Pasta crafts for the interior and children's school and kindergarten - photos of original ideas for volumetric and flat products

Pasta is an interesting and accessible material for crafts. The industry does not stand still and on store shelves you will already find not only classic spaghetti, spirals and shells, but also stars, wheels, bows.

Pasta is always on hand or within walking distance. They are safe, inexpensive and there are plenty of them in a package. Children's macaroni crafts are a great way to please family and friends.


How and what to join pasta

There are many options for how and what to connect the parts of the future creation. It is important to think in advance what kind of handicraft you want to make, as the glue for making a panel and a topiary is different.

  1. PVA glue is more often used for crafts on a flat surface, such as panels, cards, frames or caskets. It is worth noting that it is better to choose glue in construction stores. Those that are sold in stationery stores do not always glue paper, not to mention pasta.
  2. Plasticine. Good for children's crafts, as it is easy to use and always on hand, but not durable.
  3. Double-sided tape. Used for appliques, panels and frames.
  4. Hot glue. The most common method of attachment. Simple, reliable and widely available. Glue cartridges are available in different colors. The hot glue gun can be used even by children under the supervision of their parents.
  5. Glue moment. It is better to choose the moment gel, after hardening, the residue easily rolls away, leaving no trace. It is not recommended to use in the work with very young children.

Dyeing macaroni for crafts

Macaroni can be painted in different colors. By hand, or make a lot of preparations of one color in advance.

By hand it is better to paint an already finished workpiece, so it will immediately be clear where in what color, as well as there will be no need to get your hands dirty. For this purpose, acrylic paints, sold in stores of creativity, are suitable.

They are safe, easily washed off hands and work surfaces. You can use leftover paint from the sets of paintings by number.

To get many parts in one color, use cans of paint or food coloring. In this case, do not entrust this work to children.

It is convenient to use food coloring to color pasta in a cellophane bag. To do this, put them in a bag and pour the dye on top, tie it up and mix the contents thoroughly. Then lay them out and let them dry.

If using a spray can, spread the pasta evenly on a cardboard or surface that you don't mind getting dirty. Paint, on one side, and let dry. Then turn it over and repeat the process. Spray can paint the finished product.

Pasta crafts for children

Here are a few master classes on pasta crafts for children. When working with the fingers, fine motor skills are developed. Which directly affects the development of speech of the child, as well as the quality of his life (will be able to fasten buttons, tie shoelaces).

Hedgehog on a stand

You will need:

  1. Spiral pasta or spaghetti for needles (you will need to break the spaghetti to the right length).
  2. Shells or other flat small macaroni for the muzzle.
  3. Plasticine or salt dough.
  4. Beads, buckwheat, or decorative eyes.
  5. Blackboard, oilcloth, or worksheet.
  6. Sequins to decorate the hedgehog (flowers or leaves, but you can do without them).
  7. A hot air gun or torque gel.
  8. Spray can of silver or gold paint.
  9. A support for the creation (a napkin, a lid from a can or a piece of thick cardboard).

Cover your work surface with oilcloth. Form a ball of plasticine of the desired size, and from it a drop (you can use leftovers of different colors, it will not be visible). This is the body of the hedgehog.

Step back from the sharp end a small distance (1-2 cm) for a muzzle and begin to insert spirals or spaghetti in rows. When the needles are ready, tightly stack the flat macaroni of the hedgehog's muzzle.

Paint the handicraft from a spray can and let dry. Hedgehog ready. It remains to decorate. Use a glue gun to glue the eyes, bead nose and sequins on the needles. Sit the hedgehog on a stand.

A lion on a card

You will need:

  1. Spiral pasta or spaghetti.
  2. Heavy cardboard for the base.
  3. Heavy cardboard for the background (color - whatever you like).
  4. Yellow corrugated or colored paper.
  5. White paper for eyes.
  6. A board, oilcloth or piece of paper for the workspace.
  7. Thin black marker or black gel pen.
  8. Heat gun or torque gel.
  9. Pencil glue.
  10. Scissors.

In order to make the leva, follow these steps:

  • Cover the work surface with oilcloth. Cut out a round base of cardboard. You can take a piece of heavy cardboard, even from a box of chocolates, it will not be visible.
  • Cut the yellow corrugated paper into small squares. Using a glue stick, glue the pieces on a circle. Move from the edge to the center, imitating wool.
  • If you do not have corrugated paper at hand, take regular colored paper (cut out a yellow circle similar to the base and glue it on top).
  • Then, using a heat gun, glue the spirals in a circle. Do not forget, in the center, leave room for a muzzle.
  • Glue the eyes. Use a helium pen or sharpie to draw a nose and mouth. If a suitable paper for the eyes are not found, draw them.
  • So, the muzzle is ready. It remains to put the lion cub on a postcard or background card.

Applique .

Possible options for applications are limited only by your imagination. You can lay out flowers, animals, trees, and even cars. Do not fixate on pasta, additionally use cereals, plasticine, colored paper, pencils - anything you can find.

Such crafts are good from painted pasta or you can paint the finished work.

You will need:

  1. A sheet of colored cardboard (preferably bright) or thick paper.
  2. Pasta in different shapes.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. A pencil.

On a sheet of cardboard, mark out a basket with the eggs in it. Lay out the pasta along the outline. If necessary, paint and dry the individual pasta pieces. Glue the appliqué elements in the desired order. And then paint, if not done earlier.

Such a handicraft is good for Easter in kindergarten or school, as well as a holiday decoration.

Decorative vase from a bottle

The vase is a versatile element of decor and a creative gift.

You will need:

  1. A bottle or jar (the more interesting the bottle, the better).
  2. Pasta of different shapes.
  3. A hot air gun.
  4. Paint cans.

Remove any stickers from the bottle. Wash and dry it well. Next, there are two options:

  1. You paint the bottle and pasta in different colors and then assemble the composition.
  2. You first assemble the composition and then paint everything in the same color.

The size of the macarons should be chosen according to the size of the vase. If the bottle is small, you should not use macaroni that are too large.

Each new row, a new pasta shape.

Allow the glue to set as you glue. Progress methodically from bottom to top. Before painting, dry the handicraft if you chose option 2.

A macaroni noodle box

All children and adults love to hide their treasures in chests and boxes. Make your own unique storage space.

You will need:

  1. A base for the box (cardboard, wooden or plastic box).
  2. Pasta in different shapes.
  3. Heat gun.
  4. Decorative elements as desired (beads, sequins).
  5. Acrylic paint, or spray paint.

Prepare the base. Pre-paint or glue the box inside. Paint the outside of the box or do it at the end of the job.

On the side walls, stack macaroni in rows, similar to the previous master class.

On the lid of the box, you can make an applique, a pattern, unwind from the center of the spiral or lay out in rows like the rest of the craft. Allow to dry before use.

Decorative panel made of macaroni

The panel differs from the applique by the presence of the frame and the absence of painted elements. It is a more serious and painstaking work.

Additionally in the work can be used cereals and nuts. When making crafts from small grits and pasta, use double-sided tape. For macaroni and large decorative elements, it is better to use a heat gun or moment gel.

Topiary with Pasta

A topiary is a handmade decorative tree. It is essentially a craft consisting of a ball and macaroni.

You will need:

  1. A ball base made of foam, ball, papier-mache or assembly foam.
  2. A stick or branch. You can use sushi sticks.
  3. A small flower pot (preferably ceramic) or cup (even a cracked one can be used).
  4. Various shapes of pasta.
  5. Spray can paint.
  6. A hot air gun.
  7. Decorative Items.
  8. Gypsum, cement or tile adhesive.

Styrofoam base can be found in stores for creativity. You can make your own out of newspapers. To do this, form a dense ball of newspaper. Wrap it with thread and glue it well to make it hard. Cover it with paper tape.

Glue the macaroni tightly onto the prepared base so that there are no empty spaces. Paint from a spray can with silver or gold paint. Allow to dry.

For the trunk use a branch. It should be washed and dried beforehand, it is advisable to remove the bark and cover it with stain. Or use sushi sticks glued together (wrap them with string or thread).

Attach the trunk to the base of the pot with hot glue, fill with cement and let dry. Instead of cement, you can use small stones. Don't spare the glue between layers to strengthen the base.

Connect the branch and the base ball. Additionally, decorate the topiary with braid, ribbons or beads.

Christmas Wreath

A traditional Christmas attribute that will decorate your home.

You will need:

  1. Bagel base (made of Styrofoam, cardboard or plywood).
  2. Pasta of different shapes.
  3. Heat gun.
  4. Ribbons for decoration.
  5. Spray can with gold or silver paint.

The process of making:

  • Styrofoam base for the wreath can be found in craft stores. You can cut it yourself from beer cardboard or plywood.
  • Fill the bagel with pasta, leaving no space. Keep the order or arrange it chaotically, as you prefer. Use cones, acorns or nuts if desired.
  • Glue each piece to the base. Allow the glue to harden. Paint the wreath in the color of your choice.
  • When the paint dries, tie a red or green ribbon around the wreath. Tie a bow on top and remember to tie a loop to hang it on a door, wall or window.

New Year's Eve crafts out of macaroni

In addition to Christmas wreaths for the new year, you can make snowflakes, garlands and Christmas decorations (can be in the form of angels, Christmas trees, animals or classic balls).

Even little kids can handle the garland. Simply string hollow macaroons on a ribbon or thick string. You can also use shapes without holes, then tie them to the base or glue them.

Snowflakes and Christmas decorations are more complicated and are suitable for older children.

Now youYou know how to make a pasta craft for any occasion. Pasta is a safe and inexpensive material for creativity. And the variety of forms well develops the imagination.

The main thing is that if your child accidentally swallows a pasta, nothing bad will happen. You will be able to have a pleasant and fun time with the family.

Photos of pasta crafts for children and adults

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