Stones crafts - photo ideas of homemade products for dacha, garden, vegetable garden, interior and children

Resting on a rocky beach, many laid out of flat pebbles interesting figures. In seaside regions there are always handicrafts from shell stones, and in landscape design unusual pergons and gabions invariably arouse the admiration of the tourist.

Many masterpieces of pebbles and stones can be repeated by yourself. The simple technique of drawing on a three-dimensional base is suggested for use with children at their leisure.


Gabions and fences

The easiest way to competently attach a whole pile of small stones is to fill with them shaped metal frames, cubes or entire fences made of mesh. Some stone figures look like real masterpieces.

The method of quickly building stone fences on elevations has been known since the Middle Ages. It was not always the time to create solid fortifications.

Wire partitions filled with stones looked like sturdy walls from a distance, they protected from arrows, spears and kernels from throwing weapons.

Good look modern compositions, where the outside of the pergons, and inside - intricate figures to decorate the garden plot. Decorative (painted) rubble is suitable for filling.

Flat pebbles and colored waste from natural stone production look even prettier inside metal "baskets."

  • white marble;
  • pink tuff;
  • colored quartz.

Modern stone figures and fence-pergolas impress with their design and sense of solidity. They can be made from steel wire connected by welding. Such a structure is inexpensive, but will last for 35-40 years until the wire mesh is overrun by rust.

Garden décor made of stones

Built from stones partitions, fences and stony alleys in a shady garden - the most accessible decoration in the landscape design, made with their own hands.

In addition, in the center of the composition suggests laying out a beautiful mosaic of flat stones of different colors - Indian, lizard, lion, or something else.

For children on a garden plot you can make a whole town of stones for the game. You can build a maze, stone stands for benches and a whole toy town with houses for gnomes.

Tiered flowerbeds with stone borders are the most popular décor at the cottage or country house. They can be supplemented with stone crafts for the garden or a cozy patio.

Mosaic decoration with stones of garden lawns - a great idea for fans of original objects in landscape design. For this purpose, you can use a cement base, to which they attach colored pebbles or decorate gray pebbles to your liking.

As an option - to construct a dry stream, made of stones and a broken jug.

Small artificial ponds and waterfalls have become a "classic" of landscape design. Here, too, does not do without the decorative laying of flat stones "shoreline".

Somewhere near the reservoir, under the leaves of decorative plants can lurk crocodile, angel, cat or frog of painted stones.

How to make a decoupage on stones

One of the most fascinating types of needlework is decoupage. The finished drawing is transferred to any hard surface and fixed. If done correctly, everyone will think you painted this masterpiece yourself.

On a stone with a smooth surface (it is possible to grind additionally) and cover with white acrylic paint on a stone degreased with acetone.

Then from a special cloth is separated from the part with a pattern and fixed on the surface of the pebbles. The napkin needs to be impregnated with PVA glue diluted with water in a 2:1 ratio (a wide brush is necessary).

The most laborious process is to properly apply the cloth on the stone without tearing, so as not to displace the image. When the glue dries, you can paint the picture on the pebbles with a transparent varnish - matte or glossy.

Stone carving

Stone crafts can be made as a pendant or keychain. This method is simple, but for it you need to have special equipment and know the rules of safety.

For work you will need an engraver with removable nozzles, which can work with stones. Cobblestones, granite and marble, different gems differ in hardness, so the nozzle is selected by experience.

When working also use grinding wheels and protective clothing - the hard dust can get into the eyes and respiratory organs, and injure the skin. Stone dust must be washed off, and the base must be completely dry before processing.

If desired, the engraved cells can be filled with colored or black enamel, and the surface can be varnished or sprayed with "gold" from an aerosol.

Goggles, gloves and a mask are worn before drilling on the prepared surface. It must be sanded and degreased.

Only then is the pattern to be engraved on the stone applied. A great idea for Valentine's Day or in memory of a summer vacation spent together, where colored pebbles were collected.

A panel of stones in the interior

Laying out a picture or panel on a solid base is the most common type of creativity when one wants to properly "fit" the collected pebbles. It can be used to make coasters for hot dishes or a rug in the form of feet for the bathroom.

Beautiful crafts from sea stones with their own hands will help to decorate the interior of the hallway, kitchen, bathroom or children's room. For lovers of aromatherapy - stone candlesticks.

The plot of the panel is suggested by the shape of pebbles. Sometimes you can find unique sea pebbles polished by sea water, which resemble quite recognizable objects.

For example, a horse's muzzle, an owl, or the torso of a crab, which remains to pick up the legs and claws, fixing them on a solid base.

Important: Stones can be laid out and glued to a sheet of colored paper or thin cardboard, but it will deform under the overall weight if placed vertically.

As a base it is better to take:

  • A suitable piece of wood;
  • A sheet of plywood;
  • a large format wood cut with a beautiful texture;
  • part of a wooden board prepared for creative transformation.

Owls are one of the "trendy" themes in modern needlework. They can be perched on a branch and painted a little - for verisimilitude.

"Cat-and-mouse", an aquarium, a "group portrait" of animals or an interesting plot drawing will look much more interesting than a simple image or a figure made of stones.

Frames for mirrors and photos made of colored pebbles

Among the most common ways to decorate interior items made of stones remains the laying out of frames.

You can decorate a photo on a stand with colored stones or perform the decoration in one color. A smooth ornamental stone or polished white marble pebbles look beautiful.

An old mirror in the bathroom, pasted with sea pebbles or seashells, brought from the vacation, will become the best reminder of a romantic vacation on the paradise islands. Such decor will modernize the bathroom in many interior styles.

Colored pebbles used for decorative frames can also be combined with other natural materials.

Memorable decor can be made of pebbles on which all the guests wrote short wishes to the birthday boy. Then these inscriptions on the pebbles are fixed on a pre-prepared frame to decorate the mirror in his room.

Clock faces for watches made of stones

You can find different uses for colored sea pebbles, which are a pity to throw away. They will remind you of a good time spent and instill a desire to return again to the same place of rest.

The stone dial does not have to be adjusted to the real clock. Let it be a makeshift decor for nostalgia, counting down the time until the next vacation.

Painting smooth rocks with children

Once upon a time, cats painted on rocks as if they were alive shocked the entire Internet. Some joked that it was the modern answer to prehistoric cave painting. Today, this type of art has become very popular - it is often taught to children.

Important! If it is difficult for a child to work with glue on a smooth base, you can make the task easier by suggesting laying stones in a flat candy box with a fixation on plasticine.

The most fertile subject is an aquarium. The easiest way to transform oblong pebbles into colored fish, and make aquatic plants from a small scattering.

It is desirable to help your child beautifully colored fishes, and such a panel will decorate the children's room or shared bathroom. This will inspire the child to develop creative skills.

If there are cats in the house that eat indoor flowers on the windowsill - no problem. Let's draw cacti and arrange them in pots in their former place.

The easiest way is to draw a bug or ladybug on an oblong pebble to leave in the grass outside the house.

Returning to the cottage, it will be a pleasure to find this original decor in your cozy patio. Only the paint should be indelible, or after making the ladybugs should be covered with a protective water-repellent varnish.

Useful tip: If there are not enough stones to make fine details, the panel can be supplemented with twigs, buttons, pieces of cork and wire.

The most talented people children draw the real masterpieces. Painted handicrafts of sea stones exhibited in museums, as samples of folk art.

It would seem that a smooth pebble with a pattern, but such drawings are often shown at international exhibitions, installed at major events.

Of course, it is not necessary to go into the arrangement of the Japanese garden of stones from 16 objects, where from any point you can see 15 stones, it is already a traditional art. But, using imagination, many stones can be given a chance to become a central accent in the design.

Something of the illustrative material from real artists is available for independent repetition. It is suggested to take an accessible master class as a basis.

Photo of easy stone crafts for beginners

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