Pieces of wood with their own hands: easy master classes and fun photo ideas products for villas, gardens, children

Since ancient times, man has used trees for his needs: built houses, fortresses, ships, carts, used in the economy. Love for wood products does not diminish. Particularly popular are handicrafts made of wood sawn wood, which looks organic and at home and on the garden plot.

Space for imagination is huge, you only need to choose and prepare the right wood.


Preparation of material for handicrafts

Before proceeding to the selection of raw materials, it is desirable to decide what kind of product is planned to make. For crafts for the garden or school, "soft" wood is suitable: sawn pine, spruce, fir, larch.

Hard wood such as birch, beech, oak would be an excellent basis for interior decorations at home or at home.

For applied or decorative products, you can use raw or dried tree cuts.

Preparation Steps:

  1. Select a suitable log, branch, log. They can be both evenly shaped and with knots or outgrowths that give the finished product a unique pattern.
  2. Remove the bark and fix the log in a vise or other way for easy sawing.
  3. Cut the material crosswise using a hand saw or circular saw. For branches with a small diameter, a jigsaw or hacksaw will come in handy.
  4. Then immediately treated with a special compound that protects against rot and mildew, and sanded.
  5. To emphasize the wood texture or give the desired shade, you can treat the saw cut with a special impregnation.
  6. Varnish coating will increase the longevity of the product, will protect it from deterioration and rot.

Animals and birds out of wood files

Common and easy to make are figurines of animals and birds: hares, bears, cats, owls. They can settle in a suburban area or decorate the premises of the kindergarten. Such crafts can be made together with a child.

For example, to create an owl, you will need:

  • a branch for the perch;
  • 2 cuttings of different diameters, 20 and 14 cm;
  • workpieces for the eyes: 2 5-cm sections and 2 sections of 2 cm;
  • A sawtooth for the wings, divided in half.

The bark from the spokes can not be removed, which will give the figure a more natural look.

  1. First you need to glue a 20 cm circle of wood to the branch (the torso), then a 14 cm saw cut behind it (it will be the tail).
  2. At the top of the torso glue or nails attached blanks for the eyes - first large, then on top of them - small. Pupils can be made from buttons, beads, painted or burned.
  3. On the sides of the body to attach the wings of the sawtooth halves.

A similar pattern can make figurines of many animals and birds, experimenting with shape and size.

For crafts "bunny" of wood twigs are useful:

  • 2 large circles; 2 medium and 4 small;
  • halves of a circle or oval shape saws for the ears.

Make such crafts very easy:

  1. Take 2 of the largest circles, between which is fixed 1 middle circle on top - it's the head, and 1 middle saw cut at the back bottom - it's the tail.
  2. On the sides glued 2 small circles on each side. This paws.
  3. Ears are attached to the head from the halves of a spoke.
  4. Eyes can be drawn, burned, or made from buttons.

Crafts for children

Children love to work with wood: drawing, burning, gluing, drilling. In addition to animal figures, you can come up with a lot of children's crafts from sawn wood. So, an original gift for the New Year can be made of wood saws Christmas tree and Christmas decorations, snowmen, Christmas wreath.

For wooden Christmas tree decorations you need small-diameter cuttings. On them you can draw animal faces or a snowman, a Christmas story, write a wish. Make a hole with a drill and pass the string. The holiday decoration is ready!

It is not difficult to make a New Year's Eve beauty. It is enough to take a thin board of chipboard elongated triangular shape. Use glue to attach small or even tiny sawdust pieces, placing them so that the triangular shape is preserved, and there were no large voids.

Another option is to pour epoxy over the circles laid out on the base and leave it to dry completely. The Christmas tree can be placed on a pedestal made of a medium-sized sawtooth.

Taking 3 round blanks of different diameters, you can make a funny snowman. To do this, glue them to each other in ascending order. From two small branches make a cylinder.

The face and torso of the snow creature can be painted with acrylic paint or decorated. A broom made of thin twigs tied with twine or twine will add importance to the snowman.

For school or kindergarten, children can make crafts from sawdust on an autumn theme. For example:

  • Coasters or vases for small plants, bouquets of dried flowers;
  • a glade with a family of forest animals (hedgehogs, hares);
  • Autumn still life, when the gifts of autumn (cones, acorns, leaves, nuts, moss, bunches of mountain ash) are attached to the saw.

Handicrafts made of small pieces of wood and sawn wood are another option for children's creativity. By combining them, you can make figures of different volumes and shapes. For example, for animals, the body can be made from a small or medium-sized log. Twigs, sawn wood and small logs make a great little man.

Wood chips in the interior

The different-sized splits make excellent decorative items for home, office or cottage. This material will emphasize the eco-style of the room and give a feeling of unity with nature.

From wooden circles they make candleholders, key holders, lamps, table lamps, picture, photo or mirror frames, coasters for flowers and other things that has enough imagination.

Decorating mirrors and frames

For decorating picture frames or a mirror it is better to take medium and small-sized sawn wood:

  • To work on such a decoration, you will need thin plywood, on which the contours of the mirror or glass frame are outlined.
  • After that, a distance equal to the width on which the circles will be laid is indented from the contours. A mark is made.
  • The base of the frame for the mirror is cut out according to this mark. And the wall bar-holder is attached to it.
  • The resulting frame can be painted in a suitable color for the interior with special compounds that are resistant to moisture and temperature changes.
  • Now you can proceed directly to the decoration. On a base, smeared with a quick-drying glue or "liquid nails", are laid cuttings of various diameters.

The work will look more interesting if the circles are alternated or arranged in a certain pattern. If desired, you can cover the frame with varnish or leave it in its natural state.

The final point will be the mounting of the mirror or photo frame glass, which it is recommended to sit on "liquid nails".

Wall panel

A fashionable trend in interior decoration is wall panels. You can place it on the entire wall or decorate the headboard. A panel made of wood sawn wood is an excellent alternative to painted paintings and canvases.

To make it you need only wooden circles and your imagination!

The saws can be of the same or different diameters. Kinds of trees can also be combined. This will give the finished work its own zest.

If the panel is small, it is more convenient to create a frame of natural or imitation materials, and mount the sawn wood directly on the glue.

For "wooden paintings" of impressive size, it is enough to make a wall marking, on which the circles will be laid out. It is convenient to fasten them with glue or self-tapping screws.

Then the panel is covered with olive oil or varnish. Voids and gaps are painted or filled with clear epoxy or acrylic resin, and the screws are masked by wooden wedges, which are hammered over the metal and sanded.

The self-tapping screws can also be painted with a special metal paint in the desired "wood" shade.


Such an interior object as a clock should be in any home. To make the process of watching the time not only useful, but also aesthetically pleasing, a clock from a wooden sawtooth will help.

For this craft you will need:

  • A good wooden cut of round or unusual shape;
  • The hands and mechanism, which to take from the old "keepers of time";
  • a drill, a sander, a wood burning machine;
  • Acrylic paints and brushes.


  1. Sand the selected cut with a wood sander.
  2. Using a drill in the middle of the circle drill a hole for the arrows.
  3. Paint the sides of a spoke.
  4. Paint, burn or glue a dial.
  5. Paint the pattern on the piece (optional).
  6. Attach clock mechanism.
  7. Hang the clock on the wall by the metal loop, which is attached to the back side of the sawn wood.

Practical kitchen crafts

Using sawn wood in the kitchen is not only practical, but also useful. Wood helps to create comfort, which, as you know, begins in the kitchen, where the woman-owner of the home creates.

Products made of conifers will fill the house with their unique fragrance when heated. The best way to make kitchen utensils and cutting boards is from hardwoods.

To obtain such a board or mat can be taken as a large polished sawtooth, and make it out of twigs sawtooth, connected slats and nails.

For kitchen crafts can also include trays for food, plates for fruit and sweets, salt and pepper shakers, napkin holders, holders for paper towels.

Pieces of wood for the garden interior

Tree cuts will be a great decoration not only for the house, but also for the garden plot, adding to its elegance and originality. The main thing is to choose for crafts in the country house wood that does not have rot and traces of insect infestation. In this way, the decorations will last longer and the garden plants will not suffer!

From wooden cuttings you can build:

  • Floor vases for flowers or flowerbeds;
  • Landscape animal figurines;
  • bird feeder;
  • garden paths;
  • furniture (stools, tables, benches).

Flowerpot Vazon

This simple craft from birch sawn wood will delight the eye and decorate the garden plot on the envy of all the neighbors.

For such vases, wide saw cuts (40-50 cm) of healthy trees of soft species will be suitable.

Stages of work:

  1. From the edge of the cut mark a circle, departing at least 5-6 cm.
  2. The size of the piece is selected on the basis of the plants that are planned to be planted.
  3. Make holes with a drill and pour ammonium nitrate there. It will take up to several weeks to form a recess. Another option is to hollow, saw or burn the desired hole.
  4. Find a place for the bed, add fertile soil to it and transplant the plants.

Bird feeder

Living in a country house, one wants to be closer to nature. Bird calls in the morning - what is not a natural alarm clock. And for birds to visit more often, you need to make a bird feeder with treats.

An excellent material for such a craft is a birch tree. You can choose any shape for the "birds' canteen", the main thing is that its design should be safe for birds. For example, connect round sawtooths with sticks and knots.

Garden paths

Who as a child did not dream of going to a fairy tale by walking along a magic path? Now as adults, you can give this magic to your children! It is enough to lay out the garden paths with wood cuttings.

Properly laid circles of oak, beech, ash or other non-porous wood will decorate the garden landscape for many years:

  1. At the beginning of the work it is necessary to mark the boundaries of the future path.
  2. Select saw cuts of the right size, treat them with a special protective composition.
  3. Now you can proceed to dig a shallow ditch, on the bottom of which the film is paved, and crushed stone is poured. Everything is compacted, leveled and tamped.
  4. After that, sand is placed on the rubble and poured with water. And you can lay the selected cuts. For better fixation they are hammered with a hammer. If voids are formed, they are filled with soil or sand.

Garden furniture made of sawn wood.

Lunch at a sturdy wooden table or rest on a bench will fill you with vigor.

But if you can not buy on the dacha furniture made of solid wood, a great alternative is garden furniture made of wood chips. They can be used in the decoration of tables, chairs, stools, commodes, benches, arbors.

The most popular and easy to perform variant is a table. To decorate it, you need to do the following.

  1. Take an old table or chipped bearing part by yourself.
  2. On the sides of the table top to make additional sides.
  3. In this frame, lay out the sanded-off sawtooths.
  4. Fill the gaps between the circles with clear resin.
  5. Dry and sand the product.

Other furniture is decorated using a similar technology.

Wood chips are a safe and environmentally friendly material for creating crafts and decorative elements. And with proper use and processing it is also durable. Whatever idea you choose to implement, these gifts of nature will delight you and your guests. Use your imagination and create!

Photos of crafts for your home, garden and dacha

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