Handmade birthday crafts - creating gifts for moms, dads, grandparents, sisters, brothers and friends

Buying gifts for the birthday of loved ones is still one of the most difficult problems of congratulations. We want the surprise to be beautiful and useful, and bring joy to the recipient. Fulfill this difficult task can be gifts created with their own hands.


Useful Tips

Handmade crafts should take into account the interests of their future owners. Therefore, before proceeding to creativity, it is necessary to understand what the birthday boy is fond of and what he will be happy about.

Do not start and continue making gifts in a bad mood. First, the handicraft will turn out crooked and oblique, and, secondly, negative energy will be transferred to the gift, and instead of useful properties, the souvenir will become a source of anxiety.

To make the process bring pleasure, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the materials and tools.

It is quite easy to do, because for making home souvenirs you do not need to buy special devices. For the most part, scissors, glue, paper and decorative elements are used.

Universal gifts

Such crafts can be presented on any holiday to any family member. Such simple gifts become:

  • Postcards. They are usually made as an addition to the main gift. To make such a presentation you will need: white paper or cardboard as a base, colored paper or clippings from magazines to create applications, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints for drawings and greetings. But even such a simple element of solemn congratulations to a loved one can be made a real piece of art.

Charming scrapbooking cards will emphasize your tender love and gratitude. Such cards are most often given to mothers and grandmothers and decorated with artificial flowers, bows, and ribbons.

A good version of the original postcard can be elegantly trimmed edges of paper.

And the technique of quilling allows you to create cards for all members of the family. From twisted strips of paper you can create not only flowers and butterflies, but also various decorations to decorate men's cards.

  • Pillows. Cute doodads will also be useful in any home. To make such handicrafts for a birthday with their own hands is also not difficult. For this, you can take a ready-made pillowcase and sew a pillowcase on it or buy a filler and go through the manufacturing process from the beginning. The pillowcase can be decorated with embroidery with the name or initials of the recipient of the gift, applique from fabric, fringe. Soft sleeping accessory is useful during the day or night rest, it can be used as a decorative element of the interior.

  • Edible gifts. Usually such handicrafts are made of candy and corrugated paper, cut out and spread in the form of petals. Ready bouquets are placed in flower pots, vases, baskets, or packed in bouquet paper.

But instead of paper, you can use satin ribbons or mica, and replace the candy with salty snacks, sliced sausage, salty cheese and other goodies.

Such gifts are more likely to appeal to the men they love. Although, as life shows, they won't refuse candy either. But for men's sweet bouquet choose more stringent candy.

  • A fruit basket would be a wonderful useful gift. All fruit can easily be bought at the store, and the basket can be made from willow twigs, vines or newspaper tubes. If desired, you can even use a shoebox. It is wrapped previously with twine or rope, creating an imitation of a basket, and handles are made from lace or decorative cord.
  • Gala dinner. For such a family event, the favorite dishes of the birthday boy are chosen. Or what the hostess can make without damaging the kitchen.

Thanksgiving turkey.

  • Poster. A wall newspaper with photos will help to remember the most pleasant moments of the life of the birthday child, and funny inscriptions, congratulatory words and warm wishes will be a wonderful addition to the images. For those who have a sweet tooth, small chocolate bars can be a good decoration for the poster. With their help, you can even write an unusual greeting.

Gifts for mom

You always want to create something special for mom.

The dearest person will certainly be happy with a bouquet of flowers. You can pick them from your own garden or pick them in the field, beautifully wrapped in special paper and supplied with a miniature postcard of your own making.

If there is a snowstorm outside, an autumn rain is falling or the spring sun is just starting to warm up, you can create a pretty bouquet on your own. To do this, use:

  • corrugated paper to create pink petals;
  • rounds of ordinary paper for asters, dahlias, marigolds and marigolds;
  • cotton disks for calla lilies;
  • magazines for carnations;
  • plastic bottles for hyacinths and irises.

Also, birthday crafts for mom can be put in their own handmade vases from original glass bottles. To do this, they are decorated with thick thread or twine, glued on the surface of beads, artificial flowers from satin ribbons, coins.

An unusual vase can be made from a piece of cloth and plaster. To do this, the fabric is soaked in a liquid plaster solution and left to dry on a glass jar. The folds after drying will create a charming and unusual shape of the vase.

Volumetric letters with flowers, floating cups, topiaries would be a good gift.

A gift for daddy

For dad, you can make more useful things.

Hardware dads will be happy with a toolbox, which can be made from the remains of boards.

A simpler gift to make would be a stand for storing all sorts of screws, nails and self-tapping screws. For this purpose, it is enough to take the tins from under the cans of vegetables, paint them in different colors and give them appropriate inscriptions.

The resulting cups can be put in a small box. So they will always be in one place and not scattered on shelves. There can also be a place to store screwdrivers.

An unusual craft for Dad's birthday can be presented in the form of a stationary or mobile bar. For this purpose, you can free up one of the cabinets in the kitchen or living room and equip it with interior shelves.

The original open bar will be the usual canisters. They are repainted in the same color, cut out the side, make convenient shelves to store bottles.

An old tube TV also makes an unusual bar. For this, only the box is retained, and the "interior" will no longer serve wires and microchips, but bottles and glasses.

For ease of movement, the bar is equipped with wheels. Even an old suitcase can become an unusual bar. For this purpose, it is decorated on top and provided with shelves inside.

A gift for grandmother

Grandmothers are traditionally considered good cooks. Therefore, for them you can make a variety of kitchen towels, aprons, gloves. Handicrafts for grandmother's birthday can also become a nice interior object. Such decorations would be:

  • knitted covers for cups and kettle;
  • cutting boards, decorated with a device for burning or pictures, secured with varnish (decoupage);
  • homemade coasters for knives;
  • jars for spices.

Most grandmothers love houseplants. For them, you can turn old flower pots into charming cachepots, using fabric, decorative cords and twine, coins, shells, beads, artificial and natural stones.

You can give a whole mini vegetable garden, grown with your own hands and unusually decorating the kitchen. It will be enough to buy the same pots (or make them from mayonnaise buckets), soil and seeds of spicy herbs and homemade tomato-peppers.

Grandpa's birthday gift can be warm and useful.

The oldest member of the family can knit warm socks or a scarf, make an eyecup or a keychain.

An unusual gift would be a family portrait from photos or the whole genealogical tree. To do this, just take a twig of a tree and attach photos of all your closest relatives to it.

Dear faces can be glued on plastic bottle caps beforehand.

A coffee and tea drinker can buy several varieties of their favorite drink, print out interesting facts and glue on the packages. Such an unusual gift can be supplemented with chocolate bars or homemade cookies.

Gift to brother

For a younger brother, you can make new toys from ordinary cardboard (car, plane, ship), a cozy game mat from pompoms and "stones" from fabric and synthetic foam.

For an older brother, you can make bookmarks for books, a case for a tablet or phone, a charging station from an ordinary box.

You can also make an unusual dream catcher, or make a massage mat out of smooth pebbles and rubber base. A great gift will be a candy set made in the form of a barbell, dumbbells or a tank.

A gift for your sister

Any girl and girl will be happy with the original soap. You can make it with your own hands from special mixtures or use small pieces of soap that remain in every family.

To do this, they are melted in water and poured into molds. As decorations for homemade soap you can use coffee beans, dried flowers and leaves, and nuts.

A box made of cardboard, toothpicks and thick yarn will be a cute gift.

A cozy terrycloth rug will help your feet enjoy the warmth before bed or in the morning.

Cozy, cute, useful gifts can be created using the simplest ideas and long unused items. Such crafts will bring much more joy than expensive but impersonal purchases.

Photos of birthday crafts

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