How to make a notepad with your own hands: photo ideas of beautiful design, easy instructions for beginners and children

It is very difficult to buy a sketchbook that will suit you completely. That drawing does not like, or its design. If something will be to your liking, so the price will be substantial.

You can not suffer, or waste time looking for it, and make it yourself. Show your imagination, consider all your preferences, and create your dream notebook. Creating an original, unique notebook yourself will not be difficult.


Materials and tools for making a notepad with your own hands

To create a masterpiece will require materials that everyone should have at home. For this will be required:

  • paper, white, thick;
  • cardboard of several shades;
  • glue;
  • clothespins, clips;
  • a stationery knife;
  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • scotch tape, preferably double-sided;
  • decor elements;
  • satin ribbon.

In each case, the list of materials and tools can vary depending on the model of the product.

How to make a notepad quickly and easily

An ordinary notepad without stitching, staples will take only a few minutes, but the product with stitching will take much more time. The result is worth it. Consider what kinds of notebooks you can make.

From notebooks and staples

To make this type of notepad you will need:

  • notebook paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • stapler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • clips.

Once all the materials are ready, you can begin to create. To do this:

  • takes paper from notebooks and cardboard of the shade you like;
  • The cardboard is folded in half - it will be the cover of the future notebook;
  • Leaves are put inside a sheet of cardboard and clipped with clips;
  • Using a pencil, marks are made where the connection will be made;
  • Using a stapler, the sheets are stapled together.

That's all an ordinary notebook is ready, now you can make notes in it.

From sheets of paper and glue

The next variant involves the use of glue to fasten the sheets. In this case you need to take:

  • Xerox paper in an amount of thirty to fifty sheets;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • clips;
  • paper of different shades;
  • cardboard
  • glue;
  • colored fabric;
  • satin ribbon;
  • gauze;
  • decorations.

Then everything is done step by step:

  1. The sheets are folded pre-separated into bundles, between which colored paper is placed as a partition.
  2. A cardboard binding is formed on both sides of the product.
  3. The stack of sheets is fixed with clips. To make sure that the clips are not left marks a small piece of paper.
  4. From the gauze cut a piece that will be equal to the width of the binding.
  5. Oiled with glue gauze should be distributed at the joint and give a good drying.
  6. For strength, the procedure should be repeated.
  7. After complete drying, you can proceed to decorating. To do this, you take satin ribbon, beads, lace, etc. You can simply draw a beautiful, original drawing.
  8. The edges of the product are hidden by the fabric, under which the gauze is hidden.

That's how easy it is to construct a beautiful, and most importantly useful notebook.

Stitched with thread

To make a product stitched with threads, you need to stock up on scrapbook sheets, the number depends on the thickness of the notebook:

  • The sheets are folded in half, each fold is ironed with an ordinary ruler.
  • After that, the sheets are put into each other.
  • Once the notebook is assembled, you can take in the hands of a puncher, and punch holes. If the edges protrude they must be cut off.
  • The resulting edge is treated with a regular nail file or sandpaper with fine grain. This will smooth out all the irregularities and remove the roughness.

Now you can begin sewing. To do this, take a thread with a needle and insert it into the hole on both sides, then the thread is stretched, a knot is tied, and then the excess is cut off. We make a few more of these blanks by analogy. When they are all ready, you can begin to assemble the product:

  • The stack of mini notebooks is padded with cardboard;
  • The spine of the notebook is fastened together with clips;
  • the resulting construction is placed under a press of thick, heavy books for three to five hours;
  • Future holes are marked on the top sheet and then pierced with an awl;
  • A thread with a needle is taken and the product is stitched through the holes;
  • The thread is tied, cut, hidden;
  • A piece of cardboard is attached to the top of the spine, after which the notepad is sent under the press again until it dries completely.

After the product dries, you can make a flyer out of colored cardboard or decorative tracing paper. The selected material is glued on the inside of the cover. The front side of the notebook is decorated with various decorative elements.

Ideas for a beautiful design of the notebook

There is a huge variety of ideas how to decorate a notepad, made by your own hands. Each method will make the product unique and inimitable.

You can use a lot of different materials to decorate your notebook - stickers, stickers, decorative elements, etc. In case you don't like such ideas, you can just draw something.


The easiest and original way will be to decorate the pages of the notebook with different thematic drawings. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and draw whatever you like.

In the case if the notebook will be used as a diary, it has several headings. So each of them can be complemented by appropriate topics for drawings.

Stickers .

Using decorative strips, stickers can add originality to your notebook. Multicolored stickers will not only look great as bookmarks, notes, but also as decorations, multicolored compositions.

Using your imagination, you can use them to create an original drawing that will stand out beautifully on the pages of a notebook. Also with their help you can make an ordinary frame.


A wonderful decorative material that allows you to not think of anything on your own. Using a variety of themed stickers, you can simply and tastefully decorate your "baby".

In addition, if desired, each sticker can be complemented by a picture or other decorative element. With their help, you can even do something like a collage.

Clippings from magazines

In every house there is a pile of old unwanted glossy magazines, and after all, this is a real boon for those who like to create and experiment. Flipping through a lot of glossy magazines, and selecting what you like, you can begin to decorate the notebook.

Here is also the most important thing to connect your imagination. In case there is a problem with this, you can use the options that the Internet provides.

From clippings of celebrities or pieces of furniture or fruit. You can easily create a beautiful collage, which, thanks to the brightness of the photos will give the notebook its own flavor.


With the use of textiles on the pages of the notebook, you can achieve its original, unusual appearance. With it you can create a variety of figures and glue them inside.

Also using yarn can be made edging drawings made there, photos and other elements. In addition to this yarn can make a beautiful trinket that can, serve as a bookmark.

There are many ideas to decorate pages of the notebook, we have considered the most basic. If you wish, you can use other elements of decoration to create your own masterpiece.

Cover for the notepad

The cover plays an important role, because this is the face of the owner of the product. If you look at it once, you can get an idea about this person. What he likes to do, what he likes to do, whether he likes to travel or prefers to do creative work. After all, the cover can be said to be a pass to your inner world.

It can also be decorated in different ways. Before you start, you should sit down and think about what you want to see on it. Think through several options, and choose the best of them. Various materials will help you.

From cardboard

Using cardboard of different colors you can make an original cover. It can be different. For example, from identical centimeter strips you can make a braid, which can then be glued to the base.

In addition, the use of cardboard can perform a variety of thematic applique to suit all tastes. And you can simply glue the cover with one particular color and decorate it with different decorations - beads, ribbons, buttons, etc.


To create an original fabric cover, you need to take fabric of different textures. A dense fabric, something like burlap, is taken under the base, which is attached to the base with glue.

On top, the surface can be decorated with a variety of scraps, making a kind of collage. You can perform decorations with bows made of ribbons, or glue various little things, seashells, flowers, twigs, etc.

With satin ribbons

With the help of ribbons you can come up with any composition, for example, cover the cover with wide satin ribbons, and make an applique of beads on top.

To do this, the tape is transferred to the picture you like, and then starting from the outline, it is trimmed with beads.

You can just paste it with cardboard and make the edging from a thin satin ribbon. The middle of the cover can be embellished with a decor or drawing.

Made of decorative paper

Decorative paper will be a wonderful addition to the design of your diary.

It can be used to make a huge number of little things that will look great on the cover. It can be used to make a variety of three-dimensional flowers, figures, which can then be attached to the base of the notebook. She, in turn, can be anything from regular cardboard to beautiful, textured fabric.

From colored paper

The use of colored paper will allow you to make an original, unique notebook. To do this, select a paper of two shades, in the form of two longitudinal strips attached to the base of the product with glue.

Then, to hide the junction of the two sheets you can use a decorative braid, which should be glued on top. Also at the discretion of the owner the cover can be supplemented with various kinds of decorations. This step will make the notebook even more unique.

You can use black paint to draw beautiful monogram letters. Let these be the first letters of the name and surname of the owner.

With beads

Any of the options suggested above involve the use of beads as an additional decoration, but in addition you can decorate the entire cover with just one bead. For this purpose it is necessary to glue it to the base. The product will end up quite original.


Needlewomen who know how to knit, it will not be difficult to knit the cover with their own hands. It can be a monochrome composition, or it can be with a certain pattern or pattern.

On top of such a cover can be supplemented with various decorative little things - beautiful buttons, beads, a herbarium of flowers and twigs, and much more.

Make an original notebook with your own hands is quite possible. To do this, the main thing to connect the desire and imagination.

Made by hand, this item can keep itself, but you can use as a gift to a loved one.

There are a lot of options for decoration just need to choose one thing or come up with your own, and then the notebook will be very nice.

Photo ideas homemade notepad

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