Beaded Christmas tree with beads by hand - easy schemes and master classes for beginners

Beading is a wonderful format of needlework that creates unique masterpieces for the home. Occupation is good by the fact that even inexperienced people can find the best options for their master classes to create bright and beautiful handicrafts from beads.

The material is used to create spectacular decorations, products for home comfort, and in anticipation of the Christmas holidays, many want to make their own hands a Christmas tree to decorate the room or the holiday table. Such an interesting homemade item is also capable of becoming a great gift for family and friends.


Types of Christmas trees and beads for their creation

These types of handicrafts are represented by numerous variants, mastering the technique of weaving, which even novice needleworkers are able to do.

New Year's tree from beads among mistresses is considered the simplest that can be created from beads and additional materials. Their choice depends on the type of Christmas tree, which should turn out upon completion of the work.

Types of Christmas trees

Today there are many master classes for creating beaded Christmas trees for all tastes. Thanks to them, you can get lush crafts or the simplest to create a New Year's mood:

  • A spiral, for which needleworkers will not be required to have any skill;
  • The simplest puffy Christmas tree with beads of white or green hue;
  • Lacy, which will please with its puffiness and originality;
  • Blue with an unusual look, but creating a festive mood.

For beginners and experienced, such beaded Christmas trees are most common today.

What types of beads can be chosen for needlework

Every needleworker is well aware that such material as beads is divided into several types. It can be presented in stores in the form of chopping and glass beads. The differences lie in the form.

Often the division of beads into subspecies is based on the criterion of where they were produced. Currently, the largest suppliers of beads are Chinese and Czech manufacturers. Beads imported from China can be found in almost every craft store. They are cheap and in high demand.

Beads from the Czech Republic are a rarity on the market. This is due to its high cost. But craftsmen are well aware that it is due to the high quality of the product. It is significantly higher than its Chinese counterpart.

In terms of quality and price, products from different countries have distinctive features. However, in the finished product the difference is not felt. For this reason, if the budget is limited, that for a Christmas tree from beads, it is worth choosing Chinese beads.

Materials for the Christmas tree and the stand

For beginners who have just started beading, creating a Christmas tree will be a fascinating process, at the end of which you get a luxurious Christmas attribute for yourself or as a gift.

For the manufacture of your little masterpiece you need to prepare carefully. In addition to allocating time to work it is also required to pick up at least a minimal set of materials.

What you need

To make a homemade Christmas tree you will need to take a basic set of materials consisting of the following elements:

  • Beads. The colors can be green, white, red, blue, depending on which master class the product is created;
  • Wire;
  • Duct tape.

Materials for the stand

In most cases, craftswomen choose a small bucket as a stand and pour a solution of cement, plaster and other things into it. For the stability of the craft is used cream jars or lids from them. The choice depends on the features of the product.

If desired, the objects used as a support are decorated to give the craftwork as a whole an attractive appearance.

Master class for making a simple Christmas tree from beads

To weave a Christmas tree from beads today created a huge variety of techniques. Beginners or experienced craftswomen can choose the optimal schemes for themselves.

For beginners, the instruction on how to create a simple spruce from beads will be perfect. Creating such a souvenir with their own hands will take time, but will delight with its beauty.

To work you need to take the following:

  • Beads of green color;
  • Rubbing beads of red color;
  • Red beads;
  • Wire;
  • Bicone beads.

Creating the top part

Weaving a beaded Christmas tree should start from the top. If real Christmas trees grow from the bottom up, then here everything is different. The height of the finished product can be any. It is optimal to start with an 11-centimeter long product:

  • For the top it is necessary to take a wire length of twenty-five centimeters. On it threaded on one side of the red beads. Through it threaded through the second end of the basis.
  • The wire is stretched until the beads are in the center. Then you need to take the ends of the framework and put them together and pass through the beads of the rubbing type. Then they are pulled through the bicone.
  • The result is a beautiful top of the future Christmas tree. And so that it does not slip on the body of the product itself, you will need to take a green bead and fasten it. With its help by pulling both ends of the wire through the beads made a knot, which is hidden under the top of the craft.

The first row of branches

The first row will be a total of four branches, and you need to take four pieces of wire of 25 centimeters each. Making the 1st row consists of several steps:

  • Take 9 beads and thread them onto the wire section;
  • Place the beads in the middle of the wire;
  • Fold the wire section in the middle;
  • Under the beads bend the base.

So you get the first paw of a spruce branch. Then at each end of the wire is strung another nine beads, which should be moved to the first paw and bend the wire in the middle, twist at the base of a new paw. In the end there should be three of them.

Creating the remaining rows of the Christmas tree

To create the remaining branches of homemade spruce from beads used approximately the same technique as when working with the first row. Differences will lie only in the number of paws. The number of branches will also increase. In the last row there will be the most of them.

When weaving subsequent rows it is necessary to remember that with each increase in the number of spruce legs need to take more wire cuts. With each subsequent increase in their number it will be necessary to take 5 centimeters more.

The branches of the remaining rows are made according to the same scheme as in the creation of the first. The only difference will be the number of legs. It is important to remember only the number of branches and legs in each row:

  • Row 1 includes 4 branches with 3 paws in each;
  • The second row consists of 5 branches and 5 legs;
  • Row 3 includes 6 branches and 7 legs each;
  • Row 4 consists of 7 branches and 9 legs each;
  • Row 5 consists of 8 branches with 11 legs each;
  • Row 6 consists of 9 branches and 13 legs each.

How to assemble the finished craft

Assembly should begin by attaching the top row to the top. In doing so, the top of the souvenir should be slightly higher than the first row. After giving these parts the right position, you need to fix everything by twisting the wire.

The branches of each subsequent row should be attached by the same method. It is important to remember that the distance between the herringbone tiers should not exceed 1.5 centimeters. The tails of the wires will serve as a trunk for the Christmas tree souvenir with your own hands.

After attaching all the rows of branches you need to twist the base from below so that the finished product becomes stable.

How to make a spiral Christmas tree by yourself

For beginners, it is best to start with the simplest options for crafts, among which the spiral Christmas tree stands out. It does not require much effort and time. It is made easily and simply, when you have at hand a fairly stiff spring wire and beads of the right color.

The souvenir is simple in execution, but it looks beautiful, festive and interesting. With it it will not be difficult to decorate your home in the New Year.


The work scheme is quite simple. It will be necessary to take a wire of the right length and string beads on it. To create a classic Christmas tree you can take the green, for a snowy Christmas tree suit white combined with blue, and for a Christmas tree with bright accents it is fashionable to take red, yellow beads.

String them on the wire in the sequence you like. And after completing the work it is necessary to twist the wire base in the form of a conical spiral.

How to make a lace fir tree with your own hands

Lace spruce differs from the standard one not only in its luxurious appearance, but also in the technique of weaving. The souvenir in terms of making it with their own hands is more suitable for craftswomen with experience.

For work it is necessary to take a wire which is well bent and beads of any shades you like.

Production technique

Work on weaving a lace Christmas tree with beads is performed in several stages:

  • String beads on a wire, make a loop in the center;
  • Indent a few beads and again twist a loop. It is important to make sure that their direction was in different directions;
  • Step back 5 beads and twist the wire to form a trunk;
  • Make as many branches as you need to complete the souvenir;
  • While forming the last branches to indent in three beads;
  • Add beads to the wire as needed.

The Christmas tree turns out lush, interesting and easily creates a festive mood.

Handmade Christmas tree with beads can create a New Year's mood and become a great gift for the holidays. Masters can choose both easy and complicated patterns, which will make it easy to create nice Christmas decorations of any complexity.

Beautiful photo ideas of homemade beaded Christmas trees

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