How to draw a dragon with one and three heads: the nature of drawing and detailed step-by-step master classes

Dragons appear to us as magical creatures of the most different color, character, image in the story, size. People include these mythical creatures in movies, cartoons, fairy tales and various stories, they are very proud and majestic creatures.

There are no clear rules on how to draw a dragon. Each one is unique in nature. However, a few basic steps in drawing the body parts are still present.

A strong head with sharp teeth, massive muzzle, elongated body, spikes, scales, and wings are common features for every dragon. But here, too, you can let your imagination run wild and modify these body parts to create a creature for a particular theme.


Method One

Dragon easily drawn if you follow certain steps:

  1. It is necessary to draw two circles - the future head and the lower part of the torso of the dragon.
  2. Then you need to connect them with two smooth lines, which as a result will create the body. It can be with curves, if the creature stands in a certain position.
  3. After a large circle also need to draw two lines that will converge at the end. They should be longer than everything else. This will be the tail of the dragon.
  4. Next, at the level of the torso you need to draw two broken lines, which will be the wings.
  5. At the end of the tail draw a small triangle.
  6. On a large circle, which is the back of the body and under the head make two ovals - the future legs of our dragon.

Follow drawing. Wings can be added veins, spikes. Claws are drawn on the paws, you can add elements of scales in different parts of the body. Draw eyes, nostrils for the future dragon.

The final step will be drawing in color. Both paints and colored pencils can be used. The dragon can be absolutely any color, because it is a mythical creature.

Variant of the step-by-step image of the dragon is suitable for both adults and children. Initially, the sketch is made with a pencil, not too soft, so that afterwards it will not shine through the paint.

The second variant of creating a dragon

  1. Draw a circle, which in the future will be the head of the dragon. It is necessary to finish drawing a small rectangle - the future muzzle. Also outline the area of eyes, ears, nostrils.
  2. Under a small circle in the distance draw another, but larger in size. This will be the torso. Ovals outline feet, finish drawing the tail.
  3. Next, connect two circles together - this will be the neck and beginning of the body of our dragon. Draw paws, they are pointed, like a triangle. Inside, erase all unnecessary.
  4. Finally, we finish drawing the wings, teeth, claws on the front and back legs. If desired, you can add spikes.

Three-headed dragon

  1. We start with a sketch. You need to draw three circles at a distance from each other. This is the future head of our dragon. From each circle down the line - the neck, under them draw a triangle with rounded edges - the body, the tail line and ovals for future legs.
  2. On the three circles outline the muzzle. Draw it in the form of an oval. Next, begin to draw. Think of any shape: in the form of a beak, butterfly trunk, mammal's mouth.
  3. Thicken the line of the neck by drawing two lines parallel to it on the right and left, then erase the one in the middle.
  4. Add volume to the body and tail. Smoothly connect the planned lines and erase all unnecessary from the inside.
  5. Form the feet of the animal. They can be given any shape. As you wish.
  6. Next comes the drawing of the eyes and nostrils. Eyes can be made large. To do this, on each circle draw large elongated ovals, in them mark the pupil. Nostrils do rounded.
  7. In conclusion dragon add spikes throughout the body, finish drawing wings, outline the elements of scales, claws on the legs.

Creating a professional dragon drawing requires certain techniques and time.

Nature of creation

Before you begin, you should figure out what purpose you are drawing the dragon for, what it will be like, what its role will be in this or that idea. This will help give your creature individual traits that will distinguish it from others.

The story of your dragon

Another important point is to create a story for your dragon. This makes it easy for you to come up with a background for your drawing and to think of even more details for the dragon's appearance.

For example, if the dragon is small, dotted with flowers and, like the smallest bird in the world, collects nectar from flowers, you can assume that this is one kind of flower dragon.

You will be able to depict large, beautiful lush flower petals on the canvas as your creature flies through. The dragon itself will be graceful, in delicate beautiful shades, with some floral decorative elements.

In contrast, you can imagine a huge, mighty dragon that has been through many wars and battles. Its body has a countless number of battle scars. The background around the reptile is dark, with red-brown hues. The dragon on canvas is large in size, majestic, intimidating.

General Sketch

Before you start detailing, it is important to place the creature on the canvas, so that later it would fit harmoniously into the picture. It is better to start with a simple sketch, outlining the main parts and movements and placing them on the format of the paper.

Drawing the details

To create the most realistic dragon, it is not bad to observe the environment. Dragon is a kind of animal, albeit mythical, which means that it is inherent in the same moments as the world around us.

For the base, basic traits of drawing will be useful to observe reptiles: lizards, snakes, crocodiles. Make different sketches of these animals, and then, choosing the best one, transfer it to your paper.

You can think of dragon features common to other types of animals - insects, mammals, birds, beetles. The combination of different traits will help you create a unique creature.

Positioning in Space

To convey the power and size of your dragon, you can use small elements of composition in the background, for example, birds, plants, all kinds of buildings. All this will help to highlight your creature and emphasize its size.

Drawing in color

You should start working in color from the background, from dark places to light. You should combine shades that match each other to create a painterly work.

You can use any color, but for a better transfer of shade and flavor it is better to use oil paints. This type of paint is very good for highlighting light shades, the color turns out saturated, bright.

We start drawing the dragon by applying the base color on the canvas. At this stage, drawing is not important yet, outline the darkest and lightest places, use different shades to create a three-dimensional drawing. When finished, let the paint dry for a while and start detailing.

You can experiment with different kinds of scales. Each scale is three-dimensional, darker at its borders, closer to the center it is light and reflects the surrounding colors.

It is important to remember that if the scales are in shadow in relation to the surrounding reality, then their lighter part in relation to everything else will be darker. This is an important consideration in creating quality work.

In addition to the scales, the dragon can have fur, plumage - whatever your imagination can do.

Important point is the drawing of the eyes. Dragon they are large, expressive. Eyes reflect the essence and character. Large, bloodshot eyes will make your dragon look wild and fierce.

Round or elongated pupils can give him wisdom, a kind disposition. The shape of the eye can be learned from the reptiles around us to make it appear most realistic.

An additional technique for creating volume is to blur the boundaries of the torso and, conversely, to highlight. The part that goes into the distance can be blurred, not drawn in detail, combined with shades of blue.

The head and the front of the torso need more detail, so we create an image in space.

Now you have enough theoretical background to draw a realistic and beautiful creature that we so often see in stories, movies, cartoons. A little imagination and time, and you will have a truly impressive work on canvas!

Picture of a dragon drawn in pencil

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