How to make a keyring with your own hands: detailed instructions with photo examples and ideas for beginners

What is a trinket? Is it a small trinket that warms pleasant memories, or is it a stylish and fashionable accessory for your keys, backpack or purse? For someone keychain is a set of necessary tools, and for someone it is a hidden payment system, in which is hidden the Sim-card.

Or maybe you're some kind of ardent movie or video game fan and want to make yourself a favorite character or something that would remind you of your favorite game or movie universe?

You can make an original Gordon Freeman crowbar out of wire and polymer clay, you can make an entire alien out of leather, beads, and wire, or you can recreate an entire cartoon character.

What a keychain would be for you is up to you to decide, and we're sure that even now. At the initial stage of reading, you are already holding the very idea by the tail, which you will let in the course of the work of his handicraft.


Options for keychain crafts

As you have already realized, here everything is limited only by your resources and imagination. Decide on the direction of the craft and what you have at hand.

Moreover, you can thoroughly prepare to make a whole handmade merch that you can sell profitably on the Internet as handmade works and crafts.

Materials and tools for work:

  • Rings,
  • Carabiners,
  • Wire,
  • Beads,
  • Beads
  • Pliers,
  • Epoxy resin,
  • A variety of natural materials,
  • Brushes, absorbent cotton, jars,
  • Rags and napkins,
  • Cloth,
  • Markers,
  • Glitter and Glitter,
  • Scissors,
  • Glue,
  • Thread,
  • Needles,
  • A box cutter,
  • Silicone,
  • Glue gun,
  • Markers,
  • Foil.

Let's talk a little about the specifics of working with materials and manufacturing techniques, as well as list some simple ideas for creating a stunning trinket.

How to make a keyring with your own hands

There are quite a number of techniques for making trinkets. Here it all depends on the type and format of the material, but the main thing in making your own keyring for a gift or a loved one, take into account the theme or motif, which will serve for work.

This will require patience, care and skill, but note that a simple keyring can make anyone, and materials for it can be found right at hand.

We suggest you get acquainted with the most accessible and popular methods of manufacture, which will be able to cope both adults and children.

From leather

For this, strange as it may seem, we need dense and strong leather. In working with this material, we should take into account that it is difficult to stitch with a regular needle, and the usual glue may not properly bond the material. For this you need to consider the strength and the press.

If you want to somehow sew or stitch in a leather keyring photo, or to create a frame for the name of a brand, create a purse-blend in which will be stitched SIM card to pay system pay-pass or, then pick not the most coarse, but durable leather. Excellent suit leather from calf.

For ideas suggest formats such as: frame, purse, storage pocket.

From beads.

When working with beads, you should consider its variety. It is better to choose glass beads, which are made of colored material, and not covered with it, otherwise over time, the keychain can lose its brightness and color.

There are tons of variations of colored trinket patterns, because essentially from fishing line or wire and beads you can create anything. A great option for a trinket would be mosaic or brick weave.

In the format of such a pattern you can easily recreate in "pixel" style any character, write different words or trim the product.

From beads

What can be made of bright and interesting beads? For example, a bunch of grapes, or a miniature in the form of balloons on a wire.

From epoxy resin

Here's an idea, take it from here! Keychains made of epoxy resin are not new enough, but their originality is still amazing. The simplest keychain can be the addition of glitter to epoxy resin.

However, make sure the ingredients are compatible, because epoxy heats up to a high temperature when it cures, which can ruin the ingredients inside.

IMPORTANT: Do not add water to the epoxy, it will simply boil over.

What can you make? Miniature jars with plants inside, bright stones or sand from the sea, which will remind on the keys of the pleasant summer days of rest at the sea.

You can make a casting of a dried beetle or scorpion that has molted. The skin after molting is in no way distinguishable from a live scorpion, so gluing its "parts" and pouring epoxy, you will create the feeling that there is a real scorpion or other insect or object inside.

Made of felt

Felt trinkets are not as durable, but quite themed and interesting, can be a great addition to the holiday, to mark the guests with such a fashionable decoration. For example, entire teams at various events, such a keychain can be used as a sign of distinction or giving a certain role.

For example at various events in America introduce people whose task is just to find a pair of his keyring.

Key rings of felt are made quickly and easily enough.

From plasticine

Plasticine is interesting and strong enough material, but it loses its strength if it will be a long time in the heat.

The solution is to cover the keyring with colorless lacquer or fix it in two-component epoxy glue, and what to make from plasticine, it's all up to you, because from this material you can make anything:

  • Birds,
  • Animals,
  • Cars,
  • Characters from games or movies.

This material is as limitless to use and convenient as polymer clay, the difference is that you can buy polymer clay with firing or self-hardening.

We recommend not mixing the two colors, but using them separately. This will add a cartoon style, and if you want to make a tone to the handicraft, then you can apply colorless varnish to the finished work and already highlight the tone with acrylic paints.

From fabric

What can be done with fabric? Of course something to embroider, scented herbs stitched into the pocket, or some memorable thing, a coin, stone or something like that. Moreover, you can sew an entire mini-toy out of fabric.

Original trinkets

To stand out from the crowd, you can choose an original design for this functional handicraft. And at the same time it will not differ in complexity.

The kawaii technique

What is the technique of kawaii? If you do not go into detail, kawaii is a style of cuteness. Usually it can be a pretty underline or some anime character, but in its essence, it is something that usually evokes a certain sympathy for the piece.

So, let's fantasize about anything that can be cute. As an example, you can depict a variety of smiley faces, famous and popular cartoon characters, create a beautiful overlay.

From a plastic bottle

Plastic bottle is an accessible and convenient material for creativity. You can use it to do anything from cutting out plastic parts and coating them with acrylic paint or varnish to create a whole three-dimensional models.

To create a three-dimensional model, we recommend cutting off all the excess from the bottle and laying it out on a similar sheet. Secure the sheet with tape, draw the contours of the model and cut out the blank.

It is best to work with a bottle without shapes, inclusions and patterns, but if your idea of a surface allows, then you can create from any material.

With liquid

Quite an interesting option can be a keychain with water. You can make it from small plastic containers, which are sold in any craft store, or from miniature bottles.

As an option, it is possible to create a whole craft item on the theme of the ocean or an aquarium with fish, ideas in the theme of space with the addition to the water filler from markers and glitter glitter.

It is recommended to use synthetic liquids or saline solution to replace regular water, which will keep its properties much longer.

Rubbermaid Feathers

Love birds and want to reflect that in a unique handmade keychain? Then pay attention to a craft in the form of a feather out of rubber bands. How to make it. For the base we need colored rubber bands for bracelets, which we will put on in several rows of knotty weave one rubber band in one.

Fasten each successive rubber band according to the new or favorite color, and then, if desired, you can "fluff up" the feather by cutting the sides.

This is a simple enough job in a popular technique that any amateur rubber band weaver, whether a beginner or an avid needleworker, can cope with.

Similarly, you can make a feather keychain out of ribbons, which can then be dissolved.

Avocado in polymer clay

Surely everyone knows what an avocado looks like. It is a nice yellow-green fruit with a large nut inside its fruit. This is what an avocado looks like in its usual sliced form, and now we're going to talk about how to make it better:

  • First, we'll need a teaspoon for the base. On its base, lay out a rolled brown fox, which will do the shape of the peel.
  • Next, from the lighter color form the filling, which we put on the sheet and press tightly to the base of the spoon.
  • Then we make a small notch for a nut, which we will make from brown polymer clay, or some beads.
  • It is recommended to attach a decorative hook to the top, which will then cling to the keyring.
  • Then we take the whole piece out of our spoon and form an avocado, smoothing the edges, adding small details or even drawing a muzzle.

From a coin.

You love to travel and have a little something from another country left over. Which is not valued in your circles, but can give you fond memories? Or have you found a lucky coin you don't want to part with? Then we offer you one of the easiest ways to create a trinket:

  1. Make a hole in the coin with a fine drill bit and put it through a key ring.
  2. Pour epoxy over the coin to preserve its appearance as it remains.
  3. Laminate the coin as a plastic card.

As you can see, there are a lot of variations and formats on the theme of key chains and they all depend on the direction in which your imagination will take you. Note that most of the materials require supervision, so watch the kids and stick to safety!

A photo of a keychain you made with your own hands

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