant and delicious surprise.

What fruits are suitable for the bouquet? Almost all the variety of fruits are used for this composition. And the gift can be made perfect, given the food preferences of the person to whom the bouquet is intended.

Fruit and vegetable compositions are a universal solution, both for children's contests and for children's or adults' celebrations. The handicrafts are made in a minimum of time and cost almost nothing.

Photo of fruit crafts

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