A craft for Grandma on Women's Day, Christmas, New Year, Birthday, March 8: unusual execution ideas and photo examples

Grandmother is a true friend for grandchildren. Having gained a solid life experience, grandmothers do not try to bring up children, they just love them. Grandchildren and granddaughters always pay in return.

By making gifts for grandmother, grandchildren express their appreciation and care for the dear person. The most treasured gifts from grandchildren who do not yet have their own money are handmade crafts.


Themes of crafts for grandmother

There are many events and holidays throughout the year that can be celebrated with gifts for grandmothers:

  • New Year's Eve;
  • Christmas;
  • The first day of spring;
  • March 8;
  • Easter;
  • birthday;
  • grandmothers' day and other holidays accepted to celebrate in the family.

Holidays are not necessary to express their love, it can be a beautiful craft made after an interesting trip, an exciting walk, a memorable event and in general, just because.

Craft ideas

Grandma homebody should be given gifts that will provide her with comfort. Grandmothers who lead an active lifestyle can be given special gifts, according to their lifestyle. There are gifts that are suitable for everyone.

A clock made of pictures

The New Year's Eve ornaments will look interesting - a clock made from photographs. It can be made from old disks with a child of primary school age:

  • You will need 6 discs, two wooden skewers, a glue gun, 5 pictures of the child with his grandmother and various decor elements. Since this is a New Year's Eve clock, you can use snowflakes, pinecones, and other New Year's Eve little things for the decor.
  • First, you need to glue the pictures on the disks. On the table, place 5 discs in the shape of a flower, and on the sixth disc, apply hot glue, put it on top of the "flower", thus connecting all the discs. Decorate the central disk with a snowflake or any Christmas paraphernalia of suitable size.
  • Put skewers of different lengths (hour and minute hands) together in the center with a glue gun, closing them in the center with a small snowflake. Set the hands to the time 23:55.
  • On the back side of the design, glue a loop so that the clock can be hung. The gift will remind grandmother of the best moments spent with her grandchildren.

Postcard with palms

A birthday craft for grandma in the form of a card made by a kid out of his hands will delight and amuse:

  • For a card from the palms with a surprise, you need to take a sheet of double-sided colored cardboard, fold it in half.
  • Put your baby's palm, circle it and cut out along the contour, without cutting along the fold.
  • You get a card of two symmetrical hands, with a blank space in the center.
  • On each palm can be glued flowers, hearts. Give a card in a closed form. A surprise will be waiting for grandma inside.

Three-dimensional card

On your birthday, you can give a volumetric card to grandma in the form of a cake:

  • White sheet fold in half and perpendicular to the fold make four cuts at the same distance.
  • Two of them cut almost to the middle of the folded sheet, the third 1 cm shorter, the fourth 1 cm shorter.
  • Cut parts bend along the lines parallel to the fold. The resulting folds will be the edges of the cake.
  • When you open the paper, you will see the layers of the cake, and you need to fold them out. Close the card so that the layers are in place.
  • It remains to decorate the cake. You can glue colored paper of different colors on each layer, glue sequins, rhinestones, beads and other decorations on it.
  • For candles, you need to cut strips of colored paper and small pointed, on one side, rectangles of yellow. These will be the candles. It remains to glue the candles, and the cake is ready!

Applique in the technique of quilling

To create applications in the technique of quilling, you need to prepare strips of colored paper with a width of 3-5 mm. In craft stores, whole sets of already cut strips are sold:

  • They are rolled into a spiral of different diameters. You can do this by twisting them tightly on a thin needle, the end of a brush or a toothpick.
  • To make a loose spiral after twisting, give it a bit to untwist. If this spiral is squeezed at one end, you get a drop.
  • The spiral can be given the shape of a heart, triangle, crescent. Fix the end of the spiral with glue. If you wind the spirals from both sides to the center, you get a beautiful curl. Bending spirals into different shapes, you can make any application.
  • As a gift on March 8 for a grandmother child can make an application of flowers. You need to draw a picture, which is then filled with spirals.
  • For the middle flower need a free spiral. It should be glued to colored paper or cardboard. Flower petals will be wound "droplets".
  • They are placed around the middle. From the green "drops" to make leaves.

On the sheet you can make a lot of flowers in different sizes and colors. More complex options - whole compositions. It is beautiful if you make an outline of a picture (heart, butterfly, fish) pasting it with strips on the side (thin), and then fill it with spirals of different sizes and colors.

Photo collage

A heart-shaped photo collage would be a great gift for Grandma's birthday.

You can paste photos of the whole family into it. For such work, you need to print square photos of 3x4 cm (best from Instagram, then they will be the same).

Print them out so that there are white margins around the edges. So when you glue the photos will not cover each other.

Next, you need to take a sheet of heavy paper 20x20 cm and draw a heart on it. After that, fill it with photos. It is more convenient to start from the bottom, placing the photo in the center straight, then on the sides with a slope, enveloping the heart shape.

Flowers of paper

Children begin to make flowers from paper in kindergarten. First it's applique, then the volume of flowers.

A wonderful gift for the first day of spring will be a bouquet of crocuses. You can make them from corrugated paper:

  • For one flower you need to cut 5 rectangles. It is necessary to cut parallel to the direction of the strips of the paper itself. Give the rectangles, on one side, rounded shape and slightly twist the edges inward.
  • For the stamens you need to take a strip of yellow or beige the same paper, cut it into equal strips, not cutting to the end.
  • Strips curl your fingers into flagella, then twist these flagella in a roll. We got stamens.
  • For verisimilitude, their edges should be dipped in PVA glue, then in semolina. Let dry. Wrap stamens around petals, and fix the flower on a skewer with a thin wire or string.

We have a stem, which should be wrapped with a thin strip of green corrugated paper. From the same paper, cut leaves and glue them to the stem. Multicolored crocuses can make a whole vase or basket.

Bouquet of sweets

Original and delicious will be a gift for grandmother from candy. For a bouquet of roses, round candy such as "Golden Domes", pink, white or red corrugated paper will do:

  • Cut out two squares of paper with sides of about 5 cm. Place the squares one on top of the other and fold them in half to round the top part to make two petals.
  • Stretch the paper so that there is a recess, the petal is concave. Stick a skewer into the candy from the side of the twisted wrapper and put the candy on the petals, leaving space at the top.
  • Carefully wrap the petals around the candy, stretching them slightly so they hugged the candy. The result should be a half-opened rosebud.
  • Secure the petals to the bottom of the skewer with string or tape.
  • From the green paper to make the sepals. To do this, on a square of green paper to make five sharp teeth and wrap them around the bottom of the candy, securing the drop of glue. Wrap a skewer with a green strip of paper or floral ribbon. Crocuses can be used to make a similarly sweet bouquet.

Delicate bouquets are obtained from Raphaello candies, wrapped in white or pink tulle. Sweet bouquets can be arranged in a basket or cachet.

Practical crafts for grandmother

A practical gift for a grandmother will be a coaster for dishes. For one coaster, you will need 10 m of jute rope 1 cm thick. You can buy it at any hardware store.

It is very easy to make such a coaster. It's enough to twist the rope in a circle, fixing the sections with a glue gun. The end of the rope should be glued so that it does not stick out. Coasters can be decorated, or leave as is, they look original. Such stands can be made a whole set.

Useful would be a handicraft grandmother from her grandson - the original organizer for the kitchen. You will need 4-6 empty cans, a wooden cutting board, self-tapping screws, acrylic or enamel paint for metal.

Make holes in the cans to the size of the self-tapping screws, paint them. After it dries, screw the cans on both sides to the board (you can also paint it). In such an organizer grandma can store spoons, forks, knives and other kitchen utensils.

Handmade soap

Handmade soap can be given as a gift for any occasion. The gift will make your grandmother happy and be useful to her. To make it, you need the following ingredients:

  • soap base (simple baby soap can be used instead);
  • a base vegetable oil (walnut and hazelnut oils, sesame oil, linseed oil are good for mature skin);
  • any essential oil for mature skin: rose oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, jasmine oil, tea tree oil, aloe oil (it is a good idea to ask in advance what kind of skin your grandmother has and select the oil according to her skin type);
  • Dyes used are food and natural (coffee, cocoa, fruit and vegetable juices, etc.).

You will need a dish in which to make soap, molds for hardening and a little alcohol to grease the molds and bind the layers (if you plan to make multilayer soap).

Soap base should be cut into small cubes or grated. For each 100 grams of base, add 3 teaspoons of base oil, put the pot on a water bath and add water, cream or milk until the mass is as thick as sour cream.

When the mass is completely dissolved, take it off the fire and add 5 drops of essential oil, a spoonful of glycerin, dye and any filler - herbs, coffee beans, flower petals, oat flakes, anything you like and good for your skin.

Pour it into molds and spritz with a little alcohol so that no air bubbles appear. Leave to harden in the fridge for 2-3 days. It remains to take the soap out of the molds and wrap it up nicely.

Case for glasses

With age, unfortunately, most people's vision deteriorates, we have to wear glasses. A case for glasses, made by hand, will be a very useful gift for grandmothers.

The simplest pouch can be made from something that is in every home. A piece of heavy 17x18 fabric fold in half and make a side and bottom seam on the wrong side. Turn it to the front side, if you want to sew on a button and a button or a small zipper.

The case can be embroidered or decorated with beads. For the leather or felt case you need to cut two rectangles to the size of glasses, leaving a little space for seams on both sides. Sew with decorative stitching thread over the edge of the three sides.

You can also make a loop at the top or sew in a zipper. You can crochet or knit a glasses case, it will help grandmother to protect glasses from scratches and breakage.

Crocheted plaid

Valuable will be a craft for grandmother from her granddaughter - a rug knitted with her own hands. It can be knitted with skill on the spokes of squares, or by crochet openwork.

But the easiest way to knit a warm plaid, even if there are no skills in this kind of needlework. Now in fashion are plush yarn plaids with buttonholes. Even a child can cope with such a plaid.

To knit it, you just need to pull the hands through the loops one into another. In the first row, you need to leave as many loops as the width of the rug is needed. Then the outermost loop of the working thread is passed through the outermost loop of the row, the next loop in the previous one, etc.

Turning knitting continues the same way. Such a soft and warm blanket will keep grandmother warm on cold winter days.

Organizer for small items

For a business grandmother, you can make an organizer for office sundries from toilet paper sleeves. For a small organizer to take 4 sleeves, two of which cut off a quarter of the height.

Glue them with decorative paper. Glue neatly, wrapping the top side of the edges inside the hub. Then cover the inside with colored paper.

Glue the sleeves together in a semi-circle so that the lower ones are on the edges. Cut another sleeve across, glue it with decorative paper on one side and colored paper on the other.

Glue this part to the outermost sleeves at the bottom. Draw the outline of the entire structure on cardboard (this will be the bottom), cut out and glue the colored paper on the outside. Use a glue gun to join the bottom and sleeves. You can decorate the organizer with braid, lace, beads or flowers.


Grandma will be very happy with such a gift as a pillow, sewn by hand by her granddaughter. Sew a pillow is not difficult, the main thing to pick up a suitable fabric.

As a filler you can use sintepon, and inside lay a linen bag with dried herbs.

Good and pleasant sleep will provide hop cones, oregano, lavender, sage. You can decorate the pillow with embroidery, lace, bows and tassels. Even more interesting will look cushion in the form of animals, clouds and other forms.

Decorated vase

Making easy crafts for grandmothers as a gift will take a little time.

The easiest way to make a decorative vase is to cover the jar with colored glitter and tie a ribbon to the neck. The jar can also be painted with acrylic paint or from a spray can, then from a beautiful napkin to make a decoupage on it.

Beautifully look jar, which has the top and bottom painted in gold or silver, and the middle remains transparent.

In a modern style, you can decorate the jar with acrylic paints of three matching colors. To do this, turn the jar upside down and take turns pouring paint so that it runs down the sides of the jar.

Before doing that, it is necessary to put the jar in some container or on an old waterproof paper so as not to stain everything around in the paint. There are a lot of options for decorating a vase from jars, everyone chooses what he likes. Give a vase with flowers, even if they are field flowers.

Of course, grandmothers are very pleased to receive gifts from their grandchildren, especially if they are made by their hands. But most of all they need attention, to know that they are not forgotten. After all, grandchildren give not only gifts, but also a second youth.

Photo of useful crafts for your favorite grandmother

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