Handmade Christmas tree crafts from improvised materials: the best photo design ideas and easy master classes

Greetings charming needleworkers and needlewomen. In this topic, we will talk about what a variety and interesting materials can be made crafts on the theme of the Christmas tree.

We offer you to get acquainted with surprisingly accessible and very interesting ways to create, which will be suitable for children of preschool age for crafts for school or kindergarten, as well as to create more interesting and complex themed products in decorating.


Materials to work with

To start working comfortably on a craft right now, you should pay attention to those materials that you have at your fingertips, or those that you can buy at your local stationery store. Below we list some of the win-win options that will allow you to create a crafts on the theme of Christmas tree from almost everything that comes to your mind, and most of all will fall to the taste of your imagination:

  • Fabric
  • Buttons
  • Paper
  • Pasta
  • Napkins
  • Beads
  • Foil
  • Thread
  • Branches and natural materials
  • Cones
  • Matches
  • Candy wrappers
  • and much more

As you can see, there is no limit to the choice of materials, and everything else is limited only by your imagination and fantasy

Ideas for handmade Christmas tree crafts

To create unusual crafts you can use a variety of materials. In this case, the complexity of the work will be minimal.


This is a special kind of paper, which itself has an attractive appearance. Bright, beautiful and interesting sets of colors literally excite the imagination.

So and want to start combining them and play with a variety of colors. As an option, for the simplest and most original handicraft, you can make stencils of paper, or make an applique.

Cutting little color from and pasting pieces of paper will be a very interesting activity, both for younger children and for the older ones. Moreover, by filling the space with different colors of paper, you will create an interesting contrast!

Also note that cutting tinsel from foaming paper can make an interesting "rainbow" decoration around your Christmas tree, and the colored circles will be perfect for the role of Christmas ball toys.

Beads and beads

Beadwork can be much easier than you think at first glance, well, for the "lazy", you can just pour glue on a paper stencil and fill in the beads to fill the space. Thus, will be obtained interesting, and most importantly fast and time-saving crafts.

You can of course go deeper into the techniques of beading and create whole "live" masterpieces, but for beginners we recommend to get acquainted with the basic "mosaic" or "brick" weaving.

These schemes are simple enough and do not require a lot of time, which should be spent to perform more complex elements:

  • For practice, it is enough to dial 10 beads and calculate the pattern by counting from 1 to 10.
  • So, having finished the row in the mosaic weave, we put on 11 and 12 beads and thread them through 9 and 10, so that the tip would stick out as in the original position before the set.
  • Then we thread the right side of the fishing line or thread (depending on what you're working with) and then 13 and 14 are threaded through 7 and 8 in the set. That's the whole principle!


Perhaps it is not necessary to say that paper is the easiest and most accessible material, which everyone can find. You can draw on it, make a mosaic, or paint your own colors on it.

And the more advanced craftsmen manage to come up with entire embroideries and miniatures with a Christmas tree, or even a small Christmas scene.

Sufficiently versatile in this matter will be the classic colored paper. Even if you don't have it, it costs pennies at the store, so don't forget to buy it before you start work.


Who says a Christmas tree is only green? Let's prove otherwise! Pay attention to the fact that the Christmas tree theme will not be limited to the framework of a single green color. A combination of denim and silk fabric will be very interesting:

  • You can make entire fabric appliqués or toys! For example, an ordinary cone-shaped sewn piece of fabric in just a few minutes can turn into an original handicraft:
  • Fill the cone with cotton or pieces of other fabric, even newspaper will do for "stuffing".
  • Secure the cone with two "belts", one just above the center and the other, closer to the top, as if a rim gives your Christmas tree "puffiness".
  • You can use clerical rubber bands or just tighten with string.
  • Voila, a couple of movements, and the volumetric Christmas tree of fabric is ready.

You can originally stick pins of different colors in it, and now you have a ready-made handicraft. You can also sew different beads and decorations.

The easiest way is to cut out a Christmas tree from denim or any other fabric and glue it on paper, decorating it with rhinestones, sequins and tinsel. A quick and original craft.


A very interesting and affordable fabric. It will give good volume to your craft and allow you to work on it even with a glue gun, or regular glue.

The material holds its shape well and retains its attractive color for a long time. Children can be invited to make a full-fledged craft, cutting out different parts of different shapes and colors from the felt, which would then combine them into one composition.

Sisal and wire

For this handicraft a transparent plastic bottle and a small piece of green sisal will do well. Simply wrap the bottle with fabric, fasten it, and then, working with a glue gun, decorate our Christmas tree. It only takes a couple of minutes, and the handicraft is ready!

If you have a desire, you can make a simple wire Christmas tree, just repeating its outline.

  • To do this, you can draw the outline on paper and by applying the wire, bend it in the right places.
  • In addition, while making it, you can bend the edges and thread beads and beads, which will be even more original and interesting.

Ribbons and colored thread

Beautiful colored ribbons can be a very interesting craft if you combine one with the other. As an option, you can fold the ribbons in the manner of origami and glue on a piece of paper, or you can cut strips and give them the shape of a Christmas tree.

But, one of our favorite crafts is the multi-pattern Christmas tree. For this handicraft, we will need different ribbons, different colors and thickness:

  • We connect them all into one knot. Take a plastic bottle, hide the knot under the lid and close it.
  • On the bottle itself, we cut two round leaves that will form the "skirt" of our future tree.
  • Ribbons are carefully fastened "under" the skirt, decorated with beads, sequins or buttons.
  • Finally, the entire Christmas tree can be wrapped with tinsel, and it will be quite an interesting and original handicraft.

Do not limit your imagination in colors. Use not only the classic green colors, experiment, make a rainbow tree or Christmas tree under other themed colors of the New Year.


Oh, there it is, transparent and so lightweight tulle! You can do anything with it, from layering a sheet on top of a sheet to add volume, to applique and other kinds of crafts.

But one of the most original and interesting, this volumetric Christmas tree on the likeness of the technique that we told you earlier in the section about the fabric.

Plasticine or salt dough

So, both schoolchildren and all adults are familiar with this material, so let's skip the technical points and proceed directly to the description.

You can make a three-dimensional model 3D Christmas tree out of clay, with detailed decorations, or in 2D, as the rolled out with a rolling pin, stick it on a sheet of paper and there already further decorate.

Moreover, note that the crafts of clay is very easy and fast can be remade! This is a win-win for those who are just beginning to master the fascinating world of creativity and train their imagination. Didn't like it or have a mistake? Make a lump of plasticine, and work on a new one!

To make the dough, the recipe remains the same as for plain dough on water. Except, you need to add more salt in there, so that it dries quickly without using the oven. As standard, 8 tablespoons of rock salt are used per 1 tbsp of flour.


Any mom and hostess in the house always has a piece of foil. This is a fairly convenient material in which you can easily let the origami technique, and most importantly, this method will look very original and will be a great standalone decoration or handicraft, on any surface!


A bright, interesting and quite popular fabric, which probably saw many in the form of tulle or curtains. If you have some leftover fabric at home, it's time to let it go to crafts!

Here it is simple and you should follow the basic tips that we have previously offered when working with fabric, tulle, sisal and other similar materials.


A simple and convenient paper material, which everyone is familiar with since childhood! Not only can you pin original embellishments on it, but you can also create stunning appliques.

Cardboard can be any color, so show your imagination, and the decoration of our cardboard Christmas tree can be any available materials, from coloring with markers and paints, to sticking stickers and other decorative materials.

Well, for the simplest idea of a Christmas tree out of cardboard, we offer you a Christmas tree from a cone. Just fold the sheet with a cone, gluing it with double-sided tape, or stapler, glue, trim to an even bottom, and that's it, decorate with whatever your imagination wants.


For this Christmas tree will certainly have to work hard, but sometimes, such crafts are worth the time and effort.

You can make a three-dimensional toy in the form of a crocheted Christmas tree with an ordinary crochet, or you can just crochet fabric from an old sweater or any other knitted garment, cut to the shape of a Christmas tree and decorate with thread or other decorations.

You can even sew two identical parts of the Christmas tree and stuff it inside, like a toy. It will come out very interesting and original, and such a gift will undoubtedly be appreciated by grandparents from grandchildren on New Year, as the craft will be made by hand.


We all decorate our homes with tinsel. Perhaps for a simple and original craft, this material will be a great option for you. Just trace or draw on a piece of paper the contour of the Christmas tree. Cover it with tinsel and sign it as a card! Easy, simple, and beautiful!

A Christmas tree for the new year made out of improvised means

It is not always possible to buy additional material for creativity. And that's why the popular Christmas-themed crafts from improvised materials. You can also make a Christmas tree out of them.

From napkins

Any napkins can be used, whether plain white or themed, with New Year's drawings. Cut out Christmas trees and snowflakes from them, make applique or paste over a cardboard cone or bottle.

Any of the formats are limited only by your imagination and access to materials, so give yourself and your child free rein to get creative.

From wool pompoms

Make several pompoms, glue them together, and get a three-dimensional Christmas tree. To do this, for example, use a sheet of A4.

On the bottom row use 8 pompoms, make a row above one less, and so three rows, then add a row of 1 + and then, repeating the reduction of 3 again add the previous +1, which would imitate the "cascading" level of the Christmas tree. The result will be an interesting three-dimensional and soft craft.

From the money

Days in the new year, always nice, but to cut out a Christmas tree or make a mosaic of real money is a very expensive pleasure, although an alternative can be an old format of money, not real (souvenir) money, or photocopying, but we recommend you just fold the bill in the original origami!

It will be quite an interesting decoration, gift or handicraft, which will surprise loved ones and relatives.

Christmas tree of pencils, wine corks, matches, coffee beans, natural pasta branches can be served as an idea of gluing on an A4 sheet of paper, or you can try to make a volumetric work.

Just stock up on materials, incorporate your 3D imagination, and be sure to take a good PVA glue or glue gun.

Papier mache

Many have heard, but do not take the risk of starting work in this technique. It is very strange because you can use even newspaper and paper. The technology is very simple:

  • You simply wet the strips of paper in a weak glue solution and shape them like you do with plasticine or salt dough.
  • When the work dries, it will be as strong and dense as ceramic or even wood.
  • Such a Christmas tree can be painted and decorated with different buttons, strasses and tinsel.


Make a garland of your favorite candy and wrap it around the bottle. Layer by layer, coil by coil, you can then add other candies separately, using, for example, chocolate ones in dark wrappers as a base, and toys, with bright lollipops.

As you can see, the imagination is so ready to run wild. We are sure that you also have a lot of ideas using those or other, similar materials that you can get at home or quickly buy in a store. Try, experiment, and let your imagination run wild!

Photo ideas for Christmas tree crafts

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