Foamirin handmade articles with simple schemes: step by step master classes for children and beginners with photos

Creating handmade crafts is not only a very interesting activity. But also a great way to spend time of a child and a parent.

Almost all materials are used for creativity, both artificial and natural origin.

One of these products is foamiran. This material is easy enough to work with, as it is suitable for creating crafts on any subject. With him secured prizes, both in competitions of preschool and school institutions.


Features of Faïmirana

This material is of artificial origin. It somewhat resembles a rubber chamois. It consists of synthetic substances. To the touch, the material is very soft and pliable type. It is also characterized by elasticity. And the handicrafts made of it look just great.

Buy soft plastic can be in the department of goods for crafts or studio tailoring and clothing repair. The product is sold in colorful sheets with a thickness of 0.5-10mm.

It is also worth noting that foamiran does not cause allergies in children, so it is ideal for creativity with toddlers nursery group. Almost everything can be made out of it, from beautiful clothes for dolls to figurines of animals.

Decorative handicrafts

The peculiarity of this creativity is that the creation of crafts from foamiran will be fascinating for both children and adults.

After all, with the help of this inexpensive material, you can quite update the design of the house, using a decorative homemade. What else can be made of soft plastic? This product, as noted above, is very malleable for creating such crafts:

  • Fairy princesses and clothes for them. The perfect gift for a girl, which will cause only a sea of positive emotions;
  • Souvenirs in the form of cute animals and beasts. Excellent option for decoration of a child's room;
  • Floral bouquets. Suitable for wedding ceremonies and as a gift to your loved one;
  • Decorations for hairpins, elastic bands and headbands. Such handicrafts will delight their owner with their individuality and uniqueness;
  • New Year's decorations. Foamirn can be used for everything from decorating Christmas-tree toys to details that symbolize the holiday.


If you can't make a fomirin bow, you can cut out a fomirin bow and decorate it with a fomirin bow. After all, this object can decorate not only the hair and clothes, but also perfectly diversify the interior of the room.

What you need to create:

  • Soft plastic of any shade with a thickness of 2 mm;
  • Toothpick;
  • Beads, rhinestones;
  • Cardboard, a pencil or a ready-made template of a bow;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue gun.

How to make:

  1. To begin, take a ready-made bow pattern or draw it yourself, using cardboard and a pencil. Transfer the pattern on the material, tracing it with a toothpick. Then cut out a pair of such bows from foamir;
  2. In each bow, glue the edges with a heat gun. Spread the workpieces slightly, giving them a convex shape. Then join the two parts with a heat gun. If desired, you can cut a small strip from the material, wrapping the workpiece in the middle. Also, fix the strip with glue;
  3. Spread the details of the blanks, giving them the shape of a bow. In the middle of the product glued beads or rhinestones. Here everything is optional. The work is ready!


This material is excellent for making a field daisy. Which can decorate not only a child's elastic band or headband. But it is also used in the modeling of the room. For example, if the daisy is attached to a satin ribbon. This will be a great decoration for curtains.

Items needed:

  • White, yellow and green foamiran (2 mm.);
  • Ready-made stencil or cardboard with a simple pencil;
  • A hole punch or toothpick;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Iron.


  1. First prepare the blanks of the flower. For this purpose, take ready templates of the heart, petals and leaves of the daisy. Or draw a pattern yourself on a heavy cardboard;
  2. Transfer the material to the template. Cut out the above blanks. Petals can be any size and quantity. Heat each part of the flower one by one with an iron. Forming a convex core of yellow shade, petals of white color and leaves of green shade;
  3. Next, take the middle of the flower, gluing white petals to it in a circle with a glue gun. At the same time, each such petal is slightly hidden under the heart of the flower. This is done to ensure a secure hold on the product. After that, under the flower glued leaves. Their number also chooses the master. Creativity is ready!

Christmas tree decorations

Toys for the Christmas tree can also be made from this material. The peculiarity of such a product - uniqueness and simplicity of execution.

Items for work:

  • Shiny foamiran;
  • Cocktail straw;
  • Ribbon or beautiful string;
  • Puncher;
  • 10 cm. ruler;
  • Glue machine;
  • Ready-made templates or cardboard with a simple pencil;
  • Scissors.


  1. The first thing to do is to make blanks for the Christmas tree decoration. For this take ready-made templates or make them yourself. For the second version takes the size of the circles - two small circles of 2.5 cm and 12 circles of 8 cm. The tube is cut to a length of 5.5 cm;
  2. Thread a ribbon or string through one of the small circles. Making a hole in the piece with a hole puncher and tying the string so that it resembles a continuous oval. Then take each large circle and squeeze it a little in half, gluing it to the tube with the bent half. Do the same with all the circles, gluing them in a circle;
  3. Then take two smaller circles and attach them to the toy. One with a string at the top. The other circle at the bottom. A simple Christmas tree decoration is ready!

Practical crafts

Foamiran is a universal material for all kinds of crafts. Even practical crafts for the house from this material look worthy.

Handicrafts made of soft plastic will not only give a zest to every room, but also significantly save the family budget on such small things as organizers, covers, photo frames and other such trifles.


This handicraft not only develops the motor skills of children. But also serves as an additional accessory for the children's room. The basket can hold everything from pens to stickers and pictures that kids love.

Items needed:

  • Foamiran A in 4 different shades;
  • Scissors;
  • Super-moment glue or a glue gun;
  • Black felt-tip pen or pen;
  • CD;
  • Velcro for fabric.

Creating the handicraft:

  1. First take two sheets of soft plastic, gluing them together. Then they are rolled in half. Make a pair of blanks for the basket. They will be rectangular in shape with dimensions: 5 and 8 cm. Glue these blanks to the base of the sheets. To do this, dab three sides of the pockets with glue, pressing them slightly;
  2. Then they take a disk. It will serve as a stencil for the two circles. Circle the material around the disk and cut out the figure. Cut the circles in half. Each of the halves glued to the corner of the basket. To do this, the blanks are folded in a semi-circle. You end up with corners on each side of the handicraft;
  3. Cut a strip of soft plastic 15 cm long and 4 cm wide. This blank is glued to the outside of the creative work. Bend the strip along the basket. And together, where the end of the strip glued Velcro, also do the second such half. The two parts of the sticky tape should be opposite each other;
  4. The work is done. Handicrafts can be decorated with beads, rhinestones and sequins for a girl. Or cut out a ship or a car from soft plastic. And glue it on the basket for the boy.


Foamiran is a universal material for all kinds of crafts. It can also be used to make a cover book for the phone.

What you need for work:

  • Sheets of soft plasticine;
  • Scissors;
  • Thread with a needle;
  • Cardboard and a pencil;
  • Buttons.

Execution of work:

  1. To begin, trace the phone around the perimeter, applying it to the cardboard and adding 1.5-2 cm to the resulting size. Next, the template is attached to the foamir, cutting out the workpiece for the craft. On the underside of the material, two lines are drawn with a centimeter between them;
  2. Circle the pattern and cut it to 1 cm., circling under the frame of the resulting product. Then cut out the frame, skipping the inner cut. Turn it on the wrong side, stitching a short cut. Stitching is done on top of the finished frame;
  3. Sew the inner and outer parts. So that the outside sides are aligned. After that, join the elements of the wrong side, stitching their central parts. Sew a relief stitch around the contour of the smallest part;
  4. Cut out of the material elements of the strap and pocket for the cover. Also sew these products to the handicraft. Do not forget to attach the button to the strap and the base of the case. Job done!

Frame for a photo

This craft refers to an easy version of creativity from foamirin. The work will not take much time, but the individuality of this handcraft is ensured.

What you need for the craft:

  • Soft multicolored plastic;
  • Wooden frame for photos of any size;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Cardboard and a pencil.

Work on the artwork:

  1. For the craft, take any frame. It will be the basis for this handicraft. Their cardboard cut out any stencils. Here you can include imagination, remembering for whom the gift is intended. If it is a gift to grandma, then the frame can be decorated with flowers from foamirin. For example, daisies (how to make them is described above);
  2. If the frame will decorate the children's room. Then the self-made frame is decorated with animals, princesses and vehicles. All this is done very simply. According to the template, the desired pattern is cut out and glued to the frame. Also decorate the craft can be rhinestones, beads and even small seashells, brought from the holidays;
  3. This is how to decorate a frame for photos!

Children's crafts

Foamiran is a godsend for children's crafts. After all, you can make not only figures of funny animals and various kinds of transport, but also create accessories for the little fashionista.

It should not be forgotten that working with this material not only develops the motor skills of the hands of kids. But also contributes to the development of thinking.

Bracelet .

This handicraft is one of the simplest, which can be made of soft plastic. With this creativity is quite manageable for a junior high school child.

Necessary items:

  • Soft plastic;
  • Thread and needle;
  • Ruler;
  • Rhinestones or beads for decoration;
  • Super-moment glue.


  1. The first thing to do is to cut a strip for the craft out of the material, using a ruler (for clear lines of the product). To do this, measure the circumference of the hand, taking into account a couple of extra centimeters for putting on and taking off the accessory;
  2. Roll up the strip in a circle, stitching the ends neatly. Decorate the needlework with beads or cut out figurines of foamirin. And sew it to the handicraft;
  3. Here you can show any fantasy ideas. The bracelet is ready to please its little mistress!


A beautiful and unique hairclip with a rose is not only a stylish accessory. But also a pleasant pastime for such an interesting activity.

What items will be needed:

  • Soft plastic in red and green;
  • An iron;
  • A base for a hairpin (you can buy it at a tailor's shop);
  • Cardboard and a pencil;
  • Tinfoil;
  • Glue machine.


  1. First make templates for the petals of the rose and leaves. Then take the foil, making it into a drop. Cut out petals and leaves for the future crafts. Their number according to the wishes of the master;
  2. With an iron heated each piece in turn. Leaves a little twist. Petals curve inward, giving the shape of the elements of this rose. Glued the petals one by one with a glue gun. Thus forming a flower;
  3. Finally, connect the rose with its leaves at the base, gluing everything together well. The rose can also be decorated with mother-of-pearl beads or other decorations. Attach the handicraft to the hairpin, using an adhesive unit and the work is done!


From soft plastic, you can make any applique of various themes. Such creativity is ideal for creating greeting cards. For example, with the famous doll <>, which all girls love so much.

What is needed:

  • Foamiran of various shades;
  • Scissors;
  • Markers;
  • Glue gun;
  • Cardboard and a pencil;
  • Beads;
  • The basis for the card (thick cardboard).

How to make:

  1. To begin, prepare various stencils to create an applique. These are the head, arms and legs, zvostok. Cut out all these elements from soft plastic;
  2. They take the cardboard and begin to assemble the applique. First glue the head with hair, attaching it to the headband. Then the dress with hands and feet. Not forgetting about the shoes;
  3. Dorisovyvat doll markers eyes with eyelashes, nose and mouth. You can also decorate the headband with beads or attach decorations around the doll. Both will look very dignified on the applique.


Due to its changing shape under the influence of temperature, soft plastic is popular in the manufacture of the following figures:

  • Dolls;
  • Little angels;
  • Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the Christmas tree;
  • Funny little animals;
  • Accessories for hair and jewelry.

Foamirin handicrafts are always a way out if you want to give a dear person something really worthwhile and from the heart.

Moreover, the range of materials has a variety and affordable price.

This only increases the demand for such a plastic and versatile material that can fulfill any fantasy idea.

Photo of fomiran crafts for home

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