How to draw a tank for children, Tiger, KV-2, T-34 - drawing rules and drawing ideas

Our country has many holidays associated with the army. The most important can be called February 23 and May 9. On these holidays, we try to take care of our loved ones, to surround them with attention and make presents.

As children, trying to draw different types of military equipment we try to please our dads and grandfathers.

Not always these drawings turn out the way we want them to. It seems that sometimes it is difficult to draw pictures. It is for such people let's try to figure out how to draw a tank easily, simply and beautifully.


Tank for kids

Let's try to create a drawing of a tank for children:

  1. We take a sheet of paper and using a felt-tip pen or marker at the bottom of the sheet draw a large oval in a horizontal position.
  2. On the inside of the resulting oval we draw another smaller oval. Thus we represent the track of the tank.
  3. Inside the oval obtained at step two in the central part of the depict a few circles.
  4. Inside the circles put points in the center.
  5. Closer to the edges of a smaller oval add one circle smaller on each side. Inside also put points. This will be the rollers of our tank.
  6. Above track drawing draw a smaller semicircle. This will be the turret.
  7. Above the depicted turret small rectangle draw a hatch in the turret.
  8. Above the hatch a small vertical oval shows the turret hatch cover.
  9. In front of the turret, two parallel horizontal lines show the muzzle of the tank.

The drawing is ready now using felt-tip pens of different colors it can be painted.

Drawing a T-34 tank

Let's try to draw the most famous tank, step by step called the "Victory Tank" T-34. We'll need a pencil, eraser and felt-tip pens for coloring.

  1. Let's draw five circles on a sheet of paper, about the same size, in a horizontal row at a small distance from each other.
  2. In the center of the figures we draw very small circles.
  3. Slightly above these figures represent one circle on each side, also in the center by drawing small circles. These will be the rollers of the tank.
  4. Around these circles is greatly elongated horizontal oval. This will be the track.
  5. Inside, along the track between the circles drawn a small spike.
  6. Slightly above the track repeating its contour in the upper part draw the wings.
  7. Above the obtained wings, a little away from the edge of the wing in the front part of the wing, draw a long straight line at an acute angle sloping to the right. This will be the frontal armor plate.
  8. In the rear part of the wing we draw a straight line at a more obtuse angle sloping to the left. So that the ends of the drawn lines are in the same horizontal plane.
  9. Connect the drawn lines with one horizontal line. This will be the body of the tank.
  10. At the back of the drawn hull depict a small rectangle. These will be the tanks of the tank.
  11. Above the drawn enclosure draw a thin line, which will be the base of the turret.
  12. From the front of the base of the tower draw a vertical arc. This will be the forehead of the turret.
  13. From the top of the arc drawn a small horizontal line. This will be the top of the tower.
  14. From the end of the line drawn, draw a line at a slight angle to the left. This is the back of the tower.
  15. At the front of the tower, use a strongly elongated rectangle to depict the muzzle.
  16. Above the turret, a small rectangle represents the turret hatch.
  17. Next to the hatch a small arc draw the commander's turret.

Using felt-tip pens and pencils, color the finished drawing.

KV-2 tank drawn with a pencil

For drawing a three-dimensional drawing of a tank with a pencil we need a sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser.

  1. Put the sheet horizontally in the center of it draw a small vertical line.
  2. From the top of the line obtained we draw a horizontal line a little bigger.
  3. From the end of the horizontal line draw another vertical line a little longer than the line obtained in the first step.
  4. From the end point of the drawn segment draw a horizontal line a little shorter than the line obtained in the second step.
  5. Draw a short segment to the level of the beginning of the line obtained in the first step.
  6. Connect the short segment and the line drawn in step one.
  7. From the vertical line drawn in step three, draw a small line at a very small angle.
  8. From the end point of the line obtained in step three, draw a small segment of the same length and at a similar angle as the segment obtained in step above.
  9. Connect the segment between the two received lines. Thus in a few steps we have drawn the turret of the tank.
  10. From the front of the resulting turret, using a rectangle at a slight angle depict the muzzle of the tank.
  11. Under the resulting turret begin to depict the body of the tank. First draw the frontal plate. To do this, under the turret draw two lines sloping to the left.
  12. Connect the lines obtained horizontal line.
  13. At a slight angle draw a long straight line to the left side.
  14. Under the line obtained in step twelve draw an elongated parallelogram.
  15. On the left side in the form of an elongated rectangle represent a wing.
  16. Using two arcs on each side of the hull depict the tracks of the tank.
  17. On the left side from the lower and upper point of the arcs drawn, draw a straight line to the end of the tank hull.
  18. Inside the resulting track by means of several circles depict the rollers of the tank.
  19. In front of the hull on the left side, draw the tank's headlight.

So, the drawn tank is ready and you can shaded it with a pencil.

For simplicity of the image of the tank caterpillars, it is necessary first to draw an auxiliary line, which will denote the ground. Then slightly above the ground is drawn a circle, which will represent the central track roller.

To get the rollers of equal diameter in the upper part we draw another horizontal line. Two smaller rollers are drawn on the right and left sides.

Usually the smaller rollers are drawn one-third the size of the main rollers and higher by about half. Between the rollers, the track usually sags slightly.

For ease of depiction of the hull and preservation of proportions over the outermost rollers draw a horizontal line. At a distance of about half the diameter of the rollers draw another line parallel to the already drawn line.

Between the small and the first roller on the line above is a point. An auxiliary line connects the obtained point and the center of the front roller, thus obtaining the front sloping armor plate of the hull.

At the rear of the hull a point is placed on the top line at the level of the center of the small rear roller. An auxiliary line connects the obtained point and the end of the track, thus obtaining a sloping rear armor plate.

For ease of depiction of the turret, put a point at the level of the center of the larger roller, which is located on the left slightly above the hull. At the same height put a point in the center of the middle roller. And draw a segment through these points - this will be the base of the turret.

At the level of the center of the first large roller, located on the right, draw a circle that touches the base of the turret - this will be the front armor plate. Above the obtained circle draw an auxiliary horizontal line.

The contour of the turret is inscribed in the drawn auxiliary lines, depending on the model of the depicted equipment.

Therefore, the tank is selected for the correct image to sketch.

A pencil drawing of a Tiger tank

Due to the fact that this specimen of German tank construction has angular forms its drawing looks somewhat easier. Because of this the drawing of the tank is quite simple:

  1. We start drawing by building a not wide but long rectangle in the center of the sheet.
  2. The left side of the drawn rectangle is adjacent to another rectangle of the same width only slightly shorter length.
  3. From the bottom points of the rectangle obtained in step two, draw two small segments slanted to the left.
  4. Do the same with the large rectangle.
  5. In the back part of the rectangle obtained in step two, build an arc.
  6. In the front part of the same figure build two parallel arcs.
  7. Connect the resulting outermost arc segment. Thus we draw a caterpillar.
  8. Inside the caterpillar depict four rollers.
  9. On the other side of the body dorisovyvayut second track.
  10. Above the body, the turret and gun characteristic of the tiger.

Using the techniques described above, you can simply explain to your child how to depict military equipment to congratulate the men you love on the holiday. And you yourself will learn simple ways to draw. Painted and beautifully colored pictures are great for a gift.

Picture of a drawing of a tank in pencil

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