How to draw Kikimora step by step in pencil and paint - a collection of the best master classes

Character from myths, fairy tales, Kikimora is known for its sabotage to people, cunning. She lives far away from people, but she can drop in suddenly, come to visit someone to make shenanigans. She is so clever, that not everyone can defend himself.

Her ability to change her appearance helps her to deceive everyone. She can turn into a beautiful young girl, appear in this guise on the doorstep, appear as an old woman, a fantastic, creepy forest creature, scaring to death.

No one really knows what she really looks like. Accordingly, what it definitely can not prevent people from doing is the desire to develop imagination, artistic talent. How to properly draw this fairy tale character, will prompt the imagination.

Will be useful general tips, advice on how to draw Kikimora step by step for a fine arts lesson at school, homework, personal exhibition of the best drawings. Need to work with a simple pencil, eraser.

But to the choice of other tools should be a little more attentive, find the best option.


What colors to choose

Depicting a swamp kikimora, you will need to use green pencils, paints, several shades. Therefore, it is better to choose not even pencils, but oil paints. They are easy to mix. You can create any shade in an instant.

These are paints with a semi-liquid consistency. They are sold in art stores. They are packaged in small, made of flexible metal tubes, with a handy, screw cap.

To get the desired shade, a small amount of paint of two or more colors should be squeezed onto a plywood or plastic stand, mixed with a brush. By dipping it in water, you can dilute a little color. It is not difficult to buy a set of oil paints, all the basic colors, and one color, which is convenient.

Different shades of green are obtained by mixing these colors:

  1. Blue and yellow.
  2. Green and blue.
  3. Blue and green.
  4. White and green.

Water colors and gouache are more difficult to mix, but they have another advantage. They are more suitable for drawing on paper. Oil paints are easier to draw on cardboard. A set of pencils of 24 colors and more is not a bad option.

By pressing the lead lightly or with force, you can get a darker or lighter shade.

It is not necessary, of course, to use paints or pencils. You can glue colored paper, sequins, fabric, dry leaves, beads and yarn onto a pencil drawing.

Applique can be used to decorate the figure, the background. The picture will be interesting, provocative, multidimensional without a strict drawing of perspective, light, shadow.

In the guise of an elderly woman

One of the guises of the kikimora is an old woman wandering from the swamp to the house where she will harm.

The closer she gets to her goal, the younger she looks, but also just beginning her journey, she may have a joyful expression on her face, rushing and covered in blush from this, laughing with malicious laughter in anticipation of meeting her enemies.

Her cunning, evil, otherworldly origins give away her large, inhuman eyes, warts on her nose, chin, seaweed on her head, leeches. To draw a kikimora in the form of an old woman walking through the woods to a nearby village, proceed as follows:

  1. First, you need to draw a general silhouette, an outline. Then the face, hands and other details. To do this, an irregular oval is drawn. On one side it should be slightly pointed, elongated, like the sun, but with only one triangular ray. This will be the head of Kikimora, which will be depicted in semi-profile. Simultaneously drawn headdress, a small kerchief.
  2. Follow draw the contour of the body. It resembles a bell, has a triangular shape. The top of the triangle acts as a neck, and its base as a hem of the cape. The silhouette is slightly offset to the side of the head. The head is pulled forward. The edge of the kerchief slightly covers the hunched back.
  3. One arm, the shoulder of which will not be visible, is stretched forward. Drawn, too, in the form of a triangle - elongated, arranged horizontally.
  4. Now, in order to portray the movement correctly, it is necessary to draw the face of the kikimora - an oval for two-thirds of the head. A line that will convey the position of the shawl covering the old woman's forehead. Under this line, you should draw eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips.

It remains to draw the cane, on which the kikimora will lean, the other hand holding the flysword or reeds, marsh lilies, lilies.

It is possible to draw a braid, loose hair, an uncomplicated pattern on clothes and a scarf, one shoe barely visible from under the hem, conveying a confident gait.

The dress could be made bright, use contrasting colors, the face could be made with green skin, a nasty contrasting, bright blush. Hideous, horrible, the heroine will turn out at the same time cute and funny.

Kikimora snag .

You can not try too hard, faster than in the previous example, draw a kikimora. In this case, a schoolboy going to elementary school, a middle school student, an adult who can't draw it, everything will come out fine on the first try.

Will be good kikimora, drawing for grade 5 and grade 6, 3 and 7, if depicted in thin lines, in the form of a snag. Appearing on a mossy shore, she will be gearing up, obeying an internal impulse. To draw it quickly and easily, you can do the following:

  1. On the sheet just below the center it is necessary to draw a horizontally placed arc - a bump, on which the kikimora will stand.
  2. Draw a rectangle slightly beyond the arc, covering its part - the silhouette of a mythical creature.
  3. Upper corners of the rectangle to sharpen. This will be its ears.
  4. Next, a line to separate the top fourth part of the rectangle, indicating its head.
  5. Should draw her eyes in the form of two horizontal watermelon crusts. They will burn with swamp fire.
  6. Two thin lines will depart from the head - the branching arms of the heroine.
  7. To continue drawing with a pencil with a gray lead is not very convenient. This is important if the drawing will be colored further in watercolor. If colored pencils, you can take them out to paint the bottom three-quarters of the rectangle in a light green shade.
  8. A darker green pencil to start sketching chaotic vertical lines - cloak kikimora. They should be placed close to each other, then at a distance, conveying the decrepitude. Simple pencil can emphasize the contours of some branches, and black pencil and brown to convey the shadow. The cape can be unbuttoned in the middle, held on several buttons. The branches can go beyond the contours of the rectangle, creating the collar of the outfit, the hem, the shoes.
  9. Behind the kikimora should draw trees, and around still bumps. She can stand on the shore or in the middle of a swampy lake.

Schematic, sloppy, abstract, the drawing will soon be completed and the kikimora will turn out very spectacular.

Kikimora Sitting on the Shore

A seemingly difficult drawing for children, the Kikimora sitting on the shore will be easy to draw if you stick to the following plan:

  1. A circle is drawn, which will indicate the position of the head of the mythical creature.
  2. Draw a vertical line - the neck of the kikimora.
  3. It is necessary to draw a trapezoid without a wide base, with almost twice lengthened one of the sides. This will be the torso. The longer side of the trapezium is the back line, and the shorter side shows where the forearm line of one of the arms will be.
  4. The neck should be almost in the middle, offset slightly to the shorter side.
  5. The line of the other arm begins at the corner of the trapezium formed by the longer side. It is drawn straight, dividing the corner in half. The trapezium turns into a schematic representation as if it were the roof of a house, similar to two square cards stacked together.
  6. Somewhere in the middle, the arm line changes vector, drawing to the point where the shorter trapezoid line breaks off, showing where the elbow joint will be.
  7. From the end of the line of the kikimora's back two straight lines should be drawn at an angle of about 45 degrees and 35 degrees relative to the base of the trapezoid, which has not been depicted, but can be drawn for correctness of the outline. The first should be shorter and the second longer. This is the upper part of the character's legs.
  8. The lower part of the legs is drawn with lines pointing down and back to the elongated side of the trapezoid.

Next, the contours of the torso are drawn: both shoulders, legs. The contour is drawn so that the schematic main lines are in the center. It remains to draw the face, the kikimora's hair, and the frog behind the sinus.

Together with her, she is about to start on her way to the now-cursed village to scare the terrible coldness, malice and cunning, to build intrigues, to engage in sabotage, to drive the human race from the light.

Photo of the painted kikimora

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