How to draw a room in pencil and on a computer - the right options for depicting space

In order to draw a room, you will need knowledge of several ways of drawing or a special computer program. Which one to choose depends on your goal. If you need to figure out how best to arrange the furniture to fit the size, you need a plan of the room in scale.

If you want to work through the interior design in detail, then the frontal and angular perspective will help. If you don't want to draw by hand or, conversely, want to make your sketches digital, turn to interior design programs.


How to draw a room with a pencil

First of all choose simple pencils. You will need at least two of them. First you need to make a sketch with light lines.

This can be done with a hard lead pencil. On it it is impossible to put much pressure when drawing that then it was possible to erase easily with an eraser. Then in the sketch it will be possible to remove unnecessary and add clarity to the lines with a soft pencil.

After choosing the tools for drawing a room with a pencil, you can start mastering the main drawing techniques. Let's look at three basic methods that will allow you to further depict any room.

Scaled room plan

Do not miscalculate with the size and location of furniture will help plan the room. It is better to do it in any case, even if you are going to perform the design on the computer. In order for the proportions of the plan coincided with the real size, you need to know the rule of scale.

The ratio of the object depicted on the plan to its actual size is called scale. So, seeing the inscription M1:100 should be clear that 1 cm in the drawing is equal to 100 cm in reality. Consider drawing a room plan step by step.

Measuring a room.

To draw a plan of an existing room you will need to measure it with a tape measure. We will need the values of the width of the walls, the depth of openings, the width and height of windows and doors, the distance from the corner of the wall to the window or door, the distance between them.

Drawing the plan

If you are drawing a room plan on a blank sheet of paper, you may need a scale bar. It is more convenient to draw by hand on the paper in a box.

Considering the measurements and translating them according to the chosen scale, draw the walls of the room with a hard pencil. Their thickness will correspond to the depth of the openings.

Mark the windows and doors on the plan. Shade or paint the walls with a soft pencil, excluding the windows and doors.

If necessary, you can make copies of the resulting plan for future work.

Arrange the furniture on the plan

Depending on your objectives, choose how you want to represent the furniture. When you want to reproduce a copy of a room, you can draw the furniture directly on the plan.

If you want to see how the furniture will fit in the room when you rearrange it, it is better to cut it out of paper. The furniture is measured and drawn according to the chosen scale.

Frontal perspective of the room

When we are in a room, we see it in three dimensions. In order to see roughly the same way in a drawing, you will need to draw the room in perspective. This method allows you to present the interior more fully and evaluate it not only for its proportions, but also for its aesthetic characteristics.

The rule of scale is retained here as well, but it will correspond to the units of measurement on the selected length and width segments. In perspective, the value of scale decreases numerically as you go deeper, but the proportions are preserved.

Imagine that you are standing at a wall or at the entrance of a room in the center. In front of you, you see the far wall and the ceiling, floor, and two other walls coming from it.

You'll notice that the distant objects look smaller and the corners only look right on the wall opposite to us. This is the frontal perspective. Let's look at the basic steps of its construction.

  1. First draw the far wall as a rectangle or square. The sides should be parallel to the edges of the sheet.
  2. Draw two diagonals through the corners of the rectangle, far beyond it.
  3. At the intersection of the diagonals put a point. This will be the vanishing point or reference point.
  4. The lines inside the rectangle can now be erased.

Now in order to draw the door, you must first draw the side closest to you parallel to the height of the rectangle, then connect the top of this side to the vanishing point. So you get the direction of the upper part of the door. Similarly draw and windows.

But the depth of the openings of windows and doors will be parallel to the width of the main rectangle. Now, using the reference point, you can draw the furniture in the room. It is important to remember that the sides of objects closest to us will always be larger in size.

Corner Perspective of a Room.

Unlike frontal perspective, angular perspective has two vanishing points rather than one. As the name implies, with this drawing you can show the room from the side of the corner. The construction is a bit more complicated than the previous one. Be careful with each step.

  1. Draw the horizon line approximately in the middle of the sheet.
  2. On the horizon line a centimeter from the edge, mark two vanishing points.
  3. In the middle of the horizon line, draw a line perpendicular to it for the corner of the room.
  4. Now mark the top and bottom points of the room corner.
  5. Draw the ceiling line through the vanishing points and the upper corner point.
  6. Draw the floor line through the vanishing points and the bottom corner point.

This will give you a room template with an angular perspective. The right anchor point will be used to draw objects on the left wall, and the left anchor point will be used to draw objects on the right wall.

Once you learn how to draw perspective so that the anchor point or horizon line is centered, you can place them at any distance.

For example, if you place the horizon line higher in the corner perspective than in the middle of the sheet, you can draw the interior of a room with more space for the floor.

This will allow you to depict more furniture and other details on the floor. If you want to emphasize the ceiling, then the horizon line should be lower.

How to draw furniture

You can draw a room with furniture in all of the ways described above. In the plan you will depict the view of the furniture from above. Here everything is simple, it is enough to measure the furniture and make a drawing according to the chosen scale.

When drawing furniture in perspective, first draw the part that is closer to the view, and the height of the far part is marked by connecting the top of the near part and the reference point.

Drawing a room on a computer

Don't want to draw a room by hand? Today there are many programs for interior design. These are online editors or computer programs that allow you to make 2D and 3D visualizations of a room.

The free features are usually limited, but for personal use they are quite sufficient. Here are a few well-known programs:

  1. Remplanner - In Remplanner, you can make a detailed renovation plan. In the program you can enter your measurements, draw walls, doors, window openings, and so on. There is a mode of 3D visualization. The program is free to use online, and there is an opportunity to buy a finished design project.
  2. IKEA Planner - the famous furniture company is famous for its original solutions and creative approach to selling furniture. You can try how the furniture of this store will look like in your home and simulate the room on the computer.
  3. SketchUp - you can make various 3D models in SketchUp, including interior design. The free version has a reduced set of tools and has download restrictions.
  4. Sweet Home 3D is a very simple program that you can use online and on your computer. It is not suitable for professional designers, but it is quite acceptable for household needs. For example, you can use it to plan the rearrangement of the house.
  5. Homestyler - in this program you can make a very beautiful visualization. In it, you can build a model of any room and perform interior design with very beautiful modern furniture from famous brands.

Whichever method of drawing a room you choose, you should start with the basics. Take measurements and draw a 2D plan before you start drawing in perspective or a 3D rendering on a computer. Sketching a room by hand will help you in the initial stages and allow you to plan the content well.

Photographs or videos of the original room can also help. Try different options and be imaginative for the best result.

A picture of a painted room












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