The book with their own hands from improvised materials: photo ideas for the cover and step by step master classes

Books are one of the most important sources of knowledge and information on any topic of interest. Books can be so different, dissimilar to each other, that the eyes are confused.

Reading is a favorite pastime for many people, who prefer a quiet, comfortable home rather than a noisy, merry party.

This article is dedicated to those people for whom reading books is not just a favorite pastime, but also a hobby. It tells you how to create your own unique and distinctive book.


Ways of making books

You need to choose the best and most appropriate way to create a book. For example, if you have a lot of colored and white paper at home, try to create a book in the technique of origami, which is popular in many countries.

For fans of small decorative books, you can create a small book that will decorate your shelf and gradually make a large collection of such wonderful books, which you can surprise your friends.

A pop-up book is not a bad simple option for creating a book that does not take much time. Before looking at each method in more detail, you need to prepare the tools.

Materials and tools to work with

To prepare for the process of making a book, you need to know what will come in handy. First of all, scissors, ruler, colored or white paper, PVA glue, cardboard, fabric.

Paper is needed for origami, glue is useful for gluing the necessary parts, scissors for trimming and leveling, cardboard and fabric are useful for creating the binding of the future book. Ruler as a tool-assistant, without which any creative work is not complete.

How to make a book with your own hands

Below you will learn the basic options for making a book, choose the most interesting way for you.

In fact, making books is easier than it seems at first glance, you will see this for yourself and try to make more and more in practice.

First of all let us see how to make a book binding, because as you know the binding is an important part of all book production, so first of all you need to make it.

Binding made of glue and fabric

In order to make a book binding yourself, you need to prepare sheets of paper. For example, a book may consist of 48 sheets, so you need to have 24 sheets of paper, folding them together in advance. You will get two stacks of twelve sheets. Next, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Make holes, it is necessary to prepare the same paper as the pages, fold in two, then mark six holes - this is a template.
  2. Take separately a piece of paper and place the template in the center of the folds. With an awl make a hole in the pattern, the hole is necessary for stitching.
  3. Staple the paper one block of twelve sheets.
  4. Move on to gluing and joining all the blocks. Use a brush to apply glue well over the base of the sheets, the glue should be in the stitching areas. Remove excess glue, place a weight on the sheets and leave to dry.
  5. The books consist of a top and bottom banding. After measuring across the width of the piece, glue them together.
  6. Prepare cardboard and fabric. Measure out the material by the pages and cut it out. The "spine" of the book should have its own cardboard part. Cover with fabric and let dry for a couple of hours.
  7. Connect all the elements. The first pages with the cover will be completely dry.
  8. Apply a thin layer of glue to the pages (1st and last) to hold the pieces together. Place the book inside the cover and press heavy on top. The book is done!

Japanese Binding

The Japanese binder is a little different than the first version of the binder. You will need the following materials and tools for it:

  1. a saw
  2. two boards, two clamps
  3. knife, scissors
  4. brush
  5. thick white thread
  6. material similar to gauze
  7. heavy cardboard
  8. colored paper, kaptal

The process of creating a Japanese binder:

  1. Align all pages, for complete alignment of the edges, you need to take a stack of pages and tap it against the table. Place the edges of the pages on the board, with the spine facing the maker. The edge of the stack protrudes over the edge of the table.
  2. Place the heavy weight on the stack very carefully, without dislodging the pages. Dip a brush in glue and smear the spine of the book.
  3. Three minutes after the glue dries, remove the weight, move the stack away from the edge of the table. Place the second board on top of it, squeezing well with 2 clamps. Leave for four hours, needed to dry the glue.
  4. After the clamps are removed and move the stacks and boards to the edge of the table, so that the board protrudes three centimeters. The stack of pages protrudes two millimeters. Fix it with clamps.
  5. Pencil outline the protruding edge. You will get intervals of two centimeters. We saw off the marks with a saw - no more than 1 millimeter. They should not differ.
  6. Prepare a rope of such thickness that it fits well into the holes made.
  7. Take gauze, the length of the pieces of gauze is shorter by 1 cm of the stub, the width will be equal, another 2 cm are added on the sides. Separate 2 captals, their width will be equal to the width of the stub. Their edges smeared with glue, prepare a strip of paper, its length is 7 millimeters shorter than the length of the spine, the width will be the same as the width of the spine.
  8. Dip a brush in glue and apply it to the stub with the cuts. Make sure that the glue does not get into the cuts. Soak the rope with glue, insert the rope into the kerf, the edges protrude by 3 cm. Pull the ends, the rope will be fixed in the kerf. On the stub, apply glue and glue gauze, then captals. Above the captals, apply glue and glue a paper strip and invite it to the spine. Leave to dry the glue completely overnight.
  9. Next, remove the clamps and cut the ends of the rope.

It remains to make the book fronts:

  1. Any paper will come in handy. What size they will be depends on the size of the book, if A5 - then the flyer will be A4. The outer edge of the flyer is reduced, the ends of the strings will interfere with his gluing.
  2. Make sure that the flyleaf is the right size. Glue the strip at the fold and glue it to the block, do the same with the 2nd side of the book. Then put weight on the finished binding, then make the cover.

Modular book in the origami technique.

You do not need a lot of materials, it is enough to have paper with this method. Fold the sheet and fold the edges. Turn the workpiece, do exactly as in the beginning:

  • Fold the corners on the lines down.
  • Open and place the resulting figure back, scissors make a crease.
  • Next, fold the pages. The book is ready!

A little paper book

You will need for this work a cardboard of 20 cm by 22 cm. It should be folded on both sides, move 1 page and the last page. There is a second way, consists of folding a book from 1 sheet of paper.

The process of creation:

  1. Fold the paper, open it.
  2. Fold in two to make it as if it were a screen.
  3. Fold the side back, flip it over, and get a fold in the opposite direction.
  4. Cut the paper along the center fold.
  5. Fold the paper into an X.
  6. Press down on the pages to shape them.

You have a book!

A pop-up book .

Prepare as much white cardboard as the pages.

Creation Process:

  1. Glue the tape and picture onto the cover.
  2. On both sides of the cardboard, draw lines around the edges at 15mm intervals.
  3. Prepare the self-adhesive paper and cut it into 17mm pieces.
  4. Connect the edges of the cardboard.
  5. Press the strip fixed to the right side of the cardboard with a ruler. Attach 2 cardboard and do the same. Glue a 2-strip on the opposite side.

The book-folding turned out, looks unusual and original!

The cover for the book

There remains the last part of the work, which includes making the cover.

From decorative paper

It is very easy and simple to make a cover from decorative paper. You will need thick paper, scissors, a sketch, and a book.

The process of creation:

  1. Fold the sheet face down and place the book in the center of the sheet. Fold the edges of the paper over the cover of the book, iron the folds.
  2. Opposite the spine form a notch - a trapezoid.
  3. Determine the folds of the cover of the book, the cover is bent to the long side, then to short.
  4. Tape the cover, holding it in place.
  5. Write the title of the book on the cover if desired.

Leather Cover

You will need leather, paper, cardboard, and cotton to make a leather cover.

Creation process:

  1. Cut a pre-cut sheet, the height equal to the pages, width 2 times the width.
  2. Fold in half in 2 times, providing protection. You need 2 pieces of such parts.
  3. Attach 2 folded sheets to the book on each side. Glue the flyleaves to 1 page.
  4. Glue fabric to the spine, smoothing out
  5. At the end of the spine, glue the fabric, apply glue to the center and glue the thread.
  6. Cut out 2 cardboard rectangles - the base for the cover. Spread the cardboard to the book, tuck if necessary.
  7. Coat the outside of the cardboard with glue, attach the skin and connect to the cardboard, do not stretch the skin, only lightly press.
  8. Cut the skin, leaving 2.5 cm, cut corners.
  9. Glue the cover and fold the flaps, process the folds.
  10. See how well the cover holds up.

We made a wonderful leather cover!

Made out of fabric

To make a fabric cover, you will need scissors, fabric, thread and needle, ruler and pencil, and a button.

Making process:

  1. Measure the book. Write the measurements you get on the wrong side of the fabric. Double the width and add the width of the spine. If 15 cm cover width, 2 cm spine, measure 15 cm + 3 cm + 15 cm = 33 cm. Add 1 cm on each side. The width will be 35 cm, length L + 2 cm.
  2. Cut the base of the cover, cut the fabric the same length as the length of the book + 2 cm and the width of the cover. (For example, width 15 cm, length - 15 + 3 cm). Cut in half a piece of fabric - flaps. Choose the width of the clasp according to your taste, its length is longer than the width of the stub, add seam allowances. Cut out the parts for the clasp.
  3. Fold the parts for the clasp with the wrong side facing each other and sew. Attach one end to the center of the base of the cover and sew.
  4. Add the button to the 2nd side, sew the button into the clasp with the magnetic part of the button secured.
  5. It remains to assemble the cover - sew the flaps to the base. Turn the cover over and sew the flaps to the edges.

In this article, the basic ways to create a book with your own hands were discussed in detail. We hope that our tips and recommendations will help you to create a unique book, which you will surprise yourself and your loved ones.

A photo of a book made with your own hands.

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