How to make a doll house with their own hands: drawings and diagrams, furniture for the craft, step by step master classes of improvised materials

The favorite toy of every girl is a doll, which should have a lot of clothes and its own house. But to buy a doll house in the store - expensive, and the choice is not great. But there is a way out, you can make a house for the doll on your own, it will turn out not worse than the store one.


Types and drawings of a dollhouse

The easiest version of the house is to make room in a closet or on a shelf. Many as a child played this way. So you can save on costs, the daughter will learn to properly organize their play space. But after a while she said she wanted a real dollhouse.

Parents will have to think about how to make a beautiful functional toy for the child. First you have to determine the size of the future structure. If the house will live Barbie, the height of each room should be at least 30 cm, and the width of 40 cm. For small dolls the dimensions are reduced.

Attention! House will take up space, so you must immediately decide on the place where to place it.

Then you need to choose the material for housing. Basically choose:

  • Cardboard or boxes. The option is cheap, easy to assemble, but not durable;
  • plywood. Can also be classified as a budget option, but it is difficult to attach plywood, and its porosity requires painting or pasting material;
  • MDF or wood - the most practical material, but expensive. Its reliability and stability is high.

There are several other types of materials from which you can assemble a house for the princess. The main thing to remember is that it must be environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and harmless to the child.

Before acquiring all the elements to work with, it is necessary to create a scheme of the future house. This will allow you to calculate exactly how much material is needed. And also help in further work.

Doll house with their own hands

All materials from which you can build a dwelling for a doll, have their positive and negative sides. Which will be the house, everyone decides, based on requests and capabilities: open or closed, one or two-story, what furniture is needed.

Each option can be discussed in detail.

From plywood

Making a house out of plywood for a doll requires certain skills, so one mother can not cope with the work. First it is necessary to prepare:

  • plywood sheet;
  • hammer, jigsaw;
  • sandpaper, nails;
  • PVA glue;
  • primer for wooden surfaces, paint;
  • special adhesive tape;
  • scissors, ruler and a simple pencil.

Step by step construction:

  1. According to the drawing on the plywood perform measurements and saw out the resulting templates. Immediately cut out the window openings and doors. The shape of the windows can be different. It is necessary to go over the entire surface of the plywood with sandpaper to remove all protruding parts. In this case, the girl will play without fear of getting a splinter in the hand.
  2. According to the plan details are connected to each other with glue or nails. Pass the primer and paint the house.
  3. Then proceed to the creation of the interior. The walls are painted or wallpapered. On the floor, you can put carpeting. If you need a ladder, you can make it out of wooden rulers.

Furniture can be bought or made from cardboard and other materials at hand.

Made of felt.

The house, if it is volumetric, should not lose its shape. And since the material is soft, the walls of the building should be made multi-layered. All the facing is made of felt: decorations on the windows, doors.

On the inside, the dwelling is strengthened with a thin foam rubber, wrapped with polyethylene, so that moisture does not seep in. The floor is better made of cardboard, so that the construction held stronger. The interior decoration can be done in any way.

From a cardboard box

The easiest and fastest option is a doll's house from cardboard boxes. Their number depends on the number of rooms in the future dwelling. You will also need glue, a knife, a ruler, cardboard and finishing elements. How to make:

  • The lids of the boxes are cut off, then two at a time glued and taped on the sides with adhesive tape;
  • the roof can be cut from cardboard or a corner of the box;
  • windows are cut out on the side of each floor;
  • Inside the walls are pasted with colored paper or remnants of wallpaper.

Window sills, skirting boards are made of improvised materials if desired. Curtains can be made from scraps of fabric.

From paper

A nice house can turn out from ordinary paper. For it it is necessary to prepare:

  • yellow, orange and red paper;
  • a pencil with a ruler;
  • Scissors, glue and black marker.

Further work is going according to plan:

  • The base of the house is made of red colored paper, A4 cut in half;
  • Then the workpiece is folded lengthwise in half as well;
  • At the edge of the left side is bent at an angle, the same on the right;
  • The protruding part at the bottom is cut off;
  • The corner of the triangle, the resulting top, bend down (part of the roof);
  • The sides of the corners are also bent to each other;
  • billet got all the necessary bends;
  • At the top line of the fold of the template is cut;
  • unnecessary squares on the sides cut off;
  • The upper part of the corners folded to the middle and fastened with masking tape;
  • cut a door on one part;
  • On the back side of the workpiece glue the windows of yellow paper;
  • Draw the frames with a felt-tip pen, tracing the contours of the openings;
  • then glue both blanks together;
  • The roof is made of orange paper 5x10 cm;
  • Cut a rectangle and bend it in half.

It remains to glue the resulting roof on the house. All very simple and fast, but such a home is not durable.

Made of laminate

Constructing a house for their child, parents want it to be harmless and durable. If you choose laminate, you can make a home for all dolls. It will be strong and original.

It is necessary to prepare patterns in advance, the laminate should be 7 mm thick. Then trace the templates and cut out. For attachment, make small grooves on the parts, which are dabbed with glue and for fidelity still nailed.

When the house is assembled according to the scheme, the finishing inside is made of self-adhesive paper.

Of plasterboard

It's easier to pick up material for a dollhouse when Mom and Dad are making repairs. There are some building materials left over that are suitable for craftsmanship.

If there is any plasterboard left over, it will make a whole apartment in miniature. Only to begin with you should make a diagram of the future structure.

They cut it out carefully, so that it does not crumble, fasten it with corners. Then all the walls are putty and painted. You can instead of paint, put up wallpaper. Planning is done as in this house.

Of foam plastic

The material can always be found in the house, for example, from under the household appliances in boxes is available. But foam plastic is fragile, so it is necessary to work with it carefully. First it is necessary to prepare the necessary elements:

  • large sheets of Styrofoam;
  • sushi sticks, toothpicks;
  • glue;
  • wooden rulers;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • remnants of wallpaper and baseboards.

Then begin to create the construction step by step:

  1. Constructing a diagram, cutting the foam board according to the layout. To prevent the material from crumbling, it must be cut with a hot knife. Doors and windows are cut out.
  2. Toothpicks are divided in half, these parts fasten the foam, pre-moisten the joints with glue.
  3. The floor and ceiling are made stronger, glued bamboo sticks as cross beams.
  4. From the rulers make a staircase, railing made of toothpicks, then build it into the house.
  5. The roof is made of corrugated cardboard.
  6. From the outside, the resulting dwelling is painted with acrylic paint with a dish sponge.
  7. If a balcony is provided, it is also made as a staircase.
  8. Inside the room is wallpapered, with baseboards glued on top.
  9. Curtains, rugs can be made.

From shelves and cabinets

It is not necessary to construct a house, it can be made from an old cupboard or nightstand that lie in the attic or dust in the basement. Such constructions are suitable for large dolls.

If there are a lot of shelves, they can be removed or, on the contrary, a partition can be added. Finishing and arranging the furniture is up to everyone's discretion.

Furniture for the dollhouse

When the house is built, you need to furnish it. But to buy elements of furniture in the store will be too expensive. Excellent furniture can be made by your own hands from various improvised materials. It will be no worse than store options.

From matchboxes

Objects in the house can be constructed from a variety of improvised means. Original things are made from ordinary matchboxes. For example, for a chest of drawers, two pieces will be enough. They should be glued, placing them on top of each other.

For reliability, until the glue dries, it is necessary to fasten with clothespins. The outer side pieces are glued with paper of the desired color. Legs are made of wooden beads. Add applique and small buttons instead of handles.

Table of 8 matchboxes, the top of foil, glued to cardboard, made a mirror.

From plastic bottles

An unusual way to make furniture items for dolls out of this material. It is enough to pick up different sizes from 250 to 2000 ml. Prepare scissors, colored stickers, glue, colored paper and absorbent cotton. You can start with a chair for the doll:

  • In a bottle of 0.5 liters, cut off the bottom and a little of the sides;
  • The neck is cut off so that it can be used instead of legs;
  • wool is placed on the bottom, and the top is filled with a cloth that is fastened with a stapler;
  • The same cloth is sewn around the entire chair.

The table is also made quickly. Several bottle necks are cut off as for the chair:

  • The base for the table is cut from a five-liter bottle.
  • The legs from the necks are attached with hot glue.
  • A piece of fabric imitating a tablecloth is glued to the surface of the inverted bottom. Staples will help secure it to the table.

From kitchen sponges.

This material is quite specific, but the furniture turns out original. Constructing a sofa:

  • two sponges with narrow sides glued together;
  • backrest do the same principle;
  • glue the seat and backrest together;
  • The sides are also glued, the abrasive side of all parts must be outward.

Quickly and easily obtained a soft and beautiful sofa.

Made of fabric and leather

Textiles and leather are suitable for decoupage and furniture upholstery. From fabric and foam can be sewn beautiful poufiks on the chair, under the feet. Sofas and armchairs from the boxes are pasted with textiles. On the bed you can sew cushions. There are a lot of options, most importantly, include their own imagination and fantasy.

From threads

This material is used for weaving furniture.

If you need to make an armchair, you start with the creation of its template:

  • The blank is cut out of dense cardboard (2 parts) and fabric (leather) in the form of a horseshoe.
  • Then glue the paper parts to each other, top attach the leather fabric.
  • On the edges of the parts with an awl make holes through 4 mm.

Next take a thin wire, cut to the same length, according to the height of the future chair. And 6 twigs to prepare for the size of the horseshoe. Weaving:

  • Thread the wire all around the perimeter of the seat;
  • Under the seat between the rods a horizontal wire is passed that will fix the structure;
  • Then a yarn is taken and wrapped between the wire: forward and backward.

For beauty, the pattern can be changed:

  • After 4 rows, a horizontal bar is skipped.
  • Then the two vertical wires are woven up 2 centimeters between each other.
  • Then again continue the original pattern.
  • The topmost braid is braided and the excess removed downward, the wire is bitten off with pliers.
  • Lower wires are divided into 4 parts and each intertwined with each other. You get 4 legs, which should wrap the yarn. In this way you can make a couch.

Doll houses and furniture can be made in different ways. Each has its own appeal and exclusivity. There are many more tools at hand from which you can make items of furniture for dolls. The main thing is to have a desire and a little creativity.

A photo of the doll house made with their own hands

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