How to Draw an Eagle in Pencil: Easy Step-by-Step Sketches for Beginners and Children

To create a picture with a beautiful and proud bird eagle at a glance is quite difficult. If you stick to the basic rules and schemes of how to draw an eagle, it will turn out to be an uncomplicated affair.

Such a drawing can easily be done by an adult, surprising their friends with their skills. For middle-aged children, it will be an interesting activity and an educational master class.


Materials and Tools

You can also create an eagle with a simple pencil. To draw like a real artist, you will need professional tools:

  • Drawing paper. Sold in hobby stores. This material has a more velvety texture, on which the pencil lies better.
  • Drawing pencils of different hardness.
  • Colored pencils or paints.
  • Eraser.
  • The eraser is a special tool, which, like the eraser, is made of rubber. It is softer and more suitable for shading.

A simple drawing

The drawing of an eagle is made in the simplest way. The image will be schematic at first, but then it can be colored.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Create a long and narrow oval on the diagonal of the page.
  2. Draw two similar longitudinal ovals. Should form a pattern that resembles outstretched fingers.
  3. Draw an uneven, vertical line down, it should not be strictly vertical.
  4. From the middle of the line to the left corner of the paper, draw a diagonal line. It should be wavy. At the end, make 4 small feathers, smaller than the first 3 feathers. Then finish the wing with a flat, slightly concave line.
  5. From the end of this concave line depict the neck and the top of the head. From below to outline the outline of the beak.
  6. Complete the formation of the neck on the reverse side. Underneath her draw paws.
  7. A small semicircular, wavy line indicate the lower part of the body. To check the ratios visually draw a vertical line from the end point of the right limb. The end of the torso should end at this level
  8. At the end of the torso to draw the tail with a small fan.
  9. It remains from the top of the tail, which reaches the torso to draw a little semicircular, wavy line, which will form the back of the second limb.
  10. Now with straight strokes work the feathers and then color them. Start painting from the central part of each wing and move gently to the periphery, gradually reducing the number of strokes.
  11. Draw eyes with black dots and over them draw eyebrows. Paint in more detail beak, paws. When dissolving it is better to use a stipple, which will create subtle tonal transitions.

This drawing of an eagle in pencil can be done quite painterly if you devote a lot of time to dissolve the bird. Behind the eagle, you can create a background of mountains or forest, which will turn the drawing into a real painting.

Pictorial Drawing

This drawing will be more complicated due to the fact that it will depict the eagle not from the side, but in facial view. Therefore, you will need to relate the proportions of the body and the two wings in more detail.

Step by step drawing instruction:

  1. On a sheet of paper with a pencil, draw a medium-sized vertical, oblong oval. This will be the body of the drawn eagle.
  2. Place a smaller horizontal oval on top of it, which will then turn into a turned eagle's head.
  3. On both sides of the vertical oval create two concave spirits - this will be the top edge of the figure.
  4. At one end of a small oval toothed line form the plumage of the neck, and the opposite side of the design of the beak. Beak draw a hook down.
  5. At the bottom of the oval to create a tail. This can be done with a fan of oblong feathers oval Such feathers sticks are drawn in two rows. The lower or outer row should be more lush than the one closer to the body.
  6. The lower part of the wings should first be drawn as an arc. Mark the arc with a light line, as it is auxiliary. It should be parallel to the upper and go a little lower. So create three light lines, which will be the basis of the three rows of feathers. The bottom line should end in the middle of the torso. The feathers of the last row will be slightly below it.
  7. Feathers should be drawn in long, elongated ovals, similar to fingers. As well as on the tail.
  8. In the middle of the torso you need to mark the paws. On the head to create eyes and eyebrows.
  9. It remains only to paint the contour. To do this, darker middle row of plumage. A less dark color to design the bottom row of feathers.
  10. Then light coloring on top of wings and body. Head to paint more brightly.
  11. Shading the tail along the same lines as the feathers in the limbs.

Tip. If you use colored pencils or paints for a drawing, for more colorful details need to use more tone and color. And make the outer edges of the body and wings more faded. The center of the torso should also be less contrasting and lighter.

To make the picture look complete it's better to draw the grass at the bottom and the sky above.

Soaring Eagle

It is more difficult to create a soaring eagle, as in this case requires a more precise ratio of proportions and fine elaboration of each stroke.

Drawing a soaring eagle step by step:

  1. First, you need to mark the highest point of the figure. This line will then need to be removed. The highest point will be the edge of the long feathers of the right limb.
  2. Just below this point you need to draw a horizontal line a bit to the right. On it you will draw the plumage afterwards. Now from that line to the center it is necessary to draw a diagonal at an angle of 30-40 degrees. Make the diagonal into a slight arc. This will be the contour of the wing.
  3. Measure a third of the diagonal and draw a horizontal line of this length from it. This will be the upper contour of the skull. At the end make a small rounding, to which attach a beak.
  4. Next draw the left or back wing. First draw the upper contour - it is twice as long as the head line. The contour will also be horizontal and will go a little lower. Next, the wing is made in the form of a curved cone, which is half as thin as the head. Such a ratio of sizes creates perspective.
  5. The lower part of the torso is shaped with an arc that runs horizontally from the left wing and reaches 1/3 of the right limb.
  6. Then the right wing end has to be drawn from the upper point to a length equal to half of the upper diagonal.
  7. The lower straight diagonal must mark the contour of the right limb.
  8. On top of the 5-7 strokes make large feathers.
  9. It remains to make the lines softer and retouch the contour. Make the outline of the plumage wavy.
  10. This figure can also be dissolved. The body and the right wing are decorated with a darker color. The left, far limb should be lighter - with the help of tone will be transferred to the perspective. The head and outer feathers should be brighter and lighter.

Tip. You can use this piece to practice drawing drawings with perspective. Using strokes or paints, you can paint the bird so that not only its body, but also the space around it becomes three-dimensional.

The landscape, which will serve as a background, should be designed in the form of mountain tops. Sami hills can be drawn only contour straight, zigzag lines.

Eagle's head

A portrait of a proud bird in profile will be a simple, but interesting drawing of an eagle for children. To create such a portrait, you will need to make a few straight lines, which will then have to be made into arcs and dissolve.

Step-by-step steps:

  1. Point to mark the middle of the sheet. From there to the left to draw a small horizontal line, which then end with an arc downwards. The arc must end with a vertical line. This is the top edge of the beak.
  2. To the right, draw an upward arc that will be twice as long as the beak and a full width higher than it. This is the top of the skull.
  3. In the middle of the vertical part of the beak to draw a horizontal. At the bottom of another, which will mark the bottom of the mouth.
  4. In the middle of the head make an eye. First you need to create a circle. Then around the circle draw an almond-shaped contour, with a sharp edge to the back. Paint the pupil.
  5. Beak divided into two parts by a vertical line. The outer part will be lighter. On the inside to indicate the nostril.
  6. Draw a semicircular line on the back of his head and teeth plumage of the neck below.
  7. Remains only a few strokes to denote plumage. Portrait of the proud bird is ready.

Tip. To make a portrait more picturesque the strokes can be roughened with a flick or fingers.

These simple drawings of a bird, the lord of the mountains and steppes are a good exercise in drawing or even the beginning of a career as an artist for both child and adult.

Photo of a pencil drawing of an eagle

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