Handmade crafts with twine: master classes for beginners, photo ideas, tips on working with the material

Handicrafts made of twine, based on natural thread, breathe natural nature and enchanting beauty. Seeming at first glance the opacity of cheap working material, widely used in trade and manufacturing, is deceptive.

Showing creative imagination, a kind of home decor you can make any room cozy and soulful, dramatically transforming the environment. This is especially true for the Russian folk, Indian, African style, as well as country and Provence.


Varieties of twine

There are several types of raw material of plant origin, represented by:

  1. Polypropylene strong type, which does not suffer from exposure to water.
  2. Hay-twine sample, less resistant to moisture, but varied in thickness and color parameters.
  3. Jute version, which has a smooth texture with a slight sheen.
  4. Linen thin, but solid version, which decorate small details.
  5. Cotton cotton variation which is waterproof and suitable for knitting patterns because of its malleability.
  6. Paper samples with a fine appearance, but capable of tearing when strongly stretched.

All modifications are attractive and help bring to life any ideas of twine crafts, looking baskets, boxes, toys, mats, coasters and other useful gadgets.

Methods of dyeing

The naturalness of the straw tint can be changed, the operation takes place immediately before the start of work, or the ready-made self-made item is dyed. Lighten jute will help whiteness (150 ml per liter of liquid). You will get a light beige or milky color.

For dyeing the bleached unwrapped twine suitable:

  • special compositions for fabric;
  • onion husk;
  • herringbone;
  • iodine;
  • coffee or tea solution.

It is not desirable to use food dyes, as they quickly come off and stain your hands. At the output model is painted with acrylic paint in cans of various shades.

Vases from twine

Similar masterpieces are recreated with glass vessels of unusual format, preliminarily removing labels from them. The manipulation begins at the bottom.

The twine is glued on silicone or PVA glue in a circle, reaching the throat, where the tip is fixed with glue to avoid hairiness and hidden under the last layer. The rows should be neat without gaps.

After drying, comes the long-awaited and exciting moment of decorating.

The twine and burlap handicrafts have an organic combination with many decorative elements:

  • satin ribbons;
  • lace;
  • coffee beans;
  • chestnuts;
  • buttons;
  • pebbles;
  • seashells.

The weaving does not necessarily take place over the whole object, it is done partially or halfway, following one's own vision. It is enough just to put the jar on a quadrangular piece of rough cloth and connect the corners at the neck with rope, folding them into an ornate shape, which also looks unconventional and advantageous.

Basket and casket made of twine

Baskets are necessary in the kitchen for storing bread, fruit, vegetables or kitchen little things. The simplest suggestion is to take a shoebox and braid it in a spiral, covering the bottom as well. A more specific method is to cut the sides into an odd number of strips, leaving an interval of 2 mm between them. Fixing the beginning of the thread with a stapler, braid the resulting lattice horizontally, passing through each strip up to the top. A fabric piece is placed inside, and the edges are decorated with lace ribbons.

You can go a different way. Wooden skewers are stuck into the sides of the cut cardboard box and act in a similar way. This technique will allow you to string additional decorations on the wood, diluting the layers with them.

Boxes are very popular, they can contain your favorite costume jewelry, sewing accessories. Having decided on a container, it is overturned, covered with cellophane and lay the ropes from the center in a circular motion. After drying, the template is taken out. The lid should be slightly larger in diameter, it is made in the same way, taking into account the sides. A cloth cylindrical bottom is glued to the bowl.

The patterned silhouette is made differently. The base is formed identically to the above case, and the sides are modeled with a chosen ornament or from separate figured segments using filigree technique.

Patterns are drawn on a piece of paper and inserted into a transparent file. Above repeats the pattern, placing the twine on the glue. The dried elements are separated and attached to the sides. The patterned model looks original, but it is not forbidden to enclose cardboard, glued with contrasting material, to ensure that it has a spectacular appearance.

Decorative panel made of twine

Exclusive accessories will become a colorful and expressive accent of the interior. Filigree method can be created:

  • birds,
  • a horse;
  • a funny sheep,
  • butterfly
  • owl;
  • floral arrangements.

It can be a wreath or a crescent, decorated with decorations, sunflowers, symbolizing prosperity. It is not difficult to make a delightful bunch of grapes. To do this, first collect a twine lattice grid and cover it with glue for hardness.

Leaves are cut from the cloth, strengthening them along the contour with twine and drawing the veins characteristic of leaf plates. Grapes are winded rounds on crumpled foil. The resulting fragments are attached to the base, achieving credibility of the image.

Topiary of twine

The money tree is reproduced by different methods. It can be glued ropes styrofoam ball with beads, flowers, bows, mounted in a wood saw or pot with alabaster.

Many masters go further, and make a topiary horseshoe. Having prepared a dense template in two copies, between them they fix a wire, passing into a trunk.

The wrapping begins on one side, moving on to the other, hiding the middle and descending to the trunk. To the design glued pennies and braid on the edges for decoration.


Body elegant cat is a bottle, rounded with string. Round head of foam plastic, also decorated with twine. Details connect and attach a wire tail. You can portray rounded paws with claws. Ears are triangles, eyes - beads. The finishing touch - is to tie a bow around his neck.

Artisans experiment, striving for realism, adding convex cheeks, antennae and other details.


The animal is a symbol of strength, patience, endurance, and wisdom. Master class crafts from the twine step by step:

  1. A silhouette is drawn on cardboard and transferred to foam rubber.
  2. The two parts are connected.
  3. Spiral glue paws, head and tail to the shell.
  4. Bottom treated in the same way.
  5. Form 10 spiral circles of a pair of threads, different colors.
  6. Glue them on the back in the following order: in the first row - 6, in the second - 3, one "snail" on top.
  7. Denote the eyes with glasses of wire.

Revive the turtle can add figures, for example, ladybug, dragonfly. Looks interesting candy turtle or a box. In this case, the body is constructed from a round box.

Crafts from twine and burlap

This alliance is particularly harmonious, the sack cloth, inserted in an embroidery frame, fixed on a solid base or stretched on a stretcher, becomes the background of the picture.

One can reproduce a spider on a thread web, an exotic bird or simply attach bright artificial or dried plants and berries. From mesh fabric create flower buds by cutting out petals or twisting roses from a folded cloth strip folded in half, and the stem is a wire wrapped in thread.

From the raw material it is easy to obtain:

  • a splendid dandelion;
  • mushroom;
  • cockerel;
  • a boat with sails;
  • bicycle;
  • Easter eggs;
  • a fancy lampshade;
  • an organizer for stationery.

Incredibly popular are dolls, amulets, which bring good luck to the house. Not complicated in the manufacture of a little house, whose body - a bag stuffed with filler and tied with string. Thread is pulled along its edges, forming a fringe of hair, and let it form a beard.

It remains to model the feet, wrapped with the same raw material, and the eyes, you can put on a cap on the character. Pads decorated with jute, carpets in the form of human footprints or laid out in various configurations look stylish.

New Year's crafts from twine

For the holiday, the dwelling can be decorated with a non-standard acorn garland, volumetric lights made from balloons, pasted with thread and blown off after drying, in which mysteriously flicker glowing lights. Plastic bottles will be useful for creating beautiful Christmas bells. You can hang a wreath on the door, decorated as desired.

A good theme is Christmas trees. The cardboard cone is covered with foil and braided with rope. After drying, the workpiece is fixed in the pot, giving a festive sound with shiny decorations. Rope snowflakes, hearts, stars, balls hang on a living Christmas tree.

Arts and crafts of burlap and jute twine provide endless opportunities for creativity not only for adults but also for children. They are full of positive energy, contribute to the development of imagination, aesthetic taste, train perseverance and add a fresh note to the interior.

Photos of twine crafts

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