How to draw a family tree: how to draw, learn to draw in different techniques easily and easily for school

Family is the most important thing in everyone's life. No life is not imagined without the family, our relatives are a family clan, which honors its traditions.

Once had to think about distant relatives, where everyone came from, there was an interest to ask, to learn information. To make the knowledge stick, a genealogical tree or drawing of a family tree was invented, with all the relatives depicted on it.


Where did the idea of the Family Tree come from?

The tree is big, mighty, represents all generations. From Europe came this idea of connecting ancestors into one big tree, it was drawn lush, depending on the number of relatives.

There used to be rich houses and drawing a tree was a novelty and an interesting idea that quickly spread around the world. Children picked up on this idea and so gladly make them up in school lessons, because it's a very quick way to tell the story of their ancestors.

Usually the elders in the family are located on the broad branches, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren on the leaves.

Materials needed:

  1. A simple pencil, black pen
  2. Eraser
  3. Paper, colored pencils, paints.

Reasons to draw a family tree right now:

  1. A great opportunity to spend time with loved ones, the creative process brings you closer together and inspires you.
  2. Feel the connection with your family ancestors, learn new things, remember entertaining stories.
  3. Having the necessary photos, you gather the family members in one place.
  4. Making a genealogical tree = an interesting piece of furniture for the home.
  5. A family tree can be made up of pictures, names, surnames, important dates. Looking at the tree, you can't miss an important date.

Where to start

To properly draw a family tree, determine the type of tree. Trees are diverse, the schematic representation of the family tree is not the same. Kindly depict boldly as follows: men-squares, women - circles, the connection is deduced by branches, indicated by arrows.

You can't make a family tree for a child at school on your own, let adults help you do it, children love to draw, so it's a great opportunity to show your imagination and determine what artistic style the tree will be in.

Don't forget about sticking pictures as well, they will make the tree much brighter.

Determine what the future tree will look like, choose the most appropriate of the two options offered:

  • Top-down type - the family tree is depicted in a simple way. The tree is depicted from a distant relative, a man, everyone knows that the family comes from him. The branches are drawn downwards to the descendants, the links will be formalized by horizontal branches.
  • The ascending type - this variant is used exclusively when there are few relatives or when practically nothing is known about them. The trunk of the tree will denote the constituent of the tree itself or for whom it is drawn, upwards will leave room for relatives of this person in the generations. This option is perfect for students who have been assigned such an assignment.

Prepare a pen and notebook and write down everyone you know with dates of birth, death, and marriage. If you get a little relatives, ask your inner circle, they will not refuse to help you in this.

Do not go overboard with the information, it is important to write only the most important things in the tree. Choose the right artistic version of the design, the most appropriate would be watercolor paints.

Drawing a family tree in pencil

Let's proceed to the drawing of the family tree, for this purpose prepare the following tools:

  1. A simple pencil with an eraser
  2. Colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints
  3. Ruler, scissors and glue
  4. Family photos

Design Method:

  1. Laying down a white sheet of paper horizontally.
  2. Draw the trunk and branches with a pencil.
  3. Draw the crown of the tree, it should look as real as possible.
  4. At the top of the tree put a marker where you will then write the child's name, if he makes up the tree, or glue his picture on it.
  5. A little lower will be a place to write the child's parents.
  6. Having drawn branches of the tree, draw relatives, first from mom's side, then from dad's side, it will be grandparents, aunts and uncles, nephews.
  7. The genealogical tree itself will be designed as follows: the generations will be under each other, first mom and dad, then grandparents, then great-grandparents.
  8. If the relatives are members of the family in the same generation, they are depicted horizontally.
  9. All members of the tree connect the arrows, which will be horizontal and vertical.
  10. Engage background - if desired, paint it in a not too bright colors, so it does not overshadow the Lyude. Trunk with branches, decorate in brown, green will be the leaves. There is a great idea to make the tree more expressive, it is to make frames for photos, so it will look more interesting and the finished work with these frames will decorate any shelf.
  11. All the necessary photos of the family to prepare, cut to size and glue to suitable places.
  12. Sign the finished tree, it can be funny and interesting names - "My Friendly Family", "Family of Creative People", "Travelers and Discoverers". There is also an option to simply sign the tree with your last name and first name.

Techniques for making a family tree

The tree is made out not just in a pencil drawing, and then its subsequent coloring, but also in such techniques as quilting, applique, lettering.

The technique of lettering is a work with special pens called brushespen. The idea is that if you need to make certain lines downwards, you press down hard on the rasppen, but if upwards, then lightly.

These pens allow you to achieve very beautiful inscriptions, they look original and bright. Use this technique when making up the names and surnames of your family members, these inscriptions will only transform your tree.

The technique of quilting allows you to create very original things or make the work more interesting by twisting, creating certain curls of special paper for quilting.

Invite a child to make a family tree in this technique, it will definitely stand out and therefore surprise his classmates. The tree will look unusual and catch the eye.

Applique know and love to do everything, despite the simplicity, the work in this technique is also unusual. In addition, they do not take much time, and the family tree will look great with the rest of the applications of children.

Drawing a family tree in pencil, option 2

Consider the second option for drawing a genealogical family tree.

This method is a bit like the first one, but there are still differences between them. It is your choice which option to choose, the most important thing is to finish what you started before the end.

The design method:

Before you start, prepare paper, a simple pencil, an eraser will definitely come in handy.

  1. At the top write the name of the youngest member of the family.
  2. Draw two lines, which will be places for mom and dad, write their names and surnames.
  3. To diversify the tree, write certain achievements, it could be a success or even a hobby of vocation, just think it through in advance.
  4. From the parents towards the drawer, drawn lines, write brothers and sisters.
  5. On the right and left sides of mom and dad would be their brothers and sisters.
  6. At the bottom are grandparents and on their right and left sides are their brothers and sisters.
  7. This is how the family composition continues to the end.
  8. From a family member, it is necessary to conduct the rays with their other halves, not forgetting the children and grandchildren. The tree at the end can look different: it will either go deep or grow wide, it all depends on your preference. Show your imagination, draw the tree in an original way, choose a complex color scheme.
  9. The tree will have wide and small branches. Clouds and branches will denote members of the family. They should be decorated all equally and evenly in order. It is worth using a printed scheme, which was downloaded from the Internet, to start the work.

It is worth honoring your family clan, do not forget them and always remember your roots. If your relatives are far away, it's not a reason not to remember family customs and traditions.

Fill the gap in the new and significant in the life of your generation, learning all the reliable information from archival sources. Drawing a family tree, which you will look at and every time rejoice that you are a "part of the generations" will help.

Photos of easy options for drawing a family tree

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