Handmade crafts for dolls - easy master classes with photo examples of available materials

Play dolls loves every girl. They want to dress them up, create houses like people. All necessary for the game can be done with their own hands.

Enough to look at the means at hand, make a little effort.

Younger girls will help parents, and older children with many tasks can cope independently.

Ideas for clothes, jewelry, doll's house items can be made up or do everything by ready-made examples and master classes.


Options for dolls crafts

For dolls you can make with your own hands a variety of things. It can be a whole house, furniture, household items, outfits, accessories.

It all depends on the imagination and capabilities of the master, as well as the needs of the one who will play with these products.

You can take a variety of materials for the work. It can be:

  • cardboard, thick paper, boxes;
  • cloth, yarn, ribbons;
  • beads, beads, and other decorative elements;
  • Plasticine, polymer clay.

You do not always need to specially buy the materials to work. Often different scraps and old things are used.

In most cases, all kinds of improvised material can be used.

The tools used are a standard set: scissors, glue, ruler, needle, thread and more, depending on the workflow.

Crafts from cardboard and cardboard boxes

Ready-made boxes, as well as cardboard and thick paper will be a good basis for crafts designed for dolls. With the help of these materials can be made various objects for the game.

Most often it is furniture and various large household items. To decide, just look around you. Anything that has a clear square or rectangular shape, and does not require a load during the game will be a good solution.

Materials that are safe for children to play with are used.


It is impossible to imagine modern children's games without invented digital technology. Children, looking at their parents, introduce cell phones, tablets, laptops into their game. These techniques are easy to make from heavy paper or cardboard.

To do this, you can use a ready-made diagram, which is enough to print out on a sheet of cardboard or heavy paper:

  • It remains to cut out the outlines, make the necessary folds, glue the parts in the right places.
  • If a color printer was used for printing, no further action is required. The resulting object is immediately ready to play.
  • If necessary, the picture on the screen, the image of the keyboard can be drawn or printed and glued additionally.

The laptop for the doll can also be made from matchboxes. A couple of empty elements are fastened together by gluing a wide strip of flexible cardboard. This element will allow you to open and close the lid of the computer. After that, the game object is decorated as desired.

Stove .

Girls are often interested in everything related to the kitchen. Therefore, this room with the technique, copying the real one, is sought to make on par with the sought-after beds and sofas:

  • The first thing girls usually ask for for a doll's kitchen is a stove. It is not difficult to make this thing. The easiest thing to do is to prepare a ready-made box of the right shape and size.
  • Then it remains only to perform the decor, faithfully imitating the appearance of the real object.
  • For decoration, you can use foil, plasticine.
  • At the top make a burner.
  • In the center of the box you can cut out the door to the oven.
  • Inside you can make a shelf.
  • If all this is difficult to create, you can use just pictures, preferably in a modern volumetric manner.

Not having found a suitable box for the base, it is acceptable to make a blank with your own hands out of cardboard. You can act according to the logic of making a similar thing or use a template of the product of suitable size.

Refrigerator .

By analogy with the stove or computer, you can make a refrigerator. For the basis of the object it is appropriate to use a ready-made box. A tea bag or other similar format will do. The lid is turned into a refrigerator door. The flap can be cut open, separating the freezer.

Inside, using strips of cardboard will equip shelves. The outside of the fridge for a doll can be painted with white gouache, glued with printer paper or foil.

For more credibility and decorativeness for registration is acceptable to use film with a sticky layer, which are used to decorate these refrigerators. From cardboard or matches can be constructed handle.

Jewelry for dolls made of beads

Girls love to dress up dolls, making them look like princesses. In addition to beautiful clothes for a chic image, you need jewelry. They can easily make their own hands. Dolls get to make a variety of earrings, beads, crowns. To work need beads, beads, polymer clay.

The basis can be a thin wire or strong thread. In addition, you may need to use a needle, pliers and other tools. Decorative elements are carefully placed on the base.

You can use different techniques, achieving the desired design of jewelry for the doll.

It is important to take care about the safety of products, playing with them should not be dangerous for children of any age.

You can make beads out of ready-made decorative elements or perform the components of the required design with your own hands out of polymer clay.

In order to obtain the decoration, the beads can be put on a rubber band. In this case you do not have to measure the circumference of the head, take care of the clasp.

The beads will fit in any case. By analogy, you can make other accessories to decorate the doll's image: headbands, lanyards, bracelets.

Cloth crafts

Particular attention should be paid to crafts made of fabric for dolls. Cloth is a simple, affordable, safe option of raw materials for work. Playing dolls in general is difficult to imagine without accessories made of textiles. Girls love to collect dowry for their wards, to create comfort in their households.

Pillows, blankets

One of the most important textile accessories for the game will be a blanket, pillow. It is not difficult to make them. For the work it is necessary to prepare:

  • scraps of fabric;
  • thread for sewing;
  • stuffing.

To begin with cut out blanks. This is a pair of equal-sized cloth cloth. The resulting pieces are sewn together, leaving a free line or part of it on one side.

Through the resulting hole perform stuffing the product. Achieve the desired height and fullness of the thing.

After finishing the process, the hole is carefully sewed up from the front side of the item, folding the open ends of the fabric inside.

If necessary, you can make an additional decorative design of the finished product.


For decorating a doll's house, curtains will be useful. Making them is even easier than bedding. Ordinary straight curtains will act as a pair of fabric canvases, trimmed at the edges.

Strips of fabric can be further decorated with decorative elements, sew ruffles, flounces.

To simple curtains, you can think of a lambrequin, girts, tassels.

The more complex the model of curtains, the more difficult it is to create them.

You can hang curtains by pulling an elastic band over the window. If the curtains do not need to be moved, you can simply glue them over the window opening.


One of the most important play items will be the crib. Children pay the most attention to this very thing. Doll bed can be made in different ways.

In the course can go a box as the easiest option. If you want something softer and more comfortable, then the object is mastered from fabric. For work you will need:

  • sponge or a piece of foam rubber;
  • fabric;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

Step by step production:

  • Sponge or foam rubber is cut to the size of the bed bed. To do this, measure the length and width of the doll, make small allowances for freedom of placement. The resulting base is tightened with fabric.
  • The material is carefully glued on the inside of the foam layer.
  • The role of the headboards are made by pieces of cardboard. They are glued to the side of the location of the head and feet of the doll to the soft base.
  • The resulting object is decorated as desired.

Sofa .

By analogy with the bed, you can make a soft couch. As the basis is also allowed to take sponge or foam rubber:

  • From individual parts assemble the base, back, armrests. All elements are covered with fabric. For rigidity, you can lay additional ribs of cardboard or plywood.
  • The parts are glued together. Additionally, you can make a decorative cloak, sofa cushions.

Bag for dolls made of polymer clay

Excellent accessory for the doll will be a bag made of polymer clay. To make the product, first create a model. To do this, determine the parameters of the bag, draw a pattern. Based on the plan, work with clay:

  • The material is rolled out, creating a pattern on the surface if necessary. The finished pieces are stapled together.
  • A layer of fabric can be placed on the inner surface to make it convincing.
  • As the last step, the handle is made. This can also be made from clay or use a chain. By analogy, it will be possible to create other accessories for the doll and her home.

Puppet handicrafts made of clay

Many interesting things you can make for the dolls of plasticine. Mostly these are items of playfulness.

Most often from plasticine make dishes, accessories for home furnishings.

No need to try to make jewelry for the doll itself. Plasticine can stain the toy, and some parts can be difficult to clean.

Doll Clothes.

The most enjoyable part of taking care of the doll is hiding in the preparation of the closet. All girls love to dress up their charges. In the arsenal should be a variety of dresses, skirts, jackets, pants. All this is not difficult to do with your own hands.


There is nothing easier to sew or knit a dress for a doll. You can use ready-made patterns. It remains only to make parts, assemble them into one thing. If there are no patterns, you can make a simple dress. To do this, a long strip of fabric is embroidered. It will become the skirt.

On top sew smaller strips that match the length of the waist in front to the same level on the back. These will be the straps of the sarafan. Sewing them, they can be crossed. In the back of the product perform a clasp. This can be standard buttons, zipper, velcro.

Skirt .

Sew a skirt for the doll is even easier than the dress. You can create a beautiful skirt in half an hour. To do this, a large circle is cut out of the fabric, in it a similar hole smaller, which will correspond to the circumference of the waist adjusted to a comfortable fit.

At the top sew a belt. An elastic band can be inserted into it. It remains only to process the remaining cuts, make the decor.


Sewing pants for a doll is already more difficult. A beautiful version will turn out when using patterns. A simple model can be made in an elementary way.

To do this, simply trace the outline of the doll from the waist to the ankles. Then make allowances for a loose fit.

According to the resulting light pattern perform stitches in the necessary places. Sew such pants is better from free stretch fabrics.

Clothing made of sock.

Simple closet items can be made from an ordinary sock. Even a child can cope with the task. It is enough to cut the sock. Remove the toe and heel. The remaining rounded segment can easily become a dress, skirt and even shorts or pants.

It is enough to show imagination. If you put a little effort into the design, it is easy to get real masterpieces as a result.

Clothes from children's clothes

When preparing a closet for a doll, attention is paid to the size of the toy. It is not necessary to purposefully sew clothes for large specimens. You can use real baby clothes designed for infancy to replenish your closet.

They do not need to be remade, they are suitable for use in their pristine form.

Making crafts for dolls is interesting and easy. Kids will try their best in the process, and adults will remember their childhood. There are many techniques suitable for work. It will not be difficult to choose your own version.

Photo ideas for dolls

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