How to draw a girl step by step in pencil - master classes on drawing rose and conventional portraits

Sometimes it seems that drawing is quite a complicated and time-consuming process. Often visiting a variety of art exhibitions one comes across quite complex and beautiful paintings. There are many different artists, so-called portrait painters.

And I want to try my hand at fine art myself. And the question arises: can I do it? How do I draw a person? A girl? Let's try to study and answer these questions.


Tools Preparation

For painting the necessary tools:

  1. A simple pencil. There are three types of pencils depending on slate hardness, correspondingly hard, medium hard and soft, on pencils there is a special marking for hardness. Using these three types of pencils makes it possible to achieve various thickness of lines drawn.
  2. A sharpener. This is useful for sharpening pencils. It is also possible to use an ordinary knife for stationery. Using such a knife helps to make a pencil's lead sharper.
  3. Eraser. Needed for removing unnecessary outlines and sketches.
  4. Paper. For better quality pictures, you should use a piece of cotton paper instead of the usual stationery paper.

To get a beautiful drawing of a drawn girl, there is a main rule: you need to correctly observe the proportions. At different times in the world there have been various standards of beauty of the female body. Let's try to understand these proportions.

To correctly represent the height of a girl, it is necessary to calculate the height of the head and by multiplying the resulting figure by 8. Thus the result obtained will be equal to the height. For the correct calculation of the width of the shoulders again take the parameter of the height of the head and multiply this figure by 1.5.

Portrait of the face

To get a correct and beautifully drawn face, it is best to use fairly simple auxiliary axes and facial proportions:

  1. First, draw a circle and mark its center.
  2. From the resulting point, draw a line downward that extends beyond the drawn circle by exactly a radius. The end of the line is the bottom point of the chin.
  3. Next you need to represent the chin and connect it to the drawn circle. These will be the cheeks.
  4. For correct drawing of eyes it is necessary to draw an auxiliary horizontal straight line, which will divide the resulting shape of the head in half.
  5. It is necessary to place the corners of eyes exactly on the obtained auxiliary line, while the shape of eyes can be various.
  6. The next step is to draw a vertical straight line through the center of the drawn circle - this will be the axis of symmetry.
  7. From the uppermost point of the drawn circle it is necessary to indent a small distance - this will be the border of hair growth.
  8. Next, the face must be divided by two auxiliary horizontal lines into three equal parts.
  9. On the uppermost received line the eyebrows are located.
  10. The tip of the nose is on the bottom line.
  11. Dividing the lower third of the face in half by an auxiliary horizontal line, there will be a line on which the edge of the lower lip is located.
  12. The upper point of the ears is on the auxiliary line on which the corners of the eyes are located.
  13. The bottom point of the ears coincides with the line of the nose tip.
  14. For the best drawing of eyes it is necessary to adhere to the proportion distance between eyes equals length of an eye. The distance from the edge of the head to the outer corner of the eye is equal to half of the eye.
  15. To find the border of the wings of the nose it is necessary to draw two vertical straight lines from the inner corners of the eyes.
  16. The iris of the eye is partially hidden by the upper eyelid. Skin folds should be depicted on the eyelid.
  17. The eyelashes should be drawn from the edge of the upper eyelid.
  18. The eyebrows are best drawn according to the shape of the eyelid. The eyebrows close to the bridge of the nose are wider than towards the end.
  19. To draw the nose, three circles that intersect should be drawn. The lowest and larger circle will represent the tip of the nose. The other two smaller ones will be the wings of the nose.
  20. The nose goes from the eyebrows in the eye area and is thinner.

Following these steps, the portrait is almost ready, you just need to remove unnecessary auxiliary lines.

Portrait of a face in profile

For a portrait in profile we use the same set of tools as for a portrait in full-face:

  1. To draw it correctly, first draw a rectangle that has a little more height than width.
  2. For correct drawing it is necessary to represent all auxiliary lines, which were used at a portrait in full-face described above.
  3. Into the obtained rectangle inscribe an oval, similar in shape to an egg, so that the tip of the nose and the occipital part were on the side of the rectangle.
  4. Using the highest point of the depicted oval begins to represent auxiliary lines for the forehead, mouth and chin.
  5. The highest point of the forehead is located near the eyebrows and is on the side of the rectangle.
  6. In profile, the shape of the eyes looks like a mathematical sign more or an inverted bird.
  7. The iris is depicted in the form of an elongated arc.
  8. The point where the depression on the bridge of the nose is located is on the auxiliary line drawn for the eyes.
  9. The lower lip on the face in profile is more prominent than the upper lip.
  10. Ears in profile have the shape of the letter C. At the edge of the ear is cartilage.

Delete all the auxiliary lines and the portrait is ready. If the drawing of the girl made with pencil long hair in this case, the hair can partially or completely cover the ear.

Growth portrait

To obtain a full-length portrait of a girl, it is necessary to observe the proportions of the body, described in the very beginning of the article:

  1. The image should begin with an auxiliary line which runs along a backbone and is at the same time a symmetry axis. This line can be vertical or slightly inclined depending on the pose of the sitter. For beginners it is best to depict the figure standing upright, that is, the axis will be vertical.
  2. The torso is best depicted as an inverted triangle. This triangle does not need to be very large because the female figure has a more refined shape compared to the male figure.
  3. For a simpler depiction of breasts, a small triangle is inscribed in the large drawn triangle, where the apex is directed upwards. The other two vertices will denote breasts.
  4. For the best drawing of the hips should draw a circle, which crosses the bottom apex of the large triangle.
  5. When drawing hair on the head of the portrait, you must first choose what the hairstyle will be and in what direction the hair grows.
  6. The drawing of hair should begin from the line of hair growth, not from the top of the head.
  7. After defining the form of hair it is necessary to divide the hair into large strands and mark them in the portrait.

Connecting the drawn auxiliary lines and figures with smooth lines we get a growth portrait of the drawn woman.

A life-size portrait from the back

This type of portrait is very easy for beginner artists. In this version the face and chest are not visible. That's why the image will be simpler:

  1. The shape of the body, as in the method painted above will resemble a triangle.
  2. In the center of the drawn back is the spine, it is best depicted with strokes.
  3. The shoulder blades on the back are best drawn with light strokes.
  4. When portraying a portrait from the back there is an opportunity to draw the hair in different shapes and sizes very nicely.

When portraying a portrait in a dress it is best to start with the figure without the dress. In this case it will be easier to determine the anatomy of the figure. The dress allows you to hide very difficult areas of the body, which in the initial stages may not turn out.

When drawing a dress it is necessary to take into consideration its style and the material of which it is made. If the fabric has a more airy shape the dress will fit tighter around the figure.

Also, the most important part of painting any porter is the lighting. To begin with, it is necessary to determine from which place the light falls. And accordingly in this direction will be the glare on the clothes and hair. It is also very important to portray the right shadow.

Learning to draw portraits of girls easily and simply beautifully you can always please not only friends and relatives, but also yourself. After all there is nothing more satisfying than getting a very beautiful portrait.

Once you have tried one of the above methods of portraiture you can move on to more complicated ways. As mentioned above it's better to start with a portrait from the back.

Photo of a drawing of a girl in pencil

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