Ice cream crafts with your own hands: original ideas for decoration with photo examples and instructions

Ice cream is a favorite cold dessert for many people. If a child loves this sweet, you can make a homemade in the form of this dessert together with him. Develop creative thinking, because you can endlessly experiment, and motor skills.

Toys in the form of food can also decorate a room or hang on the bag. A child can do a lot with a craft in the form of this dessert.

If the toy gets bored quickly, they can decorate the walls of the room, the ceiling or the bed or other furniture.


Needed materials and tools

  1. Colored paper or cardboard;
  2. Rope and needles for knitting;
  3. Plasticine;
  4. felt paper;
  5. Cotton batting;
  6. Sponge;
  7. Pompoms;
  8. Corrugated paper;
  9. Marker, felt-tip pen, colored pencil;
  10. Gouache, watercolor, paint;
  11. Fabric marker, fabric acrylic.

Ideas for ice cream crafts with their own hands

Sometimes it can be difficult to decide exactly how to decorate a handicraft and what to make it from. Therefore, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with this selection of ideas.


To create this toy need only paper of format A4. It is necessary to cut out a square shape from paper.

Steps to create an ice cream cup, from which you can take the stuffing out of the cup:

  1. Divide the square paper diagonally and unfold it;
  2. To the line that appeared on the diagonal, fold the left and right sides;
  3. Small triangle, which remained at the top, fold down and open the whole structure;
  4. Fold the sides again, but before that omit the triangle, and turn the figure. We have a cone;
  5. To make the stuffing itself, we take a square piece of paper;
  6. Fold in half twice, to determine the center;
  7. Fold all corners to the center;
  8. Fold the corners, creating a semblance of a circle;
  9. It remains to put the filling in the carob, and done. Origami dessert ready!

There is a way in which you need only one, square, leaf:

  1. Fold the paper diagonally;
  2. Fold the opposite corners and direct to the line. You get two different triangles;
  3. Postpone the corners outward and turn the paper.
  4. The sides of the bend inward toward the line and fold the side corners;
  5. Lower the triangle and make two folds on it;
  6. Using a marker or marker pen, pencil add texture to the cone.

Paper popsicle

You only need paper (white or colored), scissors and, if desired, paints and an ice cream stick:

  • You need to fold a piece of paper in half.
  • Draw a popsicle and cut out along the contour.
  • You can take paint, colored pencils, watercolor and paint a cold dessert.
  • The last action is to glue the halves so that between them there is a stick.
  • To make the popsicle more beautiful, you can cut out patterns from paper and glue them on.

If you have some colored thread, cut it into small pieces and glue it to the base of the dessert. It turns out a beautiful and voluminous sprinkle, which is very pleasant to touch.

Crocheted ice cream

You will need hooks, crochet ropes (multicolored, among which there is brown or orange) and schemes. This way of creating sweet food is the most difficult. The child can help decorate. Beads will be good for decorating.

With the help of knitting, you can create a popsicle, a cup or a cone. The size of the toy is limited only by the amount of thread and the child's desire.

Cardboard ice cream

For the simplest method, you will need cardboard, scissors and glue:

  • From colored cardboard (or from white, later you can color) you need to cut out a triangle, a few circles of different colors.
  • Next, you need to take another sheet of paper or cardboard and glue the cut out shapes in the shape of a horn.
  • Triangle - carob, and circles - balls of ice cream.
  • You can experiment with your child and decorate the ice cream. Cut the paper into pieces, in the shape of sprinkles.

You can also make popsicles, or a cup:

  • For popsicles, you need to cut out cardboard in the shape of a stick (a greatly elongated oval).
  • And you need to cut two rectangles with rounded edges. Glue the rectangles so that the stick remains between them.
  • To make a popsicle cup, simply cut out a semicircle and two rectangles that extend to one side.
  • Glue the rectangles so that the semicircle stays between them, but most of the way out.
  • Unnecessary string can be cut into many small pieces and glued to the base of the dessert as a sprinkle.

Plasticine Ice Cream.

Also a simple way to create a toy, for which you need only plasticine and a toothpick. You need to make balls of different colors and lengthen one side to make an elongated oval, which tapers to a point:

  • From a piece of orange plasticine you need to mold a cone. Square or diamond-shaped. Use a toothpick to create texture on the cone.
  • An elongated oval must be twisted into a spiral so that the thin part goes up.
  • You can decorate the ice cream with sprinkles of small balls.
  • If you prefer ice cream cups or popsicles, make them.
  • To create a cup, you can mold plasticine in the form of a cup or a solid rectangle. In the first case, to create an ice cream, you need to mold a circle, and in the second case, a semi-circle will be enough.
  • From small pieces of clay, you can create a sprinkle or a pattern of the cup.

To make a popsicle, you need to mold plasticine in the form of an elongated oval or rectangle with rounded edges. A popsicle stick made of plasticine will not hold ice cream, it is better to take a wooden stick.

Braided popsicles with colored rubber bands

Small rubber bands, which are usually used for bracelets, can be used to make ice cream. To weave a very small ice cream need plaiting machine, hook, colored rubber bands, 7 of which are orange.

Following the scheme, you need to arrange an elastic band on a loom. Throw them on top of each other in the right way, and at the end carefully remove. Painstaking work that requires a lot of attention and care.

Attach the finished rubber band ice cream to a bracelet or use as a keychain for a child's school bag.

Ice cream out of felt paper

For this craft you will need felt (several colors, one of which is brown or orange), half beads (multicolored, two of which are black), thread in the color of the felt, absorbent cotton, and a heat gun:

  • On paper, you need to draw a triangle with rounded corners and half a circle. Place the cut out shapes on the felt and cut out along the contour. Each figure should be cut out twice.
  • Next, we sew two triangles together around the edges and create a pocket, leaving the widest part is not sewn. Also sew two semicircles together, leaving room for stuffing.
  • We take the absorbent cotton and fill the pockets of shapes. At semicircle sew on half beads to make the eyes. To finish, left to sew a semicircle to the triangle.

Horn ready!

Using small pieces of thread or paper, decorate the ice cream. Or give your child paints to color the ice cream the way he or she wants.

Decorating an ice cream cone

Everyone's favorite kind of ice cream can be unusually decorated and presented as a craft. It is quite easy to do!

Made of absorbent cotton

Colored absorbent cotton is the best choice for the decoration:

  • To paint the absorbent cotton, you will need gouache (you can replace it with watercolor). Dilute the paint in water and dip the absorbent cotton in it.
  • After a few minutes, remove the absorbent cotton and squeeze it from the excess water. Allow it to dry.
  • From colored absorbent cotton, you can make small balls to decorate ice cream from cardboard and paper, felt paper.
  • If you get a lot of colored absorbent cotton, make a handicraft ice cream out of absorbent cotton. You will also need paper, markers (or pencils, felt-tip pens), glue.
  • To begin with, the child can decorate the paper with markers. It is better to take paper of orange or brown color. After decorating the paper, it should be twisted into a tube and filled with absorbent cotton. To keep the absorbent cotton from falling out, glue it on.
  • Beads or balls of paper will work well for decorating the cotton candy.

From a sponge

If there is an unwanted sponge, it can be used to decorate an ice cream craft made of cardboard and paper or felt. And you can create another handicraft.

We will need a sponge, orange or brown cardboard or paper and markers, glue or thread:

  • The paper or cardboard should be twisted into a tube, making it into a horn.
  • Next you need to fix the sponge with thread or glue.
  • If desired, you can use balls of absorbent cotton, large beads as decorations.

From pompoms

To make it, you will need thread and two round cardboard with holes in the middle and a cut for winding thread:

  • Next, the thread should be tightly wound on the two cardboard. And with scissors, passing between the cardboard, cut the thread.
  • Next, you need to open the cardboard and pull the thread between them to tie it tightly in a knot.
  • If the pompon is crooked, it can be trimmed with scissors.
  • If desired, the pompom can be decorated with ice cream made of felt, cardboard and paper, from threads.

Made of corrugated paper

Good for decorating ice cream crafts from paper. You need to cut out several squares and crumple each into a circle. Glue it to the ice cream paper.

From a button.

You can make an unusual shirt decor by turning buttons into an ice cream cone. You will need markers for textiles or acrylic paints for fabric. You need to draw a small triangle with rounded edges under the buttons. If desired, you can paint the buttons in different colors.

Also, the buttons are suitable for decorating handicrafts of ice cream paper and cardboard, felt:

  • From buttons and paper, glue can be made an applique in the form of ice cream.
  • You need to take colored paper or a postcard.
  • For convenience, it is better to print the dessert on a printer, but you can also glue it from paper.
  • Now we take the buttons and start gluing them to the printed picture, without touching the horn.
  • Do not spare the buttons and glue them on top of each other to create volume.

There are many ways to create a craft in the form of a sweet summer dessert. The process is always interesting and allows you to show creative thinking. And tools and materials can always be found at home.

It is not necessary to create a cone, popsicle or cup. Let your child show imagination and come up with a new kind of summer dessert. A different shape, color and size.

Good luck creating a beautiful toy - ice cream crafts!

Photo ideas of children's crafts in the form of ice cream

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