How to draw a rabbit in pencil - easy master classes with a step-by-step description and a selection of the best photos

How to draw a rabbit step by step by yourself and what you need for that will tell this article.

Where do you want to start? Of course, with simple pencil drawings.


Bunny drawn in pencil

Will need:

  1. A sheet of white paper;
  2. Eraser;
  3. A pencil.

Tip: Before you draw a rabbit, make sure you have a clear picture of it in front of your eyes. That way, the step-by-step explanations will be clearer.

This is a very simple and easy drawing.

So, we take the paper and place it horizontally (the rabbit will be big).

Face .

Draw a circle about two centimeters in diameter, it is possible to do a little more. The circle on the left side, bottom draw a small cusp. It will be a nose.

Ears .

They will be located on top of the muzzle. A little left of the middle of the circle draw the first ear. Ears are made in the form of two ovals, they are inclined to the right. One ear overlaps half of the other.

Inside the ear, which is directed in our direction, draw an oval, pointed from below. The oval is close to the left side of the ear and does not touch the right side.

The torso .

From overlapping ear start drawing another circle. He is larger than the muzzle of a centimeter. Connect muzzle and torso line, like the roof of the house. Recall the game of hiding with the phrase: "I'm in the house!

In this phrase, the fingers of the hands are touching each other and the remaining hands are down. This broken line is necessary in the drawing.


We draw a circle with a diameter of one centimeter. The circle is at the back of the torso and is located at the bottom.


Draw the eyes of the muzzle. Rabbit turned sideways, so you can see only one eye. Eye will be in the form of a small oval. Inside it is another smaller oval. Oval, which is larger, filled in with pencil.

Drawing an additional element to the picture. What is the rabbit's attention? He is looking at a delicious and juicy carrot.

Carrot .

It's right under the rabbit's nose. It is five, six centimeters long and two, two and a half inches wide. First draw a little circle and from it lead two lines connecting after. Do not forget about the green part of the carrot.

Draw it with the same ovals, there are only three of them and they are located on top of the circle. Their edges are cleaned with the eraser inside. So that they form one figure. The oval on the right side is longer than the others, the middle one is smaller, and the first one has the shortest length.


If you wish, you can color this drawing with pencils. Let's start with the shadows. A circular shadow is present on the torso at the top and bottom. It is on the tail and very slightly on the snout.

Approaching the nose, the shadow on the muzzle disappears.

We paint the inside of the ear in front and the ear behind. He we do a shadow closer to the second ear, and not affecting part of the oval on the left side. We draw the carrot on top in a darker color than the rest of it.

Drawing is ready! Let's move on to more complex variations.

Rabbit in pencil.

This rabbit will sit and look at us as if studying.

You will need:

  1. A sheet of paper;
  2. A simple pencil;
  3. Eraser.


Draw a circle that imitates a snout. You can imagine that you are drawing a small part of a strawberry. Do not forget about the cheeks, which are shaped like a semicircle.

Ears .

Ears we have on top. On the right side of the top of the circle. Draw them in the shape of a petal. Remember the inside of the ear.

The eye .

We add it to the muzzle from below and to the left of the ear pointing in our direction. Imagine a dumpling. Yes, yes, I'm serious. Or if you like, the planet Saturn. That's what we're drawing, but don't forget that it's still an eye. Paint over it, leaving a glare.

The mouth .

We draw a little comma at the bottom of the face. It will imitate the mouth of the animal.


In this drawing the body and the neck will not be separated. Draw two lines coming from the little left of the cheek and the ear on top. The line at the top is in the shape of the letter S. At the end of the bottom line draw two small feet, similar to valenki. We add a tummy.

Back paw.

It is drawn immediately after the tummy. Its foot is adjoined to the belly from below (we draw an oval). From above (circle) it is inside the body and does not go beyond the boundaries.


Draw something like a circle parallel to back leg, even a little bit higher. We also draw the whiskers.

A little bunny with a carrot

This drawing will also be done with a pencil, but it is more complicated than the first one. Why? There are a lot of shadows. But don't worry, every action will be clear and easy to explain.

You will need:

  1. A sheet of paper;
  2. Pencil;
  3. Eraser.

Head .

Draw it in the form of a circle. The diameter of the head is two, three centimeters. We begin to give it a more realistic shape. The bottom of the circle erase line. Instead draw a broken line, as in the game from the previous picture.

Take the right side of the circle, erase this line and place a line similar to the English S. The bottom line is bigger than the top line. This is a cheek. Let's take the top part. From the top of the S draw an arc-shaped line increasing to the end of the left side of the circle.

Now the turn of the left line of the circle, which has not affected before. Need to draw the nose. From the rising line downwards, and parallel to the middle of the circle stop. Step back a couple of millimeters to the left. Connect these two lines and finally bring this line together with the "house".


On top of the circle are two small ears. The distance between them, like one ear. One of them is directed to us and has no edge on the bottom, and the second, which is located behind, has this edge. There are ovals inside the ears, one in each.

Face .

Where we drew the line "snout" indent to the right a couple of millimeters. We draw a slingshot, at the bottom of which there are two lines running in different directions.


He turned to us sideways, so we can see only one eye. We place it in the middle of the former circle. We put a point there. Now, imagine a sunflower and its plump and delicious seed. It is as if we are lying on its side.

Its tip is directed to the left side. This will be our eye. The length of the eye is a centimeter, a little more. The width is no more than the length.

Neck .

It will not be very big, just over a centimeter. From the left cheek we will draw a "house" line. It goes downwards. On the left side we draw an arc-shaped line. It is two centimeters, no more, directed to the left side.


Draw two paws in the shape of a circle and an oval. They are at the same level with each other. The right paw is included in the neck line from behind. The circle is the right paw, the oval is the left paw. We erase the back border of the right circle. We touch the oval.

Its back part, directed to the left side is reduced, but not to the level of the angle. Rather, up to a small circle.

It's up to the carrot.

Carrot is the largest part of the picture. On it our rabbit has folded his paws. Draw a typical dacha carrot with vertical, not very long, lines on its surface and petals on top.

Shadows .

Beginning from top to bottom. On the inside of the ears draw a fur coat. It is darker on the bottom than on top. The remaining unaffected parts are painted over with a simple pencil, not pressing down hard on it.

As for the head, the upper part has an arc-shaped shadow that gets darker toward the "rising" peak. The left side of the head will not be left out either. Draw the shadow in the shape of the S-line. The neck will not be painted heavily, not completely.

Paws have shadow only from below. The carrot is darkened at the bottom and top, under the cute paws of the rabbit. The shade of the greens is also darkened.

Easter Bunny.

This is an atypical bunny with testicles in a clearing. A bunny with a balloon. You can decorate it as you want yourself.

You will need:

  1. A sheet of paper;
  2. Colored pencils;
  3. A lead pencil;
  4. An eraser.

Place the sheet vertically. The rabbit looks to the right side and is turned sideways to us.

A simple pencil with light lines sketch the rabbit.


A circle a centimeter in diameter with a small one. This is what the head of the Easter Bunny will look like.

Muzzle .

In a circle on the upper right side we draw a smoothed corner. It will be a rabbit's mouth with a smile at its end.


Draw a small oval near the mouth on top. Paint over it, leaving a glare. Above the eyes draw a small eyebrow.


Draw them on the left side of the circle, starting from the middle. They are made in the form of two petals.

The body .

From the head are two curved lines. The right is arched and the left is more curved on the right side below. Connect these two lines in a semi-circle.


The lower leg starts on the left side of the torso at the bottom, indenting slightly to the left. It is shaped like a flattened oval on the torso. Extends beyond the torso line by a centimeter. Draw second paw, identical to the first, which is located behind it and looks out a little.

Upper paws are drawn a little lower than the head. They are directed upward behind the ball. Paws have the shape of an oval, in the direction of the body become more voluminous.

Tail .

Represents the circle located at the bottom of the body on the left. It should be strictly circular in shape.


Draw a thread ball, it is long and ends at half of the torso of the rabbit. Draw the balloon itself. Imagine a normal light bulb at home. And draw it. We are going to decorate this balloon the way we want it to be, but in the theme of Easter.

Imitate a black pencil fur around the body of a rabbit. Go inside the eye, eyebrow, string of the balloon and the balloon itself. Eraser erase all pencil. Light brown pencils color the rabbit completely.

Take the same pencil, but press him harder (make the color darker). They paint the head, ears (not touching the inside), body (not touching the stomach), legs and tail.

Light pink pencil draw a blush on the cheek and inside of the ear. Draw the ball. Brown draw the shadow of a rabbit. Putting green grass on the drawing. Adding a dark green and lettuce shade.

I hope this article was helpful to you.

Photo of the drawn rabbit

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