How to draw an airplane with pencil and paint: military, passenger and simple airplane
There are several basic ways to draw an airplane. You can draw the simplest airplane in pencil and felt-tip pen. This option is optimal for young children.
You can use gouache and watercolor paints, add various elements of the environment to the aircraft, draw individual details of the construction.
A simple airplane in pencil
You can create a beautiful color drawing of an airplane with a simple and colorful pencil or drawing crayons. This technique is optimal for young children, as it does not involve drawing small and complex details.
Drawing technique:
- Draw a wing. The form should extend to the top and narrowed down. Tip slightly rounded. The contours of the top of the wing at the junction with the body connected arc. Need to make two wings, one closer to the middle, the second - in the tail section. Rear wing should have smaller dimensions.
- Draw a semi-oval tail over the rear wing.
- Create the outline of the bottom of the design by drawing a slightly curved line from the tail to the front. The nose should have a large rectangular shape with slightly rounded corners.
- In the form of a semi-circle depict the cockpit from above. Located above the central large wing.
- Finish the hull outline by drawing a smooth line from the cockpit to the tail. In the cockpit you can draw the pilot's head. For naturalness it is worth adding large round glasses. On the head draw a helmet.
- Doris propeller in front. It should connect to the nose. Make an elongated oval base, to which add blades in a drop shape.
- Draw a line between the cockpit and the nose to indicate the motor part. Behind the line closer to the nose, add dots imitating rivets.
- Using straight lines draw the flaps on the wings and tail. The line is drawn closer to the right side.
- Paint the boat. You can use crayons or pencils of any color. For example, the fuselage can be painted yellow, the wings orange, and the propeller red. The cockpit glass is blue, the pilot's face is light orange, and the helmet is brown.
- Since the craft is in flight, it is worth adding clouds and birds. The birds can be represented with checkmarks, and the clouds in an arbitrary volumetric form.
"Smiling Airplane
It's easy and simple to draw a funny airplane with felt-tip pens. A child can also easily cope with such work.
Drawing step by step:
- Draw the outlines with a black felt-tip marker. The body has the shape of a wide elongated drop that widens at the nose and narrows at the tail.
- Draw a horizontal oval in the tail, imitating the rear wing. On the front add a rounded nose. The end of the nose to connect to the bottom contour at an acute angle to form a smiling face.
- Form a turbine below the contour. Suffice it to make an oval, inside of which to finish drawing a circle. From the body, draw a rectangular counter wing with rounded ends.
- Add a tail on the back of the ship.
- Add an oval at the rear contour and circles, luminators in the middle of the hull.
- Dorisize the eyes at the top of the nose. Make the eye rounded, with a drop-shaped eyebrow at an angle on top. Inside the eye, draw a pupil, fill it with black, leaving a white dot.
- Paint in the desired colors. For more colorful body, tail, wings, portholes and turbine should do different contrasting colors.
Drawing a plane in gouache
It will be harder to draw the plane for children in gouache than in pencil, so the youngest children will need help from their parents.
To create a drawing you will need:
- A drawing sheet, preferably blue;
- a white pencil;
- gouache paints;
- brushes;
- a palette for mixing;
- water.
Drawing technique:
- If you took blue paper, you can immediately make an outline of the plane with a white pencil. An ordinary sheet of paper should first be painted blue, blue or purple. The whole sheet will imitate the sky.
- Draw a large elongated oval in white pencil. Add a tail in the shape of half an oval. In the same way, add two wings.
- Draw thin wings extending to the sides from the tail.
- In the front, draw the cockpit of the pilots.
- In the middle add some portholes in the shape of circles.
- Form the outline of clouds around the airliner.
- On a palette, mix white and black gouache to make a light gray color. Use the mixture to paint the entire fuselage. It is not necessary to paint the windows and the cockpit, they remain blue.
- Add more white to get a lighter shade of gray. Use this paint to paint the wings, including the tail wings.
- Using a thick brush, paint the clouds with white gouache.
- With a medium brush, mix blue with white. Use this color to paint the cockpit.
- Paint the portholes with bright blue paint. Use a thin brush.
- In red you can finish drawing stripes on the wings for decoration. Use small brush and blue gouache to outline the cockpit. On portholes and cockpit you can make highlights with spots of white gouache.
Military aircraft
An original idea for a drawing for a boy. For this, you can use only paints, drawing outlines in pencil is not necessary.
The finished drawing will be a good craft for a themed holiday, for example, Victory Day.
Materials for drawing:
- watercolor and gouache;
- A thick sheet of paper;
- water;
- Transparent sticky tape;
- napkins;
- brushes of different thickness;
- sponge.
Instructions on how to draw a military airplane:
- Fix the sheet of paper on the table with adhesive tape. Wipe the surface of the paper with a damp sponge. It is not necessary to add a lot of water, as the paper can be damaged.
- Use watercolors of different colors to draw the sky with wide strokes. We use blue, red, yellow and purple. Due to the moisture, the watercolor will spread on the sheet, forming spectacular combinations and smooth transitions. If gaps remain, they can be filled with blue. Work quickly so that the sheet does not dry out.
- After the base has dried, you need to prepare the paint to paint the camouflage. To do this, mix two gouache colors - ochre and grass green.
- Use the resulting gouache mixture to draw the fuselage in the form of an elongated oval. You should first outline it, and then paint the entire figure.
- The same paint is used to draw the tail in the form of a triangle with rounded corners.
- In the form of triangles finish drawing the wings.
- Tail wings drawn in the form of small triangles.
- Above add the cockpit. To depict glass, it's enough to dilute the original color with yellow gouache. The glass can be divided into several parts, imitating a metal frame.
- Add purple gouache to the original color and paint the bottom of the cabin.
- In the form of a rounded triangle painted nose. The contours of the nose area should be circled in a darker color to make it more expressive. Use a lighter color for the radiator grille stripes.
- Add yellow gouache to the base color. Use this mixture to randomly apply spots of camouflage all over the body.
- To add volume, on the wings and tail you can add stripes of a lighter shade by simply adding more yellow gouache. This will give not only volume, but also shine.
- With a thin brush of blue paint, make some blurry circles around the nose. This is an imitation of a spinning propeller. Additionally, you can add some blades. They should have a blurred outline to simulate rotation.
The drawn airplane can be further decorated with thematic symbols. For example, on the tail and behind the cockpit you can add red stars.
Passenger airplane
If military themes do not appeal to the child, it is possible to draw a Boeing passenger airliner. This is a more complex drawing, which requires a clear drawing of details, so this option will be suitable for older children.
Instructions for drawing:
- Draw an elongated oval with a slight slope.
- Draw an oblong parallel line near the top. It should visually divide the plane into two zones. Below add two small ovals. The first oval should be inside the body, the second - protrude.
- On the right side, finish drawing 2 lines, connecting at an angle of about 60°. Further on these lines the contours needed to circle so as to form the tail of the plane.
- Of small ovals make turbines. To do this, draw two semicircles at the front and rear of the ovals.
- Take out the wing over the right engine. With the help of an additional line can depict the flaps.
- At the front to complete draw a window cockpit. It should have a rectangular curved shape.
- Above the wings, from the cockpit and almost all the way to the tail, draw small circles to simulate portholes.
Next, it is enough to paint the airplane with the desired colors. The body can be made gray or some bright color. The entire sheet should be painted light blue and add white clouds to represent the sky.
The portholes and cockpit glass can be left white or painted blue. In the second case, you should add white spots to simulate glare. Thus turn out quite realistic, soaring in the sky plane.