How to draw a grandmother step by step - an overview of the easiest and most popular ways to draw

Knitted socks and mittens. Delicious pies with jam. Angry, but at the same time, affectionate look that filled the face of our grandmothers when we pranked and disobeyed. The kind advice and wisdom her words imparted.

How many more good and wonderful things we can remember about such a dear person. To repay her with the same warmth, it is not necessary to buy a gift in a store, you can draw a simple drawing of grandmother.

After all, a handmade gift is many times more expensive than a purchased one, because a part of our soul is put into it.

How to draw a grandmother

There are many examples of drawing on this topic, ranging from the simplest using a minimum of skills and stationery, and ending with a more complex, such as a portrait drawing.

This article will introduce the most interesting methods of drawing. Which are suitable as on parchment, and on a greeting card, making your loved one happy.

The easiest way

This method of depicting a drawing of a grandmother is ideal for children. The following items are needed for the work:

  • A sheet of A4 paper;
  • A simple pencil, eraser;
  • Colored pencils or wax crayons.

Let's begin drawing. To begin, we will choose a comfortable place for the art. Positioning the parchment in front of us, we begin to draw the grandmother in full size. To start, let's start with a face.

It will consist of a small circle. Under it draw an oval, which will be the body. Under the oval we draw the feet, representing two small ovals.

Return to the head of the figure by connecting the circle to the oval with two parallel lines. This will be the neck. Then draw the line of the shoulders, depicting a dress (blouse and skirt) on the oval. Clothing should not reach the feet. Excess parts erase with an eraser.

We proceed to the drawing of the arms and legs. Hands are drawn in any usual way. They could be arms crossed behind granny's back, holding a pie or a bouquet of flowers. You can let your imagination run wild here.

Draw the legs, connecting the edges of the clothes with the feet, depicting home-made slippers or shoes.

Back to the clothes, drawing the collar on the dress, apron, beads. Here if you wish.

Let's move on to the face. Draw a grandmother neat ears. Draw the hair, depending on what your grandmother wears or on your own taste. Draw the nose, eyes, lips. The main thing is to get a nice and kind face.

The final point will be the coloring of the picture. Which can be decorated to your liking. You can make a beautiful background of the sketch with beads or sequins. The main thing is that it was from the heart and beautiful.

Pencil drawing

Illustration of a grandmother in pencil is also performed quite simply.

The necessary materials:

  • Parchment;
  • A simple pencil and eraser;
  • A black pen.

Let's get to work. Choose a convenient place for drawing, take a sheet of paper and draw a vertical line in the middle, dividing it into four parts. Then draw above the previous line another one perpendicular to it horizontally.

Make two marks in the fourth part of the line and on the sides (at the same distance from each other). This will be the basis for the eyes. Then connect the two points along the edges, framing the facial oval. Draw the cheeks, making them a bit saggy. Make a semicircular chin.

Proceed to draw the ears of granny. Drawing them below the horizontal line. Make a parting on the head in any place. The length of the hair should not be below the shoulders. On the forehead we draw some hair strands.

Remove unnecessary details with an eraser and start sketching with a black pen. To start with outlining the drawing along the contour.

Next, begin drawing the grandmother's eyes, making them small and framing the eyebrows. In the middle of the face we are drawing a nose, a couple of wrinkles nearby.

We do the mouth with two lines, showing a little smile. Draw lips.

We finish the ears and chin granny strokes. You can finish drawing glasses. Hairpin on the hair.

Finishing parts of the picture will be an image of grandma's neck with a visible collar of a shirt. Portrait of the grandmother is ready.

Step-by-step drawing

This version of the image of the grandmother is performed step by step, which has its advantages. To perform the work will require a minimum of material: parchment and wax crayons. This drawing is recommended not only for experienced artists, but also for beginners to gain skills.

Let's get to work. Take a sheet of paper and your good mood. And we start drawing a big oval with gray wax crayon.

  • We draw the sagging cheeks and chin. Then, visually dividing the drawing into three parts, we draw the nose with nostrils. It can be anything: thin, thick, with a hook. All at will.
  • Next, we draw the eyes with an elongated oval, framing them with eyebrows.
  • We outline the lines for the lips. And we start drawing the ears. They must be equal to the nose.
  • Draw wrinkles on the forehead, chin, under the eyes.
  • Next we draw the pupils, proceeding to the image of the hairstyle. We make a gap in the hair in the middle with black crayon, drawing the hair, put into a bundle.
  • The work is almost done. It remains to finish drawing the line of shoulders with half of the outer clothing. Here everything is optional. You can depict grandma in a blouse with ruffles, or you can draw a home robe that reminds you of the warmth of home.

You can decorate grandma's ears with beautiful big earrings. It's all up to the artist.

Drawing with the use of gouache

This type of sketch is characterized by bright colors. The following items are needed:

  • Watercolor or sketchbook sheet of paper;
  • Gouache;
  • A lead pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • A set of brushes;
  • A container of water;
  • Paper napkins.

Before work, choose a comfortable place for drawing and proceed to action. To begin with let's take a sheet of paper and draw a big oval on it. Having outlined it a pair of lines horizontally and one line vertically.

Then we start drawing the eyebrows and the upper eyelids. For this purpose over the upper horizontal line we draw eyebrows and eyelids. It turns out that the vertical line separates a pair of eyebrows and eyelids. Then draw small eyes. Draw the nose and lips.

Draw wrinkles on the face, which will only add to the cute look of our grandmother.

Next, we start drawing the shawl and the top part of the garment.

We make the scarf tied in front, decorating it with a pattern of flowers. We paint the upper part of the clothes with gouache of a bright shade, and also do not forget to decorate the grandmother's handkerchief with a bright shade. The drawing is ready.

Grandmother with a scarf

This drawing option will answer the question posed by beginners. How to draw a grandmother doing needlework is easy and fast.

Items to illustrate:

  • A sheet of A4 paper;
  • An eraser and a simple pencil;
  • Black marker;
  • Colored pencils.

Let's begin drawing. First, we draw the head, using an oval with division into equal sectors. This is necessary to indicate the elements of the face and torso, and their correct execution.

Next, from the touching upper corners of the two upper sectors we draw lines that will be located opposite the lower corners. So you get bangs with several strands. In the center we draw an additional circle, which is a bundle of hair.

Then we draw small ears. Round eyes and a neat nose. We do small lips, but with dimples at the edge of the mouth. Showing a kind smile of our old lady. Dorisovyvayut wishes glasses.

After that, draw a cape on the shoulders of the grandmother, depicting her two petals, framing the ornament.

Since the old lady is in a sitting position. This imposes some nuances in drawing the sketch. Therefore we will draw the hands from the end of the cape and bent at the elbow. Hands are not drawn, they will be hidden under the scarf, representing a large canvas.

Now we are going to draw the skirt. This detail is drawn from the bottom outline of the arms, the left half is drawn as "Y" and the right half is drawn with a pair of perpendicular lines, creating the effect of bent knees.

Next, we depict the buttons on the clothes and shoes. The chair in which the grandmother sits is the last to be drawn. Here it is up to the artist's taste, you can depict the chair.

The final step is to erase unnecessary details by tracing the outline of the drawing with a marker and proceed to uncoloring the sketch. You can also make a nice background for the drawing by using colored pencils. The work is ready.

This article showed a lot of options on how to make a drawing as a gift for your beloved grandmother without extra cost, and most importantly from the heart. And this is always more valuable than any purchased attribute.

Photo of a painted grandmother

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