How to crochet a granny square - crochet patterns and techniques for beginners (101 photos)

The most beautiful and popular crochet detail is the granny square. There is no exact meaning for this motif. It is believed that it got its name in honor of the sweetest grandmothers, in whose homes you can find many knitted products of decor according to this technique.

However, a crocheted quadrilateral can not only be part of a whole product, such as a plaid or bedspread, but also an independent element, such as a napkin or cup holder.

Text Abbreviations:

  • VP - air loop;
  • AHH is a stitch with a stitch in it:
  • SBN - column without a stitch;
  • SP - semicolon.


Description of the "granny square" motif

Such a topical motif looks like a colorful composition made of several parts. In the middle of it is placed the main inflorescence with lots of petals.

When knitting yarns are used not the same, bright colors in large quantities.

The more vibrant colors are used when knitting, the more interesting and colorful the finished product.

Grandma's square always starts knitting from the center. First, the required number of air loops are hooked on the hook, which are fastened in a ring.

The next step is to tie all the sides of the quadrilateral with CBN, guided by the chosen scheme.

When making a large product pieces are connected to each other in the required amount.

Finished items and interior decorations according to these schemes

Most often needlewomen use this method of knitting in the manufacture of warm plaids, bedspreads, pillowcases, curtains.

However, currently this material have paid attention and fashion designers. All due to the fact that when knitting a quadrangle, most often brightly colored yarns are used, so the finished product is colorful and textured.

And with a competent choice of colors and shades of yarns can be achieved and 3D-effect.

Grandma's square is an excellent basis for making knitted skirts, shawls, sweaters, and even coats, which become very relevant in the cold season. Such things not only keep the owner warm, but also attract the attention of other fashionable women.

Also with the help of such an unusual pattern make mats for the floor and chairs, unusual napkins and cup holders, beach bags and interesting lampshades, exclusive toys for Christmas trees and roomy baskets, a border for towels and covers for handles of sofas and chairs.

Materials and tools required

To knit this beautiful pattern, you will need:

  1. Crochet threads. It is better to use special yarns for crochet, or take yarns made of wool or acrylic. The softer the chosen thread, the more airy and lightweight the finished product will be. To get a beautiful pattern, you need to use at least four colors.
  2. Crochet. It is recommended to take numbers 3.5 or 3. However, it is more correct to be guided by the amount of knitting yarn chosen.

One of the pluses of knitted products according to this scheme is that their cost can be reduced to 0. It is possible to do this if for knitting to use some leftover old beautiful yarns.

Description of the scheme of the classic knitting variant

This option is considered one of the easiest to perform:

  • Knitting the element begins with 4 GP, then they are fastened into a circle.
  • Next, the hook is typed on another 3 BP. Crochet an SSN and execute 1 VP.
  • The process is then repeated until the end result is 8 compositions with 2 SSNs, which are separated by 1 VP.
  • Knitting continues until you get the desired size of the element.

As the rows of the square increase, it is advisable to change the color of the yarn, in order to obtain an unusual pattern.

It is recommended to tie the edges with SSNs to get great and even edges.

Antique American square

This option is knitted primarily with CCN, connected by air loops and PS.

Nabbed 6 GP, joined in a circle of PS:

  • Row 1. On the circle gained 3 VP, 2 SSN, 2 VP, 3 SSN. All three times repeated. One PS of the third of the BP of the chain is connected to the thread.
  • 2nd row. Connect the thread to the chain consisting of 2 VP in the previous row. Then 3 VP, 2 SSN, 2 VP, 3 SSN from one air chain. From the other air chain of the previous round of recruited 1 VP, 3 SSN, 2 VP, 3 SSN. Repeat 2 more times. End with 1 PS of the 3rd of the three air loops of the previous row, then tie the thread.
  • 3rd and subsequent rounds. Connect the thread to the chain of 2 air loops of the previous row. From the same, dial 3 BP, 2 SSN, 2 BP, 3 SSN. Next, from each chain of the previous row of the first air chain to the corner of our square type 1 VP, 3 SSN, 1 VP. At the corner, from the chain of 2 VPs of the previous row, type a sequence of 3 SSNs, 2 VPs, SSNs.
  • Repeat the 3rd row until the final required size.

Other popular types of this motif

Dense granny square

This variant is more often used in the manufacture of warm plaids, bedspreads, cup holders, lampshades, baskets and handbags.

The very name says that the final item turns out dense, well holds the shape given to it.

When making it, it is recommended to choose a dense yarn.

Below is a drawing of the knitting scheme.

Spanish grandmother's square

When knitting the product according to the selected scheme, it is recommended to use bright yarns of the same or different shades.

The pattern begins the same way as the classic version. The differences begin with the fourth row.

4th row. Collected 3 BP for lifting, 3 CBN, 2 VP. Then knits everything else in a circle. In the arch of the corner is recruited 1 PS, tilt the hook to the side under the loop of the first row and pulled through the thread.

When pulling through the thread, it is recommended to line it up to the SSN, and also tie it with 2 VPs.

Row 5 and following. Dial 3 VP, 3 SSN, 2 VP and so knit all sides of the square. In this row, the loops of the broach must be pulled out one group of columns above the previous row.

Granny square with bouffants

The quadrilateral knitted according to this scheme turns out softer and more voluminous. This option needlewomen often use for the manufacture of rugs for small children.

Its difference from the classic version is the presence of additional loops (bouffes), which are the performance of the following actions:

  • knitting;
  • introducing the hook into the supposed places of bouffe;
  • hook;
  • And pull the loop.

Such actions perform 4 times in one place, then again the hook and pull the thread through the resulting 9 loops on the hook.

Methods of stitching the finished elements

When the required number of small quadrangles are ready, proceed to the next step - stapling. Needlewoman can use any method of stapling convenient for her.

There are many popular options for stapling squares, but when choosing to take into account what visual effect you want to end up with.

Before you staple, there is one cardinal rule! If your planned finished work is large, it is recommended that you block out all of your quadrilaterals. This promotes a clearer alignment of the motifs and all the loops with each other.

Given the wide range of binding methods, they are divided by the method of joining into 2 groups:

  1. In the moment of direct knitting. This method is more often used when making large items (plaids, bedspreads, carpets), which allows you to do the work much faster. Only one disadvantage - if the needlewoman makes a mistake, she will have to disconnect and re-stitch several finished squares.
  2. Binding already fully connected quadrangles. This method is most often used when sewing trim.

Methods of stitching finished elements

For convenience, most needleworkers allocate:

  1. Bonding with the help of a column without a stitch. Materials are placed face-to-face to each other, on the backside introduce a hook and fasten with a thread, preferably of a different shade. The edges are tied with a column without a stitch. Corners of the elements are fastened in an arch of 3 SSN.
  2. Binding semi-colon. Such a stitch looks much smoother, and the finished product is very neat.
  3. The easiest way: sew with a regular thread and needle.
  4. Consolidate materials by tying between the sides of additional decorative elements. Thus the product is more textured.

According to the density of the bonding of finished products can be distinguished partial connection of materials (only the corners, the protruding arches of air loops) and a solid connection on all sides of the crocheted products.

Varieties of square motifs

Although these variants also refer to grandmother squares, but they have already lost their common features with the classics. Probably so named simply because of the similarity of the motifs.

There are the following motifs:

  • with a floral composition in the center of the element;
  • A square, the beginning of which begins from a corner;
  • A square with a displaced center;
  • With images of animals inside.

Pictures and diagrams on crochet granny square

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