Salted dough crafts at home: recipe, drying methods, master classes, photo ideas

Salted dough crafts do not hold back the flight of creative imagination and are presented in great variety. Ecologically pure flour mixture from ancient times symbolizes prosperity, comfort, family hearth, allowing you to freely experiment with yourself.

Vintage handicrafts are called mukosol, doughplasty, mukosolka, bioceramics. It does not require special artistic skills, exactly as well as financial costs.

As a result, you can not only exclusively change the interior of the home, giving it personality and uniqueness, but also become the creator of the author's souvenirs, which are lovingly given to family and friends.


The recipe of salt dough

The classic recipe includes fine salt (not iodized) and flour (not pancake flour), taken by the glass, to which gradually add ice water and vegetable oil (2 tbsp.). Knead the composition, regularly turning the clod.

Steep consistency should be convenient for the formation of copies, excessive stickiness or crumbliness is excluded.

The prepared mass, having reached homogeneity, is placed for 2 hours in the refrigerator and stored so, wrapped in polyethylene, for a week. It is better preserved than plasticine, distinguished by the harmlessness to health, this is especially important if you are working in tandem with children, who are accustomed to everything to taste.

The required amount is periodically cut off when there was a desire to create another masterpiece. Many housewives experiment, modifying the recipe at their discretion.

Drying of salt dough crafts

There is a cold and hot method of drying products. The first case involves natural drying, which is preferable. The samples are spread out on heavy paper, placing them in a place concealed from direct sunlight, otherwise there will be inevitable cracking. It will take 2-3 days, which depends on the thickness.

Impatient craftsmen use the oven, laying the models on a baking tray. Do not close the door to allow the moisture to evaporate as quickly as possible. The process will brown the small and thin elements, while the larger ones may cause cracks. The temperature is raised in stages, starting at 50 and reaching 100 degrees, which will take an hour.

A higher temperature of 120 will ensure readiness in half an hour. If the tapping on the thick section responds with a ringing sound, the handicraft has reached the end.

Painting the craft

Finished workpieces grind if necessary, sandpaper and paint with a brush using acrylic paints or gouache. After coloring the samples must be covered with clear varnish in several layers, giving each layer to dry well. This method will allow the object to maintain its durability and beauty for a long time.

You can use harmless dyes for Easter eggs, vegetable or berry juice, cocoa, added to the liquid at the kneading stage. Colored lumps are wrapped in cling film and kept separately.

Children's salt dough crafts

Children are interested to see what metamorphoses occur with the raw materials, the topics understandable to kids is very extensive, replenishing:

  • animals;
  • numbers;
  • clowns;
  • hearts;
  • pencil holders;
  • medals.

The list could go on forever. You should start with the simplest kinds - multicolored flowers, circles, collected in garlands.

Star .

To make a star of any size will require a red compound. Sequence of steps:

  1. Roll a ball, then turning it into a scone.
  2. With a knife cut out the contours of a five-pointed figure or operate a special mold.
  3. The corners are lubricated for smoothness with moistened fingers.
  4. Toothpick useful for dotting.
  5. Mark the eyes and mouth in a smile.

You can attach drops of a different color as decoration. It remains to dry the creation, varnish and leave to dry. If you want to hang salt dough crafts for children, then they are made a hole in advance.


After molding the body of the hedgehog, which has a drop-shaped configuration, accentuate the nose and eyes, using pieces of black dough, beads or peas.

The needles are isolated by cuts, going in a row, observing the staggered order and raising them to the top. For this will need manicure scissors. Manipulating them, the entire back of the animal is equipped with sharp waves.

Often the needles are depicted with matches, skewers, on which mushrooms or fruit are strung. It turns out very nice believable creature.

The caterpillar .

Roll out green material, sausage, and cut into pieces, rolled into balls. Their number chosen independently. Details glued, mounted last head in a raised position with eyes and nose. Sample should be pre-pierced for the suspension.


A red apple half is molded, with a white middle on the cut. Now glue the seeds, stalk and leaves.

Full apples can be made by crumpling the foil into balls and covering them with flour material. This promises the dough figures to be lightweight and quick drying. All that remains is to paint them in a natural tone by sticking in a twig stalk.


Having prepared the mixture of the desired coloring, proceed to work:

  • The body looks like an elongated structure;
  • The legs are shaped like columns;
  • connect these blanks;
  • the ears are made of flat petals, in which smaller elements of a different color are inserted;
  • do not forget about the short tail.

Expressive eyes will be the final stroke.


After sculpting the oval body, add round eyes, to which glue ghost tubes for realism. A file around them draw stripes around the circle and rays at the bottom. Scissors form feathers. This is a painstaking job, done carefully and without haste.

The bird can be attached to a board or planted on a branch, the final touch being the massive paws. The image can change, coming up with fun details.

New Year's crafts from salt dough

To meet the New Year in the neighborhood with bright attributes is a great idea. This is a great room decor, giving it a festive atmosphere. To the exciting activity involve not only children, but also grandparents, which will turn out for all a mass of positive emotions.

The options are represented by:

  1. The Snow Maiden.
  2. Their own palms in hats.
  3. A lucky horseshoe.
  4. Smiley faces with their tongues out.
  5. Snowflakes.
  6. Santa Claus.

New Year's crafts from dough can look like a frame for photos, candlesticks, a magical chest. To decorate used confectionery powder, coffee beans, grits, pumpkin seeds.

Christmas tree

The forest beauty can be recreated by different methods. A flat variation will turn out from a rolled out sheet. Cut out its outline, smoothing the edges. From the narrow strips, starting from the top, you can lay out loops of garland, pressing them with a brush. The finished tree is painted and decorated with glitter and other decorations.

To create a three-dimensional version, go as follows. The cake is cut into five petals, not affecting the center and squeezing their ends. Several of these instances are combined vertically, mounting the top. Decorate, based on personal imagination.

The Snowman .

Rolled foil is placed inside the dough shell, turning it into two koloboks, one of which is slightly smaller. With a toothpick connect the elements. They mold the legs, nose-fish and eyes. Designate a smiling mouth with a flagellum. Wear a hat, attaching mitten handles and buttons. Tie a catchy scarf. It remains colorfully decorated homemade.

Christmas tree toys

For decorating a pine tree, any ideas will do. It can be:

  • angels;
  • bells;
  • garlands of colorful parts;
  • mittens;
  • birds;
  • fairy houses.

To give a festive sparkling look involve beads, rhinestones, tinsel.

Salted dough panel

Such subjects immediately attract the eye, livening up the environment. Transform the hall floral arrangement, the kitchen - culinary images, and children - cartoon characters, fish, critters. Paintings from dough are landscapes, still lifes, plants. Silhouettes are recreated on parchment paper, filling them with raw materials, and in the dried state they are glued to a cardboard base. The use of several layers guarantees the convexity of the picture.

It is not difficult to reproduce the "Pink Bouquet" by molding leaves with a characteristic pattern or by making imprints of real leaf plates. The ornate buds will act as roses, irresistible in the lush surroundings of the foliage. By the way, to provide the background surface waviness can be glued to the base scraps of napkins, painted in the selected shade.

It is not difficult to depict a winter forest, a basket of vegetables, a cat, bunches of grapes, sunflowers, a symbol of prosperity. The molding is always in the foreground, and the backdrop is painted.

Helpful hints

To give the material obedience and special specific properties, masters replenish the salt dough for crafts at home with additional components:

  • PVA glue, which provides strength;
  • starch or glycerin to make it more elastic and velvety
  • Dry wallpaper glue, which promotes the formation of a glossy film resembling porcelain;
  • Rye flour, together with wheat flour, which gives the accessories an unusual shade of clay;
  • for fragrance, mint, lemon, tangerine additives, or spices.

Thin flagella are obtained by passing the raw material through a device for crushing garlic. Individual parts are glued together by wetting the points of contact.

Products in which you have invested your soul, have "vitality" and are stored for a long time, for example, in a shoe box, without being spoiled and used for more than one year.

Modeling develops fine motor skills, teaches diligence, coordination of movements, forms the artistic vision and thinking. It's a great pastime for the whole family, promoting mutual understanding and spiritual unity.

Photo of salt dough crafts at home

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