The bird with their own hands: the technology of manufacture and patterns to work paper, fabric, thread, improvised material

Birds - beautiful creatures that amaze by their diversity. There are only species that do not exist, and one more beautiful than another.

That's just a wide variety of parrots and birds of paradise, whose plumage excites the imagination and dazzles literally all the colors of the rainbow. And now, as you have understood, we will talk about charming ideas on the topic of handmade crafts in the form of birds with their own hands.


What can we need for this?

First of all it is necessary to prepare the work surface. Be sure to make sure that the place is well lit, there are no unnecessary objects.

For convenience, you can put a newspaper on the table, which will facilitate further cleaning. Be sure to have wet and dry wipes at hand when working with liquid paints and glue.

Materials and tools:

  • Scissors,
  • A box cutter,
  • Ruler,
  • Tape,
  • Pencil,
  • Crayons,
  • Pens,
  • Paints,
  • Pins,
  • PVA glue,
  • Glue Moment,
  • Cardboard,
  • Colored cardboard,
  • Colored and plain paper,
  • Natural feathers,
  • Glitter,
  • Rhinestones,
  • Decorative Ribbons,
  • Markers,
  • Plasticine,
  • Plastic bottles,
  • A knife for plasticine and a board,
  • Brushes.

This is just a small list of items and materials that you can use. Also note that to work with young children will be very interesting to make toy birds out of:

  • Tinfoil,
  • Paper,
  • Salt dough,
  • Cereal.

Before starting to work with any materials, advise your child on how to use them correctly. When working with small children, always be careful, patient and vigilant to avoid swallowing small parts and causing injury.

Methods and diagrams for making birds

Let's review the simplest and most interesting ways, which are great for the work of high school children, as well as for the entertainment of kids.

The bird with their own hands from different materials

You can easily make a bird and use a variety of materials. The techniques are simple and straightforward.

From paper

A paper bird can be made in the following techniques: crumpled paper, applique, papier-mache, drawn on paper.

The easiest and most uncomplicated way is to draw a bird on paper.

All you have to do is choose a photo, picture or coloring book that you like, and then it's up to you to decorate the work.

Paint, felt-tip pens, pencils, glitter, all this can quickly turn a sheet of paper into a very interesting and colorful handicraft.

In the technique of quilling

Paper or ribbon quilling strips can be purchased at any stationery store, however, for lack of purchase, ribbons can be easily made by your own hand.

To do this, we need a backing in the form of a board or a thick layer of cardboard.

Put a sheet of colored paper on a board, pencil an equal distance for the strips and, using a ruler and a box cutter or scissors, cut strips of paper.

The rest is easy. Quilling involves folding a strip into a small pattern in the form of a roll, which is twisted in a spiral. Simply draw the picture of the bird and begin to form a mosaic of quilling "snails" on the paper, fixing the result with super glue or PVA glue.

Made of cardboard

For this craft, we will need a cardboard sheet of paper. For convenience, you can use glossy paper, as it will be much brighter. Next, there are several options for making the craft. We suggest the most popular and original ones.

A bird - a glass bird out of cardboard

For this work, we need to make a cylinder from our cardboard. If necessary, you can use a ready-made sleeve from toilet paper or foil/food film.

Note that you can cut different feathers from colored paper and glue them onto the cardboard sleeve, in the manner of applique. In addition, natural materials, feathers, seashells, shells, stones, glitter can be used as a substitute.

The main thing is to give shape to our bird, and everything else can be further decorated with decorative materials and paint. Note that you need to choose a good glue for secure joints.

The ideal choice would be super glue, glue-moment or silicone glue. It is also convenient and safer for your hands to use a glue gun.

From thread

Among the techniques of making handmade crafts, a variety of embroidered brooches, smoothing patterns or just dolls made of thread stand out very much.

For a bright coloring of the bird you can take thread in the format of mouliné, they are relatively inexpensive, they have a bright color and the thread itself can be dissolved into several, thinner.

The easiest and most convenient way to design a craft on the theme of the bird threads, of course, will be embroidery. For lack of special fabrics, embroidery can be done on a leaf, which on its own will add thematic entourage of the work.

How to make a handicraft? It's easy enough. We work in the format of coloring, only instead of markers or your favorite paints, we use thread, which embroidered on the surface of the product.

From Fabric.

Cloth mosaic remains one of the favorite industries in children's art. Here you can't hold back your deist imagination. Any kind of fabric will do for work. Jeans, satin, silk, old pillowcases or unnecessary bright blouses.

If you want, you can even make a whole cloth toy with soft stuffing. The easiest and most convenient way out for a craft with children would be to work in the form of a fabric ball.

This ball is stuffed with soft material and tying on the end of the knot, this node can play the role of the tail or comb of a bird (such as a rooster) and then you can only decorate the handicraft or just paint the fabric indelible markers.

However, note that a beautiful and more interesting job would look if the wings, feathers, tail, beak and other elements are also made of fabric. Then the toy will be as full-fledged as possible. For entourage decor, you can use prepainted dyed bird feathers.

From felt

Felt, as a material in itself, is quite interesting and specific. It is something between cloth, paper and felt.

Variations for needlework with it as much as imagination child. Starting with mosaic embroidery and ending with a whole three-dimensional handicrafts on different subjects, but our favorite is gluing different beads, beads and colored stones with feathers on felt.

It is enough to imagine and you can create a unique pano with a bird motif. You can depict parrots on a branch, or swans on a lake. Everything is limited only by your imagination.

With plasticine

Here everything is simple. Clay, like salt dough, knows everything. Working with this material is a pleasure, it is as plastic as possible and allows you not only to mold any shape, but also to wrap clay in grits, beads or attach various decorative feathers and stones.

We recommend that you take a picture of a real bird, such as a parrot, and make a copy from the picture. Firstly, it will be quite an interesting experience with the scale, and secondly, you already know approximately what the result of the work should turn out.


We suggest you get acquainted with the simplest technique of beadwork for creating trinkets. All that is needed is to proportionally add or remove new beads.


For the first row, dial in three beads and the same for the other row. This forms the basis of our work. The front and back line.

Next, you dial in four beads for one row and exactly the same for the back one. Make a few rows and increase in proportion some more until you see fit to finish the piece.

Ideally, the easiest thing to do would be to form an "egg" shape with beads, on which by tessellation you can, as it were, lay out the bird's pattern with beads.

The second easiest way is to pour. For this we need a sheet of A4, glue and beads. Just draw your bird with beads and wait until the work dries.

Ideas for bird crafts

We present to our readers the most unusual ideas for decorating a craft. Their technology is simple, and the making process does not take much time.

Double sided

A bird in the form of a bookmark can become quite a fashion accessory. To do this, fold a sheet or cardboard in half. On one side, draw a picture, and in the same way, finish the view of the bird on the back. Glue the work together, add feathers, beads or embroider the pattern.

Christmas tree decoration

New Year is a favorite time for children, and how could it be without snowbirds in the winter season. For this work, we suggest you take as the basis a drawing of a snowbird, which can be placed in a small plastic bottle, which will play the role instead of a glass ball.

Cut the bottle to the desired length, fasten the frame, and thread the thread through the center.

For the especially "lazy", you can draw the bullfinch with a marker and paint it on the plastic.

Add a drawing of a Christmas tree branch, some rowan berries, Christmas tinsel, absorbent cotton for decoration and voila, the work is ready!

Caged Bird

The bird in a cage can be made from a plastic bottle, wire, natural twigs, feathers:

  • As you have already understood, to work in the form of a cage, we will need the bottom of the bottle, in which we will thread the twigs of wire.
  • Inside the cage we need to place twigs, berries or other thematic entourage.
  • Maybe you want to put there a painted cheek, or a brightly colored wavy parrot. The choice is yours!
  • The top for the cage can also be made from a bottle neck.

A bird for decoration

The bird can be used anywhere in the decor, whether it is a decoration of flower pots, or books, on which very interesting and bright will look a variety of bookmarks from feathers in the form of birds.

You can make a bird in the form of a toy, or a picture that will hang on the wall and please you for many years.

For those who are older, the thematic work "Birds of our region" will guarantee a high grade in school, and to work on it, you only need to know and draw those birds that live with you in the neighborhood. Such a décor in the work will definitely be appreciated.

If you have a feathered pet living at home, you can create a copy of it, using fallen and old feathers of the original bird, or you can replace them by cutting them out of paper or other materials.

The flight of fancy is not limited, because you can make anything from almost anything. Crane from matches and plasticine, swan from silk fabric, miniature duck on the lake, and so on. You can even make birds out of bottle caps, and for this you only need to show a little imagination.

Photo of a homemade bird craft

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