How to draw a castle with pencil and paint - easy step-by-step master classes for children with detailed descriptions

Drawing takes an important part in human life. There is no better way for a child to develop abstract thinking, logic, memory and their own imagination. Various artistic techniques are often used to restore speech and active movements in adults.

For drawing choose not only simple pictures and tasks, but also complex multi-component subjects, allowing to display the surrounding world (for example, landscapes or multi-storey buildings, fragments of streets).


Preparing materials and tools

All artistic techniques require the preparation of the workplace, so that the master was comfortable and convenient to paint. Therefore, you should choose a comfortable chair and a table with a wide tabletop, located near a large window opening.

Lack of light may distort the result. Also for the creative process it is necessary to prepare the following set:

  • Plain and colored pencils.
  • Eraser.
  • Ballpoint pen.
  • Flash pens, paints for younger children.

More complex paintings can be drawn with pastel crayons. For convenience, an organizer should be placed on the tabletop, the compartments of which will store tools for drawing.

General rules for drawing a castle

A lock is a rather complex structure that consists of many adjacent elements. In order to obtain a multidimensional image, the master needs to learn how to direct the lines correctly, give volume to the details and highlight the side edges.

In addition, the ability to place strokes allows you to create shadows, accentuate the different positions of columns, steps, end towers of the castle. Achieve success with a few simple lessons:

  1. On a sheet of paper, draw strokes with a simple pencil. The direction of the strokes should constantly change. It is better to depict the strokes as separate squares, so the master can see the result (the display of shadow spots with different direction of strokes).
  2. A castle cannot float in the air, any structure must have a base, a horizon, a background. It is better to start drawing the structure in full-face, as this image would be seen by the artist himself. The image "view from above" refers to quite complex subjects.

To draw any building, it is better to train beforehand to depict three-dimensional cubes. For this purpose, a line is drawn on the sheet, the two extreme points are highlighted. Below this line draw a small vertical line.

From each extreme point lead two lines in the direction of the upper and lower pole of the vertical bar. The master will immediately notice that the figure has gained volume and a certain angle of view.

Using a number of additional lines, it is possible to create a three-dimensional composition.

Before starting to draw the castle, the master should practice carefully.

Drawing a castle for children

The image of buildings is part of the compulsory curriculum in kindergarten or school, which is necessary for the development of spatial perception of the child.

To arouse the child's interest, you should make the creative process as bright and exciting as possible (be sure to prepare felt-tip pens). Instructions on how to simply and easily draw a castle for children with felt-tip pens:

  1. Place the sheet of paper in front of you in the longitudinal axis.
  2. Use a black felt-tip pen to draw a horizontal line at the bottom of the sheet.
  3. From the outermost points of the line upwards direct a vertical stripe, wrap it inside, lead a little in the horizontal plane, and then lower it again. Thus, the sheet obtained two towers in the shape of a rectangle. These are the end towers, or guard towers of the castle.
  4. The two towers need to be connected by a horizontal line that passes 2-3 cm below the top edge of the rectangles. This is the central wall of the castle. On top of the wall to portray a medium-sized cogs (a classic medieval castle).
  5. The center of the wall drawn arch - the entrance to the castle. To create an image of a wooden door, fill in the arch with large vertical lines.
  6. Any castle should have a tower with a flag. Above the entrance, behind the toothed structures, a square is drawn. A standard window is drawn in the center of the square.
  7. Above the square structure additionally depict a triangular structure, and at its peak - a waving flag.

Children's castle is ready. The child only needs to paint the building in bright colors. If desired, you can add clouds, a river and a bridge across the river to the picture.

Drawing a castle with a landscape

After a few practices with pencil and paper, you can move to a more complex level of drawing. Instructions on how to draw a castle:

  1. A sheet of paper is placed on the table in front of you.
  2. Next, it is necessary to visually mark the location of the structure.
  3. A pencil is used to draw the basis of the castle: two towers in the form of rectangles. Both end towers are located on the right and left outline of the sheet.
  4. On top of each rectangle is drawn another square, whose width is greater than the width of the underlying figure. The upper contour of the square is interrupted in the form of large prongs.
  5. Between the two towers is drawn a horizontal line below the rectangles. An arch is drawn in the center of the resulting wall. With the help of the double line of the arched structure the volume is set.
  6. Next, it is necessary to show the wooden structure of the door. To do this, two vertical lines are drawn exactly in the center. From the lines to either side lead 6 horizontal strips, arranged in a parallel plane.
  7. Above the line of the door depicts two square shapes, above each of which is placed a triangle. The width of each triangle must be greater than the width of the square. From the edge points of the future roof lead two oblique lines to the edge points of the square below, which creates the necessary volume. The flag, its size and coloring is chosen by the artist.

To decorate the castle (its walls and roof) choose gray, brown tones. To paint the surrounding landscape, take bright colors (green grass, blue sky, white clouds). The contours of the distant forest are displayed as a jagged line of dark green.

Drawing a castle with paints

The beginning of this creative process is similar to the previous technique, but the decorating process is different. You will need watercolor and a set of brushes to give color to the structure and the landscape. Instructions on how to draw a castle easily and beautifully:

  1. With a brush, dilute blue paint, paint the sky above the structure.
  2. In the palette add more blue paint, and slightly darken the clouds over the towers.
  3. On the palette, they mix white and black paint. On the sheet itself, they draw a broken line with a pencil along the bottom contour of the castle. Next, they give a gray color to the hill. Green paint is added in places to represent the grass.
  4. Light brown is used to paint the front of the castle. The window openings of the towers and the wooden door should have a darker coloring.

The roof requires a little more detail. Those parts that are closer to the viewer should be painted in dark (close to black) colors.

Distant parts should be painted in lighter tones. This approach makes the drawing more realistic, imitating the natural play of colors.

Chinese Castle

For lovers of Oriental culture, drawing a Chinese castle will be quite interesting. It is not necessary to immediately take up the image of complex structures, you should give preference to a simple version of drawing:

  1. A sheet of paper is placed in front of you in a transverse plane (Chinese structures have a large height).
  2. At the bottom of the sheet draw a rectangle with a small height. Above this figure displays another rectangle, which has a greater height but a little less width.
  3. Then sequentially draw three triangles. Each triangular shape is located above the other, and the size decreases in the upward direction.
  4. The image of the castle is ready, now it is necessary to work out the smallest details. The corners of each triangle should be rounded, lifting the tips up. At the peak of the uppermost triangle, draw a circle, and shade it inside.

Next, work with the first tier of the building. A doorway should be depicted on the front wall, and classic sliding doors on the sides of it. Each door has the form of a rectangle with cross bars.

Given the peculiarities of Chinese culture and symbolism, you can depict next to the lock a brass gong depicting a dragon or snake.

Original drawing ideas

Drawing a classic medieval castle is not the only option for creative work. The master can choose to draw an air castle from cartoons, the image of the ancient city of the gods (on Olympus).

All that is required of the artist is regular training and a suitable creative attitude to achieve the desired effect.

Photo of a painted castle

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