How to make a panel with your own hands out of improvised materials: master classes with photos and schemes with a description

In the creation of a unique interior, an important role is played by the wall panel with their own hands from improvised materials. It can fill a small partition or a span on the stairs of a private house.

Decorators have developed many variations, which differ in stylistics, technique and general themes. Many techniques are available even to beginners, and these ways of decorating are worth to consider in the most detail.


Materials for the panels

Looking at photos with examples of handmade panels, many people are delighted to see that the exclusive decor costs free of charge. Some work involves the purchase of certain raw materials or building materials, but this fits into a narrow budgetary framework.

Self-made paneling is a good way to hide defects in the walls. Over a mosaic canvas of broken tiles can hide the sweat from the flooding of the neighbors or the curvature of the sagging walls.

The mural comes in 2 types - portable (like a painting) and stationary (part of the wall decoration).

The panel on the wall is proposed to perform from improvised and natural materials:

  • sea pebbles;
  • ornamental stones;
  • wood cuttings;
  • shells and shellfish shells;
  • colored glass and broken mirrors;
  • remnants of ceramic tiles or tile (after repairs);
  • remnants of colored yarn;
  • scrap of dense fabrics and leather (boot cuffs, old gloves, jackets, and bags);
  • scraps of colored plastic from packing containers;
  • large beads and flat, shiny stones;
  • CDs and old records;
  • cereals, beans, and coffee beans.

This list can be continued by adding paints, plaster for modeling, building and finishing materials, as well as anything else the imagination has enough to do.

How to make a panel on the wall with your own hands

The theme of wall decoration should be dictated by the functionality of the room:

  1. In the bathroom or bathroom will be appropriate shells, sea pebbles and ornamental stones. They are not deformed by high humidity, organically complement the marine theme.
  2. In the hallway looks great panel of wood cuts, cork and bamboo. The decor will be well-received in the partition of the interior doors or in front of a mirrored wall.
  3. The decoration of the seating area in the living room should be especially elegant. Stucco molding, flexible stone, natural wood, complemented by elements of painting or photo wallpaper are preferred.
  4. In the bedroom, homemade decor can become an independent decoration of the wall above the headboard. A good option is the design of the accent wall with the framing of a large mirror near the dressing table.
  5. Children's room - a room where hand-painted walls or homemade panels are appropriate on any plane, if they are subordinate to the overall plan.

Thematic ideas can be taken from photo-examples or embody your dream. For example, their own hands to perform on the wall of their own black and white silhouette of a good photo or enlarged using a computer digitizing mosaic collage.

With the help of natural materials image is easy to give more volume.

Button and bead panels

When there is a creative gift, talented work is created from anything, including unnecessary buttons and beads. Today it is a very popular material for needlework, from which unusual works are created:

  • wall panels;
  • applique;
  • ornaments for handbags;
  • Decorations on denim jackets and other clothing.

Beads and finished elements (in the form of twigs and flowers) can help fill a small wall panel. It can be placed in any partition - a spectacular decoration will shimmer in artificial light. as precious stones.

Note! Beads, beads and unnecessary buttons can be collected from friends and acquaintances, then the panel will cost free of charge. These materials can be used together or separately - colored beads or buttons of the same color, but different in size and shape.

The panel with the image of a tree, where instead of leaves - green buttons, looks very attractive. The sketch of the panel is applied to the prepared rigid base, filling with buttons, beads, sequins, shrunk on "liquid nails" or PVA.

A panel of paper

Not all materials are as convenient and pliable as paper. For work you need scissors, glue, skilled hands and a little imagination.

For a panel, any type of paper will do:

  • "hologram";
  • foiled;
  • laminated;
  • colored;
  • reaped;
  • white office;
  • corrugated;
  • tufted (velvet);
  • scraps of wallpaper and coverings;
  • lace, multi-layered and colored napkins.

Fragments of the panel can be glued to a painted wall, wallpaper or decorative plaster. Volumetric paper decor is often used as a complement to other materials, for example, in a panel of salt dough with his hands.

Among the common ideas - paper butterflies, flowers, leaves, snowflakes, three-dimensional floral arrangements. Very dynamic looking wall with a flock of migrating birds or autumn leaves carried away by the wind.

Colorful panel of paper butterflies can sit not only on the walls, but also on curtains and other interior elements.

Panorama from fabric

Fabrics vary in color, thickness and plasticity, it is pleasant to work with them. Some are so good that you can use the most primitive way - to cover the wooden board with fabric under a simple application.

The finished pattern on the fabric is capable of suggesting the idea of a panel:

  • abstraction;
  • geometry;
  • objects of nature;
  • flowers and leaves;
  • floral ornamentation.

Portable images need a hanging frame and a rigid base - cardboard, plastic or plywood. They can be painted or covered with fabric and fastened to the back. If there is no ready-made frame, it is made with your own hands.

Tip! The panel will be "alive" if each leaf and flower volume by fixing the center or a corner. The veins can be embroidered or drawn with a marker.

The elements of the panel of fabric flowers can be fixed in different ways - sewn, glued or pinned with tailor pins.

Wall panels made of wood

Wood trimmings are an excellent material for those who prefer eco-friendly materials.

Masters make highly artistic works:

  • panels made of wood cuttings;
  • bamboo shoots;
  • wine corks;
  • branches and roots of unusual shapes.

In many interiors you can see such materials, which are widely used for finishing walls and decorating individual surfaces.

Those who have experience in working with wood, you need to have patience. take a good idea and prepare the materials.

Useful tip: Fine sawing for a small fee will perform in any carpentry shop, where there are machines for quality work. At home, you will have to lay out the materials on the floor to assess what the result will be. After that, fix all the parts in place of the decorative panel.

The frame is also made of wood with your own hands, with stain and varnish. The glossy surface is easier to care for. A stain will give a depth of color and emphasize the texture of the "living material". Along with natural wood, sections of laminate and plywood are used.

Panels made of plaster and putty

The most picturesque works, competing with works of art, are made of finishing mixes.

Evaluate the beauty of a handmade panel by photo:

  • volumetric molding of plaster;
  • unusual way of applying putty mixes with the addition of marble crumb and sparkling inclusions;
  • geometric pattern over decorative plaster.

Neoclassical interiors have always appreciated hand-painted walls in the form of frescoes and plaster moldings. The malleable material inspires the creation of true "masterpieces" by people with no art education.

Attention! Dry mixes based on gypsum are available at any construction store. It is a pleasure to work with it. The plaster sets quickly, so prepare the mixture a little at a time to have time to mold the fragments of the plaster wall panel in 15-20 minutes.

It is desirable to sand the finished work a little, removing irregularities and bumps. The moldings can be treated with interior paints. Treat the panel with spray paint, to cover with colorless varnish (to simplify the cleaning of walls with stucco).

Panneau in the technique of kanzashi

One of the most attractive techniques, imitating the living flowers, remains an imitation of the Japanese art "kanzashi". We have it transformed into an embroidery with satin ribbons and making flowers in this style.

Techniques of satin embroidery owned by a few. So do not take a long time to describe all the technology, which are subject to real craftswomen. It is better to enjoy the splendor of works in this technique.

  1. Roses.
  2. Poppies.
  3. Daisies.

Useful tip! Ready-made panels are not difficult to find on portals with private ads. It is not uncommon to find delightful work for a very reasonable fee, while a large format.

Panels using macrame technique

One of the most picturesque techniques is considered macrame, they own a few. The ancient knotwork art is gradually reviving. In this technique knit capes on chairs and sofas, curtain lambrequins, wall panels.

For the manufacture of need dense, thick threads and a long bar, which is attached to the initial row of knotted pattern. Those who at least at the initial stage tried to do macramé, it will not be difficult to repeat the handmade masterpiece with a detailed description.

Macrame in the form of a wall panel can be placed in the hallway, living room, room of a teenager or a couple's bedroom above the headboard of the bed. It is good to duplicate the pattern of knots in the form of a cape on a pouffe or chair.

The incredible decor will adorn the room for several years. By the way, it can be washed, so macrame is often used on the loggia and balcony.

The panel for the kitchen

From cereals, coffee beans, beans, dried fish bones and pumpkin seeds you can create a unique panel in the kitchen. Many enthusiasts have emerged to promote the idea of creating real masterpieces out of anything you can find in the kitchen. Check out Mona Lisa's coffee bean mortar.

The best inspiration is Dino Tomic, a Croatian who used to be fond of tattoos, and today he teaches drawing with salt on the table. Taking any silhouette portrait as the basis, you can use a stencil to transfer it to a sheet of plywood.

Soak light areas with PVA glue and fill with salt or semolina. Dry fragments will remain dark when you shake off the rest of the material after the glue and filler have dried.

In the same way, you can make panels of any loose material. However, the idea has been known for a long time. Desert dwellers draw pictures with colored sand in flat vessels. Similar decorations can be learned to make your own, using dyed semolina and small cereals.

Pay attention! Panels of bulk materials are painted with acrylic paints, a solution of pigment for water-based emulsion or watercolor paints. Decoration is offered to cover the colorless varnish, to be more convenient to wash and clean from the grease deposit characteristic of the kitchen.

Wallpaper for the living room

Designers offered many ideas, but a panel of photographs deserves special attention. They can be differently systematized, so that each guest can understand what kind of people live here.

  1. On the shelves display cups, eloquent testimony of sports achievements, and on a free wall place a photo panel or collage. Pictures can be slightly tweaked on a computer, and the moment of victory at the finish line or podium printed in large format.
  2. In the same way decorate the achievements of the prize-winner of ballroom or sports dances. Memorable photos, medals and cups should not gather dust in closets. Guests who come to the family celebration will get to know the achievements of the talent.
  3. Family photos in frames was once a kind of fashion 50-100 years ago. Then this kind of wall decor was abandoned, and the photos of their ancestors were hidden in albums. Today this fashion is revived. Why not hang on the wall photos of grandparents to be proud of!

Original frames are another way to decorate the wall with an unusual panel using photos. They can be made from textured wallpaper "like wood". Beautifully look frames, covered with beautiful fabric - gold brocade, pan velvet or shimmering knitwear.

Note: Pictures in frames do not need to be hanged symmetrically or in a line. It is better to visually outline a square or rectangle to fill it with pictures. A good way is to have a large portrait in the center surrounded by smaller images.

In addition to photos, panels can be complemented by old postcards and ethnographic images - rare pictures of the historical part of the city, district or country. This will help to clearly show what events your ancestors took part in.

Tip: If you are a photo artist or once had a passion for useful activities, feel free to arrange a personal exhibition in the living room. The work will be of interest to everyone who enters your home.

Panels for the bedroom

Beautiful fabrics and artificial flowers can complement the panel in the bedroom of natural material, decorated with their own hands. Today, such a decor often adorns their homes adherents of eco-style.

In such a room you will not see a Christmas tree, cut down for New Year, but there are whole shelves with a collection of orchids and other exotics. There are many other ways to make a "living panel" in the bedroom.

An unusual way to enliven a dwelling in the middle of the "urban stone jungle" is a wall of succulents. A small panel or an entire partition is filled with a porous base that is regularly moistened.

Living decoration of plants with fleshy leaves are planted vertically on a porous base, which is purchased from florists.

An unusual panel of stabilized moss - a good option for decor in an eco-style one-room apartment. Any theme will do. For example, a panel in the form of a geographical map, where the moss is the land, and the solid base - the seas and oceans.

Tip! The bedroom does not have to be tied in eco-stylistics. Decorating the wall is suggested to do with any material you like. There are special paints on glass - draw a stained glass window, decorate the perimeter with lighting. Picturesque false window will complement the evening lighting of the bedroom, overlooking the north, where there is little light.

Other design ideas

Homemade interior décor is the best way to find use for your creative talents. At the same time, you can hide surface defects or make an accent wall, updating the design of the room:

  1. Holiday decorations are an original way to prepare the apartment for birthdays, discharge from the maternity hospital. It can be a reminder of a memorable date. The photo of the wall panel is a good example of how it is done by real artists and ordinary lovers of needlework.
  2. Decoupage is a popular technique in which furniture is renewed. The same materials, including special napkins with a pattern, are used to create unusual panels in this technique.
  3. Children's panels are a great way to decorate a child's personal space. An important warning - children pull everything in their mouths, and it can be harmful to their health. Therefore, carefully select the materials for decorating the room and how to attach the parts. The safest applications are made of fabric, tightly fixed with stitches.

New Year's and Christmas panels are one way to anticipate the most beloved holidays. To get a festive atmosphere in the house, use the materials at hand:

  • colored paper and cardboard;
  • foil and shiny fabrics;
  • Beads and pebbles;
  • Tinsel and sequins;
  • Pine cones and twigs.

It is desirable to involve school-age children in making homemade panels. They are happy to do their share of the work. We offer you to evaluate examples of panels and works of artists-decorators in different techniques.

Photo of a homemade panel

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