How to draw a fish step by step: children's pencil drawings in different techniques

Fish have a simple shape, so it is often used as an object of drawing. Following the instructions, you can understand how to draw a fish easily.


Children's fish drawings

Here is one of the simplest instructions, following which you can easily and quickly draw a fish for children. This will be a goldfish in a cartoon technique, cheerfully smiling at children:

  1. Draw an inverted egg with the pointed end to the right. This is the torso of the fish. To it we draw two long ovals, coming from the same point and diverging in different directions. They should represent the tail fin. On the top left, draw two intersecting circles, one larger, one smaller. These are the eyes of the fish. Inside them, we draw a pupil in the form of painted circles with white highlights.
  2. Draw the details of the picture. On the left side of the picture draw a few circles - these are going up bubbles. From below we draw two semi-ovals, a shorter and a longer one, and on top we draw one more semi-oval. These are the pelvic and dorsal fins. In the middle of the torso, draw a vertical arc curved to the right. This line separates the fish scales from its head. From below left, we depict a smile in the form of a 3/4 horizontal arc, and at the end, we draw a vertical line. Highlight the fish chin with a smooth line drawn from the middle of the arc of the mouth to the end of the torso. Excess line is erased.
  3. Draw scales and fine texture of the fins. On the torso depict several vertical arches connected by 1, 2 or 3. On the pelvic and dorsal fins draw vertical lines. On the caudal fin make a middle vertical line crossing both parts of the fin. The right side is left without strokes, to the left we draw straight lines.
  4. Give the lines clearness. On paper, you can use a liner for this purpose. Paint the body gold, inside the scales do yellow highlights. The eyes are painted in blue.

The cheerful drawing of a fish is ready.

It is suitable for children's illustrations or coloring books.

A light drawing of a fish

Let's depict the fish in a more natural version:

  1. First, we depict the base of the torso and the tail. Draw an elongated oval with a pointed left apex. On the right, draw a triangle, crossing the oval torso.
  2. Separate the head from the body with a vertical line. From below derive two elongated and narrow trapezoidal shapes. Closer to the tail draw another trapezoid, but wide and shortened. Thus, we have depicted the lower fins of the fish. On top we draw the dorsal fin on the same principle, it can be in the form of a rectangle. On the head part, we put a point representing the eye.
  3. From the base of the fins spend straight lines to the edges, to outline the texture. On the body draw scales in the form of arches. Draw the mouth opening. Circle the eye.
  4. Color the resulting fish in the desired color. For example, it can be red, brown or gray.

Traced fish does not look like a character from a cartoon, but the picture is still quite childish. It lacks technique for real naturalness.


Let's draw a goldfish in an aquarium.

  1. Draw the body. It will be an oval with pointed edges.
  2. Draw a strongly curved arc in the middle of the body. It separates the scales from the head.
  3. On the head we draw a large vertically standing oval eye.
  4. Draw the lips in the form of two massive droplets coming from the top of the oval.
  5. To draw the tail, from the left top of the oval lead a smooth line up obliquely, round the top and go down. Then, without going to the end, again down and to the left, also rounded and lead to the beginning of the path. The resulting figure depicts the tail fin of the fish.
  6. Draw the fins of the goldfish. From the bottom of the arc lead down a trapezoidal figure with smooth angles. On the back, draw a fin in the form of multiple arcs coming from one base. Inside the eye draw a smaller oval.
  7. Image scales in the form of connected arcs, standing vertically and going in rows after each other. Divide the dorsal fin into parts, inside each of which draw a line. Inside the caudal and lateral fins draw rays coming from the base, not brought to an end. At the iris draw an oval for the pupil, inside the pupil - a circle for the glare.

We got a funny little fish female.

Aquarium fish

Draw a small aquarium fish like a guppy on a sheet of paper:

  1. Draw a horizontally placed tick with a smooth angle. This is the torso of the fish.
  2. Separate the head from the body with an arc and draw an oval eye with a filled in pupil inside.
  3. To the narrow part of the head drew a small circle. From the lower part of the body trapezoidal fin with a smooth top edge.
  4. Continue to draw the torso, bringing the lines together, but not leading to the end. On the back and abdomen draw two semi-oval fins with pointed tops.
  5. Draw a branching into two parts caudal fin. Each of the ends is divided into two more sharp tips. At the base there is an arc that separates the tail from the body.
  6. Draw the other ends of the tail fin, peeking out from the left side.
  7. Draw two or three lines extending from the base of the fins.

Drawing is ready. You can color this fish in any color you want. For example, it suits her purple or blue coloring of the body.


Let's draw a clownfish. These fish are known from the cartoon "Finding Nemo":

  1. Draw the torso in the shape of a horizontally lying bowling pin.
  2. Draw a small round eye in the head.
  3. Let's picture fins. Bottom draw two semi-oval of different sizes. In the middle of the body is drawn trapezoid with smooth edges and no short side. Above draw two curved lines.
  4. Draw stripes on the head, at the tail and in the middle. In the head draw a short and rounded at the bottom and long at the top.
  5. Draw the mouth opening, bending down.
  6. Framed in black stripes and edges of the fins.
  7. Color fish-clown in orange. Stripes leave the white.

Drawing of a fish-clown is complete. In this image, it looks more natural than the cartoon character.

Pencil drawing of a fish

Let's depict a rainbow trout on a sheet of paper in the most realistic technique possible. This fish has a beautiful body pattern, which we will also pass in the drawing:

  1. We draw a straight segment, on the ends of which we depict the borders of the body of the future fish.
  2. On the left side we draw the torso oval for 2/3, on the right side we leave room for the tail.
  3. Withdrawing the distance from the oval, draw a trapezoid. The segment should divide it exactly in the middle.
  4. Connect the tail to the body of the fish, drawing oblique segments from its vertices.
  5. Separate the head from the body by drawing a segment. Make the length of the head equal to the length of the tail. Draw an arc, representing the gill cover.
  6. On the head we draw a round eye. Inside it draw a circle hangover - is the iris of the eye.
  7. Draw a fish ajar mouth, drawing two oblique lines down from the edge of the head. Excess line erase.
  8. Let's picture the front dorsal fin. Draw a smooth curved line to the right and upward, then bring the straight line down, then bend it to the left and bring it to the back line.
  9. At the point where the torso separates from the tail, draw the fat fin in the form of a rounded formation.
  10. In the middle of the lower torso line draw the pelvic fins. Draw a line downwards and obliquely, then curve it smoothly and draw a straight vertical line to the torso. Draw the right fin peeking out from behind it.
  11. Opposite the fat fin on the other side of the torso draw an anal fin in the form of a triangle with smooth peaks.
  12. From the segment separating the head and torso, divert pectoral fin. Draw a smooth line up and to the right, then go down with a slight left slope, then horizontally connect to the segment.
  13. We add more wavy curves to the gill cover. Closer to the eyes, draw another arc-shaped line with three large curves. From below we draw the webbing, drawing slanting lines upwards.
  14. We add a fish line of the mouth, a nostril at the top of the head and arched folds near the eyes.
  15. Make the tail fin lines more natural and soft. Add longitudinal stripes to each fin.
  16. Add shading to the top of the head. Paint the pupil of the eye, leaving white highlights.
  17. Fill the whole area of the fish body with small dark spots of different shape and color intensity. We leave white only the belly and the stripe in the upper part of the body.
  18. Shading the space near the upper boundary of the torso.

Drawing a fish with a pencil can be considered ready. To increase the realism of the image, you can add more fine details.

With a little desire, the fish can depict any novice artist or even child.

To draw all the little details, you should look at ready-made images of fish.

Pictures of painted fish

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