Handmade church crafts: master classes on how to create paintings and bulk products from simple materials

Good day to novice handmakers and professionals. In this material we suggest to get acquainted with quite simple and interesting ways to create quick crafts on the theme of church or church buildings.

Such crafts will be especially relevant to themed works on the theme of small historical settlements, as well as crafts on Easter themes. Well, let's get started!


Materials from which you can make a church

To begin with, it should be mentioned that there are no limits to the imagination in this case, and materials can easily be replaced by alternatives. You can fundamentally go to the store for paper or other decor, or you can make a church out of what you can find in everyone's home.

For example:

  • Matchboxes,
  • Matches,
  • Pasta,
  • Boxes of different sizes,
  • Cloth,
  • Cereal,
  • Glue,
  • Salted or regular dough.

Tools for the job:

  • Brushes,
  • Ruler,
  • Pencils, stylus or paint,
  • Toothpicks,
  • Scissors,
  • PVA glue or super glue.
  • etc.

Basically, the tools you are going to work with depend entirely on the type and format of the craft you are going to make.

Recipe for salt dough: a cup of water, two cups of flour.

About 6-8 spoons of rock salt per one cup of flour. Knead everything together thoroughly until a thick, doughy consistency. The dough is completely edible, so even the youngest children can work with it, but make sure that the child does not consume a large piece. This is an extra load on the stomach.

Handicraft church from different materials with their own hands

Make this handicraft can be made from different materials. And most of them are always on hand.

From plastic bottles

An empty plastic bottle can turn into a whole composition. To do this, we will need felt-tip pens or a marker:

  • On one of the "walls of the bottle, draw the outline of a church. You can add details on it in the form of a dome, a cross, cut out windows. All this will need to be cut out along the contour. Thus, the silhouette of the church will be formed.
  • Especially beautiful this craft will look on a black or brown bottle.
  • Cut everything out carefully. For finer details you can use a stationery knife.
  • Next, without cutting the bottom of the bottle, which will act as a base, you can decorate the plastic with trees, glue it on the superglue or with duct tape.
  • You can make an original candlestick, but only that the candle does not touch the contour of the plastic.

Thus, at the game of fire and light, the details that you cut out in the form of windows, will stand out very beautifully against the background of the entire craft.

From matches

The match craft remains the most favorite, quick and economical for younger children. You can "assemble" a church yourself using the well assemble method:

  • Simply stack matches with their heads bitten off like wooden bars or beams. Be sure to fix everything with glue, to give the structure more strength.
  • Next, on the polyethylene you can make a base for the roof, joining several matches together, as planks are glued one to one. In this way, you will make a covering that will be used for the "wall" of the roof.
  • Make several of these blanks, depending on the format and type of your work.

And if suddenly there are not enough matches, you can always buy another box at the nearest store. The crafts will be especially interesting for elementary school children.

Made of popsicle sticks

Summer, do you like ice cream? Do not rush to throw away the sticks from ice cream. With their help, similarly to the "matchstick" option, you can create very interesting three-dimensional crafts. Taki will be appreciated in kindergarten and elementary school, which will guarantee you a good grade:

  • For the simplest craft we will need only 17 sticks. Initially we make two squares. These will be our side walls.
  • Next to these squares dock glue sticks, getting a volume model of a rectangle or square, depending on the type and length of sticks.
  • Then we make the roof of the glued sticks to the format of the letter "L".
  • Connect the tops of the sticks. And that's all, the work is ready.

Now you can make a cross out of matches, and the craft is guaranteed a good grade.

From cardboard.

Whether you want to make a simple model or a volumetric one, there is no difference. Cardboard is great for any job, and most importantly, it is a simple and accessible material.

You can use a pattern and make a church in the form of a volume box, or you can use cardboard as a base and make interesting crafts from fabric, macaroni, matches, or just draw a church on it.

A church made of paper

For this work, white and light paper is well suited.

You can also use brown paper to make a church of the rural type, where such buildings are often made of solid wood, where in our case, colored strips of paper, will be their counterpart. Such a church will be interesting to do as adults and children.

For example, the volume model can be made from "tubes" of paper:

  • Cut the sheet and gluing at the seams with PVA glue, cut bars from the tubes.
  • Next, everything is simple, we glue one by one, make the walls and the roof.
  • The dome can be made in the form of a cone of colored yellow paper, and the cross can be made of wood from matches or other material.

Just a few minutes, and the work is ready!

Three-dimensional layout

Sometimes you need to make a complete large work, but nothing comes to mind. Well, we suggest you create a whole layout on the theme of the church in the village.

For this work we will need a sheet of cardboard, boxes of different sizes:

  • We glue the boxes like houses to each other.
  • If you do not have a lot of boxes, an excellent substitute can be a frame of a bottle, pre-cut neck and bottom. Thus, you get a semi-circular church.
  • The roof can be cut out of cardboard or plastic.
  • All parts are glued together.

If desired, you can make a wooden well of matches, pens for animals, fences, a lake and other small things that will add atmosphere to the craft.


Origami technique may seem at first glance very complicated, but we assure you that there are simple enough schemes that even a child can understand:

  • Use the base "house" to make a church in the origami technique.
  • To do this, fold the sheet into a square and bend the edges, which will be the basis for the roof.
  • If there are problems with such a model, the roof can be doklejit independently from the top.
  • Very interesting, but fiddly would be a form of "box". In such a blank and the craft can be put a treat.

In the technique of kirigami

For this work does not need much experience in this technique, it is enough to know that kirigami, this cut out on the contour of the sheet:

  • Fold an A4 sheet in half.
  • Open it.
  • On one side draw a rectangle, add a roof and crosses.
  • On the second half make a smaller rectangle.
  • Now, when you cut out along the contour of our blank.

Folded sheet at a certain angle will create the illusion of volumetric work.


Step by step process:

  • Draw a church on a sheet of A4.
  • Next, take colored paper and cut small slices of paper from it, or cut full-fledged blanks, crosses, domes, walls.
  • Put a little glue on the sheet and glue the blank.
  • Chopped applique you just fill with blanks, leaving almost no white and clear space.

Painting crafts .

Sometimes there is a desire to do something interesting, beautiful and original, and the imagination has run wild to the point that you want to create a whole picture. Before you start, decide on the format of the picture.

This is important, because there may not be enough space for all the work in a burst of fantasy. A painting can be done in a variety of techniques, from drawing to a full-blown three-dimensional applique.

Painted in watercolor

Here probably everyone can do it. Watercolor is easy to work with, and because it's readily available, you can buy it at any office supply store:

  • Draw a sketch on paper with light pencil outlines.
  • And then everything is simple, paint the church, wait until the work dries and finish the outline with markers or liners.

So your picture will be even brighter.

From beads and cereal

A bright, interesting and very fast craft made of beads or croup has always been one of our favorite childhood favorites. For this craft you only need to have a few bags of white and yellow beads, some BPA glue and an A4 sheet.

What we do. Draw the church with a pencil. Put a layer of glue on the sheet, put the beads on the glue, and wait for the work to dry. You can do the same with semolina, rice, oatmeal. Then you only need to paint the colored parts and wait for the work to dry.

Made of salt dough

Salt dough crafts will appeal to all ages, and most importantly, they are completely safe and you don't have to worry about swallowing small parts or working with sharp objects. We make a standard dough. If desired, we add food colorings, thus replacing the plasticine colors.

For the work will be suitable and ordinary kitchen board. Roll out the dough, make a thick layer of it.

From this you can form walls and other details. Salted dough is good in that it dries quickly, and if necessary can be tempered in the oven.

Remaining dough can always be saved for the next crafts, and most importantly, it can be taken with them to school or outdoors, which would make classes even more interesting.

From plasticine and ceramic clay

Similarly, the format of the dough, you can also make a craft from plasticine. For the image and idea, you can find any photo or ready-made drawing of a church.

Make a model from this prototype, add decorative details, stones, rhinestones, or other decorations, depending on what you have on hand.

If you are making a church out of ceramic clay, don't forget to look at the instructions. This material is quite specific and requires stricter controls in both the use and storage phases.

There is ceramic clay with firing, and there is polymer clay, which is used to create decorative patterns and decorations.

As you can see, there are plenty of options and formats, so you can make church for Easter with literally anything you have on hand.

Adhere to safety techniques in working with materials, especially important, advise and monitor the younger children, controlling their actions at each stage of the work, especially with small parts.

Photo ideas of church crafts

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