How to make claws from a4 paper on fingers - creation instructions, photo ideas and tips

New Year's holidays are approaching, and already today we have to think not only about the Christmas tree, festive menu, gifts. It is very important to prepare masquerade costumes.

If in pre-schools priority is given to cute fairy tale characters, then in high school, in student groups, and even more so at corporate parties, you can often find unique characters - dragons, raptors, etc.

The costume of such objects will take on a special flavor if you analyze and apply in the creation of any detail. And claws (even made of paper) will come in handy.

To make them is absolutely no difficulty, but the created image will be remembered for a long time.


Paper claws

These crafts belong to one of the exciting types of crafts - origami.

This art of folding various shapes of paper came from the Ancient East. A distinctive feature is the creation of images without scissors and glue.

However, in creating a festive attribute, will sometimes have to deviate slightly from these rules. The occupation is interesting and subject to any age.

Any work process begins with its organization. Even a project as simple and inexpensive as paper claws requires some preparation.

What material is needed:

  • office paper - A4 format;
  • thin cardboard.

The choice of base depends on the goal. If the product is prepared for short-term use, it is better to use office paper. It is easier to fold and crease.

Thick paper requires skill, because it is quite difficult to work with. However, the product will last much longer.

What you will need for work:

  • a simple pencil;
  • an ordinary ruler;
  • scissors;
  • In case the folds need to be glued - glue;
  • Paints (you can use acrylic or gouache).

It is more convenient to work on a hard surface. It is very important to have enough space to create both small and long claws.

Methods for making claws

Origami technique involves several ways to create items.

The first way

The basis is a square, so be sure to cut off the extra centimeters in a rectangular sheet:

  1. The resulting square must be bent diagonally (in half).
  2. Then a good line to fix the fold (to spend it on a ruler). Unfold the sheet.
  3. Two sides of the square bend to the line obtained in the first paragraph.
  4. The resulting triangle, bend in half.
  5. In the resulting new figure with a pencil to mark the middle of the longest part of it. To the opposite peak to mark a line from the point marking the middle of the long side, and on it to bend the lower part of the part.
  6. It needs to carefully wrap both sides of the resulting triangle. A small piece of paper tucked inside the product.
  7. Spread it - claw ready.
  8. Repeat such manipulation nine more times to dress all fingers with these details of the costume.

The second way

Draw a triangle on a piece of paper - a template for further work. The length depends on the size of the manufactured claw.

Pay attention to its size. To do this, measure the circumference of the fingers. The resulting size is taken as a basis for the product.

At this stage it is necessary to decide on such an important point as the claws will be put on the fingers or glued to the gloves. But in any case, the size of the claws should correspond to the base.

And one more nuance - remember about the allowance (no more than 5 mm), so you can neatly glue the sides:

  1. Cut out the template and use it to draw the outlines on the cardboard.
  2. Cut a triangle, roll it into a cone. Sides glue. Leave until dry.
  3. The resulting piece cut into three parts diagonally.
  4. Insert each piece one into another. Parts are inserted in the same order as they were in whole.
  5. Insert at small angles. This is the only way to achieve an amazing effect. "Joints" are connected with glue.

If the claws are glued to the glove, the glue is applied to the inside of the craft.

If desired, the claws can be painted in the color corresponding to the costume.

The third option

In this case we need a square base:

  1. From a square (fold it in half) make a right triangle.
  2. The resulting triangle is again folded diagonally. The result is an isosceles triangle.
  3. From the top point again bend on the diagonal. The lower point must be between the lower sides.
  4. The triangle is placed in front of him so that his sharp end was on the left.
  5. From the top of the tip to the base to draw a line. It needs to roll up a smaller angle. All the folds should be lightly ironed with a hand or ruler. Last of these folds unfold.
  6. The resulting claw is easily put on a finger.
  7. Perform the product on all fingers.

The fourth method

This method is characterized by simplicity in performance, lack of any special skills and material costs:

  1. Prepare a square of paper.
  2. Create a triangle by folding the square in half.
  3. This triangle again fold in half. As a result of these actions are four squares, which should be cut along the lines of the fold. Each resulting square will be the basis for the creation of one claw.
  4. Again from the square to create a triangle. Fold carefully progladte. Unfold the triangle.
  5. To the middle of the square bend angle, located on the left of the fold line. This must be done so that the resulting side of the triangle was parallel to this line.
  6. Lower part of the bend in the opposite direction, thus forming an irregular triangle.
  7. Next should proceed as follows, to get another triangle. Towards the main line of the fold, the side that looks like a triangle, bend in the middle.
  8. Corner of the triangle on the right tuck into the pocket formed on the left side.
  9. All lines are thoroughly ironed fold and unbend the resulting claw.

Claws Wolverine

The way of creating these attributes is somewhat different both technically and with the set of materials.

We need to prepare:

  • A4 paper in the amount of six sheets;
  • scissors;
  • narrow tape;
  • Insulating tape.

Scrupulously following the instructions for making this product, you will get a great image.

The sequence of creating the Wolverine claw will be considered below

  • Place horizontally a sheet of paper, fold it in half. Clearly mark the line of the fold.
  • Unfold the sheet. The resulting two halves of the definition in relation to the performer as the upper and lower parts.
  • Bottom again bend into two halves.
  • Unfold the sheet. It clearly shows the two lines of folding.
  • The very bottom of the sheet fold in half again to the bottom of the fold. Then double-fold to the middle of the sheet.
  • Turn the sheet of paper top side down and repeat the procedure of the fourth item.
  • From the outer corner of the folded side to get a right triangle. Fold the corner to the middle. Do the same with the angle of the second side.
  • Turning the folds on both sides again, you get the part, similar to the tip of a spear.
  • Carefully ironed and then flatten the folds. On the upper lines of the fold to cut the edge of the paper.
  • Now do the following: bend the remaining edges and fold the sheet in half. Connect the lower and cut edges with tape. The third edge should be left intact.
  • The sharp end of the arrow, which turned out in the process, should be slightly rounded. Safety never got in the way. Such arrows (blanks) need three pieces.
  • Again we need to take the sheet (the same format - A4), the lower right corner slightly bend and twist into a tight tube. Work needed on the diagonal. The remaining tip to fasten with tape.
  • The edge of the resulting tube should be bent four times in the form of a shell. This figure resembling a snail, wrap it with tape for integrity. Also work out two more parts.
  • Fasten the three pieces to each other with tape or insulation tape. It is necessary to do it so that to hold them between fingers conveniently.
  • The resulting trident from the connected sticks should be connected to the arrows. Each arrow should be placed on the tube. Moreover, the cut edges should remain at the bottom.

All joints of the product parts are reinforced with scotch tape.

You can go to the carnival.

Types of paper claws

Origami technique allows you to expand the range of paper claws. It can be:

  • short or long claws;
  • Claws of a demon, lynx or dragon, a vampire;
  • Claws - easy origami, or more complicated in execution;
  • Claws worn on the fingers, or attached to the gloves.

Today's accessories market offers a wide range of claws of animals, which are "endowed with magical powers. It has long been believed that the power and spirit of an animal is concentrated at the tip of its claws. Such amulets bring good luck.

Let the hand-created crafts - origami claw animals also bring prosperity and happiness.

Photo ideas for creating origami claws of paper

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