How to make an airplane out of paper, wood, and boxes - an overview of popular performance techniques for beginners and children
Creating together with children helps build rapport and develops creativity. Below is highlighted a master class that will reveal the secrets of fast and beautiful planes from paper and improvised materials. Even adults will be interested in learning how to make new models.
Handmade airplane craft technique
The main purpose of the apparatus is the ability to fly. To interest a child, to begin with, it is necessary to consider classic versions of the flying apparatus, so that he can feel the fruits of his creation.
More complicated crafts are better to start doing with the age of 7-8 years, when the motor skills of the hands are well enough developed to hold tools in the form of scissors. Here are both the classic techniques of crafts and unusual prefabricated, which require diligence and patience.
Decorative airplane from different materials
Decorative airplanes are unlikely to take off, but such crafts can decorate the room. Making them - one pleasure, even adults will be interested in gluing the parts.
Assembled paper airplanes can be found in many magazines. However, their cost is often inflated, so the purchase often does not fit into the family budget.
Children love to glue together simple parts, assembling a collection of well-known models. All that is needed is to find a template of such an airplane, then let the child cut out the parts and glue them together with ordinary glue with a pencil.
From cardboard
This option is sure to please adults. It is made very simply, you only need to pay attention to the instructions:
- Find any cardboard - it is recommended to disassemble the packaging from under the cereal.
- Next, on heavy paper any airplane is drawn in unfolded form. Separately, you can even draw its parts or find a template in advance and transfer it to cardboard with a printout.
- After the parts are carefully cut out with scissors.
- Each is glued with double-sided adhesive tape - it is practically invisible, and glue can not cope with the density of the paper.
Such an airplane will retain its shape for a long time, you can even use it as an additional decoration for the nursery.
Made of wood
This option is recommended to make from wooden popsicle sticks. Many people accumulate a big mountain of them over the summer, you can implement them in a creative and useful way. How to make:
- From sticks assemble neat airplanes. Here it is important only imagination, there are no rules.
- Parts are easily glued together with hot glue.
- To each model, you can attach a separate ribbon or string to hang it on a chandelier or lamp.
The result is a very beautiful and unusual handicraft, which will remind you of the dream of becoming a pilot.
From an empty bottle
This option can be made by any first-grader. All you need for work is already at home: glue, some cardboard, scissors, an empty milk bottle (it is white, it is easier to paint). How to make:
- To begin with, the future wings are cut out of cardboard. You can draw a template yourself, the main thing is that all the parts are the same.
- They are glued to the bottle.
- After it is painted in green, drawing a red star.
Such a craft can replace toys if you don't have them at the cottage. It will easily stand the test, even on water. The main thing is to coat the wings with wax so they don't get wet.
From a box
To make this model, you need to find any box, you can borrow a large one from any store for free. What's next:
- First a long parapet is made.
- The wings are cut separately according to the template, they can be drawn with your own hands.
- All parts are glued together with duct tape.
- Next, it is necessary to take paint in a spray can and paint.
So easy and simple, an ordinary box turns into an airplane that a child can climb into. Perfect for a costume event in the garden or school.
Flying airplane out of paper
Flying airplanes made of paper everyone remembers from the school bench. However, the older generation was content with a standard model, which is easy to make from a sheet of A4.
Now craftsmen are actively sharing new types on the Internet, you can find any option, even a jet. Below is highlighted a master class that will teach you how to make fast and beautiful planes from plain paper.
Basic model
With the basic model, many people became familiar with back in elementary school. To make such an airplane is simple enough, it is necessary to pay attention to the simple instructions:
- We take an ordinary sheet of A4.
- Fold it in half, and then bend both top corners to the center.
- Then bend the top edge.
- Fold both upper edges to the center line.
- Fold the plane in half.
- Now turn the first wing.
- Repeat the same with the other side.
You can take a rubber band and use it to throw the plane across the room.
If necessary, add a piece of tape to secure the nose.
Flying Hunter.
This option is medium difficulty, but sticking to the instructions, anyone can do it. How to make:
- Measure 2.5 cm from the top corners and connect the marks.
- Fold the top edge down to the line.
- Then fold the plane in half from you.
- Fold the top right corner down the opposite edge.
- Turn the plane and repeat with the other side.
- Line up the piece of paper as in step two, and fold the top corners so that they match the diagonal folds.
- Then fold over the entire fold.
- Bend the top visor to the bottom edge.
- Fold the visor up.
- Fold the outer edges along each side of the triangular shape.
- Connect on the marks made earlier.
- Now fold the plane in half and fold the songs on the lines.
- Glue the nose of the plane.
Flies great when there is no wind outside. The design really looks like a fighter jet.
The level of difficulty is medium. Instructions:
- Fold the paper in half diagonally so that opposite corners meet.
- Fold in the long edge by about 1 cm.
- Fold the paper in half toward you and then rotate it so that the thickest part is facing up. The dot in the square will face left.
- Fold the front side until it stops and make a vertical fold.
- Fold the second side down so that the opposite sides meet.
- Now fold one outside flap to make the first wing. The body will be about 2 cm in height.
- Fold the other flap to complete the plane.
The plane is ready to be launched.
This model looks like a sharp tip of a spear. Flies very fast, the level of difficulty is medium. How to make:
- Fold a rectangular sheet in half.
- Open the sheet and fold the top corners to the center.
- Repeat the last step with both top edges.
- Then fold the top edge.
- Fold the outer edges to the center again.
- Open the last four folds, and then fold the edges along the visible folds.
- Fold both sides again along the visible folds, and then fold the outermost folds so that they meet in the center.
The plane is ready to launch.
This option is still similar to the Stealth model. How to make:
- Fold the top right corner to the left side.
- Open the sheet and repeat the same step with the left corner.
- Open the sheet and fold in an accordion on both sides so that it looks like this.
- Then fold the right side of the triangle to the top.
- Repeat the same with the left side.
- Now fold the bottom right edge of the lozenge.
- Repeat the same with the left side.
- Fold the top canopy and tuck in the flaps.
- Gently fold the plane in half from you, but do not bend too much. It should be partially open.
At the end, the wings fold back and the airplane is ready for its first flight.
The level of difficulty is medium. You can make it out of a sheet of A4 in a few minutes:
- Fold the top right corner to the left side.
- Repeat the last step with the other side.
- Open the sheet and fold the sides of an accordion to the center.
- Fold the bottom ends of the triangular shape to the top.
- Then lower both flaps at the top of the lozenge shape.
- Now bend the lower right edge diamond shapes.
- Expand the last step and repeat with the upper edges of the diamond shape
- Again, expand the last step and fold an accordion (pinched) the outer points of the lozenge shape.
- Fold the small central flaps up toward the top.
- Then turn the plane and fold the top visor.
- Fold the plane in half on its own.
- Fold down the first wing.
- Finally, fold down the second wing.
The plane is ready to launch.
The Bird
Level of difficulty - high. How to make:
- Fold the top right corner diagonally.
- Open the sheet and repeat with the other side.
- Now fold the top down and fold down the central part of the X-shaped.
- Unfold and straighten the sheet of paper.
- Then fold the top edge so that it coincides with the horizontal fold.
- Now fold the top part all the way along the horizontal fold.
- Take the top outer edge so it coincides with the diagonal fold, and repeat with the other side.
- Fold the top edges along the diagonal lines to create the top of the plane.
- Then bend the visor down.
- At the top edge of the plane measure 1.6 cm from the center of the left and right. Then measure 2 cm from the bottom center and connect the points.
- Fold in an accordion along these lines.
- Now measure 3.1 cm from the top outer corner and then again 3.1 cm from the first point. Measure 1 cm from the bottom of the vertical line and again from this point.
- Fold in an accordion along the lines.
At the end need only glue the nose model.
Fighter .
The level of difficulty is high. How to make:
- Place a sheet of paper in front of you horizontally, and then fold it in half vertically.
- Fold both top corners to the center.
- Then fold the tip of the plane down the central fold.
- Fold the top right corners down, aligning them with the central fold.
- Now repeat with the left corner.
- Unfold the plane and fold the bottom right corner to the center.
- Repeat the same with the other side.
- Then fold the right edge to the center.
- Repeat with the left edge.
- Now fold in half to himself.
- Fold one wing.
- Repeat the same with the other.
- Finally bend the ends on the flaps and then repeat with the ends of each outer wing.
Your airplane is now ready for its first flight.
These simple airplane schemes will help surprise and occupy your child for hours. Even many adults will be interested to test their strength and remember their school years.